White Supremacists

Alarming Antisemitism Emerges On Many College And University Campuses

The rise of antisemitism on so many college and university campuses, as well as in American society in general, is alarming.

One can believe that the lives of Palestinians matter, as much as Israelis, but the war between Israel and Hamas is causing a tremendous overreaction by some students and faculty members, and is causing danger and questions of personal safety and security for many American Jews.

The issue of antisemitism has always been a problem with white supremacist groups, but now it is rearing its ugly head in other communities. A small educated group of intellectuals and students have no concern about the reality of Jews in world history, and seem unaware or unconcerned about the Nazi Holocaust that slaughtered six million Jews under Adolf Hitler in World War II.

To deny Israel has a right to exist is as horrible as to say that Palestinians have no similar rights to peace, tranquility, and acceptance!

The Biden Administration is working on coming up with support for the Jewish community, both on college campuses, and in society in general.

Ron DeSantis Is A Right Wing Threat, Undermining Basic Human Rights, Education, Health Care, And Harming Public Safety!

Florida, the state I have lived in for 34 years, since 1989, has become a right wing threat under Governor Ron DeSantis.

DeSantis has banned an elective African American Studies Advanced Placement Course in Florida High Schools, claiming it has no educational value.

DeSantis has fired an elected Prosecutor, Hillsborough County State Attorney Andrew Warren, for publicly disagreeing with the governor’s stand on abortion rights and transgender health care.

DeSantis has cracked down on the Disney Company and its control of its properties in Central Florida, because they disagree with his policies and actions.

DeSantis is planning to promote a policy of guns “open carry”, without any permit or training or licensing, in all public places, which will insure mass murder incidents occurring ever more as happened at the Parkland Florida School Massacre in 2018 and the Orlando Florida “Pulse” Massacre in 2015.

DeSantis is banning books in public schools and libraries, and threatening prosecution for teachers or librarians who defy him. This is censorship, totally against American democratic values, but it will not stop students from inquiry about all kinds of issues, but has the effect of intimidation.

DeSantis has as Florida State Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Ladapo who is undermining protection for seniors or children or anyone else with the COVID 19 Pandemic, as he works with DeSantis on banning of masks and vaccinations as Florida policy.

DeSantis has fired school board members in several counties, and appointed Republican replacements that are dictating policies and curriculums in local schools.

DeSantis has set out to destroy the New College of Florida, in Sarasota, a liberal university which has received great honors and reputation. He has put a right wing extremist onto its board, and the President of the university has been fired, and the plan is to fire faculty members who do not fit the version of DeSantis regarding what is proper education.

DeSantis has interfered with college professors at Florida state universities, dictating what can be expressed in classes and put into class syllabi, and working to end tenure rights.

DeSantis has banned any protection or safety for gay and transgender children, which will promote suicides, as his puritan view of sexuality permeates the state of Florida.

DeSantis has declared war on empathy, decency, compassion, and is more concerned about so called “guilt” that white students might feel, totally preposterous, and at the same time, having no concern about the effect on students of color.

DeSantis’s war on abortion rights is also taking away a woman’s control over her body, putting Florida into the crosshairs of right wing control by an authoritarian minded man who wants to be President of the United States.

DeSantis also formed a political stunt about immigration, shipping Venezuelan migrants to Martha’s Vineyard, promoting his nativism agenda.

DeSantis has declared war on people of color; science and medicine; education and libraries; gays, lesbians and transgender individuals; women’s rights over their own bodies; elected officials who defy him; corporations who disagree with his views; immigrants; and he has shown no concern about public safety from unstable individuals who will have license to kill innocent citizens with firearms.

DeSantis is promoting intolerance, hatred, division, and destroying the reputation of Florida, at a time when the cost of living is high and housing prices are out of sight; the state is trying to recover from Hurricane Ian; and the public health threat from COVID 19 is still killing Floridians every day.

And since he did not react to recent examples of antisemitism displayed by White Supremacists and Neo Nazis, that is another great concern.

But his lust for power is unchecked, and he must be challenged and stopped, before he becomes an ever greater threat to the nation and the world beyond just the state of Florida.

All decent, humane people must rise up and resist, even as DeSantis had a law passed barring demonstrations that might block traffic, so one can expect the possibility of the use of police forces to crack down on the freedom of assembly.

This is not a time to sit on the sidelines, as what is happening in Florida could become the future of the entire nation, if Ron DeSantis was to go on and to win the Presidential Election of 2024!

International Holocaust Remembrance Day 2023, And Dangerous Nick Fuentes!

Today is International Holocaust Remembrance Day, marking 78 years since on this day in 1945, the Soviet Union’s troops opened up and took control of the Nazi Concentration Camp at Auschwitz, Poland.

This was the horrendous beginning of the exposure that Nazi Germany had arranged for the death of 6 million Jews, and 7 million others, including gypsies, homosexuals, Catholics, and people of every occupied nation in Europe, in a multitude of concentration camps!

The shock of this mass loss of life by plan and evil deed has a significance that one can never be allowed to forget, as in our times, there is an increasing amount of Antisemism all over the world, and including the United States, which has seen tremendous escalation of hate!

And we have young antisemites, Nazi Germany supporters, racists, white supremacists, and Holocaust Deniers, who use the internet and social media to incite hate and violence!

One such person is 24 year old Nick Fuentes, who, ironically has a Mexican American father, but sows hate, and was invited to dinner by Donald Trump at Mar A Lago with Kanye West! This young hoodlum is inciting young men who are Incels, who hate women but are not gay or bisexual, supposedly, and are clearly mentally ill, to threaten women, Jews, and people of color!

Nick Fuentes is a “clear and present danger”, using the internet in a manner to provoke violence, and it is hoped that the FBI is monitoring him, as this is a potential Adolf Hitler in our midst, who cannot be allowed to provoke violence, and avoid accountability!

A Great Day For Democracy: Conviction Of Seditionists, And Marriage Equality Protected!

Yesterday, November 29, 2022, was a great day for democracy!

The Oath Keepers involved in conspiracy on January 6, 2021, including its leader, Stewart Rhodes, were convicted of sedition and will face long prison terms.

It is a warning to Donald Trump and the multitude of conspirators around the former President, that they will be held accountable for the bloody, violent insurrection at the US Capitol.

It also is an assertion to domestic terrorists, including anti Semites, white supremacists and neo Nazis, that if their violent rhetoric goes over the limits toward promoting bloodshed and violence, then they will face prosecution and incarceration as well.

This is a alerting to Nick Fuentes, Kanye West, Michelle Malkin, Charlie Kirk, and others who promote and incite others to action, that there are limits to their free speech rights if it leads to action!

Also, yesterday, a bipartisan group of US Senators have insured the rights of same sex marriage and interracial marriage to be protected, although 37 Republicans were against such action, which will mark them in history in a negative way!

Lunatic And Incompetent Republican Candidates Abound For 2022 Midterm Elections!

The Republican Party has, and is in the process of nominating candidates for public office, who are clearly lunatic and incompetent.

No wonder national Republican leadership is alarmed, and why Democrats are raising much greater amounts of campaign funds and leading in many polls.

So we have Pennsylvania with very dangerous Gubernatorial nominee Doug Mastriano, who consorts with white supremacists and antisemites; and Dr. Mehmet Oz, running for the US Senate, who has made a fool of himself, and undermined his television reputation, and is not even a resident of Pennsylvania, rather New Jersey.

And we have Georgia, where former football star Herschel Walker, running for the US Senate, has been caught in lies about his past, and makes totally loony statements, making one wonder if he suffers from brain damage from his football career.

And we have author J D Vance in Ohio, running for the US Senate, who is shown to have changed all his views from five years ago, and now says abused women should not leave their husbands or live in boyfriends, but just stay in the horrendous relationship with their children, a statement that makes one wonder as to Vance’s sanity.

And in Maryland, the candidates for Governor and Attorney General on the Republican side, Dan Cox and Michael Peroutka, are showing they are totally outside the mainstream in alarming ways!

And there are still primary contests to come that are potentially alarming, particularly if Eric Greitens, former disgraced Missouri Governor, ends up as the Republican nominee for the US Senate!

CPAC (Conservative Political Action Conference) A Mockery Of Conservatism And The Party Of Lincoln!

The annual CPAC (Conservative Political Action Conference) took place for four days last week in Orlando, Florida, the home of three of the absolutely worst political leaders imaginable–Governor Ron DeSantis, Senator and former Governor Rick Scott, and Senator Marco Rubio!

White Supremacists and lovers of Vladimir Putin, who is waging war on Ukraine, dominated the four days of speeches, and showed just how authoritarian oriented these so called conservatives are, who have made a mockery of conservatism and the party of Lincoln!

There was no support of the brave Ukranians, fighting against the most dangerous man on the planet, Vladimir Putin, but lunatic support of Donald Trump, the most dangerous man in America, who keeps his legions of supporters loyal to his anti democratic, anti NAT0 and Fascist authoritarianism, which waged war on the US Capitol on January 6, 2021!

The CPAC poll for the 2024 Republican Presidential nomination had Trump winning 59 percent of the vote, to Ron DeSantis and 28 percent, second year in a row of CPAC still supporting the traitor and seditionist Donald Trump!

The true conservatives—the Lincoln Project—and such leaders as Liz Cheney, Adam Kinzinger, Mitt Romney, Ben Sasse, Susan Collins, Lisa Murkowski, Larry Hogan, Charlie Baker, Chris Sununu, along with fellow former Republicans outside of government—are working to undermine the Trump legions, and save the party future!

The Republican Party Of History Is Gone! 1854-2022!

The Republican Party of history once stood for human rights, civil rights, racial equality, in the age of Abraham Lincoln.

The Republican Party of history once stood for progressive reforms, in the age of Theodore Roosevelt, Robert LaFollette, Sr., and George Norris.

The Republican Party of history once stood for promoting internationalism and fighting the Cold War for democracy and against the threat of totalitarianism, in the age of Dwight D. Eisenhower, Richard Nixon, and Ronald Reagan.

The Republican Party of history once stood for Civil Rights in the age of Senators and Congressmen who joined with Democrats to promote political and social reform.

The Republican Party of history had its elements which were evil and divisive, but the party overall stood for basic principles of decency while promoting conservatism and the concept of limited national government.

But now, the Republican Party has promoted massive give aways to the wealthy, while having no concern about the needs of the middle class and the poor.

But now, the Republican Party consorts with authoritarian regimes of the Left and the Right, including collaborating with Vladimir Putin to fix the Presidential Election of 2016, and to make concessions to the Russian Federation during the era of Donald Trump.

But now, the Republican Party has the craziest conceivable elements in its party, who promote sedition, treason, and attacks on the Constitution and the rule of law.

Only a small element of the 2021-2022 Republican Party is part of the mainstream of American politics, and they are outnumbered and attacked for their commitment to decency, honesty, and the tenets of American democracy. Plaudits to Liz Cheney, Adam Kinzinger, Anthony Gonzalez, Peter Meijer, John Katko, Tom Rice, Lisa Murkowski, Susan Collins, Ben Sasse, Mitt Romney, Pat Toomey, and a small group of other courageous, principled Congressmen and Senators!

Donald Trump and his ilk, which include millions of ignorant, prejudiced white supremacists, antisemites, Islamophobes, racists, nativists and misogynists, represent a dire threat to the American republic, and must be combatted by every legal tool available, to allow America to reach its 250th anniversary in 2026 as a nation still keeping its values and heritage that are a model for democracy around the world in the 21st century!

The AntiSemitism Of Donald Trump Stated Loud And Clear!

AntiSemitism has sadly been part of American history, and we have had Presidents whose attitudes towards the Jewish people have been questioned.

Many question Franklin D. Roosevelt’s reaction to growing evidence of the Holocaust during World War II.

Harry Truman’s reaction toward Jews and Israel only developed due to his long friendship with Eddie Jacobson, and yet he could not visit Truman at his home in Independence, Missouri, due to the antiSemitism of Truman’s wife, First Lady Bess Truman.

Richard Nixon, while assisting Israel during the Yom Kippur War in 1973, expressed antiSemitic slurs on the Watergate Tapes.

Many Jews have questioned Jimmy Carter’s criticism of Israel, and accused him of being an antiSemite.

George H. W. Bush’s Secretary of State James Baker uttered criticism of Israel and of Jewish influence.

Many Jews have always believed that Barack Obama was unfavorable toward Israel’s government under Benjamin Netanyahu.

But none of these Presidents, not even Nixon, match the antiSemitism of Donald Trump, which many thought was well hidden, but now has come out full blown, beginning with his statement in 2017 that the Neo Nazis and white supremacists at Charlottesville, Virginia had some “good people” on their side.

Now, in an open interview, he is critical of Jews who have the gall to vote for Democrats and are not in lock step on Israel’s government policies, and condemned in foul language former Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu for congratulating Joe Biden on his election victory in 2020!

And yet, there are Orthodox Jews and a percentage of extremely wealthy Jews who continue to support Donald Trump, even to the extent of continuing to back the Fascism of Trump displayed on January 6, 2021, and to promote the “Big Lie”, that Trump won the Presidential Election of 2020! They are blind to the evil that Donald Trump represents, and are a danger to the concept that Jews believe in social justice and compassion for those less fortunate!

Those Jews who continue to support Donald Trump even now should be roundly condemned and ostracized, and only are accelerating antiSemitism nationwide and worldwide!

Only 9 House Republicans Voted To Hold Insurrectionist Steve Bannon In Contempt Of Congress

To demonstrate how corrupt and hypocritical the Republican Party has become, only NINE House Republicans had the guts and courage to uphold a contempt of Congress on former Donald Trump aide Steve Bannon, the true epitome of a full fledged Fascist-Nazi type character, who has long preached and promoted violence, bloodshed, and seizure of the government by extremist white supremacists.

These are the nine brave souls:

Liz Cheney of Wyoming
Adam Kinzinger of Illinois
Anthony Gonzalez of Ohio
Jaime Herrera Beutler of Washington
John Katko of New York
Peter Meijer of Michigan
Fred Upton of Michigan
Brian Fitzpatrick of Pennsylvania
Nancy Mace of South Carolina

The first two named are on the House January 6 Committee investigating the horrid events of that day, two weeks before Inauguration Day of Joe Biden.

The next five are five of the ten, including Cheney and Kinzinger who voted to impeach Donald Trump in the second impeachment trial.

The last two are newcomers to expressing opposition to Donald Trump and his lackeys in Congress.

They are all going to be targets of Donald Trump and his supporters, as they work to cover up and act as if nothing unusual occurred on January 6, 2021.

Donald Trump Calls Mike Pence A “Statue”; Others Call Pence A Fawning, Admiring Sycophant!

Donald Trump has called his Vice President, Mike Pence, a “statue”, for refusing to prevent the Electoral College victory for Joe Biden on January 6, 2021, which led to the US Capitol Insurrection that is now being investigated without the support of the Republican Party faithful, who mostly still support Donald Trump.

Mike Pence was under threat on January 6, 2021, and Donald Trump did not care, and for that alone, Trump should spend the rest of his life in prison for treason and sedition, including the endangerment of all members of Congress, and the destruction that went on in the US Capitol building by the right wing white supremacists who were assisted by some of the Republican members of Congress!

Mike Pence took his constitutional duties seriously, and the fact that the Republican Party continues to support Donald Trump, is disgrace and an insult to Pence!

But it is reality that Mike Pence has proved until that date, January 6, 2021, to be a fawning, obsequious sycophant, who embarrassed himself by his public signs of total loyalty and unwillingness to show any guts or courage to Trump’s outrageous behavior during his term, and he will not be looked fondly upon in history!

Rather, he will go down as a too obedient, overly admiring individual to Donald Trump’s misbehavior over four years, much too weak and unwilling to show guts, courage, and a spine until the most dangerous moment in American history since the Civil War!