Why Kamala Harris Is Likely On The Road To Victory

Although the polls are very close in the Presidential Election race of 2024, all signs are good that Kamala Harris is likely on the road to occupying the Oval Office as the 47th President of the United States after the November 5 election date.

Harris is ahead in most polls in Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Arizona and Nevada, which if true, would give her a 287-251 Electoral College victory, also including the Second District in Nebraska.

There is no doubt that Harris will easily win the popular vote, and possibly by more than the 7 plus million vote victory of Joe Biden in 2020.

Additionally, Harris is ahead in the following categories:

Urban voters
Suburban voters
College Educated Voters
Women Voters
African American Voters
Latino Voters
Jewish Voters
Asian American Voters
Voters 18-29 Years of Age
Voters Over Age 50
Labor Union Voters
Gay And Lesbian Voters

Of course, being ahead does not mean that the percentages of each voter category are what they have been in the past, or that one would think they should be, so there is plenty of work ahead in the next 25 days to convince voters in all of the above categories to support Kamala Harris.

Donald Trump will have the edge with:

Rural Voters
Non College Educated Voters
White Male Voters
Wealthy Voters
30-50 Years of Age Voters
Religious Voters

It is clear that there are still those Americans who have not made up their minds, so non stop campaigning is essential, as this election is crucial to the survival of American democracy, the rule of law, and maintaining the US Constitution!

Global Warming/Climate Change Ignored By Republican Party And Donald Trump!

A series of recent events, most notably Hurricane Helene and Hurricane Milton, but also many other warnings of the escalating Global Warming/Climate Change crisis, is making the environment a growing political controversy!

The Republican Party en masse has long ignored the issue, favoring the oil and gas industries, and working against any efforts to combat the problem.

Donald Trump ridicules the concept of Global Warming/Climate Change, and if he is elected, the nation will be in ever greater crisis.

But even Republican members of Congress, and Republican governors, most notably Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, have chosen to ignore the problem, and in Florida, DeSantis has followed former Governor and now Senator Rick Scott, in removing any mention or actions in state law to deal with Global Warming/Climate Change.

A long term disaster seems certain, and clearly there is no concern about the effect it will have against poor people, who always end up affected more by actions taken to benefit the powerful and wealthy corporate interests.

JD Vance Beyond The Pale, Attacking Bob Woodward For Revealing Trump Contacts With Putin After Presidency

Republican Vice Presidential nominee JD Vance is a true nightmare, lying incessantly; promoting racism, nativism, and misogyny; insulting in the most nasty terms anyone who has the truth and facts about Donald Trump’s transgressions!

Now, Vance is attacking Bob Woodward, the Watergate reporter of great renown, who is publishing a new book about the truth surrounding Donald Trump, including:

that he gave COVID 19 vaccines to Putin while President,

that he has had multiple contacts with Putin since leaving office,

and has likely shared national security information with the Russian dictator who has waged war on Ukraine for more than two and a half years and counting.

So JD Vance shows his nastiness and ignorance when he says he is surprised that Bob Woodward is still alive!

And clearly, Vance seems oblivious to the significance of Bob Woodward in exposing the corruption of the Watergate Scandal and Richard Nixon, and his continued exposure of the shocking words and actions of Donald Trump in his Presidency and since.

So now, Vance is promoting discrimination toward those are aged, except of course, Donald Trump, who is only three years younger than Woodward, and clearly is mentally deranged and dangerous, unlike Bob Woodward!

And of course, JD Vance, in his heart, KNOWS that Donald Trump is dangerous and unfit to be President, but his own ambitions to promote the viewpoints of extremist right wing tycoons like Elon Musk and Peter Thiel, prevents him from protecting the Constitution, American democracy, and the rule of law!

It is clear that it is not just Donald Trump who is a threat and a danger.

The thought of a 40 year old first term US Senator with not even two years in office, willing to lie about his earlier thoughts about Donald Trump, in his incessant promotion of his own ambitions is horrifying, and a threat greater than Trump himself.

So the need for a sound defeat of both Trump and Vance is urgent, and the American people have to be convinced, as many Republicans and conservatives not in elected office fully understand, the reason they are backing Kamala Harris and Tim Walz in the upcoming Presidential Election of 2024!

Elon Musk, Tucker Carlson Both “Clear And Present Danger” To American Democracy

Not only is Donald Trump a threat to American democracy, the Constitution, and the rule of law, who now has been revealed to have had up to seven contacts with Vladimir Putin since he left the Presidency.

But also, billionaire Elon Musk and extremist right wing commentator Tucker Carlson have laughed at Elon Musk’s earlier statement that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have not been threatened as Donald Trump was by two assassination attempts, but further joked about the idea that it could happen to Harris!

This is freedom of speech gone amuck, and makes both Musk and Carlson “clear and present dangers”, who need to be warned that such statements are NOT freedom of speech, but threats to a Presidential candidate, and that prosecution by the Secret Service could be in the offing!

Public figures such as Musk and Carlson can have the potential to incite bloodshed and violence by their reckless oratory, and assassination is not something to laugh about!

They are not “normal” citizens, but rather public figures who can influence unstable people with the idea that it is legitimate to threaten Presidential candidates, so they need to be warned to stop such rhetoric immediately!

Trump’s Mental Instability And Deterioration Getting Worse Every Day!

Not enough attention has been paid to the rapid mental deterioration of Donald Trump that he demonstrates daily at his campaign rallies and in his statements on Truth Social.

When one compares his ranting and raving, and his massive exaggerations in all he says and publishes, it is clear he is not mentally stable to lead our nation and have control of the nuclear codes.

Many complained that Joe Biden was clearly in some decline mentally, but nothing as threatening and dangerous as Trump has presented to anyone who has any sense of wanting normality in behavior and public statements.

Trump would be a danger to everyone, and yet his wife and children seem oblivious to his mental state, and Republican office holders just ignore his behavior, as if it is normal.

The nation cannot survive four years of this maniacal behavior, so it is clear JD Vance would have greater power and authority than any Vice President has ever had.

But Vance himself has demonstrated that he is a liar, a chameleon, a person who is in league with right wing tech tycoons, who do not wish well for the vast variety of Americans.

A technology run dictatorship, with Peter Thiel, Elon Musk, and others is a horrifying thought, and it is urgent that the message get out that, as Liz Cheney and many other Republicans and conservatives who are not presently office holders have made clear, that it is extremely necessary for people who may not agree with Democratic nominee Kamala Harris on every issue, to see her as the only alternative to save American democracy, the Constitution, and the rule of law!

Alarming Rise Of Antisemitism In Year Since October 7 Massacre In Israel!

Jonathan Greenblatt of the Anti Defamation League has made clear the alarming rising of antisemitism that has emerged since the October 7 Massacre in Israel perpetrated by Hamas, and that has led to a war causing massive destruction and death totals since a year ago.

Antisemitism is nothing new, but the multiplied examples of such hatred is very horrifying, as Jews have long had to deal with hatred, both within America and worldwide.

The greatest massacre of Jews since the Nazi Holocaust of World War II perpetrated by Adolf Hitler was shocking to Jews and their supporters worldwide, and regrettably has led to the mass loss of life in Gaza, the West Bank, and now Beirut, Lebanon, as Israel is working to eliminate the terrorist groups of Hamas and Hezbollah, backed by the extremist Islamic government of Iran.

This past year has been very difficult for this blogger and anyone who cares about the survival of Israel, and for the hostages, about 100, including some Americans, who remain prisoners in the Gaza Strip.

It has caused tumult and confrontations on college campuses across America, as well as violence on city streets across the nation, and with the anniversary tomorrow of the crisis, it remains a major international, as well as domestic, crisis that seems to have no resolution.

One Month To Election Day: Are Polls To Be Believed?

With one month until Election Day, polls indicate Democratic Presidential nominee Kamala Harris has a slight edge over Donald Trump, but all the seven “Battleground” or “Swing” states are within the margin of error, so anything can happen in the next month to tip the result.

Allan Lichtman of American University has predicted Harris will defeat Trump, but no one can consider any prediction to be certain. Lichtman says the concept of an “October Surprise” is overrated as a factor, but certainly one cannot predict events that could sway voters who have not yet made up their minds.

So Harris is gaining the campaigning support of Barack Obama in particular, but also a host of other public celebrities, plus the support of hundreds of Republicans who worked under Ronald Reagan, George H. W. Bush, George W. Bush, and even in the Donald Trump Presidency, along with those who worked for John McCain and Mitt Romney.

New Case Of Prosecutor Jack Smith Against Donald Trump On January 6 Insurrection Meets Supreme Court Challenge!

Prosecutor Jack Smith has gathered plenty of evidence against Donald Trump that seems likely to overcome the restrictions set by the Supreme Court in the case of Trump V US, where the Presidency cannot be held accountable for “official” actions while in office.

Absolute immunity from criminal prosecutions having been granted for “official” actions, the decision required Smith to go back and gather evidence of “unofficial” actions, dealing with the plot of Trump trying to convince Vice President Mike Pence to refuse to accept the electoral votes of the fifty states on January 6.

These “unofficial” actions of a President seeking reelection led to the US Capitol Insurrection on January 6, 2021, which endangered the life of Pence, along with law enforcement officers, including five who died, and 140 such personnel injured.

The evidence now shows that Trump had no concern about the dangers to Pence, proclaiming “So What?”, a shocking new revelation, added to lots of other evidence that, hopefully, can be used to prosecute Trump, as “unofficial” actions, not related to his Presidential duties and responsibilities.

Liz Cheney, Kamala Harris At Ripon, Wisconsin: Birthplace Of Republican Party 170 Years Ago, And Now In Crisis!

Today is a very momentous day, as former Republican Congresswoman Liz Cheney of Wyoming, the daughter of former Vice President Dick Cheney, is campaigning for Democratic nominee Kamala Harris in Ripon, Wisconsin, the birthplace of the Republican Party in 1854!

Cheney and Harris do not agree much on policy, but Cheney and many other conservatives and Republicans are supporting her election because of the threat posed by Donald Trump’s attempt to return to the White House in the elections next month.

Trump is an existential threat to American democracy, the Constitution, and the rule of law, and Cheney has sacrificed her political career in opposing Trump after the US Capitol Insurrection of January 6, 2021, which caused five deaths of law enforcement officers and injuries to more than 140 other law enforcement personnel.

This is true patriotism in the best sense, and Cheney and many other conservatives and Republicans who are showing principle will be remembered in a positive way in American history for the long run!

Vice Presidential Debate Indecisive, But Tim Walz Continues To Have Higher Public Opinion Rating!

Last night’s CBS Tim Walz-JD Vance Vice Presidential Debate was indecisive, as Tim Walz did not go for the “jugular vein” of JD Vance, giving him a pass on his “cat ladies” comment and his promotion of the Springfield Haitian immigrants controversy, which Walz brought up, but did not go far enough. Overall, the tone of the debate was more civil than one might have expected.

Early indications are that Vance was seen as having performed somewhat better, although it was very troubling that he was unwilling to say Donald Trump lost the Presidential Election of 2020, amid indications he would be willing to contest the results in a similar situation after this year’s election.

Walz seemed a bit tentative in his debate style, so in that sense, he was disappointing, but still the public perception of Walz is much higher than that of Vance.

Stylistically, Vance can be perceived overall as a better debater, but he engaged in lying in many of his statements, with Walz giving him a pass.

History tells us that Vice Presidential debates do not determine election results, so in that sense, Walz did not have a specific blunder that would undermine the Democratic Party Presidential campaign.