Day: November 4, 2009

The NY 23 Race A Slap At Sarah Palin, Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck And Company

The NY 23 race results were very pleasing, the best moment for Democrats in yesterday’s election, as the Democratic nominee defeated the Conservative candidate, after the Republican nominee withdrew and endorsed the Democrat.

This is a congressional seat representing Plattsburgh, Watertown and other “North Country” New York territory, an area that had voted consistently Republican since Ulysses Grant was President in 1872.

This can be seen as a strike against the move toward “purifying” the Republican Party, and the elimination of moderates in that party. It is a repudiation by the voters of Sarah Palin, Fred Thompson, Tim Pawlenty, Dick Armey, Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, and numerous other Republican leaders and conservative talk show hosts, who if left to their own devices, will destroy the Republican party tradition.

This tradition includes Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, Robert LaFollette, Sr., George Norris, Arthur Vandenberg, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Gerald Ford, Nelson Rockefeller, Mark Hatfield, Clifford Case, Charles Percy, Charles Mathias,Olympia Snowe, and many other distinguished Republicans over the 155 year history of the party, who welcomed moderates and even liberals and progressives in the party, and contributed mightily to the history of the nation.

If the GOP is smart, they will repudiate the attempt of FreedomWorks and other right wing, self destructive forces. and move back toward the center of the political spectrum where the majority of Americans are found.

The New York City Mayoralty Race Analyzed: A Lesson To Michael Bloomberg

The fact that New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg won a third term on Tuesday by only a five percent margin was shocking to many.

His Democratic opponent, William Thompson, faced a 14-1 financing disadvantage, as Bloomberg spent nearly $100 million of his own personal fortune, the most ever spent by any politician to win a political office.

Compare the five percent margin this time to the 20 percent margin that Bloomberg won by in 2005. It comes down to resentment over his personal fortune being used so aggressively, but also his pushing of the City Council to change the term limits law to allow him to run for a third term, something that alienated many voters as much as the personal financing.

The voter refusal to vote for him overwhelmingly is a good lesson in the need to limit personal fortune investments in political campaigns, and to have the guts to insist on term limits for mayors, as well as governors–that is, to follow the spirit of the 22nd Amendment for the Presidency of the United States. No one is indispensable, and good government requires that executives be replaced after a maximum of eight years in office.

The Oddity Of Virginia And New Jersey: No Significant Meaning

An odd tradition has occurred in both Virginia and New Jersey since 1989, and in Virginia actually going back to 1977.

The party in the White House every time has lost the gubernatorial race in these two states the following year. No one knows why, but since it has happened on a regular basis, it cannot be seen as a bellwether for the future.

There is no way that an election with only two states holding major races can be seen as meaning anything, other than local factors predominating. So the Republicans should be happy, but not get their hopes up for 2010.

It still comes down to this ultimately: As Bill Clinton promoted in his 1992 campaign: It is the economy, stupid!   This is what will decide the fortunes of the Republicans and Democrats in the midterm congressional elections next year!