Hispanic-Latino Americans

Donald Trump Trying To End All Progress Of Civil Rights Movement Of 1950s And 1960s, Wiping Out History Of Equality!

It is shocking, but not surprising that Donald Trump is aiming at ending all civil rights laws and enforcement, going back to the time of Lyndon B. Johnson, and really even back to earlier efforts and support of Harry Truman, Dwight D. Eisenhower, and John F. Kennedy.

It is also an attack on the advancements that came under later Presidents and Congresses, to promote equal opportunity, and overcome generations of discrimination and bias by state and local governments.

It is reviving the hatred and prejudice enunciated by generations of the Ku Klux Klan, and such individuals as Orval Faubus of Arkansas, Ross Barnett of Mississippi, Strom Thurmond of South Carolina, and most notably, George Wallace of Alabama.

It is a bold move to reinstall Jim Crow laws that dominated from the Gilded Age to the era of the Civil Rights Movement of the 1950s and 1960s.

It is the final surrender of the Republican Party, which had promoted civil rights at a time when Southern Democrats were advocating segregation and defiance of the federal government.

Now, we have a wealthy New York real estate magnate proudly promoting what he has believed his entire life, to bring back the racism and nativism that he has advocated, with so many excusing him or saying that he is not such, when he most clearly is so!

And to top it off, Trump is attempting to remove Birthright Citizenship from Native Americans, the original and only “true” Americans, as well as discriminating against Latinos and Asian Americans as well, as he considers only “white” people from Europe as “true Americans”!

When and how will this crazy revival of hate and prejudice be stopped dead in its tracks?

When will the Republican Party remember the basis of their existence in the mid 19th century, when they were a party of racial equality?

Trump Madison Square Garden Rally Reminiscent Of Nazi Party Rally In NYC In 1939

The Donald Trump Republican rally at Madison Square Garden in New York City last night was reminiscent in many ways of the infamous Nazi Party rally at the same venue in February 1939.

There were racist, antisemitic, misogynistic, white supremacist, and nativist utterances utlized by a host of speakers, and a specific and vicious attack on Puerto Ricans, who are Americans, but whose island was treated horribly by Donald Trump after the disasatrous Hurricane Maria in 2017.

One can hope that the large number of Puerto Ricans in New York, Florida, Illinois, and elsewhere will vote against Donald Trump, and that could affect election results in Pennsylvania, North Carolina, and other “swing” states.

It was disgusting also to see some American Jews contributing to the disgraceful rhetoric at the rally, with them having no memory or concern about how Jews were treated at the 1939 rally, which took place before World War II, which led to the Nazi Holocaust!

The cast of characters assisting Trump at this despicable display of hatred included, among others:

JD Vance
Mike Johnson
Tulsi Gabbard
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr
Byron Donalds
Elise Stefanik
Elon Musk
Tucker Carlson
Howard Lutnick
Dr. Phil McGraw

And Comedian Tony Hinchcliffe who used vile racist language jokes, should be never hired to be a comedian anywhere, as he is a disgrace, and sees nothing wrong with his outrageous behavior, which, interestingly, led to a rebuke by the Trump campaign, which realized how it would harm support among Latinos!

Irrational For Any Female, Black, Or Latino To Support Trump!

With less than three weeks to Election Day, and early voting having begun, including this author and blogger having voted by mail already, one has to wonder how any female, black, or Latino American could find justification to vote for Donald Trump.

Voting is a complex act, as clearly, no candidate for any public office has a “perfect” record, and one can disagree with some views or policies of any candidate for public office.

But anyone following public affairs, and who has reasoning powers, would have to overlook reality to vote for Donald Trump in 2024.

This is particularly the case for females, African Americans, and Hispanic-Latino Americans.

The fact that Trump appointed three Supreme Court Justices who brought about the end of abortion rights guarantee should be enough information for all women except the extreme anti abortionists, who do not care about the welfare and lives of pregnant women.

The fact that Trump has been openly racist throughout his life, not just in his Presidency, should convince African Americans that he has no regard or respect for African Americans and Hispanic-Latino Americans.

For the latter to allow the immigration issue to overcome the history of Trump’s lack of concern for immigrant families trying to escape oppression, violence and bloodshed in their home countries, and to separate children from their families, as occurred in the Trump Presidency, is shocking.

Trump’s bizarre behavior of swaying and dancing at a rally, truly erratic behavior;

his constant threats to go after “internal enemies” who he thinks are more dangerous than Russia or China;

and his obsession with tariffs and with deportation of more than ten million migrants, which all would undermine the American economy, and particularly the agriculture industry

should be enough to convince any rational voter who is female, black or Latino, along with everyone else, that they must unite around Kamala Harris, who has been backed by massive numbers of conservatives and Republicans who see Trump as a threat and disaster for the nation!

Some Reasons Why Donald Trump And Republicans Will Lose in 2024

Despite conflicting public opinion polls, there are many reasons to believe why Donald Trump and the Republican Party are on the road to defeat in 2024!

Among them are the following:

If one uses Ronald Reagan’s argument in 1980, “Are you better off than you were years ago?”, and use it in reverse, most certainly, economically, the nation is far better than it was in 2020, by any economic statistic! The stock market is booming; unemployment is at a 50 year low; inflation is coming down; and more jobs have been created than under any modern President in a four year term!

Also, Donald Trump brags about ending Roe V Wade, and this ending of abortion rights has become a major motivator among the vast majority of women and the men who love them, and will motivate many voters to be sure to vote and get others to vote!

Donald Trump also tells Republicans to reject the strongest immigration bill in a generation, and the crisis on the border is worse, as a result, and it will reverberate on Republicans in the Fall. With various conservative groups backing the legislation, it can be used as a weapon against Trump in the upcoming election, and harm the party chances in Congress!

The Republican House of Representatives has been a disaster, leading to some Republicans quitting early, not wishing to hang around, and leaving the Republicans with just one vote more than a majority, subject to change at any time, if anyone in their slim majority resigns, dies, or is in the hospital for an extended period. And Speaker Mike Johnson is in danger of being the second Speaker to be removed in the same Congress. So the Democrats have a great issue as they get ready for the election, which should guarantee a Democratic majority in that chamber in the upcoming 119th Congress of 2025-2027!

Donald Trump being indicted on 91 counts in four cases is not going to help promote loyalty of Republicans, as already, there are indications that a substantial number did not want him to run, and instead supported Nikki Haley. The idea that independents or Democrats will vote for Trump is not realistic, and already, he has a record of never winning the popular vote in either 2016 or 2020!

With so many former Trump Administration officials refusing to support Trump this time around, since they see how dangerous he is on foreign policy, and his plans for a dictatorship, this will also strengthen the case for Joe Biden as a center of stability and democracy!

And with Trump saying the January 6 Insurrectionists are “hostages” that he would free from prison is not a way to win support or strengthen Republican prospects!

With all these factors, Democrats have the advantage, but have to be concerned about keeping support of African Americans, Hispanic-Latino Americans, Asian Americans, Arab-Muslim Americans, Jewish Americans, and the younger Generation Z first time voters.

So there is plenty of work still ahead!

Ugly Nativism Rears Its Head Once Again With Donald Trump!

Nativism–anti immigrant rhetoric—has reared its ugly head, with Donald Trump attacking immigration once again, pandering to the most ignorant and despicable elements of American society.

America is a land of immigrants, with only native Americans having a claim to being otherwise, but we all know how native Americans have been treated throughout American history for four plus centuries!

Generation after generation, hatemongers have exploited the disease of nativism to divide Americans and gain or retain political power.

They have used hateful rhetoric to attack Catholics, Jews, Asian Americans, Hispanic-Latino Americans, African Americans, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, and every other minority sect that goes against their white Christian supremacy advocacy!

America has been strengthened and prospered by immigration over and over again, and the nation has been renewed by the contributions of people who come to our shores, and those who are born here of immigrant parents.

Demagogues, including Donald Trump, and a multitude of MAGA Republicans, have picked up where others pursued an equivalent agenda in past generations.

But the idea of setting up massive detention camps and reviving the separation of children from their parents is horrifying, and reminds us of the Nazi concentration camps, and similar mistreatment of minorities in China, and innumerable other dictatorships in nations around the world, which do not gain much publicity in news media.

Every effort and motivation must be made to stop the promotion of hate and division, as it only promotes authoritarianism within America and internationally!

Republicans Are A Dinosaur, Only Representing White Rural Areas, Wealthy, Bigots, In Nation Rapidly Changing

The Republican Party has become a shell of its old self, and is no longer truly representative of conservative ideology.

It no longer is concerned about deficits and increase in the national debt, except when the Democratic opposition is in power.

It no longer concerned about national defense, as many of its present officeholders have attacked the military leadership for standing up to insurrectionists who attacked the US Capitol on January 6, including General Mark Milley, Chairman of the Joints Chief of Staff being criticized by the likes of Congressman Matt Gaetz of Florida, and Fox News Channel talk show hosts.

It is no longer concerned about truth and facts, as it attacks science knowledge and historical knowledge, and is unconcerned about global warming and climate change.

It is no longer concerned about racial equality and fairness, part of its founding principles under Abraham Lincoln.

It no longer appeals to millions of African Americans, Hispanic-Latino Americans, college educated suburbanites, urban areas, the middle class, women voters, and the younger generation.

They are more concerned about rural areas, where most people are whites, but can wield power due to gerrymandering, and the ability to control the Electoral College and the US Senate, where democracy has been under attack, and favors fewer voters nationally.

They are more concerned about representing those who hate immigrants, and people of color, and want to control women’s reproductive choices.

They are appealing to the extremely wealthy and powerful corporations, while working to undermine workers’ rights and labor unions.

They want to promote mind control and dictate to educators how science and history are taught.

They represent a dwindling white population stirred to fear by bigots in the Republican Party, who wish to resist the rapidly changing population which in 2045, will be a majority minority, with people of color together being the majority, and particularly so with people with Hispanic-Latino heritage.

The Republican Party Base Is Anti Immigrant, But They Are Also Anti Science And Anti Historical Fact!

The Republican Party base is anti immigrant (nativist), and has prevented immigration reform, despite the efforts over the years of Republicans, such as John McCain and George W. Bush to deal with the issue, alongside Democrats, including Barack Obama, Joe Biden, and a multitude of others.

It is also anti Science, allowing right wing evangelical Christians to utilize mind control, and to attack evolution a century after the Scopes Trial, and to be anti vaccine and anti mask advocates, and also anti climate change, along with attacking Dr. Anthony Fauci.

And the Republican Party base is also anti history, wanting to promote a “white” history, without discussion of the horrendous treatment and abuse of African Americans, Native Americans, Hispanic-Latino Americans, and Asian Americans over the long run of American history.

The situation for teachers of the Social Sciences and American history, and also of American literature teachers who assign fiction that depicts and informs us of horrible mistreatment and racial language, is in crisis, as many teachers will lose their positions as state governments in many of the states dictate how their curriculums are to be controlled and presented.

Lawsuits are beginning by teachers’ unions and other groups to stop censorship of the truth, but the Republican Party base promoting “Know Nothingism” on immigration, science and history are an attack on academic freedom that must be fought through all legal means!

Is America So Uncaring About Children Elsewhere, Or Is It The Same As Attitude Toward Children In America?

The future of any nation and of the world is in our children, whether they are Americans, British, Japanese, Nigerian, Brazilian, Syrian or whatever nation.

And yet, for many politicians, and for many Americans, the future of children is insignificant, unless it is THEIR children!

So we see many Republicans and conservatives, and even so called “religious” people in America, who have no problem with cutting health care coverage, food stamps, housing assistance and other “welfare” benefits for children who are members of poor families, whether white, African American, Hispanic-Latino Americans, Asian Americans, or Native Americans. But of course, all children must be born, but then it is not the job of government, according to these groups, to insure a decent childhood for those poor children!

And for many, whether libertarians like Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky, or Democrats such as Congressman Alan Grayson of Orlando, Florida, and many others in between, the fact that the majority of the victims of the chemical warfare attack last month, and of the two and a half year history of the Syrian Civil War, are children, does not phase them one iota!

Also, half of the people in refugee camps in nations surrounding Syria are eleven years old and younger, and that means that a vast majority of the entire refugee population are children under the age of 18. But this does not affect the conscience of Paul, Grayson, or others, because they are not Americans, so who cares about their fate?

This is, indeed, a sad state of affairs, when the future of the world, children, are looked at, whether American or foreign, as dispensable human lives!

In fact, it is totally DESPICABLE and REPREHENSIBLE!,

It is also immoral, unethical and reflects poorly on those who do not give a damn about the most vulnerable among us, children!

Census Projections In 2063: Four Of Every Seven Americans Will Be “Minorities”

America is rapidly changing, and when one looks ahead fifty years, the Census Bureau projections are as follows:

43 percent Caucasian–three out of every seven Americans

31 percent Hispanic-Latino–one out of every three Americans

15 percent African American–one out of six Americans

11 percent Asian American or Native American–one of out every nine Americans

So four of every seven Americans will be nonwhite, and the party which recognizes this is the party of success long term.

And right now, that is clearly the Democratic Party, NOT the Republican Party!