Christopher Wray

August 8, 1974 And August 8, 2022: Irony Of Timing On Richard Nixon And Donald Trump!

In an amazing coincidence, 48 years apart, history occurred on August 8, 1974, and once again on August 8, 2022!

Richard Nixon announced his resignation from the Presidency on August 8, 1974, and left office the following morning, succeeded by Gerald Ford, with Republicans having helped to “push him out the door”, indicating loss of support in a possible impeachment trial.

Donald Trump’s Mar A Lago mansion was searched by the FBI last night, looking for documents of national security significance taken by Trump when he left the White House, and many not having been returned since, as required by the National Archives.

This is a serious matter, authorized by a federal judge and the Department of Justice under Attorney General Merrick Garland, and is not to be taken lightly.

Garland is a responsible, competent Attorney General, unlike those who served under Donald Trump, and indicates a serious criminal conspiracy case is in action against former President Donald Trump.

But right away, the right wing extremists are on the attack against Garland and the Justice Department and the FBI, led by House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy and Texas Senator Ted Cruz, along with the extremists at Fox News Channel.

The Republicans in Congress are, as a group, acting very irresponsibly in support of Trump, while a half century ago, they abandoned Nixon!

There is talk of violence and lawlessness occurring once again, and we are entering a dangerous time, with concern for the safety and security of leaders of the Joe Biden Administration.

This is a time for praying for stability and calm, but no one at this point can predict the future!

Donald Trump Demonstrates Mental Instability And Lunacy, Presenting Issue Of 25th Amendment

The mental health and condition of President Donald Trump is deteriorating rapidly, and he appears more than ever to be displaying mental instability and lunacy, which is bringing up the issue of the 25th Amendment possibly being considered for use.

Trump has been on Twitter during his COVID 19 illness, attacking his own cabinet members, including Attorney General William Barr and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, along with FBI head Christopher Wray.

He is talking about arresting former President Barack Obama; his opponent, former Vice President Joe Biden, who is miles ahead of him in all polls; his former opponent, Hillary Clinton; Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer, who was the subject of a kidnap plot by right wing fanatics; and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, who is calling for Congressional legislation on removal of the President as a threat to national security and safety.

He has also termed Democratic Vice Presidential nominee Kamala Harris as a Communist, endangering her life with extremists by labeling her with such a ridiculous label, reminiscent of former Wisconsin Senator Joseph McCarthy’s Communist “witch hunt” in the 1950s. This will increase the number of threats and dangers to Harris, as she runs for Vice President, and when she is Vice President, a heartbeat away from the Presidency. It will also affect her husband and his two children, who are Jewish. There is a tone of racism in the attack on Harris, as she is of mixed race, with a Jamaican father and Asian Indian mother, a tactic used by the right wing against former President Barack Obama, with his Kenyan African father and his white mother.

As we are down to 25 days until Election Day, and with Trump still apparently affected by powerful steroid drugs, the nation sits on the precipice of the danger of bloodshed and violence, and it seems necessary for powerful leaders in the government to take responsible action to protect the nation from such threat presented by the 45th President of the United States!

Christopher Wray, Gina Haspel, Michael Rogers And Dan Coats, Heads Of Intelligence Agencies, Strongly Disagree With Donald Trump On Major National Security Threats

The heads of the national intelligence agencies testified in open session before Congressional committees on Tuesday, and warned of the dangers to national security that exist in an unsafe world.

Christopher Wray, head of the FBI; Gina Haspel, head of the CIA; Michael Rogers, head of the NSA; and Dan Coats, the Director of National Intelligence, warned that America faced great threats from Russia, China, North Korea, ISIS, and Iran, making clear that they did not agree with President Donald Trump, who has undermined all intelligence, and says none of these nations and forces, except for Iran, are a threat.

Ironically, the three Intelligence heads said Iran is actually keeping the nuclear agreement that Donald Trump has given up, despite the support of the Western democratic nations–Great Britain, France, and Germany–for continuation of that agreement.

The “love affair” of Trump for Kim Jong Un; the trust and secret meetings that Trump has had with Vladimir Putin; the rocky relationship between the US and China; and the attitude that ISIS is no longer a threat in the Middle East, are alarming, and yet all Trump says in response to the intelligence conclusions is to say that these people need to go back to school.

It is Trump who is truly dangerous and too trusting of authoritarian nations, when he has no experience, no background, no knowledge on international relations, and is causing undue threats to the future of American foreign policy as a result.

Instead, Trump sees the Border Wall issue with Mexico as more of a national security threat, when none of the intelligence agencies see any threat on the Southern border, and dismiss the whole issue of the Border Wall as unnecessary.

We have a President who is truly warped in his views, dangerous to the nation, and could be leading us down a road toward true disaster, which could be far worse than September 11.

And we have to wonder why he engages in secret diplomacy without translators or note takers in meetings, many unreported, with Putin, and it all makes one think of the film from 1962, THE MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE.

We cannot afford to have such an uneducated and morally and ethically challenged President as Donald Trump in authority much longer, without a disastrous effect on America and its future.

Even Mike Pence, with all of his horrible social views on many issues, cannot be imagined to be likely to follow the same foreign policy as Trump, were he to succeed to the Presidency. We are at a point where he may be the only likely alternative, but better for American national security and safety than Donald Trump.

Donald Trump Public Opinion Support Collapses Into Mid 30s: Projection Of Midterm Election Disaster Coming

A number of new public opinion polls demonstrate that support for Donald Trump has collapsed into the mid to low 30s, an all time low during his Presidency.

More people in polls want Special Counsel Robert Mueller to pursue the scandals around Donald Trump, and 60 percent do not think Donald Trump is honest.

Every indication is that there will be a massive and walloping repudiation of Donald Trump and the Republican Party, which has been willing to ignore, or often collaborate on preventing a full investigation, but the Justice Department under Jeff Sessions, as despicable as he is in so many ways, has refused to do anything regarding interference in the investigation.

So Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, who appointed Robert Mueller, and FBI head Christopher Wray are moving ahead, and ignoring tweets by the President, and attacks by his congressional supporters.

A massive number of women, people of color, young people, and teachers are running for state and national office, particularly in the Democratic Party.

A “Blue Wave” seems clearly coming, with suburban educated women, people of color, young people, and college graduates ready to punish Trump and his party, and the Midwest, the heartland of the nation, seems to be turning against Donald Trump too.

But there could always be Russian collusion which distorts the results, and certainly, the Republican Party and Donald Trump have no interest in attempting to prevent such action, which shows how corrupt they are, wanting to hold on to power no matter what, to benefit the elite wealthy at the expense of the middle and working classes and the poor.

Donald Trump’s “Witch Hunt” Against “Anonymous”, Calling Him/Her Engaged In “Treason And Sedition” A Dangerous Move That Must Be Rejected By Attorney General Jeff Sessions

Donald Trump is furious over the New York Times “Anonymous” article published last week, just as news of Bob Woodward’s new book on the Trump Presidency, due out tomorrow, started to leak out a week before the official date of the book, September 11.

Trump wants to find out who in the government published this article in the New York Times, as he has accused that person, him or her, as engaged in “Treason and Sedition”.

This is a preposterous charge, as whether Trump likes it or not, the issue here is warning the American people of the danger of Donald Trump in the White House, by someone who knows the inside information on the mental instability of the 45th President.

It is an issue of freedom of speech, and no one can be prosecuted for doing what this person did, as we are not a dictatorship, where people are prosecuted for their thoughts and statements.

And yet, Trump has indicated that he plans to ask Attorney General Jeff Sessions to begin an investigation at Trump’s demand. Sessions already has been bitterly condemned and ridiculed by Trump, more than any cabinet member in history, since Sessions recused himself from the investigation of Special Counsel Robert Mueller in May 2017, and it would seem that Sessions will refuse to do what Trump wants.

And it is also likely that FBI Director Chris Wray will also refuse to use the FBI as a political weapon against whoever published the New York Times article.

So we are likely to see ever more crazy behavior coming out of the White House, as Trump explodes in rage, and likely will finally fire both Sessions and Wray, creating a more serious constitutional crisis than the initial firing of former FBI head James Comey in May 2017.

So the Trump Presidency is in a new stage, as Trump goes further berserk, and stretches the Constitution beyond its norms, as he continues to obstruct justice.

100 Days To What? Another “Fixed” Election, Solidifying Trump Authoritarianism As Future Of Our Democracy, Now Under Attack?

We are down to 100 days tomorrow to the Midterm Elections of 2018, which will have a dramatic effect on America and its future, more than any previous midterm election.

Usually, much more attention is paid to the years of presidential elections, but with Donald Trump in the Presidency, and threatening the economic and foreign policy stability of the nation, and posing an authoritarian threat unseen in American history, these upcoming elections are crucial.

42 House seats that were Republican are now vacant or the sitting member will be leaving office, and will have a new Congressperson, and that seems to insure a gain of seats by the Democrats, who only need 23 seats minimum to have a majority of the House of Representatives.

But with Russian interference and hacking again taking place, who can say whether we will get fair, honest election results?

The news media must continue to focus on the facts, and not be diverted by fake accusations of Donald Trump, and his attack on them as “enemies of the people”, a typical totalitarian statement made by Fascist and Communist dictators past and present.

Even as Secretary of Defense James Mattis, FBI head Christopher Wray, Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats, CIA head Gina Haspel, and many others in the intelligence and national security community continually warn of Russian interference, Donald Trump continues to attack intelligence information and the news media for reporting it.

if that is not treason, then what is it?

Trump’s “Bromance” with Vladimir Putin, including his now delayed invitation for Putin to come to the White House, and Putin inviting him to Moscow, with the likelihood of more private meetings without the participation of Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, Secretary of Defense James Mattis, or National Security Adviser John Bolton, or other key individuals, is an alarm bell in the night, that must concern and alarm all patriotic Americans.

The Constitutional Crisis Has Arrived: Trump’s Direct Interference With Mueller Investigation, Justice Department, And FBI

Here we are on May 21, 2018, Day 486 of the Trump Presidency, and Donald Trump has gone off the deep end, with his challenge to interfere directly with the Robert Mueller investigation, and the role of the Justice Department and the FBI in that controversy.

Robert Mueller, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, and FBI Head Christopher Wray are now presented with a crisis that requires total courage, principle, and dedication to the rule of law.

And Republicans in Congress, including Speaker of the House Paul Ryan, and the members of the Senate who are involved in the Intelligence Committee and Judiciary Committee, as well as those in the House of Representatives committees, have a reckoning with history.

if they choose to bend to Donald Trump’s will, they will be condemned forever in history, and there is no more room for concessions.

It is time for Congress to join the responsible news media and demand the resignation of Donald Trump, or a rapid move toward impeachment.

No person matters more than the Constitution and Bill of Rights, and Donald Trump must be brought down to avoid a potential move toward an authoritarian government that could lead to the end of the American nation as we know it.

There is no room now for weak, unprincipled people in our government, but rather a time for all principled people to come forward and say to Donald Trump: YOU ARE FIRED!

Trump’s Downfall: His Firing Of James Comey And Andrew McCabe, And They Will Bring Him Down!

When the Trump Presidency comes to an end very soon, we will look back and realize that through all of the turmoil and craziness of his time in office, it will be fatal errors on Trump’s part that bring him down.

The first blunder was the firing of FBI head James Comey, which led to the appointment ten months ago of Special Counsel Robert Mueller, and now after ten months, Mueller is hot on the trail of the Trump scandals, and Trump is certain to be removed from office by one method or another, and will be seen as a traitor to America, and a lackey of Vladimir Putin.

The second miscue was the firing of Andrew McCabe, who was Acting Head of the FBI after Comey’s firing, until Christopher Wray was appointed and confirmed.

Both Comey and McCabe, along with Robert Mueller, are Republicans, but now both of them are working with Mueller, and both have notes about their meetings with Trump, and they insure the downfall of Donald Trump.

There is no out for Donald Trump, as he has undermined himself!

Mess with the FBI, and you are undermining oneself, but Trump was too stupid to realize that, so he will pay the price, which will disgrace him in the long run of history.

And anyone who supported Trump, and many who still do, will forever be labeled what they are–selfish ignorant, and clueless human beings!

Bizarre, Rambling, Inconsistent, Forgetful, Raging Behavior: Signs Of Mental Illness And Possible Dementia Of Donald Trump!

Donald Trump’s New York Times interview demonstrated to us signs of mental illness and possible dementia of our President.

It was truly bizarre behavior, including rambling, inconsistency, forgetfulness, and raging behavior against his Attorney General Jeff Sessions; Special Counsel Robert Mueller; Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein; and his expectation that the new FBI head Christopher Wray would be “loyal”, the reason why he fired former FBI head James Comey.

And now we learn that Trump is looking into pardons of his aides, his family, and even himself, not realizing that a pardon is an admission of guilt, and even Richard Nixon would not go that far, and refused to try to pardon himself, or his aides, as inappropriate behavior for a President.

Donald Trump is in a panic that Robert Mueller is investigating his financial dealings with Russia, and looking at his tax returns, which he has refused to allow, but can be accessed during an investigation of malfeasance.

The White House staff is stunned at his attacks on Sessions in particular, as no one was more loyal to Trump, but yet Sessions and Rosenstein have agreed to stay on, in itself a shocking and stunning decision, as Trump has no loyalty to anyone, and is only too willing to rant and rave, and throw them “under the bus”.

The world of Donald Trump is one of self aggrandizement, selfishness, greed, materialism, lack of concern for others, and projection, blaming others for his own faults.

The man is seriously mentally ill, and every day he stays in the Oval Office, the nation is endangered, and we have to face the facts that eventually a major foreign policy crisis will arise, and we will have a crippled President to deal with it, so this is an alarm bell that something must be done to resolve this constitutional crisis, and soon, before the country suffers a grievous disaster that affects all of us!

Trump Goes Ballistic, Condemns Jeff Sessions, And Implies Threat Against Robert Mueller: A President Gone Nuts!

Donald Trump is certifiably nuts, as evidenced by his NY Times audio interview, in which he attacked his own Attorney General Jeff Sessions, and implied a threat to fire Special Counsel Robert Mueller, along with attacking the Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, and implying that the new FBI nominee, Christopher Wray, would be loyal to him. Trump seems not to understand that the FBI is NOT supposed to profess loyalty to any President, but to the rule of law!

This came after the luncheon with Republican Senators, in which Trump, with Nevada Senator Dean Heller sitting next to him, threatened him if he did not support the horrendous Health Care legislation that cannot get 50 Republican Senate supporters. Trump also attacked one Republican, Rand Paul of Kentucky, who had not attended the luncheon, and has come out against “TrumpCare”.

Heller just laughed, which was appropriate, and probably enraged Trump, and may have led to his tirade NY Times interview later in the day.

President Trump is coming apart at the seams, and he is more dangerous every day with his access to the nuclear codes, and his “Bromance” with Vladimir Putin, and his alienation of our NATO allies.

This is no longer tolerable, and there must be mobilization of masses of people in every state and in the nation’s capital, demanding his resignation.

The people must rise and demand action, and force the Republican Congress to put them ahead of their own agenda, or else suffer a massive defeat in 2018, which may happen in any case.

It is time for Republicans to stop party loyalty to a President who is very willing to “throw them under the bus”, and has no loyalty to anyone except his own family. It is time for them to move toward impeachment, which is a political act, not a legal act, and can be done as long as a majority of the House of Representatives wants it, and if 19 Republican Senators are willing to remove Trump, based on abuse of power, obstruction of justice, collusion with Russia which borders on treason, and violation of the Emoluments Clause of the Constitution.

We are in danger of a complete dissolution of civil order, as our civil liberties and national security are at stake with this madman in the White House!

Today is the six month mark of the Trump Presidency, and it has been a literal nightmare, and action must be taken to resolve this nightmare!