Common Sense

Time For “Hard Ball” On Vaccinations And Masks In The Midst Of A Threat To Human Health And Safety!

With the fall term of school beginning, and with many Republican state governors being willing to sacrifice children’s lives on their mantle of “libertarianism”, it is time for the federal government to play “hard ball” on the issue of vaccinations and masks!

The threat to human life and safety is alarming, and it is going to cause a new wave of massive death, as school boards defy dictatorial state governors who are only interested in scoring points on the US Government’s responsibility to insure that America can overcome this COVID-19 Pandemic!

This crazy concept of “freedom” to do whatever the hell you want, and no concern for anyone else, is the downfall of civilization, as we clearly have demagogues exploiting insecurities and stupidity of many Americans!

Any parent against masks is being an abusive parent, who refuses to believe science, when students must be given vaccinations for measles, mumps, rubella and small pox in order to attend public schools!

Already, many naysayers have gotten sick and died, and said before they passed away, that they wish they had used their common sense, rather than believe right wing talk hosts, and corrupt preachers, and Facebook!

The Insanity Of The South And Western Rural States Defying Common Sense And Science On Vaccines!

It is mind boggling that the rural states of the South and West are defying common sense and science on the subject of vaccines and the COVID 19 Pandemic!

These states are Republican states and very ‘Religious” states, at least in theory, but their population wallows in ignorance and hatred of science, education, facts, and truth!

The 13 lowest states in vaccinations are from Number 51 (including DC) down to 39 the following:

West Virginia
North Dakota
South Carolina

Only 33 to 40 percent of the population in these states are fully vaccinated, as the Delta Variant is spreading like wildfire, endangering not only those states, but people all over the nation.

Only 20 states and DC have 50 percent or more of its population fully vaccinated, and they coincide with Democratic or “Blue” states, making this pandemic political, as if the rural South and West are striking out against modernity, urbanization, science, facts, and truth!

This “head in the sands” mentality is undermining the long term future and health of America!