Russia-Ukraine War

Donald Trump Creating International Crises And Disruption Of American Diplomacy!

Donald Trump is creating an image that “Might Makes Right” in international affairs, and that presents a disaster for the world!

Trump has said the Russia-Ukraine War must end, and is taking the side of Vladimir Putin, that territory gained from Ukraine since 2014 should be conceded by Ukraine, and that Ukraine cannot be allowed to join NATO in the future.

Trump says Russian troops have been “sacrificed”, and that, therefore, that nation must be able to have its advancements on the battlefield legalized under international law!

Trump is setting up the situation for his own plans to be aggressive in foreign affairs, and claim that American “sacrifices” must be rewarded with the gaining of teritory he has an eye on, including the Panama Canal, Greenland (Denmark), Canada, and the Gaza Strip (Middle East).

We are about to see America become aggressive and imperialistic as it was in the 1840s under President James K. Polk and the 1890s under President William McKinley!

Trump wants to act like the governments of Russia and China, and divide the world into areas of dominance controlled by those two nations and America.

It is a repudation of our alliances, including European nations in NATO, and Pacific alliances with Asian nations and Australia and New Zealand.

This is a radical, revolutionary transformation of American foreign policy, diametrically opposite to that pursued by Presidents from Franklin D. Rooevelt through Joe Biden, minus the first four years of Donald Trump!

Trump And Nation To Be Confronted With Massive Foreign Policy Issues Immediately Upon Inauguration On January 20!

Like it or not, Donald Trump is going to face massive foreign policy issues immediately upon inauguration six weeks from today.

Trump has said the downfall of Bashar Al Assad in Syria is not our business.

But it changes the balance of power in the Middle East, and with the continuation of the Israel-Gaza War and the involvement of both Russia and Iran in the area, the ability of the United States to wish to ignore the problems is not reality!

Additionally, the Russia-Ukraine War is a crucial issue, with Trump seemingly ready to abandon Ukraine, which will undermine NATO.

Trump’s pledge to put high tariffs on China, Mexico and Canada will also upend our foreign relations, if followed through to fruition.

And, of course, China and North Korea remain difficult nations to deal with in international affairs.

The national security and stability of world affairs is dependent on an engaged America.

This brings up the inadequacies of Pete Hegseth to be Secretary of Defense, and Tulsi Gabbard to be Director of National Intelligence, as both are totally ill-equipped for the challenges ahead.

So the Republican Senate must work to undermine Trump’s choices and force him to select individuals that are competent and qualified to be in charge of our defense and intelligence agencies, which are there to keep America safe.

83rd Anniversary Of Pearl Harbor, And Donald Trump Foreign Policy Views The Greatest Threat Since Then!

Today is Pearl Harbor Day, the 83rd Anniversary of the Japanese attack on our naval base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, which brought America into World War II.

Isolationist and “America First” mentality had brought America into a naive view about world affairs, and America was caught off guard.

We are now in danger of that occurring eight decades later, with the isolationist and supernationalist mentality of Donald Trump and MAGA Republicans.

Just as many public figures before 1941 made excuses for Japanese aggression in the Pacific and Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini in Europe, to our detriment, now we have Donald Trump and his lunatic followers who would rather “trust” authoritarian dictators than to enforce alliances against them.

So we have apologists for Vladimir Putin and Russia’s warfare in Ukraine, who wish Ukraine to just surrender.

And we have belief that other authoritarian dictators around the world can be our “friends”, while moving toward aggressive reactions to our territorial shared neighbors of Mexico and Canada, and are ready to use protective tariffs, which were a major cause of the Great Depression against major trade partners other than Mexico and Canada.

And the signs are that after having formed NATO in 1949 which kept the peace and promoted stability in Europe, as well alliances with Asian nations that did the same, that now we are ready to repudiate such alliances, and promote being close to authoritarian leaders around the world.

This is pure suicide and insanity, but Donald Trump and his minions are totally ignorant and clueless on international affairs and national security.

And we seem ready to put a dangerous woman, Tulsi Gabbard, in charge as Director of National Intelligence, who has cozied up to Vladimir Putin and Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad, undermining our ability to defend our nation.

The prayer is that America will wake up from the repeat of history of 80-90 years ago, and secure American national security, but the likelihood is just the opposite, to the detriment of all Americans!

Most Republicans Have Become Russian Agents Of Putin!

Donald Trump

Elon Musk

Tucker Carlson

JD Vance

Mike Johnson

Most of the Republican House Caucus

Many Republican Senators

All of these have become Russian agents, promoting Vladimir Putin and working against support of Ukraine, and moving toward repudiation of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization!

What would the following past Republicans have to say about this collaboration with and support of the Russian Federation?

Joseph McCarthy

Richard Nixon

Barry Goldwater

Ronald Reagan

William F. Buckley, Jr. and The National Review

Most of the Republican House Caucus

Many of the Republican Senators

What has happened to the Republican Party under Donald Trump et al?

They have become collaborators, conspiring with Vladimir Putin and the Russian Federation to undermine American national security and American foreign policy and support of NATO and other allies around the world!

Face the facts: the MAGA Republicans are traitors to America!

Eisenhower And Reagan Commitment To Internationalism Being Rejected By Donald Trump And “America First” Extremism!

The Republican Party before World War II was dominated by America First Isolationism, led by Ohio Senator Robert Taft, “Mr Conservative Republican”, and Michigan Senator Arthur Vandenberg.

However, Vandenberg abandoned isolationism with the beginning of the Cold War with the Soviet Union after World War II, but with Taft still pursuing isolationism.

But in 1952, when Taft sought the Presidency, he was stopped by World War II hero Dwight D. Eisenhower, who was able to shift American foreign policy to support of the international community, including support of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and commitment to fighting Communist expansion around the world.

The majority of Republicans who pursued bipartisanship in foreign policy continued, and reached a new peak under Ronald Reagan in the 1980s, and with the Presidencies of George H. W. Bush and George W. Bush.

However, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan provoked the emergence of a strong opposition to the policy of interventionism, and also led to those who started to see the Russian Federation that followed the downfall of the Soviet Union in 1991 as not a nation to be seen as “the enemy”.

Donald Trump became the leader of the attack on the interventionist past of the Republican Party from 1952-2016. Now, many Republicans in Congress back Trump on his isolationist bent, including his Vice Presidential running mate, JD Vance.

This is a dangerous trend, and cozying up to Vladimir Putin and the Russian Federation with their war in Ukraine is an alarm bell in the middle of the night, as accepting authoritarianism is a trend toward Fascism!

JD Vance Beyond The Pale, Attacking Bob Woodward For Revealing Trump Contacts With Putin After Presidency

Republican Vice Presidential nominee JD Vance is a true nightmare, lying incessantly; promoting racism, nativism, and misogyny; insulting in the most nasty terms anyone who has the truth and facts about Donald Trump’s transgressions!

Now, Vance is attacking Bob Woodward, the Watergate reporter of great renown, who is publishing a new book about the truth surrounding Donald Trump, including:

that he gave COVID 19 vaccines to Putin while President,

that he has had multiple contacts with Putin since leaving office,

and has likely shared national security information with the Russian dictator who has waged war on Ukraine for more than two and a half years and counting.

So JD Vance shows his nastiness and ignorance when he says he is surprised that Bob Woodward is still alive!

And clearly, Vance seems oblivious to the significance of Bob Woodward in exposing the corruption of the Watergate Scandal and Richard Nixon, and his continued exposure of the shocking words and actions of Donald Trump in his Presidency and since.

So now, Vance is promoting discrimination toward those are aged, except of course, Donald Trump, who is only three years younger than Woodward, and clearly is mentally deranged and dangerous, unlike Bob Woodward!

And of course, JD Vance, in his heart, KNOWS that Donald Trump is dangerous and unfit to be President, but his own ambitions to promote the viewpoints of extremist right wing tycoons like Elon Musk and Peter Thiel, prevents him from protecting the Constitution, American democracy, and the rule of law!

It is clear that it is not just Donald Trump who is a threat and a danger.

The thought of a 40 year old first term US Senator with not even two years in office, willing to lie about his earlier thoughts about Donald Trump, in his incessant promotion of his own ambitions is horrifying, and a threat greater than Trump himself.

So the need for a sound defeat of both Trump and Vance is urgent, and the American people have to be convinced, as many Republicans and conservatives not in elected office fully understand, the reason they are backing Kamala Harris and Tim Walz in the upcoming Presidential Election of 2024!

23rd Anniversary Of 9/11 Reminds Us Of Urgency Of National Security Credentials As Key Factor In Electing A President!

The day after the ABC Harris-Trump Presidential debate was one of positive feelings about Harris’s performance, but also very sobering, as it was the 23rd anniversary of the September 11 attacks by Al Qaeda and Osama bin Laden.

The two most significant events of the past generation—September 11 and January 6—came into consciousness in everyone’s mind, and how to avoid future threats to national security.

If Donald Trump comes back to the Presidency, the nation will be endangered, since Trump is subject to flattery and manipulation by authoritan leaders, who he wishes to emulate.

Trump is unwilling to back Ukraine against Vladimir Putin, and the NATO alliance will be in tatters if he is Commander in Chief, and will put America in harm’s way for the future!

From Ronald Reagan To Donald Trump: Complete Tranformation Of Republican Party!

The Republican Party of Ronald Reagan has completely transformed in the 40 years since, and has become alien to the beliefs of conservatives, due to the impact of Donald Trump.

Ronald Reagan believed the Soviet Union was a threat to world democracy, while Trump and MAGA supporters are openly pro Russian Federation, as well as friendly to North Korea and China, and also other authoritarian regimes around the world. So Trump and his supporters are isolationists, and do not give a damn about Ukraine.

Ronald Reagan believed in free trade, but now Donald Trump and his ilk promote protectionism, and pledge rise in tariffs if he elected, which would increase the cost of living for all Americans.

Roneld Reagan believed in supporting immigration as a strength of America, while Trump and his supporters are nativists, who wish to prevent all immigrants from anywhere but Europe.

The historical Republican Party is now dead, only kept alive by a small number of old line Republicans, who wish for a return to the ideals of Ronald Reagan.

Ronald Reagan had many faults and shortcomings, but it is clear he would not support the Donald Trump controlled Republican Party!

Tulsi Gabbard, Another True “Loser” Former Democrat, Backs Trump!

This week has seen two former Democrats, who are true “losers”, come out and endorse Donald Trump, and are both part of his “transition team”, a fantasy that Donald Trump will be inaugurated the 47th President.

First, it was Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who has gone off the rails mentally, and has embarrassed his mother and siblings and other Kennedy family members, by his lunatic behavior in the past few years.

Now it is former Hawaii Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard (2013-2021), who also was a Democratic Presidential contender in 2020, before leaving the party, becoming an independent, and tying her future to Donald Trump, despite the January 6, 2021 US Capitol Insurrection.

Gabbard clearly has “gone off the rails” like RFK Jr, a sad commentary on what had been a promising career.

Gabbard embraced the Syrian government of Bashar al-Assad despite his brutal ten years and longer civil war and use of chemical weapons, and also has opposed support of Ukraine in its war against Russia, which invaded in February 2022.

She has conserted with conservative activists, including Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity, and involved herself in the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) and has been on Fox News on a regular basis. She also, openly, campaigned to be Trump’s Vice Presidential running mate, an embarrassment to anyone paying attention to her antics.

Gabbard’s extreme isolationist stances are out of tune and common sense, as she shares the admiration of Donald Trump for Vladimir Putin, failing to see the threat of Russia to NATO if Ukraine’s government falls to Russian aggression!

A Century Ago Revived: Isolationism, Protectionism, Nativism!

It has been a century since three “isms” were promoted, that undermined the United States!

We had the rise of Isolationism in the 1920s and 1930s, after World War I, a very powerful movement, particularly among Republicans, which became a major challenge for Franklin D. Roosevelt and the New Deal.

This author and blogger wrote about this in his first book–TWILIGHT OF PROGRESSIVISM: THE WESTERN REPUBLICAN SENATORS AND THE NEW DEAL (Johns Hopkins University Press, 1981).

We also saw the rise of Protectionism, the idea of high protective tariffs, which was pursued by Republican Presidents Warren G. Harding, Calvin Coolidge, and Herbert Hoover.

Hoover, in particular, pursued this with the Hawley Smoot Tariff of 1930, which made the emerging Great Depression only multipled in 1930 and after, and this despite hundreds of economists taking out newspaper ads, appealing to Hoover to reject higher tariffs.

And we also had nativism, with the passage of extremely restrictive immigration laws in the 1920s under Calvin Coolidge, discriminating against Catholic, Jewish, and Asian immigrants, an apology that led to great human tragedy during the 1930s and World War II.

Now, we have Donald Trump and the Republican Party pursuing the goal of Isolationism (unwillingness to back Ukraine in its war with Russia, weakened support of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), and expressing doubts about supporting the sovereignty of Taiwan against mainland China)!

And we have Protectionism rearing its ugly head, with Trump promoting the idea of 10 percent tariffs on all foreign goods, which will raise the prices to American consumers, causing major rises in the cost of living!

Finally, we have Nativism, with the pledge of Trump to deport up to 11 million migrants, both undocumented immigrants and others who are not citizens of the United States, bringing back memories of detention camps promoted by Trump in his first term, including separation of children from their parents!

America cannot allow these old “isms” to become government policy again, as we need to learn from mistakes of a century ago!