Dan Quayle

Kamala Harris On To Roaring Start In Presidential Campaign!

Kamala Harris is off to a roaring start in her Presidential campaign, with $126 million raised since Sunday, 1.4 million donors making contributions, 2,000 applying to work for Harris, and over 100,000 signing up to volunteer!

Meanwhile, Donald Trump is faltering, very obvious in his appearance, his vacant look in his eyes, his inability to finish sentences, his rambling and making no sense.

Also, the assassination attempt, and the harm it did to him beyond the edge of his right ear, is unclear, but to believe he will be able to have the energy to be President for the next four years is to believe in Fantasy Land.

So the reality is voting for Trump is voting for JD Vance, who already is seen as a negative factor, more than any Vice Presidential nominee going back at least to 1980.

Imagine that Vance’s public opinion ratings are lower than Sarah Palin and Dan Quayle at this point of the campaign!

JD Vance: Another Horrendous Republican Vice Presidential Nominee!

The Republican Party, historically, has often selected horrendous Vice Presidential nominees, and unfortunately, some of them end up as Vice President, making one concerned even more than normally, about the health and safety of the Republican President.

JD Vance of Ohio adds to a list of such nominees, including:

William E. Miller, running mate of Barry Goldwater in 1964
Spiro Agnew, running mate of Richard Nixon in 1968 and 1972
Dan Quayle, running mate of George H. W. Bush in 1988 and 1992
Sarah Palin, running mate of John McCain in 2008

Also, others, such as Jack Kemp, running mate of Bob Dole in 1996; Dick Cheney, running mate of George W. Bush in 2000 and 2004; Paul Ryan, running mate of Mitt Romney in 2012; and Mike Pence, running mate of Donald Trump in 2016 and 2020, while all “qualified” and experienced, had many negative aspects to their candidacies.

The only exceptions one could claim were fully qualified and acceptable were Nelson Rockefeller as Vice President to Gerald Ford, and George H. W. Bush as Vice President to Ronald Reagan, and also Bob Dole as running mate of Gerald Ford in 1976.

And now we have JD Vance, who has only served 18 months as a Senator from Ohio, and who has completely changed his views on Donald Trump from what they were in 2016. And Vance comes across as a MAGA extremist who is unwilling to support Ukraine in its war with Russia; wants no exceptions for rape or incest with a total ban on abortion; and is clearly perceived as a “mini Trump”, who could carry on the Trump views in the future Republican Party.

And realize Vance called Trump a potential Adolf Hitler eight years ago, and now embraces him! If that is not a danger sign to voters, then such voters have no principles or conscience!

Kamala Harris Would Be Favored, If Joe Biden Decided To Withdraw: So What?

If Joe Biden were to decide to withdraw as a candidate, after the disastrous CNN Presidential debate five days ago, it is clear that Vice President Kamala Harris would be favored to be the Democratic Presidential nominee against Donald Trump.

So what is this author’s and blogger’s response, as Harris is perfectly capable of being President, and arguably more so than a number of recent Vice Presidents or Vice Presidential candidates.

Would any rational observer say that Spiro Agnew, Dan Quayle, or Mike Pence were better qualified, or that Dick Cheney, with his authoritarian qualities, would have been a preferable choice? And what about Sarah Palin, who was a potential threat to be Vice President?

Most of the opposition from the right wing about Harris is based on her gender and race, as she proved to be perfectly qualified as San Francisco District Attorney, California Attorney General, and California US Senator.

While there would be those who would prefer alternatives, Harris is a hearbeat away from the Presidency already for three and a half years, and is perfectly capable of being President, and doing a good job of upholding the Constitution, American democracy, and the rule of law, and certainly far better than Fascist authoritarian Donald Trump!

Harris would unify African American women, racial minorities in general, and white progressives and moderates who would see Donald Trump as “a clear and present danger”. She would perform very well against Trump in a debate format, as well.

Her Vice Presidential running mate could be Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear, who has proved he could win a “Red” State more than once; or Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro, leader of a crucial “swing state”.

The Negativism About Kamala Harris As Potential President Is Unwarranted!

The propaganda being spewed against Vice President Kamala Harris as a potential successor to Joe Biden at some point in the next five years is totally unwarranted.

Vice Presidents, historically, have been panned as not acceptable alternatives, but that is simply political propaganda by the other side of the political spectrum.

John Tyler was the first Vice President to suffer from ridicule and criticism, when William Henry Harrison died after one month in office in 1841, and he was called “His Accidency” by critics who refused to accept that his succession to the Presidency was legitimate.

There was great trepidation when Harry Truman succeeded to the Presidency after the death of Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1945, but Truman, despite bitter attacks, is now regarded as one of the top six Presidents.

No one wanted to imagine Lyndon B. Johnson as President in 1960, but he succeeded John F. Kennedy in 1963, and ended up being the best domestic President since FDR.

Gerald Ford is seen as having saved the nation by his leadership after the Watergate Scandal led to the resignation of Richard Nixon in 1974.

Kamala Harris has excellent credentials in her career of being San Francisco District Attorney from 2004-2011; California Attorney General from 2011-2017; US Senator from 2017-2021; and now Vice President for the past three plus years.

She has been a strong support for President Joe Biden, and is clearly more competent and experienced than many earlier Vice Presidents have been, including Spiro Agnew, Dan Quayle, and Mike Pence were.

Most of the opposition is sexist and racist against Harris, and it is disgusting that the right wing issues vicious attacks against her with no factual basis or justification.

If the need arose for Kamala Harris to become President, the nation would be in good hands, and would be well served!

Pitiful Second Republican Presidential Debate

Watching last night’s second Republican Presidential debate on the Fox Business Channel was a pure exercise in futility, as it clearly was a pitiful scene of candidates talking over each other and ignoring the moderators.

Chris Christie called Donald Trump “Donald Duck”, for refusing to participate, one of the rare funny moments.

Watching Vivek Ramaswamy and Ron DeSantis was difficult, as both continued to come across as arrogant, nasty, unpleasant personalities, and both oriented toward Fascism, with DeSantis claiming he would do so much on “Day One”! 🙁

Tim Scott was really weak and ineffective, and Mike Pence’s highlight moment was stating he has slept with the same woman, his wife, for 38 years, a cringy moment from a candidate who is truly someone who showed no courage or principle under Donald Trump, except after former Vice President Dan Quayle, of all people, told Pence that all he had to do was count the electoral votes on January 6, 2021! 🙁

Doug Burgum was more aggressive, but has zero chance of moving forward, while Nikki Haley stood out mostly for showing more intelligence and personality than any of the men, but to believe she will be the Republican Presidential nominee requires a sense of delusion!

Clearly, the Republican Party of Lincoln, TR, Ike, and Reagan is dead!

Kamala Harris Starting To Demonstrate Her Strengths As Vice President, And Potential Future President!

Kamala Harris has been Vice President for two and a half years now, and she has had a poor public image, being often portrayed as weak and ineffective, in public opinion polls.

A lot of this is pure right wing propaganda, with heavy elements of misogyny and racism.

If one examines earlier Vice Presidents of the Republican variety, one realizes how horrendous they were:

Mike Pence, unwilling even now to stand up to Donald Trump for his transgressions, including the threat to the lives of Pence and his family on January 6, 2021.

Dick Cheney, technically qualified, but a miserable wretch of a human being.

Dan Quayle, a total disaster and embarrassment as Vice President.

Spiro Agnew, a crooked felon, forced out of office.

And then the Republican Vice Presidential nominees who, thankfully, never were in that role:

Sarah Palin 2008

Paul Ryan 2012

Jack Kemp 1996

William E Miller 1964

And then, the potential Vice Presidential list for Donald Trump, if he became the Presidential nominee again, a total nightmare of lunacy and insanity!

Meanwhile, Democratic Vice Presidents and nominees were superior by far:

Hubert Humphrey 1964
Edmund Muskie 1968
Sargent Shriver 1972
Walter Mondale 1976, 1980
Lloyd Bentsen 1988
Al Gore 1992, 1996
Joe Lieberman 2000
Joe Biden 2008, 2012
Tim Kaine 2016

The only terrible choices were Geraldine Ferraro in 1984 and John Edwards in 2004.

Harris has had an impressive career in California Government, and has been, by necessity, the most active Vice President, due to the narrow division of the Senate, necessitating that she break more tie votes in the Senate than any Vice President, surpassing John C. Calhoun under President Andrew Jackson from 1829-1832, recently!

Harris is now becoming significant, as she makes the issues of women’s rights and civil rights the center of attention, including attacking the end of abortion rights, and the promotion of outrageous interference with the teaching of American history and slavery, as advocated by Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, and spreading nationwide in Republican states!

This is raising her profile, as she would certainly be the frontrunner to be President after Joe Biden, either when he leaves office, or if he was unable to finish his time in office!

Mike Pence Needs To Be Blunt About Donald Trump At Upcoming CNN Town Hall!

Former Vice President Mike Pence is ready to announce his Presidential candidacy on Wednesday, June 7, and that evening there will be a CNN Town Hall in Iowa, hosted by Dana Bash.

This will be an event mostly ignored, as CNN has lost its credibility, and it seems almost unfair to have Dana Bash be put into the position of hosting this event.

The only thing about Mike Pence that is positive, is that, after consultation with former Vice President Dan Quayle and others, that he did the necessary and right thing by refusing to consider any electoral vote changes that Donald Trump and his criminal insurrectionists tried to foist on the country at the time of the January 6 US Capitol attack.

Those supporting Trump wanted Pence hanged, and there was a noose outside the US Capitol that day, and Trump did nothing to discourage possible violence against his own Vice President, a man a heartbeat away from the Presidency!

Now, Pence has been critical of Trump for his support of Kim Jong Un of North Korea and Vladimir Putin of the Russian Federation, but little else has yet been said by Pence about anything else involving his former boss.

Dana Bash needs to ask, and Mike Pence needs to answer, about the need to repudiate Trump for January 6, and to make clear of the danger of Trump’s potential nomination for President in 2024.

Pence also needs to make clear he would not support the Republican party nominee if it is Trump, and to show guts and courage, realizing his own potential candidacy is a long shot.

Pence needs to think of the future of his country, and show courage and boldness similar to former Wyoming Congresswoman Liz Cheney and former Illinois Congressman Adam Kinzinger!

Nikki Haley Goes Low, And It Clinches Her Doom In Presidential Race!

Former Republican Governor of South Carolina and United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley once had great promise and a future in American politics.

But now, that is totally gone, as she has revealed herself to be rude, nasty, and lacking sensitivity on the issue of age and race!

To claim that electing Joe Biden in 2024 insures that Kamala Harris will be President is clearly a disgusting attack on both the age and race fronts!

Why would anyone who was decent claim that Joe Biden almost certainly will not be alive to finish a second term at age 86, when no one can possibly know the age longevity of anyone?

Just because Joe Biden “flubs” every once in awhile is not proof of lack of mental agility, and his half century experience in government is invaluable, and the lack of respect for him is atrocious!

Donald Trump is only three and a half years younger, so who can say, with him being in poor physical shape, and his clear mental and emotional disorders, would live for five years. And he is, of course a threat and danger to American democracy, as he has already proved that to be so in his incitement of the January 6 US Capitol Insurrection, and his assertion that he wants revenge and retribution, which motivates him to run in 2024!

The elderly population over 65 is not going to take kindly to such ageism on Haley’s part!

And it is clear that Haley, herself of South Asian heritage, is using the race card, that the world will collapse if a black mixed race woman, who has superb credentials, possibly might succeed to the White House if Biden were to pass away!

This is the same hysteria that was visited upon Barack Obama, as racism continues to be promoted and encouraged by Republicans!

Kamala Harris is better qualified to be President than any Republican woman who might be in the mix as a Vice Presidential running mate for the Republicans, with or without Donald Trump as the Presidential nominee!

Would Marjorie Taylor Greene, Kari Lake, Kristi Noem, or even Nikki Haley herself come with better credentials than Kamala Harris?

The answer is clearly “NO”, as Harris has proved herself in many years of experience in California state government, as a US Senator, and now Vice President, and is certainly better in “performance” than past Vice Presidents for the Republican Party, including Mike Pence, Dan Quayle, Spiro Agnew, or failed Vice Presidential nominee Sarah Palin!

Vice Presidents Who Have Accepted Defeat Of Their Party In Electoral College Count

One of the roles of the Vice President of the United States is to count and announce the Electoral College vote at the end of a Presidential term.

Every Vice President has done so, constitutionally, in modern times, even when the Vice President may have been the Presidential nominee for the next term in office.

So we have Richard Nixon in 1961, Hubert Humphrey in 1969, and Al Gore in 2001, who have played their proper role.

Also, Walter Mondale in 1981 and Dan Quayle in 1993 were on losing tickets as Vice Presidents, but played their proper role.

And Dick Cheney in 2009 and Joe Biden in 2017, both leaving office, did their duty!

Finally, after much hesitation and the intervention of Dan Quayle led Mike Pence in 2021 to do what he was required, constitutionally, to do in his role as Vice President!

Many groups and individuals, including those who are clearly conservative in nature, argue that the Electoral Count Act of 1887, enacted a decade after the disputed Presidential Election of 1876, and two close elections in 1880 and 1884, needs to be overhauled to prevent the crisis that occurred in 2021, only prevented by Mike Pence, at the last minute, following his duty, despite threats to hang him or murder him by mobs engaged in the US Capitol Insurrection on January 6, 2021!

Commemoration Of January 6, And Condemnation Of Mike Pence For His Lack Of Appreciation!

The nation is coming up to the anniversary of the most dangerous attack on the US Capitol since the War of 1812, and the most dangerous threat to our nation’s survival since the Civil War.

The January 6, 2021 Insurrection will be commemorated this coming week by the Congress and the White House, but Donald Trump is planning an event to disrupt and further create instability in order to destroy American democracy.

And former Vice President Mike Pence has shown no apprecation for the sacrifices of US Capitol Police Officers who helped to save his life from likely hanging and death on that horrific day in Washington, DC.

Pence was a total toady on that day, making him the worst Vice President since Spiro Agnew, worse than even Dan Quayle, and on a short list of Vice Presidents who have disgraced the office, including Aaron Burr and John C. Calhoun.

For Pence to think he has a real opportunity to be President indicates how seriously morally corrupt he is, or how mentally deranged he is.

Imagine that Pence had to have Dan Quayle convince him to do his duty, and count the legitimate Electoral College votes, when he clearly was morally weak and considering caving in, and being part of the unconstitutional Insurrection to destroy American democracy.