Larry Elder

Gavin Newsom’s Massive Recall Victory A Major Plus For Democrats In 2022 And 2024!

California Governor Gavin Newsom won a massive victory in the Recall Election perpetrated by Republicans in the state.

He won just about the same percentage of the vote that he had won when elected Governor in 2018, and the same amount that President Joe Biden won when elected in 2020.

Larry Elder was a true disaster, and weakened the Republican Party in California, already in a very weak position since the anti immigration legislation passed in 1994, and rejected by the courts.

The Republican Party fell into a total collapse, and have not been able to win many Congressional seats since, and are a weak minority in the California state legislature.

Even Orange County, usually Republican, backed keeping Gavin Newsom by a small margin, and has seen its four GOP Congressmen lose their seats in 2018, and only two of those four seats were won back in 2020.

This smashing victory puts Gavin Newsom into the national spotlight ever more, as he represents one of every eight Americans as it is, so if Joe Biden does not run for reelection, Newsom, assuming he wins a second term, which is highly likely, may announce for President.

That could set up an interesting challenge for Vice President Kamala Harris, also from California, unless Harris becomes President upon the possible demise of the President, giving her an automatic advantage.

The Public Utterances Of Larry Elder, Potential California Governor, After Recall Election On September 14!

Larry Elder, the right wing talk show host, and an African American, seems likely to be the major threat to the tenure of California Governor Gavin Newsom in the upcoming Gubernatorial Recall election on Tuesday, September 14.

What is his record of beliefs and statements?

He is an ardent supporter of Donald Trump, regularly praising him on Twitter.

Elder has argued Trump is not responsible for the January 6, 2021 Insurrection.

In a 2000 book, he called for:

abolishing the Internal Revenue Service
creating a national sales tax
reduce government by 80 percent
end welfare and entitlements
abolish the minimum wage
eliminate corporate taxes

Also, he has condemned Lyndon B. Johnson’s “War on Poverty”; thinks the ideal minimum wage is ZERO; has condemned labor unions, and said many teachers are incompetent and should be fired; and prefers charter and private schools to public schools.

Elder also is anti abortion; anti gay; thinks California is “soft on crime”; and is a denier of climate change and the dangers of second hand tobacco smoking.

He is also against mandates on COVID 19 and masks; and sees no problem with mass rallies held by Donald Trump. Additionally, he has made highly controversial remarks on women, very misogynistic in nature.

So Elder would be a nightmare for California, and could gain the power to select the replacement for Dianne Feinstein, who might leave soon due to dementia, and that would change the political balance in the US Senate!