
Alarming Rise Of Antisemitism In Year Since October 7 Massacre In Israel!

Jonathan Greenblatt of the Anti Defamation League has made clear the alarming rising of antisemitism that has emerged since the October 7 Massacre in Israel perpetrated by Hamas, and that has led to a war causing massive destruction and death totals since a year ago.

Antisemitism is nothing new, but the multiplied examples of such hatred is very horrifying, as Jews have long had to deal with hatred, both within America and worldwide.

The greatest massacre of Jews since the Nazi Holocaust of World War II perpetrated by Adolf Hitler was shocking to Jews and their supporters worldwide, and regrettably has led to the mass loss of life in Gaza, the West Bank, and now Beirut, Lebanon, as Israel is working to eliminate the terrorist groups of Hamas and Hezbollah, backed by the extremist Islamic government of Iran.

This past year has been very difficult for this blogger and anyone who cares about the survival of Israel, and for the hostages, about 100, including some Americans, who remain prisoners in the Gaza Strip.

It has caused tumult and confrontations on college campuses across America, as well as violence on city streets across the nation, and with the anniversary tomorrow of the crisis, it remains a major international, as well as domestic, crisis that seems to have no resolution.

Republicans In Congress Plan Wrecking Ball On Democrats, Presaging Civil War!

The Republican Party at large, in both the House of Representatives and Senate, are planning a “wrecking ball”, open revenge on Democrats, due to the felony conviction of Donald Trump.

The Republican Party is declaring war on civility, and advocating open insurrection against the Constitution, the judicial system, and the rule of law, and this is being led by Speaker of the House Mike Johnson and the multitude of MAGA Republicans.

In so doing, unstable American right wing extremists are being incited to rise up in rebellion, with the potential for mass bloodshed and violence throughout the nation.

The likelihood of a new wave of assassinations of public leaders, as occurred in the 1960s, but on a much greater scale, is becoming a reality, as we commemorate today the assassination of Robert F. Kennedy in 1968, two months after the murder of Martin Luther King Jr. in April 1968.

This level of threat is a clarion call that could make for a level of violence reminiscent of the pre Civil War period in the 1850s.

This is no laughing matter, as the breakdown of law and order would also endanger America’s position in a world with major threats from Russia, China, North Korea, and Iran.

The Likelihood Of Further US Engagement In Overseas Conflicts

This author and blogger has the sense of foreboding, that the United States will soon become more involved in overseas conflicts in a more direct manner.

The Russia-Ukraine War and the Israel-Gaza Conflict are escalating dangerously, and both represent major problems for American foreign policy.

Attempting to promote more military aid to Ukraine has been a struggle, and the sense is that Russia is emboldened by the inability of the US being able to promote more aid to Ukraine, ironically likely insuring a wider conflict.

Russia is likely to attempt to expand the war against former Soviet Union held areas before 1989—Latvia, Estonia, and Lithuania. This would bring the US and NATO into a wider conflict.

The Israel-Gaza conflict is likely to escalate with Iranian involvement, and will put America into the cross hairs of supporting a right wing Israeli government, which has shown no concern about human rights in its war on Hamas, sadly making the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip to suffer massive loss of civilians.

All that these two conflicts are doing is complicating Joe Biden’s Presidential campaign.

One would expect that there could be wider war soon, against all desires, and if that happens, as sad as that is, it would help insure Joe Biden’s victory, despite vehement anger of many, as no President has ever lost an election for another term in a time of war!

Difficult, Challenging Year Ahead In 2024!

America is facing the likelihood that 2024 will be the most tumultuous year imaginable, as the nation faces the following:

A Presidential Election in November where the likelihood is that we will have the first time since 1888 (Grover Cleveland and Benjamin Harrison), that a former President (Donald Trump) is challenging the sitting President (Joe Biden).

A Supreme Court that seems hellbent on moving further to the Far Right on many constitutional matters, despite its tremendously low public opinion rating, making it the most right wing in a century.

A likelihood of new climate crises continuing, and unlikely that much will be done to deal with it, as many people around the nation and the world become victims.

A growing crisis on issues that divide the nation, including voting rights, abortion rights, gay and transgender rights, gun control, antisemitism, civil rights and ethnic and racial minorities, immigration reform, political chaos in Congress, and growing religious extremism, among others.

A world crisis of war in the Middle East and Eastern Europe, with the potential for greater US involvement, and the constantly growing threat of China, North Korea, Iran, and other autocracies, along with the Russian threat to the stability of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, with the continuing war in Ukraine.

Horrifying Division In America Over The Israel-Gaza Tragedy!

The shocking Hamas attack on Israel from the Gaza Strip last weekend has caused horrifying division in America over the Israel-Gaza tragedy!

We have seen some young American Jews in law schools and universities denounce Israel, causing a split among American Jews.

We have seen Arab Americans in colleges and universities, and in major American cities, march and demonstrate against American Jews and Israel, and there have been reports of physical assaults by Arab Americans and Israeli supporters against each other, requiring more law enforcement buildup in major urban centers.

There is growing fear of open bloodshed and loss of life occurring as the upcoming invasion of Gaza City by the Israelis begins in the coming days, as Israel has made it clear it will stop at no restraints to destroy Hamas and its terrorist network.

In so doing, Israel may be engaged in the future in violation of international law and basic human rights, and likely to cause massive death and destruction of a captive population which has nowhere to go, and large numbers not supportive of the Hamas terrorism.

Massive loss of life in the Middle East is feared, and already, Israel’s loss of life from the dastardly attack on October 7 and since is the equivalent of 10 September 11’s, as if 30,000 had been killed on September 11, 2001, instead of 3,000!

The war could expand to include all of the nations of the Middle East, including the villainous Iran, and with possible supportive backing by other rivals of the United States and Israel, including Russia and North Korea!

Those who are pessimistic see a gloomy future, and the thoughts of an expanded war make some imagine that we might be on the cusp of World War III!

Israel-Hamas Crisis The Most Significant News Event Of 2023!

The shocking invasion by Hamas of Israel by air, land, and sea on October 7 will go down in history as the most significant news event of 2023!

The danger to world peace is massive, as it is becoming clear that Iran’s extremist government is behind the planning and operation of this terrorist action.

There will be a massive ground operation into Gaza City in the Gaza Strip by the Israeli Defense Forces that will make civilians living in that location feel they are in a living hell, where many will lose their lives.

Already, there are reports of at least 700 Israelis killed, 400-500 Palestinians killed, and thousands of wounded on both sides, as well as an estimate of at least one hundred Israelis kidnapped and held hostage in the Gaza Strip.

The United States and the civilized world have condemned this horrendous set of circumstances, but antisemites across the globe are hailing the surprise invasion, catching the Israeli Defense forces off guard, and demonstrating that the Iron Dome defense system has flaws that allowed for blunders in intelligence gathering.

This is a exisential crisis for the survival of Israel, a nation which just celebrated its 75th anniversary, and with the prospect of a long, drawn out war without any certainty of its long range outcome.

It is known that some Americans and other foreign nationals were killed, wounded, or captured by Hamas, and the question of how to secure the release of all hostages is a nightmarish situation.

There is no doubt that this international crisis will have an effect on American politics in the coming year, with only 13 months until the Presidential Election Of 2024.

It also brings to mind the danger of Donald Trump, who has been loose and easy in sharing intelligence information since leaving office, and is reckless in a way that undermines American national security short term and long term.

As things now stand, it seems clear that the best alternative for the Republican Party is Nikki Haley, with her prior experience as United Nations Ambassador, and her comparatively moderate rhetoric.

But to believe that the MAGA Republican cancer will be able to be overwhelmed is an issue one has to have major doubts can occur!

So the strong leadership of Joe Biden is to be supported in all ways possible in a crisis that can be perceived as one of the greatest in recent history!

Joe Biden And Camp David Summit With South Korea And Japan Important Step For National Security And World Stability!

In a world in the 2020s, in many respects just as dangerous as a hundred years ago, the need for America to build up and strengthen foreign alliances to promote democracy and security is urgent!

We are fortunate that we have a President, Joe Biden, wise enough to recognize, just as Harry Truman did three quarters of a century ago, the need to build strong international alliances to protect the US and promote democracy against totalitarian governments.

In the last century, we had Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, and Imperial Japan as the threats in World War II, and then in the Cold War years, we had the Soviet Union to combat.

More recently, we have the Russian Federation, the People’s Republic of China, North Korea, and Iran as the leading rivals and threats to American national security and world stability.

So Joe Biden has wisely built up and expanded the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) begun under President Harry Truman, and with Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, making a strong commitment to the preservation of that nation’s independence from Russian dominance!

If Donald Trump or many Republican isolationists, including Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, were to win the White House in 2024, the security umbrella of NATO, with its 31 nations allied with the US, would be in danger of being destroyed, and would only encourage Vladimir Putin ever more in his aggressions, just like Adolf Hitler a century ago.

The news of the meeting of South Korea’s President and Japan’s Premier with President Biden at Camp David, Maryland, yesterday, is an indication of the desire to have closer relations with two key Asian allies, as a bulwark against China and North Korea, and is all to the good for the future of democracy preservation!

Camp David has been the location of historic summits, and adds stature to the commitment of the US to the support of two key Asian allies!

The Most Historic Turning Point Trial For American Democracy’s Survival!

American democracy’s survival is the crucial point for all Americans to understand, as Donald Trump, now indicted for the third time, in the most crucial of all cases, will face justice sometime in 2024.

If he fails to be convicted, it will mean that the concept of the rule of law has been destroyed, and it will cause the death of the American experiment two years short of its 250th anniversary in 2026!

If Donald Trump gets away with the abuse of power, what can stop either him or a future authoritarian tyrant from doing it again, and leading to violence, bloodshed, and potential civil war?

America’s place in the world will be compromised if Donald Trump is not convicted, and it will embolden Russia, China, North Korea and Iran to exploit the result, and destroy NATO and our other alliances around the world!

This upcoming trial is one of the crucial moments in American history, alongside the Civil War; the Great Depression; entrance into World War II; the Cuban Missile Crisis; and the September 11 attacks!

Those who continue to defend Donald Trump will go down as villains in American history, their reputations besmirched for a man who has no concerns except for himself!

Celebration Of Journalism At White House Correspondents’ Dinner!

Last night, for the first time since 2016, the profession of journalism was celebrated at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner in Washington DC.

The years in between had included Donald Trump boycotting the event, and then the COVID 19 Pandemic made such events not possible for a few years.

President Joe Biden saluted the importance of the profession of journalism, which has been under vicious attacks by the extremist right wing Republican party elements, led by Donald Trump, Ron DeSantis, and a multitude of other authoritarian leaders, with only a small percentage resisting such condemnation of the truth of events.

Journalism is what keeps a nation free and informed, and it is the job of journalism to expose facts, truth, reality, no matter what or who it exposes to the light of day!

Journalism and journalists are under constant attack, and in many nations, including the Russian Federation, Iran, mainland China, North Korea, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and a multitude of other nations that attack democracy, journalists are arrested, tortured, and murdered.

These journalists are true heroes, and America must not allow the forces of evil in this nation to destroy the First Amendment, and suppress the reality of the attack on women’s rights, civil rights, gay and lesbian rights, gun regulations, voting rights, education, environmental advancement, and so much more!

A Generation Since The Iraq War, Which Was Another “Big Lie”, As The Presidential Election Of 2020!

The Iraq War, which led to the downfall and death of Saddam Hussein, and the rise of Iranian influence over Iraq, was another “Big Lie”, based on false intelligence, and causing the death of an estimated 270,000 Iraqi civilians, and 4,600 US military personnel.

Just as Iraq was a “Big Lie”, so is the continued contention that the Presidential Election of 2020 was “stolen” by Joe Biden, and denied to Donald Trump!

The cost in the national debt due to the Iraq War was at least $2 trillion, and no WMD’s (Weapons of Mass Destruction) were found.

It is a permanent stain on President George W. Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney, and all of the leading figures around the Bush Presidency, with the indication that there was no concerted plan for an extended civil war that dragged on for eight long years, and undermined US policy in the Middle East.

This author and blogger recalls participating in a symposium early in 2003, and believing that such an intervention was based on false pretenses and a mistake, so what followed is seen as a major human tragedy of massive proportions.