Confederate States Of America

J D Vance Controversial VP Nominee, Promoting Anti Haitian Immigrant Conspiracy Theory!

Republican Vice Presidential nominee J D Vance is already perceived as the least regarded and most controversial nominee for Vice President since Sarah Palin, and with a lower rating than both Palin and former Vice President Dan Quayle in public perception.

Donald Trump could have selected a less controversial nominee to be a heartbeat away from the Oval Office, but he chose Vance, who is perpetuating a conspiracy theory about Haitian immigrants in Springfield, Ohio, that they are eating residents’ pet cats and dogs, a preposterous charge!

Vance, already suspicious due to his chameleon nature, having switched totally in his views of Donald Trump from years ago, also has stated that “Civil War” is still going on in America, and that he sides with the South and the “Confederacy” against “the woke North”.

Vance’s open racism and nativism, and his promotion of division and confrontation is alarming, and his demagoguery will make the upcoming CBS Vice Presidential debate on October 1 a moment of great public attention, when Democratic VP nominee Tim Walz confronts the controversial and divisive Vance!

Nikki Haley Disqualifies Herself For Presidency By Endorsing States Have Right To Leave Union!

Republican Presidential contender Nikki Haley has come out for the right of states to leave the Union, referring to the battle over who controls the borders and the problem of widespread migration of people from Central America into Texas.

The federal government is responsible for the borders, not the states, and the Republican Party needs to cooperate on legislation being promoted by a coalition of Democrats and Republicans in the US Senate.

But instead, Governor Greg Abbott of Texas, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, and Republican governors of 13 other states have defied a Supreme Court decision that included Chief Justice John Roberts and Associate Justice Amy Coney Barrett, along with the three Democratic appointments on the Court, mandating that the state of Texas stop creating dangerous barbed wire barriers, that led to the death by drowning of several migrants, including children.

Nikki Haley has now taken a stand with seditionists and rebels that caused the Nulllification Crisis under Andrew Jackson, due to Vice President John C. Calhoun’s promotion of states rights in 1832-1833, as well as Jefferson Davis and the Confederate States of America provoking the four year Civil War from 1861-1865.

This is the same concept promoted by Southern governors and most notably Alabama Governor George Wallace in the time of the civil rights movement in the 1960s.

Haley, by so doing, has disqualified herself for the office of the Presidency, and should be ashamed of herself for promoting lawlessness by state governors, who choose not to obey the Supreme Court!

Three Years Since The January 6 Insurrection, And Most Republicans Remain Collaborators

As the third anniversary of the January 6 Insurrection comes upon us, we have the growth of ever more collaboration by Republicans in defending and supporting Donald Trump, even among those who condemned his promotion of bloodshed and violence on that day, including against Vice President Mike Pence.

While there are Republicans and conservatives who continue to condemn the former President and are committed to his demise as a political force, most of the party officeholders remain unwilling to demonstrate guts, courage, and principle.

It is more important for these officeholders to keep their job in Congress than it is to promote the survival of democracy.

So effectively, most Republicans are no better than the Confederates who were banned from holding public office by the 14th Amendment Section 3 in 1868 after the Civil War.

Then, the Republican Party was the party of the Union, committed to basic principles of having promoted the end of slavery and promoting racial equality.

The whole point of forming the Republican Party, coming to power, and upholding the end of slavery and the promotion of survival of the Constitution, has now been destroyed by the modern Republican Party, which has lost all sense of ethics, morals, and principles!

161st Anniversary Of Abraham Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation!

Today, New Year’s Day 2024, marks the 161st Anniversary of Abraham Lincoln’s Issuance of the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863, a bold move that his own Presidential Cabinet thought was inadvisable.

While it only ended slavery at the time in areas under Union Army occupation during the Civil War, it was a pledge that the eventual victory of the United States over the Confederate States of America, when and if it occurred, another 27.5 months into the future, would see the concept of the ownership of human beings by other human beings would come to an end.

It must be pointed out, however, that the Emancipation Proclamation alone could not end slavery, as it was written into the US Constitution by the Founding Fathers at the Philadelphia convention of the Constitutional Convention in 1787.

Only the battle to add the 13th Amendment to the Constitution in 1865 could end slavery long term, and set America up as a promoter of democracy.

Now, sadly, we see the party of Lincoln moving backward on the principle of promoting racial equality, and appealing to the ugliness of racism and nativism, as it enters an election year seemingly captive to the most dangerous man ever to hold the Presidency, Donald Trump!

2024 must see the end of the menace of Donald Trump by a total commitment to defeat his attempt at a comeback, and move away from the dangers of MAGA Republicans!

Time To Bar Donald Trump From State Ballots Under 14th Amendment, Section 3!

Congress passed and the states ratified the 14th Amendment after the Civil War, including Section 3, which bars those who have mounted insurrection against the US Government from ever again serving in federal or state government.

This was a reaction to the Confederate rebellion against the United States from 1861-1865, which resulted in the deaths of a third of a million soldiers.

But by being part of the 14th Amendment, it could be applied to any future threat to the United States government, which most certainly, the January 6, 2021 US Capitol Insurrection was to American democracy and the rule of law.

So it is in the power of state legislatures and state Secretaries of State to bar any candidate for public office who waged insurrection on January 6.

So “Blue” states, such as large electoral vote states California, New York, Illinois, Pennsylvania, and Michigan, as well as others, have the power to take action barring Donald Trummp from being on the ballots for the Presidential Election of 2024!

It is urgent that such action be taken NOW!

Donald Trump Likely Soon To Be Indicted In Three Jurisdictions!

It now seems clear that former President Donald Trump will soon be indicted in Georgia for interfering in the vote count in that state in the Presidential Election of 2020.

It also seems clear that in New York, the case against Trump on the payments to “Stormy Daniels” to cover up the affair Trump had with her, but which he wished to hide due to his Presidential campaign, is also coming to a head very soon.

And the federal case against Trump for the January 6 Insurrection and the hiding of government documents at Mar A Lago also is on its way to another indictment.

These indictments will come in the midst of the Presidential campaign of 2024, and should derail Trump from being able to run.

If only the 14th Amendment, Section 3, designed originally to deal with the rebellion of the Confederate States of America, were to be utilized, Donald Trump would be unable to run for President, even without any indictments or trials.

But sadly, the likelihood of such action by a divided Congress, with so many Republicans kowtowing to Donald Trump, prevents such action, so the threat of Donald Trump is very real and dangerous to national security, as he is the leader of domestic terrorist forces!

Anniversary Of Benedict Arnold’s Treason Brings Up Donald Trump’s Treason!

In late September 1780, General Benedict Arnold committed treason, plotting with the British enemy to hand over West Point, New York, the future Military Academy, and about 10,000 American soldiers to the British.

If the treason had succeeded, it would have ended the American Revolution, and the fight for American Independence.

Since the time of Benedict Arnold, there have been others who have been considered traitors to America.

This would include the leaders of the Confederate States of America during the Civil War, including, most notably, Confederate President Jefferson Davis and Confederate Vice President Alexander Stephens, along with leading Confederate Generals such as Robert E. Lee and others.

There have been others who conspired against American interests, including former Vice President Aaron Burr, after leaving the Vice Presidency in 1805, and those who consorted with Nazi Germany, including Henry Ford and Charles Lindbergh; and those who consorted with the Soviet Union over the 75 years of that nation’s existence.

But now, we have a much more serious threat, in a former President, Donald Trump, who has consorted with dictators, including most notably Vladimir Putin of the Russian Federation, and who inspired the January 6, 2021 Insurrection at the US Capitol. And Trump illegally took national security documents to his Mar A Lago estate, and there are still questions as to whether other documents might be found at his other estates in New Jersey, Trump Tower in New York City, and elsewhere and whether he may have shared and sold national security details to Putin and others.

So many have stated that Benedict Arnold has been succeeded by “Benedict Donald”, who is seen as a “clear and present danger” to American national security and American democracy!

Republican Party A Threat With “Election Deniers” And “Election Doubters” In 2022 Midterm Elections!

With the Midterm Elections of 2022 on the horizon, the Republican Party represents a threat, due to such a large percentage of office seekers being “Election Deniers” or “Election Doubters”. These can be called the “MAGA” Candidates!

In the US Senate, we have seven Senators who refused to back the Electoral College vote on January 6, 2021, even after the Insurrection took place on that day at the US Capitol. They are not facing reelection this year, but three Senate candidates are “Election Deniers”, and seen as likely to win Senate seats, so making 10 Senators in this category.

In the House of Representatives, there are 118 seated “Election Deniers” and 8 “Election Doubters” in the chamber, running for reelection, and likely to keep their seats in the lower chamber.

In the Governorships, there are 2 “Election Deniers” and 3 “Election Doubters” seen as likely to either keep their seats or win their seats, and this does not include the possibility of Arizona and Pennsylvania being won as well.

Out of 541 Republicans running for office, 199 are “Election Deniers”, and 62 have raised questions about the 2020 election, with 118 candidates refusing to comment at all, with only 74 fully accepting the 2020 election results, and 88 accepting but with some reservations.

Overall, 60 percent of Americans will have an “Election Denier” on their ballots in November!

Nationally, 27 states have “Election Deniers” running, including much of the Midwest, Mountain States, New England, and the South, but also including New York and Pennsylvania!

And Arizona is perceived as the most “rebellious” state of all, regarding the House membership, the Senate race, and also the Governorship!

These statistics come from a report from the website “Five Thirty Eight”, and I thank them for this information!

This is alarming, almost like the Confederate States of America taking over the Governorships and US Congress after the Civil War!

The House January 6 Committee Makes It Clear: Donald Trump Promoted Sedition And Revolution, And MUST Be Prosecuted!

If there was any doubt about the criminal involvement of former President Donald Trump in the January 6, 2021 US Capitol Insurrection, yesterday’s hearing of the House January 6 Committee, settled the issue.

Donald Trump conspired with the Oath Keepers and the Proud Boys and other domestic terrorists (racist and white supremacist) to provoke violence and bloodshed and stage a coup, endangering the lives of Vice President Mike Pence, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, and all members of Congress and law enforcement and other staff on Capitol Hill.

Donald Trump is a criminal, the worst since Jefferson Davis and the Confederate States of America, and MUST be prosecuted for sedition and treason by the Department of Justice under Attorney General Merrick Garland!

If he is not held accountable, then the danger of further domestic terrorism by extremist right wing groups will flourish, and America could face the loss of its democracy!

And all those around Trump, including family members, and staff and advisers who went along with what he provoked, must also face prosecution!

And members of Congress who helped promote the conspiracy and violence must also be prosecuted, and barred from ever holding public office again!

Senator Doug Jones Of Alabama A True Asset Who Democrats Need to Keep Seat

Senator Doug Jones of Alabama is a rarity.

Other than Virginia’s two Senators, Tim Kaine and Mark Warner, there are no other Democrats in the Senate from the states that made up the Confederate States of America in the Civil War, except for Doug Jones.

Jones is a true asset, as when he was the US Attorney for the Northern District of Alabama under President Bill Clinton from 1997-2001, he successfully prosecuted two Ku Klux Klan members for the 1963 church bombing in Birmingham which killed four African American girls, a major accomplishment after nearly four decades of no justice in that case.

In the Senate, where he won over former Judge Roy Moore, a truly horrendous Republican nominee to replace former Senator Jeff Sessions, he has conducted himself as a moderate Democrat, who has demonstrated his willingness to work with opposition Republicans, and to split with his party on certain issues.

While he is not a liberal Democrat by any means, he offers a better alternative than Republican nominee Tommy Tuberville, the former Auburn University football coach.

Jones has supported some gun control legislation; backs gay marriage; endorses protection of DACA immigrants; is pro choice on abortion; opposes repeal of ObamaCare; and comes across as reasonable and decent.

There is no perfect choice in any Southern election, with such strong Republican and conservative dominance, but it is hoped that Jones will win a full term, as he deserves it, and is a step forward in a state where no Democrat had won state wide for a generation!

His hoped for victory would help to make the Democrats the majority in the US Senate, which is essential for the future advancement of the party agenda in the next four years!