General Services Administration

Trump And Musk Out To Destroy Federal Government!

Donald Trump and Elon Musk have declared war on the federal government and its multitude of agencies, a totally destructive and dangerous move that will undermine economic, social, and political stability, and threaten American national security.

Among the government agencies being attacked and damaged are, in no special order:

Federal Bureau of Investigation
Central Intelligence Agency
US Agency For International Development
Department of Justice
Department of Defense
Department of the Treasury
Department of Labor
Department of Veterans Affairs
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
Centers for Disease Control And Prevention
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
Federal Aviation Administration
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Food and Drug Administration
Immigration and Customs Enforcement
Office of Management and Budget
Office of Personnel Management
General Services Administration
Social Security Administration
The Department of Education
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Environmental Protection Agency
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
Consumer Product Safety Commission
National Labor Relations Board
Public Broadcasting Service
National Public Radio

These agencies were created under many Presidential administrations, both Democratic and Republican, since the time of Franklin D. Roosevelt more than nine decades ago!

Happy Birthday, President Elect Biden! A True Hero Of Courage, Principle, Decency, Sincerity As You Face The Greatest Crisis Since Franklin D. Roosevelt

Today is the 78th Birthday of President Elect Joe Biden, a true hero of courage, principle, decency and sincerity.

Joe Biden needs all of our prayers as he faces the most difficult transition and multiple crises since Franklin D. Roosevelt 88 years ago.

With President Donald Trump refusing to concede and promote the transition, the nation is in a crisis far worse than after FDR defeated Herbert Hoover in 1932.

Those two Presidents did not get along, but even Hoover conceded while being bitter over his defeat. But Trump is preventing the General Services Administration head Emily Murphy from authorizing the release of funds and access to secret intelligence information that the President Elect needs to move forward as the inauguration takes place exactly two months from today, 61 days of stress and tension that should not be occurring.

Joe Biden is handling this mess very well, and is to be commended, and he is proving every day how stable he is mentally despite all of the critics who claim he shows signs of dementia, pure propaganda!

What is true is that the nastiness of Republicans of the same age bracket demonstrates how they, not Joe Biden, have signs of dementia, and this author and blogger is referring to Donald Trump, Rudy Giuliani, Newt Gingrich, and Mitch McConnell in the forefront!

Their hatred and bigotry shows through, while Democrats who are in the same age bracket show total signs of capacity and decency just as much as Joe Biden, and this author and blogger is referring to such people as Nancy Pelosi, James Clyburn, Steny Hoyer, Bernie Sanders, and John Kerry!

Senators Marco Rubio And James Lankford Call For Giving Joe Biden The Transition Funding And Intelligence Briefing He Is Entitled To

Late last week, Republican Senators Marco Rubio and James Lankford of Oklahoma called upon President Trump to allow the General Services Administration bureaucrat who must sign off on intelligence briefings for President Elect Joe Biden to do so, and to give the President Elect necessary transition funding.

And yet four days later, no such action has been taken, and it undermines US National Security that could be very dangerous.

Fortunately, Vice President Elect Kamala Harris is a member of the Senate Intelligence Committee, and can get such briefings for that reason.

Trump is acting very irresponsibly, as his time in office ticks down to just nine more weeks from this Wednesday, and he is clearly showing he has no concern about the loss of life from COVID 19, and the danger to the nation of a potential attack!