January 6 2021 Insurrection

Clarence Thomas And Samuel Alito Have Disgraced The Supreme Court!

The US Supreme Court is facing a backlash, due to two of its members, Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito, being engaged in their actions and statements, and by their wives’ interactions, with promoting the conspiracy theory that the Presidential Election Of 2020 was “stolen” from Donald Trump by Joe Biden.

Ginni Thomas, wife of Clarence Thomas, actively promoted the January 6 2021 US Capitol Insurrection, but Thomas has refused to recuse himself from cases related to Donald Trump and the horrible events of that day.

And the wife of Samuel Alito displayed the American flag upside down in reaction to neighbors who displayed signs against Donald Trump in the days after the US Capitol attack.

Both Justices have made clear they will do what they can to undermine the federal case against Donald Trump, and this presents a danger that Donald Trump will escape prosecution, and might be given immunity from accountability.

This could lead to a Presidential dictatorship and the emergence of Fascism in the federal government, and with the threats of Donald Trump to destroy American democracy and the rule of law.

Public opinion on the image of the Supreme Court has reached an all time low, and Chief Justice John Roberts needs to intervene to insist that these two Justices must not be engaged in decisions involving the controversies of Janury 6!

Supreme Court Unpredictable On Presidential Immunity Case, Mind Boggling!

After watching and listening to commentary about the Supreme Court Presidential Immunity case of Donald Trump, one is left with a sense of unpredictability as to what the Court will determine and when.

It seems clear that there might be a split on the Court, with the likely “best” result being a 5-4 vote for limited use of Presidential immunity for official actions, but not for “private” actions such as campaigning for reelection.

Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan, and Ketanji Brown Jackson seem certain on disputing Presidential immunity, and it also seems that the fourth woman on the Court, Amy Coney Barrett, might join them, leaving the determining vote likely to be Chief Justice John Roberts.

The other four Justices seem not to be concerned with any limits on Presidential immunity, including the events of January 6, 2021, which, if it works out that way, would be totally outrageous and disgraceful!

It Looks Like Donald Trump Will Remain On The Ballot: Time For A Vigorous, No Holds Barred Campaign!

After witnessing the oral arguments before the Supreme Court yesterday in the Trump V Anderson Colorado Ballot controversy, it looks like Donald Trump will remain on the ballot for the Presidential Election of 2024 in all of the 50 states.

It was quite surprising even seeing the liberal Democratic appointments on the Supreme Court, and particularly Elena Kagan and Ketanji Brown Jackson, seemingly skeptical on the matter, although Sonia Sotomayor seemed likely to be in dissent.

It was also quite amazing that Clarence Thomas did not recuse himself on the matter, considering that his wife Ginni Thomas was supportive of the US Capitol Insurrection, but then it is well recognized that Thomas has no ethics, morals, or scruples.

Any time that the Supreme Court is involved in oral argument can lead to speculation on the result, so there could be a surprise decision, but it is clear one should not bet on it.

So it is now time for a vigorous, no holds barred campaign for the next nine months, as American democracy and the rule of law is on trial, in what can be considered the most dangerous times since the Civil War 160 years ago!

The Rewriting Of History: Denials Of January 6 Insurrection!

It is shocking that as the third anniversary of the January 6 US Capitol Insurrection is commemorated tomorrow, that about a third of Americans, in a public opinion poll, and a majority of Republicans, have rewritten history, and deny the horrendous events of that day.

Despite all of the videos and other evidence of reality, instead these delusional Americans choose to believe the most massive liar of all time, Donald Trump, and to see the 1,200 people who have been held accountable as “hostages”, and that the FBI set up the false uprising!

Donald Trump says again and again that he is out to promote a dictatorship if he is reelected, and still, public opinion polls show a close race between him and President Joe Biden.

The future of American democracy is under dire threat, and yet, Donald Trump has convinced so called intelligent people that he has been wronged, not the nation by what has transpired.

Conspiracy theories abound, and undermine the stability of American government.

Three Years Since The January 6 Insurrection, And Most Republicans Remain Collaborators

As the third anniversary of the January 6 Insurrection comes upon us, we have the growth of ever more collaboration by Republicans in defending and supporting Donald Trump, even among those who condemned his promotion of bloodshed and violence on that day, including against Vice President Mike Pence.

While there are Republicans and conservatives who continue to condemn the former President and are committed to his demise as a political force, most of the party officeholders remain unwilling to demonstrate guts, courage, and principle.

It is more important for these officeholders to keep their job in Congress than it is to promote the survival of democracy.

So effectively, most Republicans are no better than the Confederates who were banned from holding public office by the 14th Amendment Section 3 in 1868 after the Civil War.

Then, the Republican Party was the party of the Union, committed to basic principles of having promoted the end of slavery and promoting racial equality.

The whole point of forming the Republican Party, coming to power, and upholding the end of slavery and the promotion of survival of the Constitution, has now been destroyed by the modern Republican Party, which has lost all sense of ethics, morals, and principles!

Jim Jordan Would Have Been A National Security Threat As Speaker Of The House Of Representatives!

This author and blogger, unfortunately, was offline for three days due to computer issues, but glad to be back!

It has been a tortorous few days watching the potential Speakership of Jim Jordan, who would have been a national security risk, as an Insurrectionist on January 6, 2021, and still refusing to accept that Joe Biden defeated Donald Trump!

Thank goodness it looks as if finally he is done as a candidate for Speaker of the House, which is only two heartbeats away from the Presidency, due to the Presidential Succession Act of 1947!

But the Republican Party is still a total mess, leaving the House of Representatives unable to meet its responsibilities!

Shocking Event: Speaker Kevin McCarthy Ousted By His Own Republican Colleagues!

In a stunning and shocking development, Republican Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy has been ousted by a vote 216-210, the first time in history that a Speaker has been so removed!

There have been times when a Speaker was challenged, the most famous being Speaker Joseph Cannon in 1910, but he survived as a weakened Speaker until the next Congressional election.

Newt Gingrich in 1998 and John Boehner in 2015, when facing the possibility of an ouster, both resigned.

So this is a first, and weakens the Republican party in the House and nationally, and will reverberate in the upcoming Congressional and Presidential Election of 2024!

And a final point, Donald Trump did not comment or do anything to try to save McCarthy, who has been slavishly loyal to him after first condemning him for the January 6, 2021 US Capitol Insurrection.

Is anyone surprised? And McCarthy and the Republicans MUST USE this event to separate themselves from Donald Trump, or face final oblivion as a party under the name “Republican”!

The Shocking Behavior Of Republicans Is Beyond The Pale! :(

The Republican Party is fast disintegrating!

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, after being impeached overwhelmingly by the Texas dominated Republican House of Representatives, is found not guilty on all counts by the Texas dominated Republican Senate.

Colorado Congresswoman Lauren Boebert acted inappropriately in public with her date at a concert.

The Republican Presidential contenders move further to the extreme right in appeals to evangelical voters in Iowa, and try to outdo each other in their craziness and authoritarian tendencies.

Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy allowed himself to be manipulated by his Freedom Caucus extremist members to start an impeachment inquiry against Joe Biden, knowing there is no evidence to do so, and just using the personal problems of Hunter Biden to attack the entire Biden family.

Donald Trump gave an interview to Kristen Welker of NBC Meet the Press, demonstrating ever further his mental deterioration and constant lying and deceptions.

Mitt Romney, when announcing his retirement at the end of 2024, told us that Mitch McConnell did not respond when Romney warned him of danger on January 6, 2021, four days ahead of that fateful date. Romney also condemned most Republicans who he said ridicule Donald Trump in private, but support him in public, and particularly mentioned Senators Josh Hawley, Ted Cruz, and J D Vance. Their desire to have power overcomes the concept of commitment to basic principles.

In the past, we saw political parties in America, including the Federalist Party after 1816; the Democratic Republican Party in the 1820s; and the Whig Party in 1854, all dissolve!

It is time for the Republican Party name to be replaced by a new party name, and a rejection of much of what the present day right wing Fascist oriented party represents, in order to have a safe future of a nation committed to the Constitution and rule of law!

Time To Bar Donald Trump From State Ballots Under 14th Amendment, Section 3!

Congress passed and the states ratified the 14th Amendment after the Civil War, including Section 3, which bars those who have mounted insurrection against the US Government from ever again serving in federal or state government.

This was a reaction to the Confederate rebellion against the United States from 1861-1865, which resulted in the deaths of a third of a million soldiers.

But by being part of the 14th Amendment, it could be applied to any future threat to the United States government, which most certainly, the January 6, 2021 US Capitol Insurrection was to American democracy and the rule of law.

So it is in the power of state legislatures and state Secretaries of State to bar any candidate for public office who waged insurrection on January 6.

So “Blue” states, such as large electoral vote states California, New York, Illinois, Pennsylvania, and Michigan, as well as others, have the power to take action barring Donald Trummp from being on the ballots for the Presidential Election of 2024!

It is urgent that such action be taken NOW!

78 Felony Charges Against Donald Trump And Counting, And Still Defenders!

The number of felony charges against Donald Trump has mounted to 78, and there are more such charges to come in Georgia in the next week or two.

The now thrice indicted, twice impeached, loser in the popular vote twice, his party constantly losing ever since he became President through Russian collusion in 2016, is still being defended and supported by a majority of Republican voters in public opinion polls.

Republicans who condemned him at the time of the January 6 Insurrrection on the US Capitol in most cases now swear support for him, and attack American democracy!

The judge in this case, Tanya Chutkan, has made it clear through other cases that she will take a hard line on Trump, as with other Insurrectionists on January 6, all to the good!

It is urgent that this trial, the most important one of the three, soon to be four cases, be televised live, so that there can be no conspiracy theories about “hiding” facts and details!

And it needs to take place BEFORE the Presidential Election of 2024!