John Dean

The Trump Presidency Reached A New Low With Cassidy Hutchinson Revelations Yesterday!

After seven years of the Donald Trump nightmare, since he announced for President on June 16, 2015, a new low has been reached, with the Cassidy Hutchinson revelations yesterday before the January 6 House Committee investigating the January 6, 2021 Insurrection on the US Capitol.

It is now clear that Donald Trump wanted to lead the Insurrection himself by going to the US Capitol in support of armed supporters, and that the Secret Service agent was physically under threat from Trump, trying to force his automobile to take him where the threat was massive.

Nothing that Richard Nixon did a half century ago comes anywhere near the lawlessness and lack of concern for the Constitution and rule of law by Donald Trump!

Cassidy Hutchinson clearly is the equivalent of John Dean and Watergate fifty years ago, and realize she is the latest in line of a long list of Republicans who have testified, not Democrats!

And yet, delusional and clueless Trumpites still, somehow, can defend a man who had no regard for human life, except his own!

There is no way to give Donald Trump a pass, and he MUST be prosecuted for a whole group of crimes that no one else could escape prosecution, and he must be prevented legally from ever running for public office again!

Michael Cohen Is The John Dean Of The Downfall Of Donald Trump

45 years ago, White House lawyer John Dean testified before Congress about the corruption he participated in for President Richard Nixon, and later went to prison for a short time for his testimony and cooperation in the Watergate Scandal investigation.

Now, Michael Cohen, the personal lawyer for Donald Trump has testified before Congress about the corruption he participated in, and will go to prison, with his testimony and continued cooperation in the vast number of Trump scandals likely to shorten his sentence, a totally justifiable action when it occurs.

After Dean started to testify in 1973, it took 14 months until Richard Nixon resigned, but this time, with rapid action by the Democratic House of Representatives on many fronts of investigation and questioning people around Trump, it should not take 14 months for Trump to resign.

The day of reckoning for Donald Trump and his family is coming rapidly, and Trump will NOT survive the term as President, and will NOT be the Republican nominee for President in 2020, and if he was so, it would insure a massive GOP defeat in Congress!

19 Months In The Presidency: Don McGahn And John Dean; Roy Cohn, Joseph McCarthy And Trump Charges Of “McCarthyism”–History Revived!

Today marks 19 months in the Presidency of Donald Trump.

We are hearing about comparisons between Don McGahn and John Dean of Watergate fame.

We are also hearing Donald Trump compare the Robert Mueller investigation to Joseph McCarthy, forgetting that his own Mentor in behavior was the despicable, corrupt attorney Roy Cohn, who collaborated with McCarthy in the true “witch hunt” of the 1950s, which only ended after five years, and the destruction of the reputation of many decent people who worked for the government and in Hollywood and the news media.

Trump demonstrates his total ignorance of history, and the irony of comparing McCarthyism with Mueller, when Mueller has been totally silent, and has avoided any demagoguery utilized by both McCarthy more than sixty years ago, and by Donald Trump now.

The revelation of the Don McGahn interviews with Robert Mueller brings us closer to the time when Donald Trump will finally be held accountable for his crimes and illegalities.

The clock is ticking, and Karma is on its way!

Don McGahn Is The New John Dean: Trump And Nixon Scandals Become Linked In History

Forty five years after John Dean, the White House Counsel under President Richard Nixon, revealed the illegal actions of his boss in the Watergate Scandal, now we are learning for certain that Don McGahn, the White House Counsel under Donald Trump, has been cooperating with Special Counsel Robert Mueller, on the actions of his boss.

The difference is that McGahn has engaged in such cooperation for at least the last nine months, while Dean delayed such cooperation, and eventually served a short term in prison as a result, while McGahn clearly wants to avoid that.

So the idea that everyone around Trump is willing to “take a bullet” for Trump is now shown not to be the case, and it is likely that others around Trump will abandon their loyalty to Trump, realizing that he is a “sinking ship”, and that they can still recover some of their reputation and dignity by working against their boss, as he has absolutely no loyalty to them.

Donald Trump is self indicting as he continues to rant and rave on Twitter, including many bursts of anger as this posting is being formulated, as he realizes the future is gloomy, as evidence of Russian collusion, obstruction of justice, abuse of power, violations of the Emoluments Clause, and other crimes has been gathered by Mueller. Trump also realizes now that his son Donald, Jr, and his son in law Jared Kushner, and many of his cabinet members and other advisers, are in danger of being indicted.

With Omarosa Manigault Newman and Michael Cohen adding to Trump’s grief, he is now besieged on all fronts, but while the process to remove him from office moves forward, there is great concern about the dangers of him creating a foreign policy or national security crisis, and trying to shut down the Bill of Rights, and declare martial law.

Trump is clearly very mentally ill, and it is essential that the military, behind the scenes, and particularly, Defense Secretary Jim Mattis, work to prevent any dangerous actions by the President, and prevent him from ordering a nuclear strike. And the top national security personnel, in the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Central Intelligence Agency, National Security Agency, and the Director of National Intelligence need to block any rash actions by Trump that threatens American democracy.

Don McGahn, White House Counselor: The New “Deep Throat” Or John Dean, As In The Watergate Scandal?

With the new revelation from the NY Times that Donald Trump wanted to fire Special Counsel Robert Mueller back in June 2017, one month after he was appointed by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein to investigate Trump’s firing of FBI head James Comey in May 2017, the odds increase of Trump facing legal troubles.

The person revealed to have prevented the firing of Mueller is White House Counsel Don McGahn, who threatened to resign over the firing, and effectively prevented Trump from following through on his demand.

That makes McGahn either the new “Deep Throat” behind the investigation of Trump continuing, or the new John Dean who exposed the corruption of the Richard Nixon Presidency and its Watergate Scandal.

Since “Deep Throat” was not known to be Mark Felt, the former deputy head of the FBI in 1972, until 33 years later in 2005, it does seem as if McGhan is more like John Dean.

Let us not make McGahn a great hero, however, as he has stayed on and pushed the appointment and confirmation of judges for lifetime positions on the federal courts, in many cases poorly qualified or unqualified for such positions, and this will undermine future judicial fairness.

But McGhan may be the person who has already “flipped” for Mueller, and will, therefore, help to bring Trump down sometime soon.

Senate Intelligence Committee (Richard Burr-Mark Warner) Might Be The New Watergate Committee (Sam Ervin-Howard Baker) Of 1973-74

Forty four years ago, in 1973, the US Senate formed a special committee to investigate the burgeoning Watergate Scandal under Richard Nixon.

The committee was headed by a conservative Southern Democrat, Sam Ervin of North Carolina, and the ranking Republican member of the committee was Senator Howard Baker of Tennessee, and the committee dedicated itself to the discovery of the truth.

Over the next year and few months, many witnesses were called, and evidence was gathered, which helped to lead to the indictment of 40 Nixon Administration figures and the conviction of several aides to Nixon on charges of obstruction of justice and other crimes.

Ervin and Baker became folk heroes, and John Dean and Alexander Butterfield became the most famous witnesses that, through their testimony, helped to lead to impeachment charges against Richard Nixon, and cause his resignation 15 months after the Watergate Committee began its work.

Nixon was in the early months of his second term, coming off a massive victory against George McGovern in the Presidential Election of 1972.

Now, we are witnessing another committee, the Senate Intelligence Committee, headed by another North Carolina Senator, Republican Richard Burr, and assisted by the ranking Democratic member of the committee, Senator Mark Warner of Virginia, beginning an investigation of Donald Trump and his Russian connection, believed to have assisted him in defeating Hillary Clinton in the 2016 Presidential election. Trump had only a small margin in the proper combination of states to win the Electoral College, but with Hillary Clinton having won the popular vote nationally by 2.85 million votes.

Burr is a conservative Republican, as Ervin was a conservative Democrat more than four decades ago, and Mark Warner is a moderate Democrat as Howard Baker was a moderate Republican back in the 1970s, and all four of these Senators came from the South–North Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia–and all four were and are dedicated to finding out the truth about Presidential scandals.

Expect the Senate Intelligence Committee to have a dramatic impact as the Senate Watergate Committee, and it seems likely that Michael Flynn will be the new John Dean, and that others we are not yet aware of will be the new Alexander Butterfield and other significant exposers of the facts that we learned about in 1973.

40 Years Since The Watergate Scandal Erupted: Its Long Range Effects

40 years ago today, the Watergate scandal erupted, as seven “burglars” were caught at the Watergate complex in Washington, DC, inside the headquarters of the Democratic National Committee.

The scandal lasted more than two years before President Richard Nixon was forced to resign, in the midst of an impeachment effort that had succeeded, and would have led to his removal from office had he not resigned.

The events of 40 years ago transformed the Presidency, the news media, the political parties, and Americans’ views of their government.

It has led to investigative media that is ready and willing to expose scandal and evil like never before.

It has led to such partisanship that no President can ever really have a true mandate anymore, and antagonism between the major political parties is at an all time high since the Civil War era.

Most Americans are skeptical of the value and virtues of government, a terrible and tragic event, considering the complex world we live in.

Richard Nixon’s reputation has risen quite a bit since his resignation, as many have realized how tragic his downfall was, as he had actually accomplished a great deal of good, mixed in with the evil events of his Presidency.

Disillusionment with many of his successors in the White House has also helped to make him look “better” in many people’s eyes, but the revelation of new transcripts of the Watergate tapes every year remind us just how dangerous and law breaking the 37th President of the United States actually was.

The need for mental health evaluations of Presidential candidates seem more essential now than ever, considering that there were manifestations of mental illness by Nixon, and instability in behavior by Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush in later times.

The Watergate scandal still fascinates us, as a turning point in American history, on the level of the Civil War and the Great Depression, in its long range impact on the nation.

With the Washington Post reporters Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein, and the major exposer of the scandal, John Dean, still alive and kicking, Watergate in many ways is still current, but the question is whether the lessons of that scandal have been learned in a time when we are having millionaires and billionaires investing obscene amounts in campaign spending on the Presidential campaign, thanks to the disgraceful Citizens United case of the Supreme Court in 2010.

So in a sense, Watergate is the past, but also part of the present political situation, sadly!