Day: November 13, 2012

Bobby Jindal Tells Republicans To Stop Being “Stupid” Party! But Is That Possible?

Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal has declared that the Republican Party has to stop acting “stupid”, and must stop backing no increase in taxes on the wealthy, and insulting the intelligence of voters by crazy statements and viewpoints.

This all sounds very good in theory, but is what Jindal suggests really possible?

The answer is NO, as the following evidence demonstrates:

1, The Republican Party insulted their own history by having loony, nutty, whacky candidates in the race for the Presidency, including Michele Bachmann, Newt Gingrich, Rick Perry, Herman Cain, and Rick Santorum. And Santorum made it clear that the Republican Party would never get the backing of intelligent, educated, smart people, which is absolutely the case right now

2. The Republicans settled on Mitt Romney, who looked reasonable in 2011, but in order to win the nomination of his party, totally transformed himself into a mean, nasty, hard hearted candidate who was willing to lie, to deceive, to change his views daily, deny his whole political heritage, and came across ultimately as totally insincere and untrustworthy. Many people found Mitt Romney obnoxious, feeling privileged and entitled, extremely phony to the core, and just wanting the campaign to end so that they no longer had to see his face and hear his voice!

3. Mitt Romney proceeded to pick an absolutely horrible Vice Presidential running mate, Wisconsin Congressman Paul Ryan, who came across as totally ideological, and alienated senior citizens and others with his call for privatizing Medicare and Social Security, and his extreme right wing agenda to cut the budget ruthlessly, without ever raising any taxes on the wealthy, who have had a ten year break from reasonable taxation, because of the Bush tax cuts. Ryan helped Romney to lose the “battleground” states, and his appointment showed poor judgment by Romney.

4. The Republican Party declared “war” on women, Hispanics and Latinos, young people wanting to get an education, senior citizens concerned about Social Security and Medicare, the disabled concerned about Medicaid, those who cared about the environment and consumer rights, those who support labor rights, African Americans who saw racism in the GOP message, and many others who were totally turned off to the party message.

5. The conservative media are like poison to the Republican Party, as are the social conservatives who want to interfere with people’s private lives based on promoting theocracy in America, and the Grover Norquist promotion of never, under any circumstances, raising taxes—all of this makes the Republican Party totally toxic to most voters. And of course, the decision to repudiate science in favor of religion shows how backward the party has become.

6. To believe that the Republican Party will change under these circumstances is to be naive, and any change would seem to be phony and just looking for votes, not a sincere reform or conversion.

Rumors About Nancy Pelosi Leaving As Democratic Minority Leader: Who Might Replace Her if She Left?

There are rumors emanating from the US Capitol that House Democratic Minority Leader and former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi of California may decide to leave her position, and maybe even retire from Congress during the next two year term of the Congress.

Pelosi has been wonderful leader, and accomplished a lot during her four year Speakership, and would be missed if she left.

But assuming she does, who might replace her, and become the next potential Speaker of the House in two years, if the Democrats were to gain 17 seats, which is certainly possible?

House Minority Whip, Number Two in command, Steny Hoyer of Maryland, has been an excellent lieutenant, but always has wanted to be Speaker, but is also older like Pelosi, and might not be where the new Democrats in the party want to go.

Congressman Steve Israel, from Suffolk County, Long Island, New York,is a member of Congress for 12 years, and the head of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. He is well liked and would have some major support.

Debbie Wasserman Schultz, a Congresswoman from Broward County in South Florida for eight years, and the Chairman of the Democratic National Committee, is probably the favorite of the Obama White House with her boundless energy and assertive leadership.

What excellent choices, with this author’s preference being Debbie Wasserman Schultz, who it has been long rumored, eventually hopes to be Speaker of the House! He has met her, and is extremely impressed with her commitment and dedication to public service!

This new Congress, it is possible that her goal may start to bear fruit!

Great Idea: Susan Collins As Senate Minority Leader In Next Congress!

It is time, as a result of the elections, to push Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky out of the leadership of the Republican minority in the US Senate!

The person to replace him, and to give the GOP hope for change in image and substance, is Senator Susan Collins of Maine.

A rare moderate, a woman who has never missed a vote, who is a truly principled, but also rational and reasonable Republican, and of course a woman, there is no better choice for the Republican future than Susan Collins as the spokeswoman for Republican Senators.

She would be able to work with the White House, and negotiate in a fair, balanced way, and she would engender great respect on both sides of the aisle.

The old, tired leadership of Mitch McConnell is ripe for retirement, from leadership now, and hopefully from the Senate when McConnell comes up for reelection in 2014. He represents the past, not the future!

65th Anniversary Of MEET THE PRESS!

This past Sunday, David Gregory, the moderator of MEET THE PRESS on NBC, pointed out that it was the 65th Anniversary of the longest running show on network television.

Beginning a year before the Presidential Election of 1948, MEET THE PRESS would win Emmy Awards and many other awards for enlightening its viewers on public affairs.

Its moderators, panels and guests would educate all of us in the importance of politics and diplomacy, and strive to promote truth, rather than propaganda.

This is a time to salute and celebrate the fact that MEET THE PRESS is now eligible for Medicare as a senior citizen! LOL

The Military Industrial Complex Gone Wild And Reckless! Time For Accountability For Corporate And Military Leadership!

In his Farewell Address in January 1961, President Dwight D. Eisenhower warned of the dangers of a “Military Industrial Complex” that would undermine our national security, civil liberties and basic ethical standards, as well as monopolizing the American economy.

Eisenhower was so prophetic, and it is slapping us in the face more and more every year!

Not only have big business corporations gained unheard of control over the American economy, but they have also corrupted our political system, and sadly, the Supreme Court, controlled by conservative Justices who had no concept of the true meaning of the Constitution, have hijacked our democracy through the Citizens United Case!

And the military has become corrupted too, and not just in abuses practiced in wartime, but also in the personal behavior of the top officials of our military. It is shocking that General David Petraeus and General John Allen are caught in highly inappropriate contact with women, who might have compromised these powerful men in the area of national security and the fight against terrorism.

It is not a question of morality per se, but rather of judgment, as people at the top of the military cannot afford to be reckless in their behavior, because it does not just affect their wives and families, but also all of us in this nation!

It was not acceptable with President Bill Clinton, and it is no more acceptable in the head of the Central Intelligence Agency or the head of our troops in Afghanistan!

But this is due to the fact that we tend to worship both powerful, wealthy businessmen, and powerful military leaders, both of whom are considered heroes, which builds up their egos in both the business and military worlds, and allows them to think they are unaccountable for their actions and behavior!

There is a need for a major house cleaning in the military, but also full prosecution of those businessmen who have abused their power and caused the economic downturn of the past four years.

Men and women of power MUST be held accountable, and this is the time to do it, in a second term of a President no longer facing reelection, and therefore able to be “free” of political considerations!