
Infuriating Attack Of Mike Pompeo On Randi Weingarten And Teaching Profession!

There are many outrageous, irritating utterances that emanate from Republicans and conservatives about all kinds of issues and individuals.

But the attack of former Secretary of State and former CIA Director, and future Republican Presidential contender Mike Pompeo against Randi Weingarten and the American Federation of Teachers is the most infuriating statement imaginable.

Pompeo, insanely, termed Weingarten the most dangerous person in the world, more than Kim Jong Un of North Korea, Chinese President Xi Jinping, or Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Pompeo must be considered totally crazy with such an utterance, and should be disqualified from running for or winning the Oval Office.

This is not just a personal attack on a woman who has dedicated her life to education, as head of the United Federation of Teachers from 1998-2008, and as head of the American Federation of Teachers from 2008 to the present. Weingarten has devoted herself to promoting the rights and conditions of the teaching profession.

This is a field in which we are losing more teachers than replacing them, due to the effects of the COVID 19 Pandemic. But also there is the outrageous interference of right wing groups and ignorant parents who think they know more about what the curriculum should be in science, history, literature than educators who are trained to promote knowledge, truth, facts instead of myths, and to promote empathy, compassion and tolerance of others who are different than any of us.

Pompeo, like many right wing extremists, does not want students to learn about the truth of American history, the mistreatment of native Americans, African Americans, and other marginalized groups, but he is promoting narrow mindedness and intolerance, a threat to future harmony in this multi racial, multi ethnic society.

He is also, for sure, attacking Weingarten because of her liberal Jewish heritage and promoting Christian nationalism, which sees Jews as a group that should be proselytized to convert to Christianity. His pro Israel advocacy is phony, and he is supportive of the extremism in Israeli society, which has now led to Benjamin Netanyahu coming back as Prime Minister, while under criminal indictment. One can be pro Israel and support its right to exist, but does not require that all Jews or other decent people must accept the injustices represented by Netanyahu and his Orthodox extremists who look at Arabs as subhuman.

There is also an element of misogyny and homophobia that is part of Pompeo’s mantra, as Weingarten is a lesbian, and married to a Reform woman rabbi.

So all of the ugly elements–anti intellectual, Christian nationalism, misogyny, homophobia—of Mike Pompeo are to be condemned as horrendous.

And by attacking Weingarten, Pompeo also endangers her life and safety, and likely will cause threats that will require security, totally beyond the pale.

Marking Two Years Of The COVID 19 Pandemic And Loss Of One Million Americans

It has now been two years since the COVID 19 Pandemic was declared.

America has lost nearly one million people, two thirds of the entire total of Americans lost in all the wars the nation has fought in 226 years!

A bit more than 60 percent of Americans are fully vaccinated, but there is still stubborn resistance by many Republicans and right wing freaks who deny science, and favor mythology and conspiracy theories.

While the danger is down for now, there is no certainty of the future, and statistics show those who are in the hospitals and dying are overwhelmingly those who deny science.

While those of us who are vaccinated totally and have used masks are in good stead, the reality of new threats of strains of COVID 19, and also other viruses, is still a reality into the future!

The War On Knowledge, Facts, Truth, Particularly On History And Science!

In 2021, America sadly lives in a time of a war on knowledge, facts, and truth!

This is particularly true on the subjects of history and science!

We are being told that the sad and troubling moments of American history should not be taught to our younger generation, and that the myth of perfectibility and positive moments should be taught instead, rather than facing the widespread reality of racism, sexism, nativism, and the promotion of evil leaders over time who have undermined American democracy!

We are also being told that science is not to be respected or believed, and that scientists and doctors are conspiring against the health of the American people in regards to the COVID 19 Pandemic! This is a dangerous conspiracy theory and will cause the longevity of the pandemic!

And former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has proposed that parents decide what the teachers of their children are to teach, to control the curriculum, a shocking and outrageous assertion! A vast majority of parents, sorry to say, are ignorant, lacking in appropriate educational credentials, and even if so called “educated”, it is not their place to decide the curriculum and promote mind control!

Joe Biden Vaccination Mandate And Mask Mandate Will Speed End Of COVID-19 Pandemic!

The time has come for a national vaccination and mask mandate to speed the end of the COVID-19 Pandemic.

The excuses used to avoid vaccinations are preposterous, and anti science!

While there is no way to force every American to be vaccinated and wear masks, the federal government can require all federal employees to do so, and make everyone who comes on federal property to be vaccinated and wear masks. Joe Biden is now making it federal policy, and long overdue.

The military already has such a mandate, and many private businesses are moving in that direction.

Basically, it should become a situation where those who refuse to obey the mandate will not be able to live a life of only thinking about their own selfish selves, but rather suffer by being unable to access many public places!

And those who serve the public and come to private property would be told no business dealings or work accomplished unless the business provider cares enough about customers or clients, and arrange for himself or herself to be vaccinated and wear masks!

This is a time for unity, patriotism, and commitment to the public good!

The Republican Party Has Become A Full Blown Fascist Party, Warring On Women, Minorities, Immigrants, Labor, The Environment, And More!

Sad to say, but it is now clear that the Republican Party in Congress and in many states has become a full blown Fascist Party, warring on women, minorities, immigrants, labor, the environment, and all decent, humane tendencies. They appeal to mob rule and violence!

Of course, there are exceptions, so those Republicans could best be defined as RINOs (Republicans In Name Only), the name given to them by the Fascist oriented Republican office holders.

The Republican Party broadly has refused to recognize and respect women’s rights, which includes the right to control their own bodies and reproduction choices. They claim they are Pro Life when they are unconcerned about the quality of life of anyone other than the elite wealthy upper class! And once a fetus is born, these Fascist Republicans have no concern about their quality of life, including their health care, education, and housing!

The Republicans appeal to struggling whites by promoting the Christian religion, when they totally distort the whole meaning of the teachings of Jesus!

They appeal to the racist beliefs of whites who want to blame African Americans, Latino Americans, Asian Americans, Native Americans, and also Jewish Americans for the lack of progress of so many. Particularly, rural whites are manipulated by Republicans so they can keep their power by gerrymandering and distorting the Electoral College, even when they cannot win national popular elections!

The idea that America is an immigrant nation has been destroyed by Republicans who are too willing to blame new immigrant groups, as earlier groups were blamed for the shortcomings in society. These were caused by greedy capitalists and corrupt politicians, who want power, and will do anything venal to gain it and keep it, while ignoring the many issues of degradation and struggle for survival and advancement in American society.

And in the name of greedy American capitalism, Republicans refuse to deal with climate change and global warming, and have no concern about the effect on the environment, as along as they can enrich themselves, and ignore the future, and reject science and facts!

So many of the Republican officeholders are wretched excuses for human beings, and have not a bit of empathy, compassion, decency, or humanity, and promote hate, division, and hide the crimes that have occurred under Donald Trump, and on January 6, 2021!

They will do anything to cover their sins and crimes, and they must be defeated in 2022 and 2024 to preserve the American republic and the concept of democracy, not only for Americans, but as a model for the world in the future!

Time For “Hard Ball” On Vaccinations And Masks In The Midst Of A Threat To Human Health And Safety!

With the fall term of school beginning, and with many Republican state governors being willing to sacrifice children’s lives on their mantle of “libertarianism”, it is time for the federal government to play “hard ball” on the issue of vaccinations and masks!

The threat to human life and safety is alarming, and it is going to cause a new wave of massive death, as school boards defy dictatorial state governors who are only interested in scoring points on the US Government’s responsibility to insure that America can overcome this COVID-19 Pandemic!

This crazy concept of “freedom” to do whatever the hell you want, and no concern for anyone else, is the downfall of civilization, as we clearly have demagogues exploiting insecurities and stupidity of many Americans!

Any parent against masks is being an abusive parent, who refuses to believe science, when students must be given vaccinations for measles, mumps, rubella and small pox in order to attend public schools!

Already, many naysayers have gotten sick and died, and said before they passed away, that they wish they had used their common sense, rather than believe right wing talk hosts, and corrupt preachers, and Facebook!

The Insanity Of The South And Western Rural States Defying Common Sense And Science On Vaccines!

It is mind boggling that the rural states of the South and West are defying common sense and science on the subject of vaccines and the COVID 19 Pandemic!

These states are Republican states and very ‘Religious” states, at least in theory, but their population wallows in ignorance and hatred of science, education, facts, and truth!

The 13 lowest states in vaccinations are from Number 51 (including DC) down to 39 the following:

West Virginia
North Dakota
South Carolina

Only 33 to 40 percent of the population in these states are fully vaccinated, as the Delta Variant is spreading like wildfire, endangering not only those states, but people all over the nation.

Only 20 states and DC have 50 percent or more of its population fully vaccinated, and they coincide with Democratic or “Blue” states, making this pandemic political, as if the rural South and West are striking out against modernity, urbanization, science, facts, and truth!

This “head in the sands” mentality is undermining the long term future and health of America!

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Raising Campaign Funds Attacking Dr. Fauci’s Pandemic Leadership!

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is presiding over more than 20 percent of new COVID 19 cases, with no concern about that reality.

And he is raising money for his 2022 Gubernatorial campaign by selling shirts that attack and ridicule Dr. Anthony Fauci on his COVID 19 Pandemic leadership!

His lack of respect for knowledge and science, and his willingness to sacrifice public health and safety is shocking!

Clearly, he is acting like a Fascist authoritarian, with no concern except the stroking of his massive ego, and willing to dictate to local governments in a way that endangers all Floridians!

This maniac has to be cut down to size, and should face prosecution in the future for his maniacal, dictatorial leadership of the third largest state, as all he cares about is his dream to be the next Republican Presidential nominee in 2024!

Republicans Are A Dinosaur, Only Representing White Rural Areas, Wealthy, Bigots, In Nation Rapidly Changing

The Republican Party has become a shell of its old self, and is no longer truly representative of conservative ideology.

It no longer is concerned about deficits and increase in the national debt, except when the Democratic opposition is in power.

It no longer concerned about national defense, as many of its present officeholders have attacked the military leadership for standing up to insurrectionists who attacked the US Capitol on January 6, including General Mark Milley, Chairman of the Joints Chief of Staff being criticized by the likes of Congressman Matt Gaetz of Florida, and Fox News Channel talk show hosts.

It is no longer concerned about truth and facts, as it attacks science knowledge and historical knowledge, and is unconcerned about global warming and climate change.

It is no longer concerned about racial equality and fairness, part of its founding principles under Abraham Lincoln.

It no longer appeals to millions of African Americans, Hispanic-Latino Americans, college educated suburbanites, urban areas, the middle class, women voters, and the younger generation.

They are more concerned about rural areas, where most people are whites, but can wield power due to gerrymandering, and the ability to control the Electoral College and the US Senate, where democracy has been under attack, and favors fewer voters nationally.

They are more concerned about representing those who hate immigrants, and people of color, and want to control women’s reproductive choices.

They are appealing to the extremely wealthy and powerful corporations, while working to undermine workers’ rights and labor unions.

They want to promote mind control and dictate to educators how science and history are taught.

They represent a dwindling white population stirred to fear by bigots in the Republican Party, who wish to resist the rapidly changing population which in 2045, will be a majority minority, with people of color together being the majority, and particularly so with people with Hispanic-Latino heritage.

The Republican Party Base Is Anti Immigrant, But They Are Also Anti Science And Anti Historical Fact!

The Republican Party base is anti immigrant (nativist), and has prevented immigration reform, despite the efforts over the years of Republicans, such as John McCain and George W. Bush to deal with the issue, alongside Democrats, including Barack Obama, Joe Biden, and a multitude of others.

It is also anti Science, allowing right wing evangelical Christians to utilize mind control, and to attack evolution a century after the Scopes Trial, and to be anti vaccine and anti mask advocates, and also anti climate change, along with attacking Dr. Anthony Fauci.

And the Republican Party base is also anti history, wanting to promote a “white” history, without discussion of the horrendous treatment and abuse of African Americans, Native Americans, Hispanic-Latino Americans, and Asian Americans over the long run of American history.

The situation for teachers of the Social Sciences and American history, and also of American literature teachers who assign fiction that depicts and informs us of horrible mistreatment and racial language, is in crisis, as many teachers will lose their positions as state governments in many of the states dictate how their curriculums are to be controlled and presented.

Lawsuits are beginning by teachers’ unions and other groups to stop censorship of the truth, but the Republican Party base promoting “Know Nothingism” on immigration, science and history are an attack on academic freedom that must be fought through all legal means!