
Anniversary Of Benedict Arnold’s Treason Brings Up Donald Trump’s Treason!

In late September 1780, General Benedict Arnold committed treason, plotting with the British enemy to hand over West Point, New York, the future Military Academy, and about 10,000 American soldiers to the British.

If the treason had succeeded, it would have ended the American Revolution, and the fight for American Independence.

Since the time of Benedict Arnold, there have been others who have been considered traitors to America.

This would include the leaders of the Confederate States of America during the Civil War, including, most notably, Confederate President Jefferson Davis and Confederate Vice President Alexander Stephens, along with leading Confederate Generals such as Robert E. Lee and others.

There have been others who conspired against American interests, including former Vice President Aaron Burr, after leaving the Vice Presidency in 1805, and those who consorted with Nazi Germany, including Henry Ford and Charles Lindbergh; and those who consorted with the Soviet Union over the 75 years of that nation’s existence.

But now, we have a much more serious threat, in a former President, Donald Trump, who has consorted with dictators, including most notably Vladimir Putin of the Russian Federation, and who inspired the January 6, 2021 Insurrection at the US Capitol. And Trump illegally took national security documents to his Mar A Lago estate, and there are still questions as to whether other documents might be found at his other estates in New Jersey, Trump Tower in New York City, and elsewhere and whether he may have shared and sold national security details to Putin and others.

So many have stated that Benedict Arnold has been succeeded by “Benedict Donald”, who is seen as a “clear and present danger” to American national security and American democracy!

Inauguration Day Has Arrived: A New Beginning, And Need To Insure Donald Trump Will Never Hold Office Again!

Inauguration Day 2021 has finally arrived!

A new beginning under a very decent, compassionate, empathetic, and genuine man, Joe Biden, who cares about unity and progress, is awaiting us in a few hours, and the cancer of Donald Trump, the great national nightmare, is over!

Let us all pray for a peaceful celebration of the inauguration of the 46th President, and yet feel sadness that 25,000 National Guardsmen are needed today to insure the safety and security of the new President and the entire group of government leaders that will commemorate the transition of power!

Every effort must be made to insure that Donald Trump will never hold public office again!

And every decent person must work to insure that anyone of the mentality of the extreme right wing, hateful and anti democracy, never again is a threat to come to office in America!

So those who wish to be the new Donald Trump, such as Josh Hawley, Ted Cruz, and others, must be denied any chance to be a national leader!

Both of those disgraceful Senators, as well as all others who attempted to overthrow an election result by insurrection, need to be expelled from Congress, and be prosecuted for their crimes!

These people who have committed treason must be added to the list of such traitors in history, including, the following—-Benedict Arnold, Aaron Burr, Jefferson Davis, Robert E. Lee, Joseph McCarthy, and Donald Trump!

Totally Outrageous That Military And Police Were Part Of Capitol Insurrection: Purging And Prosecution Required!

The growing evidence that military (retired and active), and law enforcement (retired and active) engaged in the US Capitol Insurrection on January 6, 2021 is totally outrageous, and the US government MUST go after such elements aggressively!

Any military or police who are active employees must be purged and prosecuted, as we cannot allow such individuals to continue to be engaged in violence, as they have demonstrated a lack of patriotism and loyalty to the nation they serve!

And any military or police who are retired, must fact trial and incarceration as traitors to their oath to protect and defend!

The idea that Donald Trump might issue a group pardon is infuriating, and must not be allowed to happen, or else, be overturned in the court system!

Donald Trump Is A Traitor To America, And Promoting Terrorism By White Nationalists And White Supremacists!

It is not a pleasure for this blogger and author to write that President Donald Trump is a traitor to America, having worked with the Russians in 2016 to defeat Hillary Clinton, as made clear in the Mueller Report in 2019, and the Republican controlled Senate Intelligence Committee Report a month ago! So he is as much of a traitor, if not more, than Benedict Arnold during the American Revolution, and some are already calling him “Benedict Donald”!

But also, Donald Trump is a terrorist, inciting and promoting attacks by white nationalists and white supremacists, with such despicable followers of those philosophies murdering people in Kenosha, Wisconsin and Portland, Oregon just in the past few days, and Trump today defending the young man who came across state lines, driven by his mother, and killing two and wounding one in Kenosha!

Trump is attempting to promote a racial war, and caravans of white power people, young toughs who see Trump as their leader, have been looking for trouble and violence, ironically, recently, in mostly white cities (Portland, Seattle, Kenosha) where most demonstrators for Black Lives Matter are WHITES, with some now becoming victims!

Meanwhile, Democratic nominee Joe Biden is promoting reconciliation, and blaming Trump rightfully for claiming that only he, Trump, can overcome so called racial violence and crime, when it has been incited by his supporters going after those who protest police brutality, with most victims being whites!

Black Lives Matter protesters do not bring firearms to their demonstrations, only white supremacists and white vigilantes, encouraged by Trump.

Crime in America had reached a 50 year low before Trump took office, and much of that crime that has occurred now is due to these right wing hatemongers, as well as the human suffering going on in the midst of the Second Great Depression and CoronaVirus Pandemic, along with the growing level of police misconduct against African Americans.

It is amazing that the young man who murdered in Kenosha was not stopped by police for having a firearm being wielded by him, and try to imagine an African American man in the same circumstance!

Trump is sowing chaos in order to try to gain white suburbia and women by fear, but it will not succeed. He even tried to defend today the young man who killed two in Kenosha!

The time of George Wallace in 1968 is back, but it seems clear that Joe Biden will overcome the hate and the chaos, and is still far ahead in public opinion polls, even after the Republican National Convention.

Donald Trump will have to be held to account once he leaves office, as he is the most lawbreaking President in American history by far, much more than Richard Nixon, who looks by comparison to be a “choir boy”!

Confederate Heritage Being Promoted By Donald Trump, Despite Racism And White Supremacy History Of Civil War Rebellion

The Civil War ended 155 years ago, but for many people in the South and some elsewhere, they still revel in the Confederate heritage.

This is so despite the fact that the Confederate heritage is one of treason and promotion of the degradation that African American slavery represented.

It is one thing to teach about the history of the Confederate heritage, and it is fine to have public displays of Confederate heritage in museums

But in 2020, it is not acceptable to have such monuments and statues in public squares and on government property!

Whether one likes it or not, displaying such statues and monuments is promotion and endorsement of white supremacy!

The time has passed for such displays, and Donald Trump, a New Yorker his whole life, is ironically bitterly opposing any renaming of Confederate military bases, when a large percentage of the military in 2020 are non whites!

It is long overdue to take Confederate names off streets and schools, and recognize the multi ethnic and multi racial nature of 2020 America!

Donald Trump Becomes More Dangerous Every Day, As He Is Acting Like A Caged Animal!

Reports are making it clear that the stress and tension level at the White House is sky high, and anyone who looks at Donald Trump can see that he is not looking healthy, and is striking out in a crazy, maniacal manner at everyone imaginable, including the assertion that the whistleblower in the Ukraine scandal should be treated as “spies in the past” have been treated, implying the death penalty.

Actually, only Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, convicted as atomic spies, were executed, with all other convicted spies having life in prison without parole.

But Trump is a danger to national security every day, and he could strike out by launching attacks and invasion on Iran, or declaring martial law by asserting that the “deep state” conspiracy he perceives in his crazy mind requires him to do so.

One has to hope that Vice President Mike Pence and the majority of the cabinet perceive the maniacal behavior of Donald Trump, and would be ready to take action under the 25th Amendment to take power away from the President if the craziness continues.

But it is hard to imagine Mike Pence putting the national interest ahead of his own ambitions, even though we know now that his wife. Karen Pence, is no fan of the Chief Executive.

So we are in very dangerous times, possibly more so than since September 11!

Donald Trump Has Committed Treason, And Has Taken Mike Pence, William Barr, Mike Pompeo, Mick Mulvaney, And Rudy Giuliani Down With Him

The Ukraine Scandal is rapidly becoming the most significant scandal since Watergate under Richard Nixon 45 years ago.

It is clear that Donald Trump has committed treason by openly trying to engage the Ukraine government in exposing supposed scandals involving former Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden, in exchange for military aid to Ukraine in its struggle with Russia and Vladimir Putin.

And Trump has thrown Vice President Mike Pence, Attorney General William Barr, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, Acting White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney, and his personal attorney, former NYC Mayor Rudy Giuliani under the bus, implicating all of them in his actions involving Ukraine.

Trump wants the whistleblower in this scandal treated as a spy committing treason, and being executed.

In reality, Donald Trump is again projecting the situation, as it is he who has committed treason, and should be given the death penalty.

As it is, this situation has led to a majority of Democrats in the House of Representatives supportive of impeachment, and it is clear that will happen in the next few months, but with a decision to be made how broad or narrow such an impeachment resolution should be.

Donald Trump: The Mafia Boss, The Mob Boss, The Drug Cartel Boss, The Traitor Greater Than Benedict Arnold

As Robert Mueller is getting ready to reveal much of the details of his 19 month investigation into President Donald Trump and his administration, it has become clear to the nation, if they had any doubts, that our President is a criminal, a crook, a felon.

He acts like a Mafia Boss, a Mob Boss, a Drug Cartel Boss.

And he is also a traitor to America, far greater than Benedict Arnold in the American Revolution.

He has been engaging in Obstruction of Justice, Abuse of Power, Violation of the Emoluments Clause of the Constitution, Russian Collusion, and has headed the most corrupt administration in American history, much greater than Richard Nixon.

His cabinet officers are the most corrupt and crooked group ever assembled.

Everyone who has worked with him has been exposed as having engaged in corrupt activity, with only a few exceptions, including Nikki Haley, H. R. McMaster, James Mattis, and Jon Huntsman Jr.

His Vice President, Mike Pence, has been engaged in much of the corruption, and has sold his soul to Donald Trump, and may very well be indicted, and forced out of the Vice Presidency, as Spiro Agnew was under Richard Nixon in 1973.

No First Family has been as villainous as Trump’s family, and any good will visited upon First Lady Melania Trump is gone, after her recent arrogant and despicable behavior.

Everyone around Trump is just in for the money, the power, and for self aggrandizement, and the Trump Presidency, however it ends, will go down as number 44 out of 44, until the next President makes Trump number 45 and continuing into the future.

Benedict Arnold Committed Treason On This Date In 1780, And Now Donald Trump And Company Have Committed Treason

On this day, September 21, in the year 1780, General Benedict Arnold, who had been trusted by Continental Army Commander in Chief George Washington, committed treason when he met British Major John Andre to negotiate the handover of West Point, New York to the enemy, thereby affecting the American Revolution and the loss of thousands of American soldiers, on the promise of a large sum of money and a high position in the British Army.

The plot was foiled, and Andre was captured and executed by orders of the American military, with Arnold fleeing to the British lines, and leading British troops in Virginia and Connecticut, until the British gave up their attempt to subjugate the new nation of the United States.

Arnold lost his reputation, and became synonymous with the word “traitor”, and is on a shortlist of such people.

But now, it is clear that we have an American President who is a traitor, and has collaborated with an enemy far more evil than Great Britain was 240 years ago, the Russian government under former KGB spy chief in the old Soviet Union, Vladimir Putin.

The case against Donald Trump is becoming clearer by the day and week, and eventually, Trump should be removed from office, and should face indictment, conviction, and life in prison without parole for the crime of collusion, along with many other violations, including obstruction of justice, abuse of power, and violation of the Emoluments Clause of the Constitution.

There is no legitimate way that Donald Trump can be excused for his actions, and the continuing cover up.

There is no comparison that can be made between Watergate and Richard Nixon, and the danger that Donald Trump represents.

While not defending the horrible violations of law by Richard Nixon, it is clear that Nixon looks like a “choir boy” in comparison to the dangers presented by Trump and his corrupt administration.

Looking Back 17 Years To September 11, 2001, And This Day A Tuesday, Not To Happen Again Until 2029

It is hard to believe, but it has been 17 years since the September 11 attacks on the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and in Shanksville, Pennsylvania. Today is a Tuesday, the actual day of the week of the attack, not to be repeated again until 2029.

America lost whatever innocence it had on that day, when we lost 3,000 innocent human beings, and then lost 4.500 in the unnecessary Iraq War, that was planned as an excuse to go after Saddam Hussein, as well as the endless war in Afghanistan, where we have lost 2,400.

Additionally, about 2,000 firefighters, police, and rescue workers involved in the recovery have died from inhaling dust at the World Trade Center site, and many more are dying of cancer, so soon, we will have more victims in the aftermath of the September 11 attacks domestically, than actually died on that day.

Sadly, Osama Bin Laden, although later tracked down and killed in 2011, has triumphed in dividing the nation into a polarized state, and taken away our freedom and sense of security, under attack not only from terrorists, but also from right wingers who want to destroy our Constitution and Bill of Rights.

Their willing ally is President Donald Trump, who wishes to be President for life, and is systematically destroying our rule of law and constitutional order, without any intervention or opposition from the Republican party that nominated him. Now, he is being further assisted by the contested nomination of a Supreme Court Justice, Brett Kavanaugh, who seems ready to back Trump in any legal action, and prevent prosecution of a President who has committed Treason, and engaged in collaboration with Vladimir Putin of Russia, to fix his election, despite losing the popular vote by nearly 3 million votes.

America is in a constitutional crisis far greater than Watergate and Richard Nixon, with only the Civil War a greater event in its significance, and the crisis must be overcome by patriotic Americans who realize how dangerous Trump is, and MUST elect a Democratic Congress, and start the resistance to what Trump has been doing, in order to save everything decent that America represents.