
Abortion Crucial Issue In Determining Future Of American Politics

Ever since Roe V Wade was overturned by the Supreme Court in the Dobbs V Jackson Women’s Health Organization decision in June 2022, it has become the crucial issue to millions of American women and the men who support their right to reproductive freedom.

So far, since then, seven states have protected Abortion Rights, including Kansas, Kentucky, Montana, Michigan, California and Vermont in 2022, and Ohio in 2023.

Ten states have abortion ballot measures that will be facing voters in November 2024–including Arizona, Maryland, Missouri, Montana (expansion beyond 2022 vote), Nebraska, Nevada, New York, and South Dakota, all of whom have a 50 percent threshold; and Colorado with a 55 percent threshold, and Florida with a 60 percent threshold.

The Florida ballot question will be the most difficult to accomplish, but both that state and Arizona, along with Maryland and Nevada, will be tied to Senate races that will be crucial for Democrats, who, hopefully, will keep control of the US Senate.

Eight To Eleven States To Vote On Abortion Rights In November Election

Donald Trump has made the claim that abortion rights will not be a major issue in the Presidential Election of 2024.

The reality is otherwise, as already, since the Dobbs V. Women’s Health Organization Supreme Court decision of June 2022 reversed Roe V Wade, six states have insured abortion rights–California, Michigan, Ohio, Vermont, Kentucky, and Kansas.

And now, eight states will have the issue of abortion rights on the ballot in November, including Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Maryland, Missouri, Nevada, New York, and South Dakota.

Additionally three other states are in process of trying to put it on the ballot—Arkansas, Montana and Nebraska.

So it could be that 11 states will join the 6 earlier that have moved to allow abortion rights, negating the Dobbs decision.

The first 6 states were evenly divided politically, with California, Michigan, and Vermont being Democratic, and Ohio, Kentucky, and Kansas being Republican states.

The eight states that have definite votes in November are 5 Democratic leaning states—Arizona, Colorado, Maryland, Nevada, and New York—and 3 leaning Republican—Florida, Missouri, and South Dakota.

And the other three states in process all tend to be Republican—Arkansas, Montana, and Nebraska.

So if one adds up these 17 states, there are 8 Democratic leaning states and 9 Republican leaning states.

This is all a very interesting situation in the battle for reproductive rights for women!

Three Senate Republican Targets Whose Defeats Would Be Blessings!

The battle for control of the US Senate in 2025 is a very difficult struggle for Democrats, who have a one vote margin in the present Senate, but seem highly likely to lose that slight edge in the upcoming Senate elections.

Besides having to defend incumbents in Montana, Nevada, Ohio, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania, open seats in Maryland and Arizona will be difficult battles, and with West Virginia assured of a switch to Republicans with Joe Manchin’s retirement.

There are only three Republican targets that are possible switches to the Democrats, but all three will be very difficult to defeat.

In Florida, Rick Scott is opposed by Debbie Mucarsel-Powell; in Missouri, Josh Hawley is opposed by Lucas Kunce; and in Texas, Ted Cruz is opposed by Colin Allred.

All three Republican Senators are horrendous in their comments, votes, and basic personalities, the kind that are regularly demonstrating their lack of concern for their constituents, and motivated solely by ambition and desire to be controversial.

Two Crucial Democratic Issues That Can Be Used Against Donald Trump And Republicans—Abortion And Safety Net!

With the Presidential Election 2024 campaign now in full swing, Democrats and Joe Biden and Kamala Harris need to put great emphasis on many issues, but two stick out in particular.

The right of women to control their own bodies and reproductive lives has been prevented by Donald Trump and his right wing appointments to the Supreme Court. But that battle already has seen several states reject abortion limitations:


And this abortion rights struggle is a massive commitment that must be fought in state after state!

Also, the issue of protection of the social safety net,specifically Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid, has been a constant battle for decades, as Republicans have continued to attempt to cut funding and take away these wonderful programs started by Franklin D. Roosevelt and the New Deal in the 1930s, and Lyndon B. Johnson and the Great Society in the 1960s!

Tough Election Races In 2024 For Democrats In US Senate

The US Senate races for 2024 are likely to be tough times for Democrats, who have to defend 23 seats, while Republicans have to defend only 10 seats.

Four Democratic seats–in Maryland, Montana, Ohio, and West Virginia—are greatly endangered, and with only a 51-49 majority in the US Senate, including three Independents (Bernie Sanders of Vermont, Angus King of Maine, and Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona), who ally with the Democrats, but Sinema’s seat also in play if she decides to run again as an Independent after breaking her ties with the Democrats, as it would create a three way race in that state.

Only three Republican seats out of 10 are in some danger, but likely to remain Republican—Florida with Rick Scott, Missouri with Josh Hawley, and Texas with Ted Cruz.

So while it seems highly likely that the House of Representatives will switch from Republican control to Democratic control, with 17 Republican controlled seats being Joe Biden districts won in 2020, it is highly likely that we will still see divided Congressional government with a possible Republican controlled Senate, and continued gridlock and stalemate operating in the legislative branch of government in 2025-2026!

Donald Trump Bragging About Ending Abortion Rights Will Cause His And Republicans’ Downfall!

Donald Trump undermined his own candidacy when he went on Fox News Channel at the same time that his rivals, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and former South Carolina Governor and United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley, were debating on CNN.

Trump bragged about ending Roe V Wade, abortion rights, which had existed for a half century, and that reality has already hurt Republicans in seven states—Ohio, California, Kentucky, Michigan, Montana, Vermont, and Kansas, with all but California and Vermont being Republican or contestable states in the Presidential Election of 2024.

The following states are having battles over putting abortion access on the ballot, with abortion rights advocates hoping they will have enough signatures to insure it is on the ballot with the Presidential and Congressional Elections coming up in November 2024.

New York
South Dakota

Some of the above states already still allow abortion access, but want to put it on the ballot to insure the future right.

The majority of women, racial minorities, educated people, and young voters will have success in restoring the rights of women over their own bodies, as there is no concern about the lives of prengant women who are endangered by their medical conditions while pregnant.

This is causing the deaths of women, and some surviving, but no longer able to have children due to dictatorial state governments interfering with the right to choose their reproductive lives!

Abortion Rights And Attack On ObamaCare By Trump Helps Democrats

Donald Trump bragging about the end of abortion rights, and his renewed attack on the Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare) are two issues that seem likely to insure that the Democrats and Joe Biden will have issues that will resonate with voters in the Presidential Election Of 2024.

About 40 million people benefit from ObamaCare and Medicaid expansion coverage available due to the Affordable Care Act.

Abortion being legal and available has been supported in Kansas, Vermont, Montana, Michigan, Kentucky, California and Ohio since the Supreme Court decision in Dobbs V. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, and has galvanized those who believe in women’s rights and civil rights.

Abortion Rights Score A Big Victory In 2023 Elections!

Abortion Rights won the day yesterday in the 2023 elections!

Ohio voters by 14 points agreed to put abortion rights into the state Constitution.

Virginia voters gave Democrats control of both houses of the state legislature, a blow to Republican Governor Glenn Youngkin, who was promoting abortion restrictions to be put into state law.

Kentucky reelected Democratic Governor Andy Beshear who promoted abortion rights, which already had been supported earlier by citizen vote in 2022.

So now, 8 states have rejected the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe V Wade, including

Kansas in August 2022

Vermont, Montana, Michigan, Kentucky, California in November 2022

Kentucky again yesterday, along with Ohio and Virginia

Religious people have a right to their views, but NOT to impose it on the entire population, and to dictate the reproductive lives of American women!

The Midwest And Pennsylvania The Fulcrum Of The Presidential Election Of 2024

The heartland of the nation—the Midwest—is the fulcrum of the Presidential Election Of 2024 with its combination of electoral votes.

The states of Illinois (19), Ohio (17), Michigan (15), Wisconsin (10) and Minnesota (10), are likely to decide who wins the Presidency and controls both houses of Congress. Add “next door” Pennsylvania (19) to the mix, and that is a certainty!

All of these states, except Ohio, went to Joe Biden over Donald Trump in 2020; and Trump won four of these states in 2016—all but Illinois and Minnesota, which went to Hillary Clinton.

The first Republican debate, sponsored by Fox News Channel, this coming Wednesday, will be in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, as will be the site of the Republican National Convention from July 15-18, 2024.

And the Democratic National Convention will be held in Chicago, Illinois from August 19-22, 2024!

So both parties know that the Midwest, plus Pennsylvania, is the most important target in election of the next President of the United States!

One must realize that it was the Upper Midwest where the Republican Party was born in 1854, so next year it is 170 years since the founding of a party now in crisis, due to Donald Trump’s corruption!

Abortion Rights Win Support In Seven States Since Repeal Of Roe V Wade!

Ever since Roe V Wade was repealed by the Supreme Court in June 2022 in the Dobbs V Jackson Women’s Health Organization decision, seven states have seen voters choose to support abortion rights!

This is a winning issue for Democrats, and a massive losing proposition for Republicans!

Ohio is the most recent state to reject making it harder to promote citizenship rights, including abortion rights, which will be directly voted on in November in that state.

Previously, California, Vermont, and Michigan passed constitutional amendments guaranteeing the right to an abortion.

Also, Kentucky rejected amending the state constitution to prevent the right to an abortion.

And Kansas rejected an amendment of similar language.

And Montana voted NOT to prosecute medical workers involved in abortion care.

Realize that four of these states—Ohio, Kentucky, Kansas, and Montana are Republican states, and Michigan was until the 2022 Midterm Elections when the Democrats gained massively.

So only California and Vermont were really Democratic controlled states.

So this is proof that by vast margins, Americans want abortion rights to be protected, despite the actions of Republicans and the Supreme Court!