US Department Of Justice

Trump And Musk Out To Destroy Federal Government!

Donald Trump and Elon Musk have declared war on the federal government and its multitude of agencies, a totally destructive and dangerous move that will undermine economic, social, and political stability, and threaten American national security.

Among the government agencies being attacked and damaged are, in no special order:

Federal Bureau of Investigation
Central Intelligence Agency
US Agency For International Development
Department of Justice
Department of Defense
Department of the Treasury
Department of Labor
Department of Veterans Affairs
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
Centers for Disease Control And Prevention
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
Federal Aviation Administration
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Food and Drug Administration
Immigration and Customs Enforcement
Office of Management and Budget
Office of Personnel Management
General Services Administration
Social Security Administration
The Department of Education
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Environmental Protection Agency
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
Consumer Product Safety Commission
National Labor Relations Board
Public Broadcasting Service
National Public Radio

These agencies were created under many Presidential administrations, both Democratic and Republican, since the time of Franklin D. Roosevelt more than nine decades ago!

Justice Department Under Merrick Garland NonPartisan In Prosecutions!

The Justice Department under Attorney General Merrick Garland has been aggressively involved in prosecutions of law breakers, but has been accused by Donald Trump and Republicans of being partisan, due to their prosecution of Trump and people around him.

But reality is that Garland and the Justice Department have been nonpartisan in their prosecutions, as witness, the prosecutions of

NYC Mayor Eric Adams
Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden
New Jersey Senator Robert Menendez
Texas Congressman Henry Cuellar
Former California Congressman T J Cox

So Garland and his department have accomplished what is expected–pursuit of wrongdoers and corruption, and without partisan basis!

Project 2025: Attack On Crucial Government Agencies And Federal Regulations!

Project 2025, the Heritage Foundation plan to promote massive right wing government in America, is a direct attack on crucial government agencies:

Eliminate the Department of Energy
Eliminate the Department of Education
Eliminate the Department of Commerce
Eliminate the Food and Drug Administration
Eliminate the Environmental Protection Agency
Eliminate the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Eliminate the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
Transform the Department of Justice to an agency controlled by the White House
Radically Change the Federal Bureau of Investigation
Radically Change the Department of Homeland Security
Repeal Dodd-Frank Financial Regulations
Reduce Business Regulations
End Funding of National Public Radio and the Public Broadcasting System
Privatize the Federal Aviation Administration
Repeal Net Neutrality regulations

The whole concept of an “Administrative State”, which has been part of American government since Theodore Roosevelt onward, and with both parties, Democrats and Republicans, is under threat, as it is also due to recent Supreme Court decisions!

Crazy: Many Republicans And Right Wing Media Calling For Revolution And Sedition!

It is crazy and unbelievable to see many Republicans and Right Wing Media calling for revolution and violence because Donald Trump is facing prosecution for endangering national security by his illegal possession of highly sensitive documents at his Mar a Lago estate in Florida!

This craziness is being heard and seen on Fox News Channel, NewsMax, and on talk radio shows.

Among those advocting revolution, violence, and retribution, besides Donald Trump himself, are members of his family; failed Arizona gubernatorial nominee Kari Lake; right wing lunatic Mark Levin; Right wing activist Charlie Kirk; disinformation super spreader Alex Jones; Fox News Host Tucker Carlson; Donald Trump Jr’s fiancee Kimberly Guilfoyle; Arizona Congressman Andy Biggs; Georgia Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene; and a host of other extremists.

And Republican Presidential contenders, except for Chris Christie and Asa Hutchinson, are talking about pardons for January 6 insurrectionists and Trump himself, if any of them were to be elected President.

And top Republican leaders, at least in the House of Representatives, including Speaker Kevin McCarthy, are failing to realize how Trump endangered the national security of the US!

And Donald Trump, in two rallies since the announcement of the indictment, has promoted threats and violence against the prosecutor Jack Smith; the Department of Justice; and the FBI, making him “a clear and present danger” to the American government and nation!

Meanwhile, at least two former Trump Cabinet officers, Attorney General William Barr, and National Security Adviser John Bolton, have made it clear that the case against Donald Trump is very strong and powerful!

Major Week Ahead: Trump Facing January 6 Committee Prosecution Recommendations

After 18 months of an exhaustive investigation by the House of Representatives January 6 Committee, this week, finally, the committee is wrapping up its work with expected recommendations for prosecution of former President Donald Trump.

The charges that will be recommended to the Justice Department and Attorney General Merrick Garland include:

Promotion of Insurrrection against the US Government

Obstruction of Justice, interfering with the counting of the Electoral Vote by Vice President Mike Pence and the two houses of Congress on January 6, 2021

Conspiracy to defraud the US Government

More than 1,000 people were interviewed and depositions taken.

It is a tribute to the committee how much effort they have put into investigation of this crisis, and it is essential that Trump be prosecuted, and prevented from running for President in the future!

And special tribute is appropriate to the two Republican members of the January 6 Committee, Congresswoman Liz Cheney of Wyoming and Congressman Adam Kinzinger of Illinois, both who will not be serving in the upcoming 118th Congress. Both sacrificed their careers to do the right thing, stand up for justice and truth and loyalty to the US Constitution!

Both are Profiles in Courage who will shine in the future as part of American history!

A Clear And Present Danger To Democracy: Kari Lake, Doug Mastriano And Other Republicans!

With four days to go to the Midterm Elections of 2022, there is great concern about intimidation being used to prevent people from voting in various states, but even more disturbing is the declaration by many MAGA Republicans that they will not accept and acknowledge defeat if the voting totals show they have lost.

Gubernatorial nominees, including Kari Lake in Arizona, Doug Mastriano in Pennsylvania, Tim Michels in Wisconsin, Tudor Dixon in Michigan, along with candidates for Secretary of State or Attorney General in many states, have declared war on truth, and are a clear and present danger to American democracy!

There is also concern about possible violence erupting, as it is understood that this is a testing moment, the first national vote since the January 6, 2021 US Capitol Insurrection.

America is endangered by these right wing extremists who seem to be ready to declare elections over, with automatic assertions of control now and into the future as their mission.

Law enforcement and the Department of Justice must make clear such assertions will be dealt with in an appropriate manner, and bullyism will not be tolerated!

The Situation Facing Attorney General Merrick Garland

There seems to be enough grounds to have Donald Trump prosecuted by the Justice Department and Attorney General Merrick Garland for the events leading up to the January 6, 2021 US Capitol Insurrection.

But indictment is the first step, while trial and conviction are much more complicated.

The charges that could be used to indict Donald Trump include:

Obstruction of an official proceeding of Congress, the Electoral College vote by the Vice President of the United States

Seditious Conspiracy against the US government

Conspiracy to defraud the US Government, making fraudulent statements

The first two seem the most likely to move forward, but there is no certainty that such a case would be won in Court, and the Supreme Court, controlled by right wing conservatives, could rule in an appeal in favor of Donald Trump.

But if the thought is that prosecution would not succeed is the ultimate decision, then it sends a message to future Presidents that they can escape accountability.

It would set a standard that there are two systems of justice, so there are ramifications of prosecuting, including political turmoil, but also of choosing NOT to prosecute!

After Thursday’s January 6 Committee Hearing, It Is Time For Prosecution Of Donald Trump!

The 8th January 6 House Committee Hearing leaves absolutely no doubt as to the guilt of Donald Trump in inciting the US Capitol Insurrection.

It is good to see that Attorney General Merrick Garland and the Department of Justice have made it clear that they are fully engaged in pursuing justice in this horrendous attack on American democracy.

It is time for prosecution of Donald Trump and his supporters who incited the bloodshed that led to loss of lives, harm to many lives, and the damage done to the citadel of American government, the US Capitol!

The House January 6 Committee Makes It Clear: Donald Trump Promoted Sedition And Revolution, And MUST Be Prosecuted!

If there was any doubt about the criminal involvement of former President Donald Trump in the January 6, 2021 US Capitol Insurrection, yesterday’s hearing of the House January 6 Committee, settled the issue.

Donald Trump conspired with the Oath Keepers and the Proud Boys and other domestic terrorists (racist and white supremacist) to provoke violence and bloodshed and stage a coup, endangering the lives of Vice President Mike Pence, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, and all members of Congress and law enforcement and other staff on Capitol Hill.

Donald Trump is a criminal, the worst since Jefferson Davis and the Confederate States of America, and MUST be prosecuted for sedition and treason by the Department of Justice under Attorney General Merrick Garland!

If he is not held accountable, then the danger of further domestic terrorism by extremist right wing groups will flourish, and America could face the loss of its democracy!

And all those around Trump, including family members, and staff and advisers who went along with what he provoked, must also face prosecution!

And members of Congress who helped promote the conspiracy and violence must also be prosecuted, and barred from ever holding public office again!

Donald Trump, The Criminal Grifter Of Gullible, Naive Americans!

In the same vein as yesterday’s post, the second session of the January 6 House Committee hearings demonstrated that Donald Trump is a criminal grifter, appealing to gullible, naive Americans to send him money to fight what he called “The Big Steal”, that he won the Presidential Election of 2020.

Instead, that myth is the “Big Lie”, and it is now clear that people around Trump told him, conclusively, that he had not won the election, but Trump kept on lying, and spread the hysteria that led to the January 6 Insurrection at the US Capitol.

This caused loss of lives of Capitol Police; massive number of injuries among these loyal servants of the Capitol; destruction of the center of American government; and threats to Vice President Mike Pence, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and all of the Congressmen and Senators at the US Capitol that day.

This is clearly the example of Donald Trump, the crooked businessman, making money off the supposed election results, with at least $250 million raised, and no accountability as to what has happened to that illegal fundraising amount.

This is criminal activity, as everything else is regarding Donald Trump, and the Department of Justice and Attorney General Merrick Garland are examining what the January 6 House Committee has gathered as evidence.

Hopefully, this will lead to criminal charges against Donald Trump, as no one, not even a former President, should be immune to prosecution for crimes committed in office or out of office!