Megyn Kelly

Time To Confront Newt Gingrich And Rudy Giuliani On Media For Their Invoking Bill Clinton, When Their Own Behavior Is Equally Horrible!

One of the most obnoxious developments of the Presidential campaign is Newt Gingrich, former Speaker of the House, and Rudy Giuliani, former NYC Mayor, both with scandalous private lives, clear womanizers, extreme misogynists, speaking up to defend Donald Trump’s obscene statements and behavior regarding women.

All three have been married three times and have cheated on their wives while married, and most likely, are still cheating on their present third wives.

All three are the lowest of the low, breaking up families, harming their children no matter how much the children might deny it, while Bill Clinton, despite his totally reprehensible behavior, kept his family together, and remains, despite his terrible behavior, in love with his wife.

In many ways, the Bill and Hillary Clinton marriage reminds us of the Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt marriage, with its ups and downs, but real basic love for each other very obvious.

For Gingrich and Giuliani in 2012 and 2008, respectively, to have run for President with their disgraceful private life, as Trump has now, and yet to criticize Hillary Clinton, is the height of hypocrisy.

Kudos to Fox News Channel’s Megyn Kelly for NOT allowing Gingrich to bully her, but of course, Trump went ahead and applauded Gingrich for attacking her, and the effect is to make a mass movement of women abandoning the Republican Party this November, and possibly, for the long term, until and when the GOP no longer endorses misogyny and bad personal behavior in its candidates and its members in the Congress and in the states.

More media people need to openly confront Gingrich, Giuliani,and Trump directly about their behavior, and put them on the defensive. Kudos to Anderson Cooper of CNN for already doing so!

We cannot allow bullies to get away with their actions and behavior, and the American people would salute media personalities, like Cooper, who challenge openly the hypocrisy of these characters!

What Is It About Donald Trump That No Matter What He Says Or Does, It Seems Not To Affect His Supporters?

Donald Trump seems able to say or do anything, and somehow, it does not affect his supporters and undermine his candidacy!

He insults John McCain for being a Prisoner of War, an insult to the Arizona Senator and to veterans, and yet he survives criticism.

He ridicules a disabled journalist, an insult to disabled citizens, and yet he survives criticism.

He attacks women on their looks or intelligence, including Megyn Kelly, Carly Fiorina and others, and yet his misogyny does not seem to hurt him.

He attacks Mexicans in a derogatory manner, and talks of building a wall that will never happen, and yet he survives criticism.

He promotes the banning of anyone of Islamic faith from entering America, against our constitutional principles, and yet he survives criticism.

He does not reject David Duke and other white supremacists, and claims not to know about them, and yet he survives criticism.

He has followers who promote antisemitism, including David Duke but also others, and even has an Orthodox Jewish son in law, and he does not condemn such hatred, and yet he survives criticism.

He insults all of his political opponents, gives them all kinds of names, and makes up stories about them and their families, and yet he survives criticism.

He encourages harsh criticism of the news media, and promotes violence at his rallies, and yet he survives criticism.

He attacks Bill Clinton’s sexual exploits and blames Hillary Clinton for it, and he has scandalous sex scandals in his own background, and yet he survives criticism.

Donald Trump is, seemingly, not held accountable for his lack of specifics on any issue, and his reckless statements about domestic and foreign policy make him dangerous, and yet he survives criticism.

This is a man who is clearly a nativist, a racist, a misogynist, courts antisemites, is scaring our allies around the world, and has created a mob psychology similar to Mussolini and Hitler.

One has to wonder whether we are on the way to choosing an authoritarian figure who will destroy the Constitution and the traditions of this country, and maybe, just maybe, most of the American people will not give a damn!

Donald Trump’s Personal Attack On Bill Clinton Will Backfire, And Help Hillary Clinton To Win Presidency!

Donald Trump’s attack on former President Bill Clinton will backfire, and help Hillary Clinton to win the Presidency!

Who is Trump to talk about other people’s sex scandals, when Trump has been a womanizer all of his life; has been divorced twice, and married three times; and committed adultery against his first two wives while still married and living with them?

It is well known that Trump is crude in his language, and has no respect for women, and loves to insult women based solely on their looks and physique, which makes him a true bully, braggart, and ultimate misogynist!

He has picked on Megyn Kelly, Carly Fiorina, Elizabeth Warren, as well as Hillary Clinton, and many others over previous years.

Blaming Hillary Clinton for “enabling” her husband’s transgressions is totally preposterous, and any man or woman who accepts his attacks is certainly not religious, not moral, not ethical, not too intelligent, and not the kind of person this blogger would wish to associate with!

One must give Hillary Clinton credit for surviving so many vicious attacks over the past 25 years with equanimity, poise and grace, and one can be assured she will survive these vicious personal attacks, and Bill Clinton’s personal popularity, which has always been high, will, if anything, soar from these attacks on him and his wife!

Donald Trump Is An Ignoramus On Public Issues, And Refusal To Debate Should Eliminate Him From Presidential Race!

Donald Trump is a demagogue, buffoon, jerk, and a coward!

He is also an ignoramus, promising to make everything better, but giving absolutely no details!  He has no clue as to how diplomacy works, or how to deal with Congress and the news media!

He has no knowledge, no background, no depth, no diplomatic skills, and is only focused on his own narcissism.  He is a bully and a braggart who needs comeuppance!

Donald Trump is a danger to American democracy and the Constitution, as he struts like Benito Mussolini; promotes racism and nativism and scapegoating of whole populations of particular ethnic and religious groups; and is backed by the most extreme right wing fanatics and hate groups that exist in this nation!

Trump also praises the leadership skills of dictators, including Kim Jong Un of North Korea and Vladimir Putin of Russia as “models” to admire, making Trump dangerous as a sociopath!

Only those in public life who are “lowlifes” back him, as no decent person would consider putting a person with his lack of any experience in governing, in charge of the military and nuclear weapons!

This man has led an immoral, unethical life, with four bankruptcies and scandal all around him, and he and his wife would damage the image of the President and the First Lady and proper public behavior!

His refusal to debate in tonight’s seventh Republican Presidential debate in Iowa, due to his distaste for Fox News Channel’s Megyn Kelly, should disqualify him from the Presidency, as it is a hint that he might decide to forego Presidential debates in the fall, and that is something that is totally unacceptable!

Donald Trump should resign from the race if he does not show up tonight at the GOP debate, clear and simple!

If not, the voters, starting next week, should visit their repudiation of this narcissistic moron on him, and send him back to his real estate business pronto!

The Contrast Of Dick Cheney And Joe Biden

The last two Vice Presidents of the United States are a study in massive contrasts!

Both Dick Cheney and Joe Biden were qualified to become a heartbeat away from the Presidency when they took office.

Both Dick Cheney and Joe Biden displayed basic competency in their roles as Vice President. They were not Dan Quayle, for instance, or a similar situation if Sarah Palin had ever become Vice President!

Both Dick Cheney and Joe Biden are highly intelligent and, in many ways, were more ready to become President, based on their experience, than their “bosses”, George W. Bush and Barack Obama.

But that is the extent of how Dick Cheney and Joe Biden are to be compared positively!

Dick Cheney has proved to be the most controversial former Vice President in modern history, far surpassing the outspokenness of John C. Calhoun, after serving under John Quincy Adams and Andrew Jackson in the 1820s and 1830s, and Henry A. Wallace, after serving under Franklin D. Roosevelt in the early 1940s!

Neither Calhoun nor Wallace nor any other former Vice President has ever continued to be the subject of so much attention, all of it showing Cheney constantly on the attack against President Obama, and using the psychological idea of “transference” to blame Obama for all of the faults of the Bush-Cheney Administration over the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan!

Cheney and his daughter Liz are clearly out to destroy Barack Obama’s ability to govern, and Cheney’s neoconservative viewpoint is being repudiated by the American people, but the Cheneys are tone deaf!

The fact that Cheney was a “chicken hawk”, who avoided military service in the 1960s, but is only too willing to use military force everywhere in the world without limits, and that he has enriched himself through his connections with Halliburton, one of the major war profits corporations, and does not apologize one iota for it, is both hypocritical and infuriating, as Cheney has no shame!

The man is seen by many as a war criminal, who was totally wrong in his assessment of the Iraq War, but will not apologize for it, and refuses to go into the woodwork. He is defiant in every way possible, and sees no contradictions in his statements and the truth, as even Megyn Kelly of Fox News Channel pointed out to him this week, as Cheney advocates a military intervention back into Iraq!

One would think that Cheney would go off into the sunset and shut his mouth, but just the opposite is occurring, and his daughter Liz is determined, despite her withdrawal from the Wyoming Senate race this year, to be a factor, and an inheritor of her father’s ideas and principles, whatever they might seem to be to others!

Dick Cheney also comes across as forbidding in personality, unpleasant, arrogant, harsh, and in fact so much so, that even his “boss”, George W. Bush, started to back away from contact with him in the second term.

Meanwhile, Joe Biden has been very supportive of Barack Obama all the way, and has shown his winning personality and his sincerity and genuine nature, and is now being shown to have been correct in his assessment years ago that the best solution for the Iraq mess is a division into three nations, each based on ethnic lines, not all that different than the breakup of Yugoslavia in the 1980s and 1990s into separate nations.

Joe Biden has been, in so many ways, a positive force in the Vice Presidency, while Dick Cheney will, in the long run, as well as already in the short run, be seen as a negative force!