Month: April 2022

Attempt To Take Marjorie Taylor Greene And Madison Cawthorn Off The Ballot For Reelection In Motion

Two of the “loonies” in the House of Representatives—Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia, and Congressman Madison Cawthorn of North Carolina—are facing challenges to their attempt to remain on ballots for reelection, as both have been accused of inspiring and promoting the January 6, 2021 Insurrection at the US Capitol.

Both Greene and Cawthorn have been reckless in speech, demonstrating extremism in the public square in their commitment to promote division and hatred in a manner that is beyond the pale!

Both, along with others involved in inciting and promoting January 6, are seen as violating the 14th Amendment, Section 3, which denies the right of any member of Congress who engaged in insurrection or rebellion from serving in the government of the United States.

Basically, anyone in government who participated in sedition or treason should face prosecution and incaceration, beyond being denied the right to serve in government!

Florida Going Nuts Over “Critical Race Theory” In Math Textbooks! Absolute Looniness!

The state of Florida is becoming a nightmare, as Ron DeSantis is promoting the concept that “Critical Race Theory” is permeating, of all things, MATH textbooks!

Critical Race Theory is not taught in public schools, but DeSantis is determined that any concept of race in any curriculum must be banned, and it is not just Florida leading the fight for banning race, as if somehow, that would mean that children would not be exposed to the reality of race as a factor in American society and history!

This is exasperating, as to claim that math cen be hijacked, along with the entire school curriculum, is totally preposterous and outrageous!

As this author and blogger indicated yesterday, Ron DeSantis is out of control, acting like a Fascist dictator, including working to deny African Americans in Florida fair representation in Congress.

This man is more dangerous than even Donald Trump, as he is willing to stop at nothing to become the Republican Presidential nominee, including not standing aside if Donald Trump announces for President!

DeSantis has become a much younger Donald Trump in his manner, his arrogance, his biases, his agenda, his lack of any limitations on his lust for power, and he MUST be stopped!

Ron DeSantis More Dangerous Than Was George Wallace In 1960s Or Huey Long In 1930s

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has become an authoritarian, arrogant, dangerous leader of the third largest state in population in America, and it is clear that he is full steam ahead in his pursuit of the Republican Presidential nomination in 2024, even if Donald Trump ends up announcing for President.

Highly ambitious, and willing to do anything to promote his populist views against the establishment in every respect, DeSantis should be seen as much more dangerous than an earlier popullst, Alabama Governor George Wallace was in the 1960s, including when he ran on a third party American Independent party line in 1968, winning five states, 46 electoral votes, and 13.5 percent of the national popular vote.

Ron DeSantis clearly will stop at nothing in his quest for power, as he has now made victims of women, minority groups, gay and transgender people, children, and promoted banning books and interfering with educational curriculum, and even the right of Floridians to vote in a system based on democracy and representation by promoting extreme gerrymandering.

DeSantis is interfering with his own party in the legislature, reminding us of Huey Long of Louisiana in the 1930s, as dictatorial in approach as Long was, alarming many at the time and now.

DeSantis has adopted Trump tactics, including showing his signature in a “show and tell” after signing legislation or an executive order. But he is also smarter and more than thirty years younger than Trump, and he is hell bent on storming the opposition in his own party, and taking over the federal government with an extremist right wing agenda. He has declared war on common decency, compassion, empathy, and humanity, all represented by President Joe Biden.

DeSantis has no limits to his agenda to promote the return of America to its past, rather than its multi ethnic future, and the goal must be to stop him in his tracks from reaching the White House, as American Fascism would be the result!

The Aging Of Leadership A Major Problem With Presidential Succession And Otherwise!

The Presidential Succession Act of 1947 has now set up a situation where the present Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, and the President Pro Tempore of the Senate, Patrick Leahy, are both 82 years old, born five days apart in March 1940.

Next year, Dianne Feinstein could be the President Pro Tempore at past 89, as she was born in June 1933, and there are signs of her seemingly having dementia interfering with her ability to do her work.

This presents the problem of aging leadership, which has to include in discussion President Joe Biden, who will be 80 in November, but also senior Republican Senator Chuck Grassley of Iowa, who will be 89 in September, and would be President Pro Tempore of the Senate, if the Republicans regain control this fall.

We have never had such an aging leadership in American history, as so many others in leadership are in their late 70s or nearing 80 and over.

The second and third House leaders are in their 80s–House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, who will be 83 in June, and James Clyburn, the House Majority Whip, who will be 82 in July.

And Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell is 80 years old.

It is time for a new generation of leadership!

Horrendous Trump Endorsed Nominees For Senate: Pennsylvania, Georgia, Ohio

Donald Trump has been endorsing Senate nominees, trying to have an impact on the upcoming Senate races, with the US Senate presently evenly divided 50-50.

With this unusual tie situation, even one Democratic seat switching with Trump support would put the Senate into Republican hands, and the horrors of Mitch McConnell again becoming Senate Majority Leader.

Trump has chosen horrendous nominees, as in Pennsylvania with Dr. Mehmet Oz; in Georgia with former football player Herschel Walker; and in Ohio with author JD Vance.

All three are lacking in decent credentials, and all three would be an embarrassment if elected to the US Senate.

Democrats need to work hard to defeat these three nominees, and keep the Georgia seat, and gain the Pennsylvania and Ohio seats.

Georgia has the Reverend Raphael Warnock trying to keep his seat; while in Pennsylvania, there are three contending Democrats running for the open seat; and in Ohio, Congressman Tim Ryan is the favored Democrat.

The Reality Of The First Year Of The Biden Presidency: Strongest Year Of Economic Growth Since 1984!

In the second year of the Joe Biden Presidency, America is facing the greatest inflation rate in 41 years, with inflation now at close to 8 percent.

This is a major issue, as the Midterm Congressional and Gubernatorial elections of 2022 are now six and a half months away.

No one wants inflation, and it should not be a political issue, but of course, it is, and Republicans will constantly harp on it.

But it has nothing to do with any President, as inflation is reality worldwide, and the unfortunate Russia-Ukraine War only makes the situation worse.

So Democrats need to emphasize that 2021 was a record breaking year, with unemployment down to 3.6 percent, down from 6.3 percent in 2020, the fastest decline ever.

The Gross Domestic Product was up about 5.7 percent, double the average since 1976!

Nearly 8 million jobs have been created, and wages have risen about 5.6 percent, and the deficit is down about $1.3 trillion, largest drop ever!

So 2021 was the strongest year for economic growth since 1984!

Russia’s Economy Only Number 11 In World And Its Rapid Decline Now Accelerated By Ukraine War!

The Russian Federation and its war criminal, Vladimir Putin, is rapidly declining, embarrassing itself in the war in Ukraine, unable to overcome its neighbor, but committing genocide while losing.

And now Ukraine has sunk the leading naval battleship of Russia in the Black Sea off Odessa, infuriating Putin beyond all limits.

Russia is suffering from massive economic sanctions, and on the list of nations’ Gross National Products, it ranks Number 11, lower than Brazil, Italy and Canada (Numbers 8, 9, 10), and just above South Korea, Australia, Spain and Mexico (Numbers 12, 13, 14, 15)!

NATO must get ready for what seems likely an extension of the war, and the United States and President Joe Biden will need to be in the lead of a military intervention on the side of Ukraine!

The Republican Presidential Campaign Has Begun, With Trump Soon To Be Indicted, So Out Of The Running!

Here we are in mid April 2022, seven months before the midterm Congressional and Gubernatorial elections in November, but the Republican Presidential campaign has begun.

It is now clear that Donald Trump will soon be indicted, and that will put him out of the running, and his crowds at rallies are getting smaller and smaller by every estimate.

So Donald Trump will NOT repeat what Grover Cleveland did in 1892, after losing the Presidency in 1888–that is, come back, and run and win the Presidency once again.

And one must realize that even when Grover Cleveland “lost” in 1888, he won the national popular vote, although losing the Electoral College.

So Cleveland actually won the popular vote three times, with only Franklin D. Roosevelt winning four times.

And let us not forget that Donald Trump lost the popular vote by massive margins in 2016 and 2020!

Donald Trump will not be the Republican nominee, but the problem is that there are younger, smarter, but even more dangerous “copycats”, who think behaving like Trump, and promoting extremist right wing policies, will be a winnable strategy.

So the fight for 2024 by Democrats and responsible anti Trump Republicans has begun!

April 12: Beginning Of Civil War (1861) And Death Of FDR (1945)–Two Key Moments In US History!

Today, April 12, is one of the most influential days in American history!

It is the 161st anniversary of the outbreak of the Civil War at Fort Sumter, South Carolina, an event which still strongly affects American politics and society ever since, despite the loss of the Confederate States to the Union four years later on April 9, 1865.

It is also the 77th anniversary of the death of President Franklin D. Roosevelt, the most significant President of the 20th century, and only surpassed in influence by George Washington in the 18th century and Abraham Lincoln in the 19th century.

The impact of FDR remains massive on American government and society, despite the desire of Republicans over the decades to wipe out the effects of the New Deal on America.

No other events match the Civil War and the New Deal in their impact on America long term!

Marjorie Taylor Greene And Other Extremist Republicans Use Pedophilia Accusation Against Critics

Georgia Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene and other extremist Republicans in Congress are using a Pedophilia accusation against critics, within and outside the party.

This is part of the QAnon Conspiracy theory, which includes claiming Hillary Clinton was engaged in such activity in a pizza parlor in Washington DC years ago.

Now Greene is saying that those three Republican Senators who voted for confirmation of Ketanjai Brown Jackson to the Supreme Court—Mitt Romney, Lisa Murkowski, Sudan Collins–are pedophiles.

And Republican Senators on the Senate Judiciary Committee–including Lindsey Graham, Tom Cotton, Marsha Blackburn, Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley—implied that Jackson was out to protect child pornographers.

This outrageous behavior and utterances are not being responded to adequately by mamy other Republicans, as the party veers ever further to the far Right, and conspiracy theories, that undermine any possibility of progress and ability to cross the aisle and do the work of the American people!