JD Vance

Republican Personal Attacks On Kamala Harris Backfiring!

Donald Trump and the entire Republican Party are utilizing personal attacks on Kamala Harris, as they did on Barack Obama in 2008 and throughout his Presidency.

It is totally disgusting that Republicans mispronounce her name; say she is a “DEI” candidate; and ridicule the fact that she laughs heartily.

This is backfiring, as already, it is clear that it is alienating large numbers of women; drawing growing support of minorities who were not enthusiastic about Joe Biden running for reelection;and exciting younger voters who might have tuned out, due to “two old guys” competing in a second round running for President.

Instead, now that Donald Trump is the lone “old guy” in the Presidential race, suddenly the enthusiasm that Trump thought he had built up by picking Ohio Senator JD Vance as his running mate, has disintegrated with Vance’s attack on what he calls “cat ladies” who remain single and have no “skin in the game” of America’s future, an outrageous utterance!

The momentum of this Presidential race is changing rapidly in favor of Kamala Harris, as she aims to be the first mixed race woman President, another step forward after Barack Obama became the first African American President!

Kamala Harris On To Roaring Start In Presidential Campaign!

Kamala Harris is off to a roaring start in her Presidential campaign, with $126 million raised since Sunday, 1.4 million donors making contributions, 2,000 applying to work for Harris, and over 100,000 signing up to volunteer!

Meanwhile, Donald Trump is faltering, very obvious in his appearance, his vacant look in his eyes, his inability to finish sentences, his rambling and making no sense.

Also, the assassination attempt, and the harm it did to him beyond the edge of his right ear, is unclear, but to believe he will be able to have the energy to be President for the next four years is to believe in Fantasy Land.

So the reality is voting for Trump is voting for JD Vance, who already is seen as a negative factor, more than any Vice Presidential nominee going back at least to 1980.

Imagine that Vance’s public opinion ratings are lower than Sarah Palin and Dan Quayle at this point of the campaign!

Kamala Harris Begins Her Presidential Campaign Against Evil Of Donald Trump And JD Vance

It is a bit more than 24 hours since Joe Biden announced his withdrawal from the Presidential race, but already his Vice President, Kamala Harris, is gaining widespread support for the nomination, and there has been a great surge in campaign contributions of nearly $81 million in one day!

Harris seems highly likely to have no real competition for the nomination a month from now, so the question of who should be her running mate will be most important.

There are a wealth of possible alternatives, with six candidates discussed by this author and blogger two days ago.

At this moment, speculation is centering around Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro and Arizona Senator Mark Kelly, but with Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear also being mentioned.

One thing for sure: A younger, new generation of leadership is challenging the opponent, Donald Trump, who is elderly, clearly mentally deranged in his statements, including nastiness toward Joe Biden, rather than grace as he leaves the fray.

His running mate, JD Vance, is a threat to the nation long term with his connection to Project 2025, which would destroy American democracy and the rule of law!

So the battle has begun for the future of the nation, and it cannot afford to be lost, anymore than the case with Abraham Lincoln in 1860 and Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1940!

Historic Moment: Joe Biden Drops Reelection Bid And Endorses Kamala Harris For President!

After 24 tortous days, Joe Biden has finally decided to withdraw from the Presidential Election contest of 2024, and has thrown his endorsement to Vice President Kamala Harris.

It was a very emotional moment for this author and blogger, when he learned of the news at 2 pm EST today, as he has been a long time fan and supporter of Joe Biden.

But it is the right thing to do, as Joe Biden has produced an exceptional record in his one term in office, and will go down as the most successful one term President since James K. Polk in the 1840s, and a lot more positive than Polk was. But at his age, it was time to move on to the future, knowing he saved democracy by defeating Donald Trump in 2020.

Now it is time to unite around Harris, and make her the 47th President, and the battle is on, against the most evil and corrupt President in American history, Donald Trump, and his dangerous Vice Presidential running mate, JD Vance!

Potential Vice Presidential Nominees With Kamala Harris If She Replaces Joe Biden

Discussion has begun of potential Vice Presidential nominees who would join Vice President Kamala Harris on the Democratic Party ticket, if President Joe Biden decided to withdraw from the race, which seems more likely by the day.

Speculation has that Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer might make for a “dynamite” ticket with Harris, making it an all female competition against two Republicans, Donald Trump and JD Vance, who could clearly be called male chauvinists at the least.

What an exciting race that would be, but the question is whether it would be a winning race. Whitmer, being from Michigan, a crucial swing state, could be a dynamic addition to the race, but it would seem a major gamble to have an all female ticket.

Other possibilities of running mates for Harris include:

Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro
Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg
Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear
North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper
Arizona Senator Mark Kelly

Shapiro is Jewish, while Buttigieg is gay, either being a step forward on those factors. Shapiro is also from a “swing state” and Buttigieg now lives in Michigan, a “swing state” after earlier being Mayor of South Bend, Indiana.

Beshear and Cooper have been successful as Governors in Republican states, and North Carolina could be in play in the upcoming election.

Kelly, whose wife Gabby Giffords, was a victim of an assassination attempt in 2011 when a member of Congress and has recovered quite well, is a former astronaut and from another “swing state”.

The potential Vice Presidential list is very impressive, and any of the list of six individuals would add to a ticket headed by Harris! All are younger than Harris, except Kelly who is eight months older than Harris, and Cooper who is nearly seven years older at age 67.

Sad, But Essential That Joe Biden Step Aside!

As a strong and loyal supporter of Joe Biden for many years, it is a sad moment that now this blogger and author strongly believes that Biden must step aside and endorse Kamala Harris as his successor.

Biden should finish his term, but give all his efforts to the promotion of Harris to be the 47th President of the United States.

Harris has been a loyal and dedicated Vice President, and the criticisms of her are primarily racist, sexist, and misogynistic, as she is, clearly, perfectly qualified to be the next President of the United States.

The latest public opinion polls demonstrate that Biden is behind Donald Trump in every “swing state”, as well as in trouble in states that should not be in play, including Virginia, New Hampshire, New Mexico, Colorado, and Minnesota, and the Second District in Nebraska.

The thought of Donald Trump and JD Vance as the next President and Vice President is horrifying, but it could be even worse with the Democrats losing the US Senate and failing to regain the House of Representatives majority, which otherwise seemed likely.

No one man can be seen to be allowed to use his ego over the needs of his nation, his party, and all of the American people.

So by Sunday night, Biden needs to address the nation and announce his withdrawal, and endorsement of Kamala Harris.

It is only a bit more than 100 days to the election, and six months to the inauguration, and the nation needs to see a unified Democratic Party fighting for a decent future, and preventing an extremist right wing government under Trump, and long term, the much more dangerous JD Vance!

JD Vance On Donald Trump, Foreign Policy, Abortion: Inheritor Of Maga Philosophy

JD Vance hated Donald Trump with a passion, until he did not.

He thought Trump was a potential Hitler, said the most insulting things about Trump.

At the same time, he connected with billionaire Peter Thiel, a right wing advocate, who pushed him to run for the Senate seat in Ohio, and is his major benefactor.

As a result, Vance has adopted admiration for Trump, and has taken on positions that are extreme, the most so for any Republican since Barry Goldwater in 1964.

Vance has demonstrated he is an isolationist, not willing to support Ukraine or Taiwan, so like Trump, cozying up to authoritarian governments, a shocking development for the heritage of the Republican Party since World War II.

Vance also has made clear he wants no exceptions for abortion, a national ban, and even if a young girl is made pregnant by a male relative, that incest is not an excuse to avoid following through on pregnancy, an unreasonable view.

Vance should be seen as a real threat long term, because he can now be seen as the inheritor of Donald Trump’s MAGA movement!

The fact that the Russian Foreign Minister has just praised Vance should be a warning sign of the danger of Trump and Vance, and to the long term stability of NATO and other alliances with democracies against authoritarian governments, including Taiwan against China, and South Korea and Japan against North Korea.

If Trump wins or even if he loses, JD Vance will be a presence in American politics for the long run, and it is essential that Americans understand the long term threat to American foreign and domestic policy!

The Republican Party Is Dead; It Is Now The Trumplican Party!

It is now official!

The Republican Party has died at the age of 170!

Born in Ripon, Wisconsin on March 20, 1854, as an antislavery and antislavery expansion party, it passed away on July 15, 2024, in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, as Donald Trump selected Ohio Senator JD Vance as his Vice Presidential running mate!

The legacy of the Republican Party, and its great Presidential luminaries—Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Ronald Reagan–has been repudiated by selecting the future potential leader of the party, JD Vance!

He rejects the foreign policy principles the party pursued in the years since 1945, and with the “mainstream” Republicans of the Reagan-Bush era totally repudiated in domestic affairs by the era of Donald Trump.

It can now be renamed the TRUMPLICAN Party!

JD Vance: Another Horrendous Republican Vice Presidential Nominee!

The Republican Party, historically, has often selected horrendous Vice Presidential nominees, and unfortunately, some of them end up as Vice President, making one concerned even more than normally, about the health and safety of the Republican President.

JD Vance of Ohio adds to a list of such nominees, including:

William E. Miller, running mate of Barry Goldwater in 1964
Spiro Agnew, running mate of Richard Nixon in 1968 and 1972
Dan Quayle, running mate of George H. W. Bush in 1988 and 1992
Sarah Palin, running mate of John McCain in 2008

Also, others, such as Jack Kemp, running mate of Bob Dole in 1996; Dick Cheney, running mate of George W. Bush in 2000 and 2004; Paul Ryan, running mate of Mitt Romney in 2012; and Mike Pence, running mate of Donald Trump in 2016 and 2020, while all “qualified” and experienced, had many negative aspects to their candidacies.

The only exceptions one could claim were fully qualified and acceptable were Nelson Rockefeller as Vice President to Gerald Ford, and George H. W. Bush as Vice President to Ronald Reagan, and also Bob Dole as running mate of Gerald Ford in 1976.

And now we have JD Vance, who has only served 18 months as a Senator from Ohio, and who has completely changed his views on Donald Trump from what they were in 2016. And Vance comes across as a MAGA extremist who is unwilling to support Ukraine in its war with Russia; wants no exceptions for rape or incest with a total ban on abortion; and is clearly perceived as a “mini Trump”, who could carry on the Trump views in the future Republican Party.

And realize Vance called Trump a potential Adolf Hitler eight years ago, and now embraces him! If that is not a danger sign to voters, then such voters have no principles or conscience!

Right Wing Anti Democracy Extremists: CPAC Convention This Weekend In Dallas, Texas

CPAC (Conservative Political Action Conference) has been having annual conferences since 1974, and it brings together famous conservative political activists.

However, CPAC has become much more extremist right wing in recent years, and is very different in its advocacy now as compared to a half century ago.

It has become an authoritarian, Fascist oriented party, with loyalty to Donald Trump and the “Big Lie”, that he won the Presidential Election of 2020, not Joe Biden.

And most Republicans continue to support Donald Trump.

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, a full blown Fascist with anti immigrant, white supremcaist, homophobic, and misogynistic policies, was the big “hero” of the first day of the four day conference that began on Thursday.

Among those who will be speaking at CPAC besides Donald Trump are, mostly alphabetically, the following 24 individuals:

Fox News Host Sean Hannity
Podcast Host Glenn Beck
Texas Senator Ted Cruz
Ohio Congressman Jim Jordan
Texas Governor Greg Abbott
Former White House Stragegist Steve Bannon
Arizona Congressman Andy Biggs
Colorado Congresswoman Lauren Boebert
Former HUD Secretary Ben Carson
Michigan Gubernatorial Nominee Tudor Dixon
Florida Congressman Matt Gaetz
Former White House Doctor and Texas Congressman Ronny Jackson
Arizona Gubernatorial Nominee Kari Lake
“MY Pillow” CEO Mike Lindell
Former Alaska Governor and Vice Presidential Nominee Sarah Palin
Texas Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick
Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton
Pennsylvania Congressman Scott Perry
Mississippi Governor Tate Reeves
CPAC Chairman Matt Schlapp
Florida Senator Rick Scott
Oklahoma Governor Kevin Stitt
Georgia Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene
Ohio Senate nominee J D Vance