Jared Kushner

Donald Trump Stoops Yet Lower: Dinner With Kanye West And Nick Fuentes At Mar a Lago!

Donald Trump has committed every outrage imaginable in word and action in his life, particularly since he announced his Presidential candidacy in June 2015.

But now he has managed to stoop even lower, by having dinner at Mar a Lago with anti semites Kanye West and Nick Fuentes, who is also a white supremacist!

Clearly, Donald Trump is mentally ill, that he cannot realize how having dinner with these pieces of trash, undermines his reputation yet further!

How, one wonders, does Kanye West associate with Nick Fuentes and his white supremacy beliefs, with Fuentes also proclaiming denial of the Holocaust, and how does Donald Trump associate with two antisemites, while proclaiming his love of Israel?

And Fuentes himself is Mexican-American on his father’s side, so being a white supremacist is a sign of self hate on his part!

Donald Trump’s son in law, Jared Kushner, is Jewish, and his daughter converted to Judaism, and yet, Trump associates with these characters!

One wonders how any Jewish person could continue to support and believe in Donald Trump!

Seven Hours Of Donald Trump Phone Log Of January 6 Insurrection Missing

THe House January 6, 2021 US Capitol Insurrection investigation continues, and it has been discovered that there is a gap of seven hours of the Donald Trump White House Phone Log on that day.

It is known that Trump spoke to Vice President Mike Pence; Alabama Senator Tommy Tuberville; and House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, and clearly there were other phone calls back and forth between Trump and many Republicans.

The committee is pursuing the gaining of information about these phone calls, as they are crucial to understanding Donald Trump’s reaction to the events of January 6 at the US Capitol.

Jared Kushner, the son in law of Trump, married to Ivanka Trump, will be questioned by the committee on Wednesday, and it will be interesting to see what comes from this, since the daughter of the President was in the White House on that day, although Kushner was not in Washington, DC but certainly knows what transpired through his wife. The odds are not much will be gained from the interview, but we shall see.

The former President has been working to prevent disclosure of his words and actions on that fateful day, but it is hoped evidence can be gathered to insure that Trump is prosecuted for his treasonous and seditious actions on January 6!

The Possibility Of A Short Term President Mike Pence

The possibility now exists of a short term President Mike Pence, as the rumors are spreading that Donald Trump will move to pardon his own family members, including his three older children and his son in law, Jared Kushner. Also, a slew of others who have committed crimes and abuses, including Rudy Giuliani as the top of such a list, but including cabinet officers and others involved in law breaking and corrupt actions in his name, are likely to be pardoned.

But likely, Trump realizes that to pardon himself would be declared illegal by the Supreme Court after the fact, despite his three appointments to that court, and a 6-3 Republican appointed majority .

So the deal may be that Trump resigns, and Vice President Mike Pence becomes briefly the 46th President, and proceeds to pardon Donald Trump, although that will not affect charges in New York State and New York City.

The question arises whether Mike Pence, who has been a total sycophant, unwilling to open up his mouth or express doubts about any of Trump’s utterances or actions, will have the desire to pardon Trump, as that would destroy his own credibility and end his career, although realistically, it is ended on January 20, 2021 anyway.

Being part of the most corrupt administration in American history, and being a totally corrupt phony as a so called “good Christian” with his anti gay and anti woman’s basic human rights stands, Mike Pence has zero chance of being the Republican nominee in 2024 or after, even without a possible pardon of Trump.

Trump is planning to run for President in 2024, which if that happens, ends any slim chance of Pence being able to run, in any case.

There is still the job of counting the electoral votes in a joint session of Congress on January 6, 2021, the duty of the outgoing Vice President, not a fun job when on the losing end of an election.

However, Richard Nixon did just that in 1961; Hubert Humphrey in 1969, and most famously, Al Gore in 2001, and they all did their duty with dignity, but will Mike Pence do the same, or will he entertain doubts and open up to a Congressional vote, which most certainly will fail, to try to make Donald Trump the winner of the Electoral College?

So, as one thinks about it, Mike Pence would have to remain Vice President at least until January 7, but we are therefore imagining a Pence succession after that date, probably no more than a week at most, but in theory, could be just one day or even less than 24 hours!

It would be a mockery of the Constitution for such to occur, but is anyone surprised that this might happen?

And if it does happen, and Mike Pence goes down in history as the 46th President, would he be entitled to a Presidential Library and Museum, and this is not a joking matter, as he should go down as a villain, not a hero, and be denied anymore than brief mention as a crooked President who collaborated with the most disgraceful Presidency in American history!

The Trump Family Is The Most Disgraceful And Corrupt Presidential Family In American History!

The history of the Presidency shows some Presidential relatives have been far from ideal in their behavior.

Just in recent times, we had Roger Clinton, the half brother of Bill Clinton, being given a pardon from a drug conviction.

We had Billy Carter, who caused grief when he visited Libyan President Muammar Gaddafi during his brother’s Presidency.

Others had siblings who were drunkards, and some had relatives engaged in some questionable business dealings, as some of the sons of Franklin D. Roosevelt.

But no Presidential Family can match that of Donald Trump.

It has been leaked that Trump’s three oldest children, all with his first wife Ivana, are potentially about to gain pardons.

This includes Donald Trump, Jr; Ivanka Trump; Eric Trump; and Ivanka’s husband, Jared Kushner, all of whom have engaged in shady business dealings, and potentially more to be uncovered.

Even pardons will not prevent prosecution of Trump’s children and son in law in New York City and New York State, so there will be plenty of headlines about these disgraceful Trump progeny!

Trump himself may be the second President, after Richard Nixon, to be pardoned, or even try to pardon himself, which is doubtful legally.

In any case, if any of Trump’s children, or Trump himself, accepts a pardon, it is a sign of guilt, as Gerald Ford said after pardoning Richard Nixon in 1974.

And add to this list, third wife Melania Trump, who has displayed disgraceful behavior and a mean spirit, and has contributed nothing positive to the history of First Ladies!

With seven weeks to go until Joe Biden and his wonderful wife, Dr. Jill Biden, take over the White House, we cannot easily wait out the nightmare of that much more time with the Trumps as the First Family!

Joe Biden’s Popular Vote Lead Jumps Nearly A Million To 7 Million, An Amazing Victory, While Trump Considers Pardons For His Children And Rudy Giuliani

As the vote continues to be counted, now Joe Biden has gained almost another one million votes, to just short of 81 million, while Donald Trump has only gained a small number of additional votes to just over 74 million!

Biden now has 51.3 percent of the vote to Trump’s 46.9 percent, so a margin of 4.4 percent, a substantial victory!

And while the vote count goes on, rumors are spreading that Trump is considering pardons for his three oldest children—Donald Jr, Ivanka, and Eric, along with Ivanka’s husband, Jared Kushner.

But all four of them, plus Trump, and Rudy Giuliani, the former NYC Mayor, are liable to prosecution in New York, and Trump has convinced stupid people who adore him to send $170 million that he can use for future political campaigns, if he so chooses to run for President again in 2024!

So another scandal is in the making, as Trump has lost 30 law suits to try to turn over the election results, a sign of total desperation!

Memo To American Jews Who Support Trump: You Are Overlooking History And Are Being Delusional!

This author and blogger is proud of his Jewish heritage, and pleased that two out of three American Jews support the Democratic Party, which historically, since Franklin D. Roosevelt, stands for the basic values that all decent American Jews believe in: Tolerance, open mindedness, compassion, empathy, decency, social justice!

That does not mean that there have never been Republicans historically who one could find appealing, and even, at times, vote for and support.

But for any American Jew to support Donald Trump, who is a clear cut Fascist with strong tendencies toward Adolf Hitler, not just Benito Mussolini, is shocking beyond belief!

If one voted for Donald Trump as an “outsider” amid thoughts that a businessman with no government experience was worthy of being given a shot at leadership, and had unexplained hatred toward Hillary Clinton in 2016 to motivate you, that is one thing.

But after four years of Donald Trump, not as an outsider, but as the 45th President, and having witnessed what he has wrought, it is beyond understanding why any American Jew would vote for Trump again!

Some would say, oh the economy was going great under Trump, when the economy was already going great under Barack Obama, who took us from the Great Recession to the greatest economic recovery that we have seen in American history, including even Franklin D. Roosevelt before World War II came along!

All that Trump did is continue an economic recovery already in effect for a number of years. And that economic recovery was very uneven, with his push for a massive tax cut for the top one to two percent, which added to the national debt, and now threatens Social Security and Medicare! And 40 percent of the nation cannot afford an emergency $400 expense!

Some would say, oh Trump has done so much for Israel, in moving ahead to recognize Jerusalem as their capital; accept Israeli annexation of the Golan Heights from Syria; and promote diplomatic and other ties between Israel and the United Arab Emirates and Israel and Bahrain, which only deepen the conflict over the future of Israel and the Palestinians. Realize that the leaders of those Arab nations are autocrats, corrupt to the core, and have no ethical basis at all toward their own population.

Any intelligent American Jew KNOWS that this is just a ploy for Benjamin Netanyahu to hold off accountability for his corruption, which has led to trial in Israel. It is also simply a way to manipulate that portion of American Jewry that Trump counts upon to help him win reelection, who think that whatever the Israeli government wants, should be supported by the United States.

But this ignores the fact that Barack Obama gave more aid and defense support to Israel through his promotion of the IRON DOME missile system, despite Netanyahu’s hostile attitude toward him, and his collaborating with Republicans on Capitol Hill, including Speaker of the House John Boehner against Obama!

But Donald Trump meanwhile consorts with antisemites and white supremacists, as at Charlottesville in 2017, but also other actions and utterances that incite violence against anyone who disagrees with his destruction of the US Constitution and rule of law! And remember that Richard Spencer, David Duke, and other extremist right wing antisemites love Donald Trump!

Donald Trump is a racist big time, if anyone looks at his history. He promoted racial discrimination in his Queens New York properties, and is infamous for his constant attack on “the Central Park Five”, five young minority men, accused of rape and assault, who he campaigned against, and has refused to admit he was wrong and apologize, when they were shown to be innocent and released after many years.

Donald Trump is a nativist, who has no issue with caging children at the border, a reminder of the early concentration camps which imprisoned Jews and other people, before the extermination concept was formulated in Nazi Germany!

He promotes anti immigrant hysteria, even though his mother was an immigrant, and two of his three wives were immigrants. And despite his close association with Muslim authoritarians, such as Mohammed bin Salman of Saudi Arabia, he promotes Islamophobia, showing what a total demagogue and hypocrite he is, and his constant attacks on the few Muslim members of Congress!

Donald Trump is also a misogynist, who has abused dozens of women personally, and associates with others who have done the same, and has the gall to brag about it, but also has refused to provide evidence when charges are brought against him. He makes Bill Clinton look like a “choir boy” by comparison!

Donald Trump promotes hatred in his rallies, making people laugh as he ridicules opponents and makes fun of journalists who have been wounded by rubber bullets or tear gas, as he believes all media and all political opponents should be in prison! No other President has ever conducted himself in such a despicable manner! He is still pursuing his goal of putting Hillary Clinton, the Obamas, and Joe Biden in prison, all signs of an authoritarian demagogue!

Donald Trump rejects science, and is responsible for the mass loss of life in the COVID 19 Pandemic, and encourages his followers NOT to wear masks or practice social distancing, including at his rallies. At the same time, he thinks of his followers as “disgusting”, and calls veterans who have died in wars “suckers” and “losers”!

One might say that Donald Trump has a Jewish son in law, Jared Kushner; a Jewish Secretary of the Treasury, Steve Mnuchin; and a key Jewish adviser, Stephen Miller; along with others who work for him who are Jewish. But these Jews represent an extremely privileged class, who put their basic Jewish values aside for the gaining of power and obscene wealth!

Donald Trump has lied more than 20,000 times in office, and has had, by far, the most corrupt administration and number of corrupt appointees ever seen in any Presidency, so how can any respectable American Jew support this?

If Donald Trump is reelected, he will become ever more a threat to the basic Jewish values that matter, and any American Jew who contributes to that horror, will go down in history, condemned for their inaction when they could have taken steps to end the nightmare of an American version of Benito Mussolini at the least, and god forbid, Adolf Hitler at the most!

Republican National Convention Speakers List Pitiful When Compared To Democratic National Convention List

The Democratic National Convention had an amazing list of speakers, besides Joe Biden and his wife The list includes Kamala Harris, Hillary and Bill Clinton, Barack and Michelle Obama, Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter, many of Biden’s Democratic rivals for the nomination, several Republicans (John Kasich, Colin Powell, Christie Todd Whitman among others), and a number of public figures from the world of sports and entertainment.

The best that Donald Trump can do is have his four older children, his wife, those connected to his children (son in law Jared Kushner and wife and girlfriend of sons), and Vice President Mike Pence.

Trump has to be in the center of each night’s presentation, which insures he will say stupid comments will hurt him.

And who outside of family connections will speak for Donald Trump? Iowa Senator Joni Ernst, former UN Ambassador and South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley, South Carolina Senator Tim Scott, South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem, and House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy.

This is not exactly an inspiring list, and means such individuals as the following are not speaking or participating in the Republican National Convention:

George W. Bush, Laura Bush, Jeb Bush, Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan, John Boehner, Dick Cheney, Liz Cheney, Cindy McCain, Jeff Flake, Bob Corker, and apparently most Republicans in the House and Senate presently, although a few might make an appearance.

One can assume most members of the present Trump Cabinet might appear, but they have already lost all credibility as the most corrupt group of cabinet officers in American history.

And one can probably expect the criminal Stephen Miller, responsible for the despicable separation of children, including babies and toddlers, from their parents at the Mexico border, for the simple act of applying for asylum, which is perfectly legal.

This is a human rights crime, and should lead to Miller and the Trump cabinet which voted for it in 2018, facing indictment and prison for this violation of human rights of innocent victims!

It will be an infuriating four days of lies upon lies upon lies, and hard to focus on, as the sight of Trump and his despicable followers in government are enough to make one ill!

The Growing Threat To Mike Pence On The 2020 Trump Ticket

It has been fascinating to watch Vice President Mike Pence squirm and try to keep a poker face every time he is seen behind President Donald Trump.

It is clear to any perceptive observer that the Trump-Pence team is a “shot gun marriage” of convenience, with the evangelical right wing loving the overly puritanical Mike Pence and his wife Karen, who promote anti gay prejudice, and show no compassion or empathy toward those less fortunate. This fits perfectly with the Christian Right, which is only interested in making money and promoting hypocrisy, as they go after gay rights and women’s rights with a viciousness totally unlike the teachings of Jesus Christ.

Pence has kept his mouth shut and his thoughts to himself, as far as we can discern, but the news that Pence apparently sided with former National Security Adviser John Bolton, just fired, in his opposition to the crazy idea to invite the terrorist Taliban of Afghanistan, who harbored Al Qaeda before the September 11, 2001 attacks, to Camp David for a peace accord, is astounding.

So there is apparently a breach between the President and the Vice President, rarely public news in the history of the relationship of Presidents with Vice Presidents.

And just this week, rumors that Ivanka Trump, the President’s daughter, and Jared Kushner, his son in law, were lobbying for Pence to be replaced on the 2020 Presidential ticket by a woman, now seems to make more sense that Pence is starting to resist the craziness of his boss.

Of course, Pence denies he disagreed on the Taliban and Camp David, but since Pence is such a good liar, manipulator, and total religious hypocrite, it will be interesting to see what happens in the next year between Trump and Pence, and the odds of some news of a breach getting out to the public, seems quite likely.

The Disgrace Of Ivanka Trump And Jared Kushner

America has never seen such a level of nepotism as it now sees with Donald Trump daughter Ivanka Trump and son in law Jared Kushner.

It is illegal since 1964 for a Presidential relative to work for the government for the President, after a law was passed to bar it following the time when Robert F. Kennedy was Attorney General for his brother, John F. Kennedy.

The fact that Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner are not paid a salary does not matter, as neither has gained a high security clearance, and Jared Kushner in particular, has become a risk with his ties to Mohammed Bin Salman of Saudi Arabia, and his close relationship with Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

It is clear that corruption is occurring, and that either or both Ivanka and Jared could face prosecution, and that would be great news, as both act entitled and privileged, and need their comeuppance.

National Security Endangered At White House And Mar A Lago By Lax Donald Trump Attitude On Danger Of Russian And Chinese Espionage

We have a President in office now who is very lax and loose about national security, with growing evidence that there are people at the White House who are gaining security clearances over the objections of security experts, all due to Donald Trump using his expansive executive authority to order it, including for his son in law Jared Kushner, and his daughter Ivanka Trump.

Additionally, security is very lax at the President’s Palm Beach County, Florida home, Mar A Lago, since people pay to be members of that resort, and the Secret Service has no latitude over who can be allowed on the property.

So it is now believed that Russian and Chinese espionage may be going on, after the arrest of a Chinese woman with connections to the Chinese security services, and wandering on the property with thumb drives and other intelligence gathering devices.

And all that Donald Trump says is that the incident is a “fluke”, which is a very troubling comment, and makes one wonder if our President is truly concerned about dangers to our nation by his flippant attitude on security.