Many Republicans have been tooting their own horns over the gubernatorial victories of their party in Virginia and New Jersey.
But as a new poll shows, winning Virginia and New Jersey is far from winning the Presidency.
Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee leads a new poll over his potential GOP rivals, with Mitt Romney second, Sarah Palin third, Newt Gingrich fourth, Tim Pawlenty fifth, and Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour in last place.
Huckabee seems to have an advantage because of his FOX News show where he comes across in a very pleasant, folksy manner.
But still only four out of ten voters plan at this point to support either Huckabee or Romney, while about a third would back Palin, 29 percent would be behind Gingrich, and less than one out of five behind Pawlenty or Barbour.
So the Republicans have a lot of work to convince the American voter to support a party which has no original ideas on anything, and spends its time being negative, and going out of its way to alienate moderates and independents and court the support of Tea Party and Freedom/Works extremists who stormed Capitol Hill yesterday and came across as hateful, racist, anti semitic, and extremist in rhetoric.