James Comey

Donald Trump’s “Witch Hunt” Against “Anonymous”, Calling Him/Her Engaged In “Treason And Sedition” A Dangerous Move That Must Be Rejected By Attorney General Jeff Sessions

Donald Trump is furious over the New York Times “Anonymous” article published last week, just as news of Bob Woodward’s new book on the Trump Presidency, due out tomorrow, started to leak out a week before the official date of the book, September 11.

Trump wants to find out who in the government published this article in the New York Times, as he has accused that person, him or her, as engaged in “Treason and Sedition”.

This is a preposterous charge, as whether Trump likes it or not, the issue here is warning the American people of the danger of Donald Trump in the White House, by someone who knows the inside information on the mental instability of the 45th President.

It is an issue of freedom of speech, and no one can be prosecuted for doing what this person did, as we are not a dictatorship, where people are prosecuted for their thoughts and statements.

And yet, Trump has indicated that he plans to ask Attorney General Jeff Sessions to begin an investigation at Trump’s demand. Sessions already has been bitterly condemned and ridiculed by Trump, more than any cabinet member in history, since Sessions recused himself from the investigation of Special Counsel Robert Mueller in May 2017, and it would seem that Sessions will refuse to do what Trump wants.

And it is also likely that FBI Director Chris Wray will also refuse to use the FBI as a political weapon against whoever published the New York Times article.

So we are likely to see ever more crazy behavior coming out of the White House, as Trump explodes in rage, and likely will finally fire both Sessions and Wray, creating a more serious constitutional crisis than the initial firing of former FBI head James Comey in May 2017.

So the Trump Presidency is in a new stage, as Trump goes further berserk, and stretches the Constitution beyond its norms, as he continues to obstruct justice.

Donald Trump Lacks Any Element Of Compassion, Empathy, And Common Decency: It Is All About Him And Him Alone!

All observers of Donald Trump and his Presidency know the basic character of the man.

He lacks any element of compassion, empathy, and common decency.

He does not care who he harms, insults, upsets, destroys, as long as he benefits in his ego and his pocketbook.

He disposes of people as if they are vermin, and demands total loyalty, while he has absolutely no such loyalty on his part to anyone, including his three wives and his children, and all of the people he has “used” in his quest for yet more wealth and power.

He does not have a sense of dignity and proper behavior, whether in public or private.

He has a hair trigger temper, and is a nightmare to work for and to be in his presence.

And yet, he has people who he uses and disposes of, who quietly leave, and so far, have not uttered a negative word about him in public.

Not one has yet held a press conference or agreed to an interview by any journalist to “spill the beans” about Trump.

Not one has yet published a book about his experiences with Trump.

It is clear, however, that many people who have worked with Donald Trump have, willingly or unwillingly, behind the scenes, testified to Special Counsel Robert Mueller.

So now that it has been a year (on May 17) since Mueller was hired to investigate the Trump Administration, after the firing of FBI head James Comey, it would seem as if many revelations are coming, and that indictments are due to occur soon, and that the case against Donald Trump, the most disgusting human being imaginable, will finally be exposed, and Trump will meet his “Karma”.

Marist Public Opinion Poll: 83 Percent Democrats, 76 Percent Independent, 57 Percent Republican–Let Mueller Investigation Move Forward

At a dangerous moment in the probe of Donald Trump by Special Counsel Robert Mueller, as Trump unravels more than ever before, and has fired so many people on his staff, greater than any President after one year in office, a Marist poll demonstrates that the American people want the Mueller investigation to move forward to completion.

It is now ten months since Mueller was appointed by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein to investigate the firing of FBI Head James Comey, and it is clear that evidence has been gathered leading to convictions and indictments already, that show widespread corruption in the Trump Presidency.

Republicans in Congress have been unwilling to pass legislation to insure that the investigation will move forward, believing Donald Trump will not fire Mueller, but the feeling is that any day, that could happen.

Based on the Marist Poll–83 percent Democrats, 76 percent Independent, 57 percent Republican–it seems as if there would be a storm fire if Trump went ahead and fired Mueller, similar to what happened when Richard Nixon fired Archibald Cox in 1973. One would think there would be a movement, even by many Republicans, towards impeachment.

The problem is that even impeachment support by Republicans would take time, and an unhinged Donald Trump, with a crazy National Security Adviser, John Bolton, advocating “regime change” on North Korea and Iran, could take us into one or two massive wars that could cause tremendous loss of life, and possible nuclear war. Also, the “tariff wars” Trump is promoting could cause a world wide Great Depression or Great Recession at the least.

So public opinion is on the side of backing Mueller over Trump, but no matter how one looks at it, America and the world at large is in the midst of a constitutional crisis, which seems much more severe than Richard Nixon and Watergate 45 years ago!

Tip Of The Iceberg? Some Republicans Warn Mueller Should Be Allowed To Finish Investigation

It is interesting to note that some top Republicans have stated over the past weekend that Special Counsel Robert Mueller should be allowed to finish his investigation into Donald Trump and his administration on charges of possible Russian Collusion, Obstruction of Justice, and other charges, without any intervention or action by Donald Trump.

Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina made that very clear.

So did Florida Senator Marco Rubio, South Carolina Congressman Trey Gowdy and Arizona Senator John McCain. Also, Arizona Senator Jeff Flake has spoken up.

But notice that Graham and Rubio are not facing voters this fall; McCain is in the hospital; and Gowdy and Flake are not seeking reelection.

And a spokesman for Speaker of the House Paul Ryan issued a similar statement for Ryan. Ryan has all along proved to be a gutless wonder, who may yet decide not to run for reelection, but in any case, is not willing to stick his neck out too much.

One can be sure that if Barack Obama had dared to behave like Trump has for 14 months, the Republicans would be out to get his head immediately!

Is this “the tip of the iceberg”? Will the Republican Congress demonstrate candor and take their responsibilities of oversight of the executive Branch seriously, and the protection of the Constitution, or allow abuse of power by Donald Trump?

Hard to say, as other Republicans totally ignored the rantings and ravings on Twitter by Trump this past weekend on Mueller, and fired former Deputy Head of the FBI Andrew McCabe, and former FBI head James Comey.

At the same time, former intelligence officials such as former CIA head John Brennan and former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, and former retired Four Star Army General Barry McCaffrey unleashed attacks on Trump as a danger to national security, with his continued unwillingness to criticize Russian leader Vladimir Putin.

There is no question we are in the midst of a massive constitutional crisis, far worse than Richard Nixon and Watergate 45 years ago!

Trump’s Downfall: His Firing Of James Comey And Andrew McCabe, And They Will Bring Him Down!

When the Trump Presidency comes to an end very soon, we will look back and realize that through all of the turmoil and craziness of his time in office, it will be fatal errors on Trump’s part that bring him down.

The first blunder was the firing of FBI head James Comey, which led to the appointment ten months ago of Special Counsel Robert Mueller, and now after ten months, Mueller is hot on the trail of the Trump scandals, and Trump is certain to be removed from office by one method or another, and will be seen as a traitor to America, and a lackey of Vladimir Putin.

The second miscue was the firing of Andrew McCabe, who was Acting Head of the FBI after Comey’s firing, until Christopher Wray was appointed and confirmed.

Both Comey and McCabe, along with Robert Mueller, are Republicans, but now both of them are working with Mueller, and both have notes about their meetings with Trump, and they insure the downfall of Donald Trump.

There is no out for Donald Trump, as he has undermined himself!

Mess with the FBI, and you are undermining oneself, but Trump was too stupid to realize that, so he will pay the price, which will disgrace him in the long run of history.

And anyone who supported Trump, and many who still do, will forever be labeled what they are–selfish ignorant, and clueless human beings!

Andrew McCabe And Stormy Daniels: The Disgrace Of The Donald Trump Presidency Becomes More So With Seemingly No Bottom!

It is hard to conceive of the total evil of Donald Trump!

With everything he has said and done, he has reached a new low, with the issues of Andrew McCabe and Stormy Daniels.

Through crooked Attorney General Jeff Sessions, Andrew McCabe, who served honorably in the FBI for twenty years, has been fired two days before his 50th birthday, which was to be hie retirement day, and he is in danger of losing much of his well earned pension, unless he can win rights to it through a lawsuit.

This is because of politicizing the FBI, and accusing McCabe of unethical actions, as if Sessions and Trump have any concept of what ethics is all about.

But McCabe knows what James Comey, who was fired in May, 2017, knows, of the obstruction of justice of Donald Trump on the Russian Collusion investigation, and now McCabe is free to become the person who helps bring Donald Trump and Jeff Sessions and other crooked people around Trump to justice, through cooperation and testimony before Special Counsel Robert Mueller.

Remember that McCabe is close to James Comey and to Robert Mueller from their years together in the FBI.

So Trump will be “hoist by his own petard”, so to speak, and will regret the firing of both Comey and McCabe.

But also, the Stormy Daniels porn star scandal, which everyone knows that Trump is covering up, now has become one of direct physical threats to Daniels, and one has to imagine Trump is at least indirectly connected to it, and if anything happens to Daniels, who is due to “spill the goods” on Trump on SIXTY MINUTES on Sunday, March 25, it will be Trump who will face criminal charges, as at least an accessory to the crime.

More than ever, Trump is like a Mafia figure, and clearly too close to the Russian Mafia headed by Vladimir Putin.

It is long overdue for Trump to be forced out of office by massive demonstrations, and to overcome lack of action by a complicit Republican Party in Congress, which has allowed this nightmare to have, seemingly, no end!

Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein And Special Counsel Robert Mueller In Danger Of Being Fired, Undermining Russian Investigation

Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein is in danger of being fired by President Donald Trump, in order to stop the investigation of the Russian collusion scandal by Special Counsel Robert Mueller, appointed by Rosenstein after the firing of FBI Director James Comey last May.

If that were to happen, it seems likely that Trump would try to find someone else, maybe Rachel Brand, the next ranking person in the Justice Department, to fire Mueller.

Both Rosenstein and Brand are Republican appointments, and Mueller was the former head of the FBI, appointed by George W. Bush, so this is not an issue of Democrats being in danger, but rather Republicans, as Trump works to cover up his involvement in Russian collusion in the 2016 Presidential campaign, as well as money laundering, obstruction of justice, abuse of power, and violation of the Emoluments Clause of the Constitution.

This would provoke a situation similar to the “Saturday Night Massacre” under Richard Nixon in October 1973, when Nixon fired Special Prosecutor Archibald Cox, in the midst of the Watergate Scandal, the first step in the move toward impeachment of Nixon, and his eventual forced resignation in August 1974.

This would create a constitutional crisis greater than Watergate, and the American people must rise up to prevent what Trump is trying to do, create a dictatorship, in which a President is unaccountable for his illegal behavior, and a situation where his party in Congress is unwilling to take a stand against executive abuse of power.

Donald Trump has done so much damage already in so many ways, and he must be stopped now, before we lose our democracy and our image of ourselves as a nation based upon the rule of law and the Constitution.

Don McGahn, White House Counselor: The New “Deep Throat” Or John Dean, As In The Watergate Scandal?

With the new revelation from the NY Times that Donald Trump wanted to fire Special Counsel Robert Mueller back in June 2017, one month after he was appointed by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein to investigate Trump’s firing of FBI head James Comey in May 2017, the odds increase of Trump facing legal troubles.

The person revealed to have prevented the firing of Mueller is White House Counsel Don McGahn, who threatened to resign over the firing, and effectively prevented Trump from following through on his demand.

That makes McGahn either the new “Deep Throat” behind the investigation of Trump continuing, or the new John Dean who exposed the corruption of the Richard Nixon Presidency and its Watergate Scandal.

Since “Deep Throat” was not known to be Mark Felt, the former deputy head of the FBI in 1972, until 33 years later in 2005, it does seem as if McGhan is more like John Dean.

Let us not make McGahn a great hero, however, as he has stayed on and pushed the appointment and confirmation of judges for lifetime positions on the federal courts, in many cases poorly qualified or unqualified for such positions, and this will undermine future judicial fairness.

But McGhan may be the person who has already “flipped” for Mueller, and will, therefore, help to bring Trump down sometime soon.

Time For Donald Trump To Be Held Accountable For Sexual Crimes

In the midst of all of the revelations about sexual harassment and sexual abuse of a multitude of Hollywood figures, and people involved in politics, journalism, and the business world, Donald Trump has gained a free pass.

His supporters did not care about his sexual escapades which were numerous over the years, and he did not care about exposure of such exploits, but he has continued to say that all the women who have claimed abuse and exploitation are liars, even after the Access Hollywood tape that nearly derailed his candidacy in October 2016, until FBI head James Comey announced and then backed away from a further investigation of Hillary Clinton, which took attention off that Trump scandal.

There is so much evidence by his own public statements that Donald Trump is a master at exploiting women, probably more so than Bill Clinton, and possibly more than many others who have been exposed, but still managing to avoid accountability.

Now, in the midst of this scandal of powerful men exploiting women, is the time for a full prosecution in court of the claims of the multitude of women against Donald Trump.

And since Bill Clinton was impeached, partially for his sexual exploits and lying, so should the same situation await Donald Trump.

One of the impeachment charges against Donald Trump should be his lack of moral and ethical rectitude, and if Bill Clinton is to be dredged up after facing impeachment and disbarment, so should Trump meed the same fate.

Trump Presidency Rapidly Becoming More Corrupt Administration Than Nixon, Grant, Harding!

After only eight months in office, the Trump Presidency is rapidly becoming more corrupt than the Presidencies of Richard Nixon, Ulysses S. Grant, and Warren G. Harding.

Sic cabinet members, at the least, have engaged in corrupt acts–Tom Price, Health and Human Services Secretary, who has resigned, but also Steve Mnuchin, Secretary of the Treasury; Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke; Environmental Protection Agency head Scott Pruitt; Secretary of Veterans Affairs David Shulkin; and Secretary of Transportation Elaine Chao, who is the wife of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.

A dozen Trump appointees have been fired or resigned, among them the most prominent being Michael Flynn, Stephen Bannon, Sean Spicer, Reince Priebus, Sebastian Gorka, Anthony Scaramucci, and James Comey. And Trump has hinted at firing Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and Special Counsel Robert Mueller over the investigation being conducted by Mueller over Russian collusion in the Presidential Election of 2016. Many others are on tenterhooks as to their survival in the Trump Administration, and some are expected to resign, due to the temper tantrums and tensions that exist in the White House under Donald Trump.

Many of the above list are on the way to indictment or at least engagement in corruption, and more of the cabinet members will be forced out, including others not yet publicly demonstrated to have engaged in corruption in office. Everyone is lawyering up, which is a sign of future trials and convictions coming.