
Domestic Terrorism Leading Threat In America: Joe Biden

President Joe Biden has made clear in a recent speech that domestic terrorism is the leading threat in America, even more so than foreign nations who are our adversaries!

Extreme right wing White Supremacist groups, which also espouse antisemitism, misogyny, Islamophobia, homophobia and nativism, are inciting gun violence.

They are promoted by reprehensible media sources on radio and cable, who constantly espouse “Great Replacement Theory”, with the leading villain being Tucker Carlson most notably, but also a whole group of others, and now including billionaire Elon Musk, who shouts against “censorship” but spreads ugly hatred on Twitter!

And the MAGA Republicans who back Donald Trump are also inciting domestic terrorism, making their defeat in future elections an urgent matter!

Social Media Reviving Donald Trump As “Clear And Present Danger”!

Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram are now allowing Donald Trump back on their social media websites.

This is due to Elon Musk, Nick Clegg, and Mark Zuckerberg, and they call it “free speech”, when it is anything but that, as it incites violence and bloodshed, for which these billionaires should be held accountable in a court of law!

They are more dangerous and abusive than any billionaires or multimillionaires of past American history!

They should be roundly condemned, and challenged as monopolies in a court of law for their transgressions!

Dr. Anthony Fauci Being Maligned Is A Massive Injustice!

Dr. Anthony Fauci is retiring this month from public service as adviser to seven Presidents from Ronald Reagan to Joe Biden, while leading the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.

He has been priceless in his expert medical advice through many epidemics and pandemics,including the AIDS epidemic and the COVID 19 Pandemic, and has been unjustly maligned by so called “science experts”, who do not have a clue to what they are talking about!

The fact is that Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky and Elon Musk, the billionaire owner of Twitter, and many Republicans in Congress and the states are totally unethical and immoral in their bitter attacks on him, and causing threats to his wife and family, totally infuriating!

Dr Fauci has sacrificed being in the public eye, and yet has no image of being an egotist wanting public attention, instead just going about his business of saving lives!

The Republicans in the House of Representatives plan to cause stress and grief for Dr. Fauci by demanding he testify in 2023, but Fauci will make all naysayers look like the fools and morons they really are!

So a salute to a great American hero, who was honored by President George W. Bush with the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2007!

Missouri Republican Senator Josh Hawley: Traitor, Seditionist, And Coward On January 6!

Republican Senator Josh Hawley of Missouri was the first Senator to challenge the Electoral Vote count on January 6, 2021, with that famous image of him showing his fist in support of the US Capitol Insurrection.

Now we have seen that Hawley fled the rioters in panic, after having provoked their violence by his gesture, and refusal to accept the results of the Presidential Election of 2020!

There is no debate that he is a clearcut traitor and seditionist, as well as demonstrating that he acted in cowardice!

Hawley has disgraced his oath of office, and should be expelled from the US Senate, and face prosecution and imprisonment!

Instead, however, he is defiant, and plans to continue his treasonous behavior, and it is clear he intends to run for President.

The reaction on Twitter to Hawley’s cowardice on January 6, 2021, is blistering and constant, as well it should be!

Hawley will not have a restful, calm day after what he demonstrated by his behavior on January 6!

Every public place where he appears, he should be booed and jeered at, and the media need to continue to demonstrate that he is a dangerous demagogue who will stop at nothing to gain power!

Former Republican Senator John Danforth, a distinguished mainstream conservative, who had enthusiastically supported Hawley for the Senate race in 2018, condemned him immediately after the January 6, 2021 US Capitol Insurrection, and many other reputable Republicans and conservatives have called him out as well.

Hawley should be opposed for reelection to the Senate in 2024, if he has not been forced out by Senate action before then, and any Presidential campaign seems likely to be an utter failure.

Josh Hawley will go down in history in infamy, for certain!

Democrats Need To Follow Lincoln Project Strategy: Go On Attack Against Trumpists!

The Democratic Party needs to follow the strategy of the Lincoln Project, a PAC (Political Action Committee) organization formed in 2019 to fight Donald Trump and his ilk, and continuing to attack Donald Trump and his supporters in public office after the January 6, 2021 Insurrection.

The Lincoln Project has continued to put out strong ads on cable and on Twitter, convinced that is the only way to stop Trump and the people who surround, support, and defend him, and to weaken his appeal.

They also want to undermine any future candidacy by either him or his “copycats”, including Ron DeSantis, Greg Abbott, Josh Hawley, Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, Tom Cotton and innumerable others.

This is a battle for American democracy, and to revive the reputation of a party which, historically, had great leadership before the present orientation toward authoritarianism!

So Democrats have to stop being “nice guys”, and go on the attack and defend their principles against a party that has rapidly gone downhill toward Fascism!

Two Profiles In Courage: Liz Cheney And Adam Kinzinger Voting To Censure Arizona Congressman Paul Gosar!

This author and blogger is not a fan of conservatism, and definitely not a fan of former Vice President Dick Cheney, or his daughter, Congresswoman Liz Cheney of Wyoming.

He is also not a big fan of Illinois Congressman Adam Kinzinger, whose conservative views are not his idea of leadership.

But both of them, Cheney and Kinzinger, have shown they have principle and are true profiles in courage, who someday will have an historian write a book on their willingness to stand up to extremist Fascist rhetoric and the danger of Donald Trump!

Both are on the House Select Committee investigating the January 6 US Capitol Insurrection, and both voted to impeach Trump after that event.

And both now have condemned Arizona Congressman Paul Gosar, just about the most extreme member of the Republican Party, who put a anime cartoon on Twitter which portrayed the assassination of New York Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and a sword combat of Gosar with President Joe Biden.

This advocacy and portrayal of violence is not a laughing matter, and led to the censure of Gosar in the House of Representatives, with only Cheney and Kinzinger, of all Republicans, joining the Democratic majority to take such action, which has only occurred 23 previous times in the history of the lower chamber since 1789!

Gosar should be expelled from the House of Representatives, but that cannot happen unless there was a bipartisan vote of two thirds of the chamber, which will not happen.

But for Republicans to defend the advocacy of violence, and for Republican Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy to refuse to condemn Gosar’s action is an outrage that will cause much grief in the future, and particularly if the Republicans, due to gerrymandering, are able to regain control of the House of Representatives in the midterm Congressional Elections of 2022!

This whole situation reminds historians of the Congressional violence and advocacy of violence in the pre Civil War period, particularly in the decade of the 1850s!

Terrifying to think that Congress itself is becoming a battleground of extremism and violence, due to the extremism and danger of Donald Trump!

Republicans Are Crazy, Voting Against Infrastructure, Attacking “Big Bird”, And Emphasizing “Masculinity”!

The Republican Party is acting more crazy by the day, and are in the process, therefore, of self destruction!

For the vast majority of Republicans in Congress to vote against the Physical Infrastructure legislation that brings about needed roads, airports, bridges, rail systems, broadband, environmental cleanup, and electric vehicles is pure insanity, as their constituents want and need these projects, long overdue.

This is the first major overhaul since Republican President Dwight D. Eisenhower promoted the Interstate Highway system in the 1950s, and the earlier promotion of the transcontinental railroad system by Republican President Abraham Lincoln in the 1860s, both projects of common sense which advanced the American economy and way of life!

Also, to have lunatic, crazy Senator Ted Cruz, a traitor and seditionist on January 6, to attack “Big Bird” from Sesame Street for promoting vaccination of children 5-11, when Cruz himself has had the COVID 19 vaccinations, is totally an example of just how dangerous the Texas Senator is, and his suggestion that Texas might secede, and take with it, the space program, the oil industry, and military assets should lead to his immediate arrest and incarceration!

And Missouri Senator Josh Hawley, an original seditionist and traitor who demonstrated a pumped fist in support of the rioters at the US Capitol on January 6, 2021, has crazily suggested that American men need to assert their “Masculinity”, a sexist statement that will alienate millions of American women, as he suggests that women are being too assertive and independent in their attitudes of controlling their own destiny in American society. He says that “left wingers” are attacking manhood, and asserts that men are allowing video games and pornography to dominate their lives, rather than employment and controlling the women in their lives!

And Arizona Republican Congressman Paul Gosar, another traitor and seditionist, put an anime video on Twitter showing an attack on Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and also on President Joe Biden. No reaction has come from House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy!

Renowned Journalist Dan Rather Reaches Age 90!

Renowned journalist Dan Rather, who became one of the “Big Three” Evening News anchors at CBS News, alongside Peter Jennings at ABC News and Tom Brokaw at NBC News from the 1980s to 2005, today reached the age of 90.

Still active, and often interviewed on CNN and MSNBC, Rather first came to notice in covering the aftermath of the Assassination of President John F. Kennedy in Dallas, Texas, where he was a CBS correspondent at the time.

He would cover the White House for CBS News in the later 1960s and 1970s, and was most noticed for his challenges to President Richard Nixon.

Rather was elevated to the anchor position upon the retirement of Walter Cronkite in 1981, and became the center of right wing attacks, which continue even in 2021.

Rather was forced out of his CBS News anchor position in 2005 in a controversy over George W. Bush’s National Guard service, but in his so called “retirement” years, he has remained noticed in hosting radio shows, and commenting regularly on Twitter.

Rather also has won Emmy and Peabody Awards, and is the author of numerous books.

The Public Utterances Of Larry Elder, Potential California Governor, After Recall Election On September 14!

Larry Elder, the right wing talk show host, and an African American, seems likely to be the major threat to the tenure of California Governor Gavin Newsom in the upcoming Gubernatorial Recall election on Tuesday, September 14.

What is his record of beliefs and statements?

He is an ardent supporter of Donald Trump, regularly praising him on Twitter.

Elder has argued Trump is not responsible for the January 6, 2021 Insurrection.

In a 2000 book, he called for:

abolishing the Internal Revenue Service
creating a national sales tax
reduce government by 80 percent
end welfare and entitlements
abolish the minimum wage
eliminate corporate taxes

Also, he has condemned Lyndon B. Johnson’s “War on Poverty”; thinks the ideal minimum wage is ZERO; has condemned labor unions, and said many teachers are incompetent and should be fired; and prefers charter and private schools to public schools.

Elder also is anti abortion; anti gay; thinks California is “soft on crime”; and is a denier of climate change and the dangers of second hand tobacco smoking.

He is also against mandates on COVID 19 and masks; and sees no problem with mass rallies held by Donald Trump. Additionally, he has made highly controversial remarks on women, very misogynistic in nature.

So Elder would be a nightmare for California, and could gain the power to select the replacement for Dianne Feinstein, who might leave soon due to dementia, and that would change the political balance in the US Senate!

The Record Of Donald Trump

Donald Trump has “many” accomplishments that no other President has had over the long haul of American history.

He is the first President not to serve a second term in the past 28 years, since George H. W. Bush, and only the 11th in history.

He is the first President since Herbert Hoover to lose the Presidency, the House of Representatives, and the US Senate.

He is the first President to lose hundreds of thousands of Americans to a pandemic since Woodrow Wilson a century ago.

He is the first President to lose the popular vote twice since Benjamin Harrison in the Gilded Age, and by massive margins unlike Harrison.

He is the first President to boycott his successor’s inauguration since Andrew Johnson a century and a half ago.

He is the first President ever elected with the help and collaboration of a foreign government, the Russian Federation.

He is the first President ever to fail to gain a majority popular vote approval rating since polling began in the late 1930s.

He is the first President to be impeached twice in the same term of office.

He is the first President ever to have a member of their own party vote for conviction in an impeachment trial, in both trials.

He is the first President ever to refuse to concede defeat.

He is the first President ever to insure a peaceful transfer of power.

He is the first President ever to actively incite a terrorist attack against his own government.

He is the first President in the Social Media age to be banned by Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram from posting, because he incites right wing domestic terrorism.

He is the first President who will be indicted and go to trial for criminal and civil violations in American history.

He is the President who will have more convictions of people engaged in corruption in his name, even more than Richard Nixon.

He is the first President who is mentally deranged and a danger to the Constitution and rule of law, and to the future of American democracy.