Day: November 8, 2012

The Republican Jewish Coalition, Israel, And Barack Obama: A Total Failure To Change The Jewish Vote

The Republican Jewish Coalition made every effort to defeat President Barack Obama, but failed miserably!

In 2008, 78 percent of American Jews voted for the Democratic nominee; in 2012, after spreading lies and mistruths about Obama and Israel, the end result was that Obama received 70 percent of the vote, a total smack to the deception practiced by the RJC!

Why did 7 out 10 Jews remain loyal to Obama and the Democrats? The answer is that they knew that Obama had given more aid to Israel than any other President, including the IRON DOME missile system; that the Democrats were the party of social justice, as shown through Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and ObamaCare, along with civil rights legislation, environmental legislation, and stood for women’s rights; and also that the Republican Party wished to cut back on all these accomplishments, including wiping out ObamaCare.

Additionally, many American Jews do not trust Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and it is now known that even people within his own government and military feel Netanyahu is too trigger happy, wanting to start a war with Iran before diplomacy has played its course, and that Netanyahu favored the Republicans and Mitt Romney from the beginning. So the question was: Should our President have to bow to every demand and detail that Netanyahu insists upon? Is he our President, instead of Barack Obama? And is it not true that Defense Minister Ehud Barak (former Prime Minister) and President Shimon Peres have raved about the support of Israel by our President?

Face the facts: The RJC was more concerned about preserving the wealth of Boca Raton Jewish residents and others elsewhere who are extremely wealthy, and do not wish to pay their fair share of taxes, as evidenced by the meeting in Florida of wealthy Jews where Mitt Romney said his famous “47 Percent” statement that harmed him greatly in the end result!

Also, Orthodox Jews as a group have a problem with socially tolerant views of abortion and gay rights, and are not seen as great advocates of civil rights for other minorities, other than themselves, sad to say!

And it is not just the RJC that was disgraceful!

It was also House Majority Leader Eric Cantor of Virginia, the only Jewish Republican on Capitol Hill, who has made it his mission to destroy ObamaCare and privatize Medicare, and is very mean spirited in his relations with the President, and is also well known for his attempts to undermine House Speaker John Boehner, who he would love to replace!

And also, House Republican candidate Adam Hasner of Boca Raton, who lost to Lois Frankel, has the same agenda as Cantor. And Josh Mandel, the GOP nominee who lost to Senator Sherrod Brown of Ohio, ran a nasty, undignified campaign, and made clear that his goal was to promote the Tea Party radicalism of his party, rather than be part of the great majority who see their faith as connected to social justice!

Fortunately, both Hasner and Mandel lost handily, and it would be no loss to the nation if neither ever runs again, with their agenda to help the rich and powerful, and ignore the needs and wants of women, labor, minorities, gays, and senior citizens!

Rumors Of Replacements For State Department And Defense Department: John Kerry Or Susan Rice, And Chuck Hagel?

As the second Obama Administration is being organized, there are many rumors about members of the Cabinet leaving.

Among them are Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta, and the suggestions being discussed are very intriguing.

It is thought that Massachusetts Senator John Kerry, the 2004 Democratic Presidential nominee, might be angling for the State Department, with his years of experience as Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman as his major credential. Also, United Nations Ambassador Susan Rice is a second thought.

If Kerry left the Senate, it would open up his seat, and Republican Senator Scott Brown, who just lost his seat to Elizabeth Warren, would certainly campaign for it, against an unknown Democrat.

And if Rice received the position, she would be the fourth woman to be in that position, and the second black woman, and the third black person—following Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice, as well as Madeleine Albright and Hillary Clinton.

For the Defense Department, if and when Panetta leaves, the rumor is that former Nebraska Senator Chuck Hagel, a Republican, and very reputable, would take the position, and that would mark the second Republican Secretary of Defense for Obama, after Robert Gates.

Having both Kerry and Hagel as important cabinet members would be fantastic, and if Rice was selected, she would also be the second black woman in that position with the name of Rice!

Barack Obama’s Historical Reputation Is Now Guaranteed, As Speaker John Boehner Concedes ObamaCare Is Here To Stay, And No Attempt To Repeal Will Be Made!

Today is a momentous day, as the certainty of the survival of ObamaCare has just been declared by Republican Speaker of the House John Boehner!

After working for more than two years to repeal it, the Republicans are throwing in the towel on trying to repeal it.

The Supreme Court, with Chief Justice John Roberts in the majority with four liberals, upheld the law in June, but the GOP still pledged to kill it.

But with the victory of Barack Obama on Tuesday, and with Democrats gaining seats in the US Senate and in the House of Representatives, the battle has come to an end.

This is a major event, worth celebrating, and it insures the historical legacy of Barack Obama, who will always be remembered first for this accomplishment, just as Franklin D. Roosevelt is remembered for Social Security, and Lyndon B. Johnson for Medicare!

The Failure Of Two Romneys Seeking The Presidency

So now two Romneys, father and son, have failed in their goal to become President of the United States.

George Romney, Mitt Romney’s father, was a competitor for the GOP nomination in 1968, but self destructed, when after a trip to Vietnam, he said he felt he had been “brainwashed”. At the same time, he had been very transparent about his finances and tax returns, and had been openly willing to be specific on what he believed. He was an honest, competent man, who had been Governor of Michigan for six years, was proud to be a moderate, and later served as Secretary of Housing and Urban Development under President Richard Nixon.

Mitt Romney, on the other hand, tried for the GOP nomination for President in 2008, and then ran and won the nomination this year. But Mitt only had one term as Governor of Massachusetts, and his record in office was far from successful, while his dad had accomplished a great deal in Michigan.

Additionally, Mitt came across as a man of no principles, no guts, no beliefs, who refused to be transparent about his tax returns or anything else. He stayed away from the news media, which George catered to, and allowed himself to become a captive of the right wing of his party, while George condemned and fought against the right wing and Barry Goldwater in 1964.

And Mitt became an incessant liar, which his dad would have been shocked by!

George Romney was an admirable figure in many ways, while Mitt Romney was far from admirable, and not many political observers will miss him, and it seems certain in the long run of history, George will be seen as far better than his son Mitt!

Another example of a son not being the match of his dad, sadly!

The Right Wing Talk Show Hosts On Radio And Cable Are Destroying The Republican Party And Dividing The Nation For Their Own Wealth!

Right Wing Talk Radio and Fox News Channel are the biggest scam existing in America, making suckers out of their listening and watching public, and destroying the Republican Party for the future!

While they make millions upon millions of dollars to talk propaganda, hate and division, they are destroying the Republican Party brand by their prejudiced branding of women, Hispanics and Latinos, African Americans, Gays and Lesbians, Muslims, the labor movement, environmentalists, the mainstream media, colleges and universities, Hollywood, and those who are anti war.

The Republican Party is losing the future, by failing to realize that the population is changing rapidly toward a browner and more tolerant society in so many ways, and just appealing to older, white males who live in the Great Plains and the South and the Mountain West where population is much smaller, and who profess to be “religious” while promoting discrimination and prejudice in the name of Jesus, and are gun advocates who want to prevent the future that is coming, which is destructive. This is a suicidal tendency, that will, if it continues, guarantee that the Republican Party will constantly lose elections to the Democratic Party, and become a fossil, as the Whig Party became in the 1850s in America.

So the following wealthy talk show hosts are enriching themselves against the American future, and privately, are laughing at the “Suckers” who follow them as if they are Gods, and who these hosts could not give a damn about, as all they are, really, are used car salesmen!

Here is the infamous list, who need to be smacked down, by loss of audiences, and loss of book sales, and brought down to earth that we are tired of their demagoguery!

Rush Limbaugh
Michael Savage
Sean Hannity
Bill O’Reilly
Michael Reagan
Ann Coulter
Michelle Malkin
Glenn Beck
Laura Ingraham
G Gordon Liddy
Mark Levin

There are also other lesser known talk show hosts who would not understand a serious idea, or ever know a real fact, who are poisoning people, who do not realize it!