George W. Bush

Trump’s War On Federal Government: Young Civil Servants, Higher Education, Veterans, And More! :(

Donald Trump’s war on the federal government is an attack on the future and on so many other areas of life.

It is a war on young people who have and wish to enter public service, with many thousands of probationary workers now unemployed, due to major cutbacks in many federal agencies.

It is a war on higher education, cutting funding for training and educating an intelligent work force in the sciences, the humanities, and all other areas of public knowledge.

It is a war on our patriotic veterans, who are losing many government jobs, and a cutting of programs to help veterans who risked their lives, and now are being denied adequate consideration of their health and welfare needs.

It is a war on protection of our national security, with mass purges of dedicated intelligence, foreign policy, and defense personnel who have dedicated their lives and careers to protecting the homeland from foreign threats of authoritarian government, including Russia, China, North Korea, and Iran.

It is a war on health care, science, and medicine, and endangers all Americans when it comes to threats from many diseases worldwide, that now will not be dealt with in an efficient matter, and will cost a multitude of lives.

It is a war on the environment, conservation, and the realities of climate change, guaranteeing worldwide disasters that will threaten human existence in the future.

It is a war on our long held alliances with democracies in Europe and in Asia, and antagonizing, unnecessarily, our neighbors, Canada and Mexico, and inciting anti Americanism in Latin America. It is causing our closest allies in NATO and in Asia to reconsider sharing intelligence information.

It is a war on public virtue, with a certainty that we will witness the greatest level of corruption and concentration of wealth in the hands of a few evil individuals, ever seen in American history, far surpassing the earlier corruption that took place under Presidents Ulysses S. Grant, Warren G. Harding, Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, George W. Bush, and even the first term of Donald Trump.

The Trump Presidency is setting America back to an earlier time before all of the great reforms that took place from the Progressive Era of Theodore Roosvelt and Woodrow Wilson; the New Deal of Franklin D. Roosevelt; the Fair Deal of Harry Truman; the New Frontier of John F. Kennedy; the Great Society of Lyndon B. Johnson; the movements forward under Republicans Dwight D. Eisenhower and Richard Nixon; the accomplishments under Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton; and the advancements under Barack Obama and Bill Clinton.

Another Disastrous Republican Vice President In A Long Line!

The Republican Party has had an amazing ability to find a group of horrendous, often unqualified, Vice Presidential nominees, many of them becoming Vice President of the United States, in the past six decades since 1964.

Barry Goldwater in 1964, himself a highly controversial Presidential nominee, selected New York Congressman William E. Miller, totally unqualified to be a heartbeat away, to be his Vice Presidential running mate. Thank goodness Goldwater lost to Lyndon B. Johnson and his highly qualified Vice President, Hubert Humphrey.

In 1968 and again in 1972, Richard Nixon had Spiro Agnew as his Vice President, until he was forced out due to scandal and resignation in October 1973. Agnew was a true nightmare, and the thought that had he not been forced out, that he would have been President in 1974, was a literal nightmare scenario!

Fortunately, Nixon appointed Gerald Ford as his Vice President to replace Agnew, a blessing, and Ford selected Nelson Rockefeller, former NY Governor and three time Republican Presidential contender as his Vice President, both appointed under the 25th Amendment.

When Ford selected Senator Bob Dole as his Vice Presidential running mate in 1976, while controversial for his utterances, Dole was at least qualified for the Vice Presidency, as was George H. W. Bush for the eight years of Ronald Reagan.

But then came Dan Quayle as Vice President under George H. W. Bush, a man who came across as not very bright and a bit terrifying to imagine him succeeding to the Presidency, when Bush had a heart issue, that thankfully was resolved successfully, and lived on to 2018.

In 1996, losing nominee Bob Dole had former Congressman and Housing Secretary Jack Kemp as his running mate, not horrible but not preferable to Al Gore, Bill Clinton’s two term Vice President.

Then, George W. Bush had Dick Cheney of Wyoming as his Vice President, certainly competent, and actually having a great impact in the first term of Bush, but seen as very arrogant, nasty, and corrupt, and having great responsibility for the Iraq War, based on false information.

Then, an all time low was Sarah Palin as John McCain’s Vice Presidential running mate in 2008, the most scary and incompetent running mate in modern history, making even Dan Quayle look better.

This was followed by Mitt Romney in 2012 having Paul Ryan, later Speaker of the House, but seen as similar in right wing extremism to Cheney.

And then we had Mike Pence under Donald Trump, dutiful and obedient, but seen by many as a religious extremist, and yet repudiated by Trump, who endangered him at the time of the January 6 Insurrection for failing to stop the Electoral College Vote Count, and by Trump not calling off the mob attack that was threatening Pence’s life.

And now, we have JD Vance, who quickly is demonstrating how right wing extremist and undiplomatic he is on his first involvement in international affairs, along with his divisive domestic comments. His connection with powerful technology executives, including Peter Thiel, and Elon Musk, is totally horrifying!

The thought that Vance, at age 40, is a heartbeat away from the Presidency is terrifying!

Donald Trump’s Victory In 2024 Fifth Lowest Since 1924!

Donald Trump and his loyalists continue to declare that he had a “massive” victory in the Presidential Election of 2024, when he most certainly did not, and including the fact that his Republican Party now has the barest margin in the House of Representatives that has occurred since the 72nd Congress in 1931-1932, losing the majority on October 22, 1931 to the Democrats and never regaining the majority again until the 80th Congress in 1947-1948.

Trump has the fifth lowest margin of victory by 1.7 percent, only higher than Richard Nixon in 1968 with 0.7 percent, John F. Kennedy in 1960 with O.2 percent, George W. Bush with MINUS 0.5 percent in 2000, and Trump with MINUS 2.1 percent in 2016, with the last two losing the popular vote, but winning the Electoral College.

And Trump did NOT gain the majority of the popular vote, ending up with 49.9 percent.

So Donald Trump does NOT have the mandate he thinks he has, and if Republicans lose one or two seats in replacement elections for members of the House that are joining the administration from Florida and New York, then the Democrats have the possibility of gaining control of the House of Representatives during the present 119th Congress.

A Sense Of Doom Ahead, After Terrorism In New Orleans And Las Vegas, And Wildfire Tragedy In Los Angeles!

There is a growing sense of doom ahead of us in the year 2025, with the horrendous beginning with the terrorist attack in New Orleans, the explosion of an automobile outside the Trump Hotel in Las Vegas by an active duty soldier who committed suicide, and now the cataclysmic wildfire tragedy in Los Angeles and surrounding communities in Southern California.

It is made worse by Donald Trump, claiming wrongfully that both the New Orleans and Las Vegas incidents were conducted by migrants, illegal aliens, a totally despicable lie, but one that he has not withdrawn.

Also, Trump has blamed President Joe Biden and California Governor Gavin Newsom for the Los Angeles Wildfires tragedy, which is act of nature caused by climate change and global warming, for which Trump has renounced the need for any action, as he asserts it is not real!

In eleven days, the nation is faced by a very unstable, immoral, unethical man returning to the White House, as too many Americans were living in a dream world, forgetting the many horrors of the first Trump Presidency.

The thought of drastic moves on immigration and tariffs, and the pardoning of criminals who attacked the US Capitol four years ago, sets a mood of total despair and a sense of helplessness at what the future of America is going to be, and whether American democracy can remain strong, with the dangers that lie ahead in both domestic and foreign policy!

Jimmy Carter’s funeral today is a sad reminder of the loss of innocence, how much the ethics, morality, and decency of the 39th President, has been wiped away with the ethical lapses of Bill Clinton, the policy lapses of George W. Bush, and the multipled horrors of the Trump Presidency, now returning!

Jimmy Carter-Walter Mondale: The Most Intimate Team In White House History!

Presidents and Vice Presidents often are an awkward pair, with the Vice President chosen for electoral and regional reasons, not because of friendship or familiarity before the Presidential term.

Most Vice Presidents are ignored by the Presidents they are serving, and some have even, actively, worked against the President’s interests.

Most Vice Presidents, historically, have not been even considered as possible successors.

Often, the connection between Presidents and Vice Presidents are considered like a “shotgun marriage”!

Examples of awkward combinations are Thomas Jefferson under John Adams; Aaron Burr under Thomas Jefferson; John C. Calhoun under both John Quincy Adams and Andrew Jackson; Charles Fairbanks under Thedodore Roosevelt; Thomas Marshall under Woodrow Wilson; Charles G. Dawes under Calvin Coolidge; John Nance Garner under Franklin D. Roosevelt; Lyndon B. Johnson under John F. Kennedy; Hubert Humphrey under Lyndon B. Johnson; Spiro Agnew under Richard Nixon; Dan Quayle under George H W Bush; and Mike Pence under Donald Trump.

The greatest and most intimate team was Jimmy Carter and Walter Mondale, and their partnership lasted 45 plus years until Mondale died in April 2021. Carter made Mondale as close to a co-President as could be possible, as Mondale was in on every decision, and the two men and their wives were very close in office and for the 40 plus years of retirement together.

No other combinaton comes close, although Joe Biden under Barack Obama would rank second in closeness and intimacy.

Until the revelation of the personal scandals under Bill Clinton, Al Gore was also very close and intimate, but the Monica Lewinsky scandal created a barrier for the remainder of Clinton’s second term, causing Gore not to utilize Clinton in the 2000 Presidential race, a major factor in Gore’s defeat, despite winning the national popular vote over George W. Bush.

The extent of the closeness and intimacy of Kamala Harris with Joe Biden is not yet fully understood.

Jimmy Carter’s Historic Foreign Policy Accomplishments!

Now that Jimmy Carter has passed away, the true analysis of his Presidency can begin, in a way it could not do, while he was still alive.

Just as Harry Truman’s death led to “Truman Mania” over the next five to ten years, the same will happen in the next decade for Carter, and his historical ranking will rise from the mid 20s to the top 20, possibly as high as number 15, the top one third.

Carter’s foreign policy accomplishments are massive, most the case with the Camp David Accords between Egypt and Israel, accomplished only after 13 tortorous days, between Menachem Begin of Israel, and Anwar Sadat of Egypt, with Carter’s prodding.

But also, there are other major foreign policy accomplishments, including the Panama Canal Treaties, recognition of the Chinese government after 30 years of refusing to do so, and promotion of human rights as a factor in foreign policy.

Carter will look as a giant in retrospect, despite the Iran Hostage problem, which although disturbing, led to the ultimate freedom of American hostages, rather than their deaths. And the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, while seen as a negative for Carter, actually, in the long run led to the downfall of the Soviet Union in 1991.

Carter will shine in the future as compared to the many foreign policy disasters of Republicans Ronald Reagan, George W. Bush, and Donald Trump!

Musk, Ramaswamy Want To Destroy Federal Programs, Must Be Prevented

The unofficial Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE), formed by Donald Trump, and headed by billionaires Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy has no government authority, but is insanely proposing cutting the federal budget by up to $2 trillion, or one third of the total government spending, purely insane in nature!

Rather than raise taxes on billionaires and millionaires, including Musk and Ramaswamy, as well as other less wealthy, but prosperous Americans, so that they pay their “fair share”, Donald Trump wants another massive trillions of dollars tax cut for the elite wealthy, similar to his massive tax cuts in 2017, and earlier ones under George W. Bush and Ronald Reagan.

About one fourth of all of the national debt of America occurred under Donald Trump in his first term, and he is ready to add trillions to the national debt while cutting important programs.

Among those being targeted are:

Veterans Health Care
Drug Development and Opioid Addiction Treatment
State Department Funding
Housing Assistance
Justice Department Funding
Education Spending
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
Health Care (Affordable Care Act, also known as Obama Care)
Federal Student Loan Program
International Security Programs
Head Start Program

Additionally, the goal is to cut the federal work force, get rid of talented and competent and experienced public servants, and hire lackeys who would do Donald Trump’s bidding, and in the process, promoting total chaos and anarchy in the federal government.

Also, some Republican members of Congress would love to get rid of Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid, programs adopted under Franklin D. Roosevelt and Lyndon B. Johnson, and constantly the subject of attacks by right wing forces!

Democrats, while not the majority, must do whatever they can to prevent such outrageous actions, finding those Republicans in both houses who have principles and ethics, too few, but they are there!

This is a true existential crisis of massive proportions, and every effort imaginable must be waged to prevent such a disastrous set of circumstances that would destroy the federal government!

Our government cannot go back to “states rights”, which supposedly was resolved by the Civil War!

The Gilded Age was the late 19th century, and we cannot go back 150 years under any circumstances!

Republican Presidents And Corrupt Administrations

It is a well known fact that it is Republican Presidents who stand out as having the most corrupt administrations in American history.

That is not saying that Democratic Presidents have perfect records without scandal, but in comparison, the examples of corruption are quite minor.

Also, not all Republican Presidents have presided over massive scandal.

But those Presidents who have had massive scandals include the following in chronological order:

Ulysses S. Grant (1869-1877)
Warren G. Harding (1921-1923)
Richard Nixon (1969-1974)
Ronald Reagan (1981-1989)
George W. Bush (2001-2009)
Donald Trump (2017-2021) and the future admninistration (2025-2029)

Some might say it is presumptuous to predict the future, but with the well documented propensity of Trump in his first term, and the characters he is gathering around him for his second term, one can be assured it will reach new levels of corruption of all kinds over the next four years.

As far as ranking of corruption, it can safely be said that Trump already would rank number one on the list, followed by Nixon, Reagan, the second Bush, Grant and Harding.

The “saving grace” for Harding is that his term was less than three years, and he was not aware of what was going on around him.

And the same can be said about Grant in his two terms, but cannot be said about the modern Republican Presidents.

One would think that voters would have a clue and reject such leadership, but their ignorance of history and lack of concern about decency in government is mind boggling.

So expect massive corruption, and unlikely, with a right wing Supreme Court and federal judiciary, and a Congress too willing to bend its will to Donald Trump, it will be left up to the media to expose the evils, for the record of history.

But it will not stop the horrors awaiting us, sadly!

Day One Of Trump: Executive Orders On Mass Deportation And Tariffs, Insuring Economic Disaster!

Every indication is that Donald Trump will make a dramatic, negative Inaugural Address on Monday January 20, 2025.

It is also, ironically, the celebration of Martin Luther King Day, with announcement of executive orders that will promote economic deterioration, and insure that the opposition Democrats will gain the edge for the 2026 Midterm Congressional elections and the Presidential Election of 2028.

Executive orders promoting mass deportation, and announcement of high protective tariffs on all foreign goods, will create a massive economic crisis in 2025.

There will be a great shortage of workers in many industries, including agriculture, education and health services, construction, wholesale and retail trade, manufacturing and mining, and leisure and hospitality,

There are over 28 million immigrants who work hard, pay taxes, and most obey the law, even if they came undocumented, for a chance at a better life, and to have the American dream.

It will be heartbreaking if many of these people, who add a great deal to the national economy, and have children who have lived and grown up in America, suddenly have their lives uprooted in an unjust and immoral manner.

And the prospective loss of their employment, as well as their consumption of goods and paying of taxes, will undermine the American economy in a massive way.

Tariffs, as in the Great Depression of the 1930s and the Panic of 1893 in the Gilded Age, under earlier Republican Presidents Herbert Hoover and Benjamin Harrison, respectively, will again prove to be destructive and undermine the lives of Americans.

They were fooled by Donald Trump to believe he would provide a prosperous economy, when his only intention is to benefit the rich with further tax cuts, as under Republicans Ronald Reagan, George W. Bush, and Donald Trump in his first term, adding massively to the national debt.

Kamala Harris Has Much Republican Support, While Trump Has RFK Jr. And Tulsi Gabbard!

Democratic Presidential nominee Kamala Harris has much Republican support from those who have served under Ronald Reagan, George H. W. Bush, George W. Bush, and even Donald Trump, along with those who were involved in the John McCain and Mitt Romney Presidential campaigns.

Also, many former Republican Senators and Representatives have endorsed Harris, but sadly the vast majority of present office holders in Congress, and sitting Republican governors, have been unwilling to abandon Donald Trump.

At the same time, if one looks for Democrats who are supporting Donald Trump, the list is very short, including:

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., who ran for President as an Independent, and then withdrew and endorsed Trump.

Tulsi Gabbard, former Hawaii Congresswoman who was a contender in Democratic Presidential primaries in 2020.

Rod Blagojevich, former Illinois Governor who served time in prison for trying to “sell” the appointment of a US Senator to replace Barack Obama, when he became President. Donald Trump pardoned him after he had served eight years in prison.

Peter Deutsch, former South Florida Congressman, but out of office for the past 20 years.