Andrew Jackson-John C. Calhoun

Nikki Haley Disqualifies Herself For Presidency By Endorsing States Have Right To Leave Union!

Republican Presidential contender Nikki Haley has come out for the right of states to leave the Union, referring to the battle over who controls the borders and the problem of widespread migration of people from Central America into Texas.

The federal government is responsible for the borders, not the states, and the Republican Party needs to cooperate on legislation being promoted by a coalition of Democrats and Republicans in the US Senate.

But instead, Governor Greg Abbott of Texas, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, and Republican governors of 13 other states have defied a Supreme Court decision that included Chief Justice John Roberts and Associate Justice Amy Coney Barrett, along with the three Democratic appointments on the Court, mandating that the state of Texas stop creating dangerous barbed wire barriers, that led to the death by drowning of several migrants, including children.

Nikki Haley has now taken a stand with seditionists and rebels that caused the Nulllification Crisis under Andrew Jackson, due to Vice President John C. Calhoun’s promotion of states rights in 1832-1833, as well as Jefferson Davis and the Confederate States of America provoking the four year Civil War from 1861-1865.

This is the same concept promoted by Southern governors and most notably Alabama Governor George Wallace in the time of the civil rights movement in the 1960s.

Haley, by so doing, has disqualified herself for the office of the Presidency, and should be ashamed of herself for promoting lawlessness by state governors, who choose not to obey the Supreme Court!

Kamala Harris Starting To Demonstrate Her Strengths As Vice President, And Potential Future President!

Kamala Harris has been Vice President for two and a half years now, and she has had a poor public image, being often portrayed as weak and ineffective, in public opinion polls.

A lot of this is pure right wing propaganda, with heavy elements of misogyny and racism.

If one examines earlier Vice Presidents of the Republican variety, one realizes how horrendous they were:

Mike Pence, unwilling even now to stand up to Donald Trump for his transgressions, including the threat to the lives of Pence and his family on January 6, 2021.

Dick Cheney, technically qualified, but a miserable wretch of a human being.

Dan Quayle, a total disaster and embarrassment as Vice President.

Spiro Agnew, a crooked felon, forced out of office.

And then the Republican Vice Presidential nominees who, thankfully, never were in that role:

Sarah Palin 2008

Paul Ryan 2012

Jack Kemp 1996

William E Miller 1964

And then, the potential Vice Presidential list for Donald Trump, if he became the Presidential nominee again, a total nightmare of lunacy and insanity!

Meanwhile, Democratic Vice Presidents and nominees were superior by far:

Hubert Humphrey 1964
Edmund Muskie 1968
Sargent Shriver 1972
Walter Mondale 1976, 1980
Lloyd Bentsen 1988
Al Gore 1992, 1996
Joe Lieberman 2000
Joe Biden 2008, 2012
Tim Kaine 2016

The only terrible choices were Geraldine Ferraro in 1984 and John Edwards in 2004.

Harris has had an impressive career in California Government, and has been, by necessity, the most active Vice President, due to the narrow division of the Senate, necessitating that she break more tie votes in the Senate than any Vice President, surpassing John C. Calhoun under President Andrew Jackson from 1829-1832, recently!

Harris is now becoming significant, as she makes the issues of women’s rights and civil rights the center of attention, including attacking the end of abortion rights, and the promotion of outrageous interference with the teaching of American history and slavery, as advocated by Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, and spreading nationwide in Republican states!

This is raising her profile, as she would certainly be the frontrunner to be President after Joe Biden, either when he leaves office, or if he was unable to finish his time in office!

Donald Trump Had No Concern About The Threats To The Life Of Mike Pence!

It is stunning and hard to fathom that a President would have no concern about the threats to the life of his Vice President.

Yes, Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr did not get along.

Neither did John Quincy Adams and John C. Calhoun get along.

And also, Andrew Jackson and Calhoun were at odds.

But never has a President welcomed harm on his Vice President, as Donald Trump did toward Mike Pence on January 6, 2021!

He showed support for the lynching, the hanging, of Mike Pence!

This is incomprehensible, that any political leader would not be concerned, and loyal to those who work around him!

How could any decent human being, no matter what his political and ideological loyalties, support and continue to excuse Donald Trump for his lack of empathy, decency, compassion, toward even his own Vice President?

But Donald Trump has no regard for human life, and this will be exposed by the January 6 US House Committee, as it starts holding public hearings on this Thursday evening, June 9!

Donald Trump needs to be prosecuted to the full extent of the law, as a seditionist, a traitor, a criminal, whose lust for power encouraged massive lawlessness and destruction at the US Capitol!

Historic Moment For Vice President To Turn Against President: Extremely Rare!

Former Vice President Mike Pence has FINALLY stopped being a sycophant to Donald Trump, after being obsequious to the former President since his selection to be Vice President in the Summer of 2016.

Pence has been weak all along, but finally said he did his constitutional duty by counting the Electoral College votes in the Presidential Election of 2020, a ceremonial duty, with no power to challenge the official vote count.

This IS an historic moment, for a Vice President to turn against the President, extremely rare!

The only public times were Aaron Burr against Thomas Jefferson in 1801, after Burr created a constitutional crisis over whether he or Jefferson was to be President, due to a so called “tie’ in electoral votes; and John C. Calhoun against both John Quincy Adams and Andrew Jackson, the two Presidents he served as Vice President, over the issue of the protective tariff and states rights, secession, and nullification.

Also, but more veiled, not obvious publicly, Charles G. Dawes had disagreements with Calvin Coolidge: John Nance Garner broke with Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1940 as he sought to succeed him; Al Gore separated himself from Bill Clinton over the Monica Lewinsky Scandal as Gore ran for President in 2000; and Dick Cheney had growing disagreements and a growing breach with George W. Bush in Bush’s second term after 2005.

Also, more veiled was Thomas Marshall not being informed about Woodrow Wilson’s health after his stroke; Lyndon B. Johnson being mistreated by Robert F. Kennedy under John F. Kennedy’s Presidency; and Hubert Humphrey forced to support the Vietnam War under Johnson after 1965, later stated as a very difficult time for Humphrey.