25th Amendment Section 4

To Donald Trump, Loyalty Is A One Way Street, Only To Him, But Not To Others!

To Donald Trump, loyalty is a one way street, only to him, but not to others.

Trump has spent his whole life exploiting others for his own benefit, so it is not surprising that he has now dumped Sean Spicer and Reince Priebus, and that he is humiliating Attorney General Jeff Sessions, who seems unlikely to survive for long.

Trump expects total loyalty, and those who work for him, due to their own ambitions, refuse to repudiate him, even when dismissed, but one wonders if some day they will tell the truth about their monstrous boss, who uses everyone until their value is degraded, and then has no issue as to how they feel or react to their dismissal.

Trump has no willingness ever to care about others, all part of his narcissism, egotism, and delusional personality.

The best thing that could happen, but apparently will not, is that his aides and cabinet should unite together and convince Vice President Mike Pence that Trump is incompetent, dangerous, mentally unstable, and needs to be removed from office under the 25th Amendment Section 4.

The time of a major crisis is near with North Korea, and apparently, they will soon be capable of striking the continental United States in another year with a nuclear weapon.

Can we afford a man of such utter incompetence, lack of experience, and poor judgment as Donald Trump to deal with what could be the biggest crisis since September 11?

Donald Trump: Sadistic Toward His Staff And Cabinet, Action Needs To Be Taken By Vice President Mike Pence And Cabinet Members

Donald Trump is a sadist, clear and simple, getting a kick out of obliterating his “enemies”. such as Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, but also loving to mistreat, bully, and humiliate his staff and Cabinet members, either by contradicting them, or openly ridiculing and “hanging them in the wind” in public.

Such a President should be told where to go by his staff, with all resigning, provoking a crisis, which could bring about the Vice President, Mike Pence, utilizing the 25th Amendment, Section 4, allowing a majority of the Cabinet to join the Vice President in asserting that the President is mentally deranged, and that Pence must take over as Acting President under the circumstances, as Trump is a threat to national security and internal order.

One does not have to like his Cabinet members, to deplore Trump’s attacks on Attorney General Jeff Sessions, and his teasing of Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price about being fired if the healthcare bill fails of passage, and the clear pressure being brought against Chief Of Staff Reince Priebus.

Also, there are indications that Secretary of State Rex Tillerson is considering leaving by the end of the year, and he and National Security Adviser H R McMaster have been constantly contradicted by Trump on policy.

Trump loves to torment people, as he is a mentally unstable person, who is a danger to cause a war or declare martial law, and it is time for Congress and the Cabinet to speak up and challenge Trump’s authoritarian tendencies before the situation becomes more dangerous.

The nation must come ahead of personal ambition or party loyalty, and only the Cabinet and the Republican majority Congress can do that, outside of the Special Counsel Robert Mueller and the news media, which are doing an excellent job of exposing scandal and wrongs in the Trump Administration.

Six Months In, And Talk Of Pardons? Donald Trump Out Of Control, And A Danger To Constitutional Government!

What is going on is unprecedented, Donald Trump and his staff discussing pardons, after just six months in office!

If there is nothing to hide, no wrong doing, why even discuss what makes it seems that Trump is guilty?

Why block an investigation if one knows he has done nothing that would require the thought of a pardon?

And why the arrogance that a President can pardon himself, when Richard Nixon thought of the idea in 1974, but decided it would make clear of his guilt, and he cared about his name in history?

It is clear that we are in a constitutional crisis far greater than even Richard Nixon forced upon us in 1973-1974.

We have an arrogant man who thinks he is like a King or an Emperor, and he needs to be told that the investigation by Robert Mueller will go forth, and that he had better not dare to have him fired, as that would be an admission of guilt.

At that point, the people around Trump need to resign, and Mike Pence needs to use the 25th Amendment Section 4, and become, at the least, Acting President, as the President will then face the Congress, even under the Republican Party, with the need to move forward on impeachment.

During that crisis period, Trump would be capable of irrational actions, including using nuclear weapons on North Korea, and contemplating martial law and suspension of the Bill of Rights and the Constitution.

Many would say this is hysteria, but it really is not so, and Mike Pence and the Republicans must put the nation above the President, and do what is right!

Donald Trump: A Dangerous Leader Who Could Unleash A Nuclear War With His Unstable Emotional State!

Donald Trump clearly is very unstable mentally, and therefore, a dangerous leader who could unleash a nuclear war due to his unpredictable emotional state!

We have a major problem with North Korea, no debate, but the answer is not to unleash a nuclear attack, which would cause the death of many people, not only in North Korea, but also in South Korea, Japan, and American military personnel in the area.

Many say that we should not worry, that Trump has James Mattis as Secretary of Defense, and H. R. McMaster as National Security Adviser, and that they would stop Trump from rash actions.

But really, when has Trump ever been stopped in his Twitter rants?

When has Trump ever been stopped in alienating the leaders of our allies and friends around the world?

When has Trump ever been convinced even by his own family in what he says and does?

The answer is NEVER, and to believe that Trump is not a threat with his weird behavior, including constant lying, bullying, demeaning, his intimidating personality, and his not living in the “real” world, is to be totally naive!

It seems highly unlikely that the cabinet and Vice President Mike Pence will ever invoke the 25th Amendment, Section 4, although early on, one might have thought that was possible.

But lately, watching Mike Pence in public beside Trump, one gets the feeling that he will be reluctant to step in, and therefore, the nation is at risk on a constant basis, as this psychologically damaged and mentally ill President continues to be a threat to peace and order!

The Sycophants Of The Trump Cabinet And Staff: How Is It Different Than Hitler, Stalin, Putin, Kim Jong Un, And Any Other Dictator?

It was absolutely sickening to see the entire Trump cabinet and staff put on a performance of “kissing up” to their boss at a televised cabinet meeting yesterday.

This has NEVER happened before, to have the cabinet and advisers act like sycophants, overwhelmingly praising the President for the fact that they have their positions within the administration.

Any Presidential cabinet members from earlier Presidencies would be totally embarrassed and outraged at the image of such outrageous behavior, as if Donald Trump was Adolf Hitler,or Joseph Stalin from the past; or Vladimir Putin or Kim Jong Un or other present day dictators, where those around the “boss” overtly praise their leader in fear of their own lives!

What is wrong with Trump, that he needs this constant boost of ego and worship? This is obnoxious, sick behavior, and has been ridiculed appropriately in the news media, and in a mocking way by Senate Minority leader and Democrat Chuck Schumer of New York with his staff!

It is now clear that there is no chance of the cabinet or Vice President Mike Pence invoking the 25th Amendment, Section 4, no matter how erratic Trump acts, so now we have more to worry about, including a potential nuclear strike against North Korea or Iran; and if a serious terrorist attack like September 11 were to happen, that Trump might wish to declare martial law, and suspend the Constitution and Bill of Rights!

It Is Time For Donald Trump’s Staff, Advisers, And Cabinet To Resign, As A Message To The President That He Should Resign!

After four months of chaos, anarchy, insults, misbehavior, and outrageous words and actions by Donald Trump, it is time for his staff. advisers, and cabinet to resign as a group, as a message to the President that he should resign.

It is never easy to work for a President, and it is considered an honor and a lift to a future career and wealth, so it is understandable that many of those around any President might be reluctant to take drastic action such as mass resignation.

But one’s reputation is also at stake, and one can earn wealth in the future just by having been on a President’s staff.

One does not need to take unreasonable abuse and mistreatment, as so many around Donald Trump have suffered.

One must have personal dignity and principle, and decide that enough is enough.

For instance, Sean Spicer, the White House Press Secretary, has been horribly mistreated, and he is just the tip of the iceberg. And Reince Priebus, the White House Chief Of Staff, is not respected by his boss.

And his top Cabinet members often contradict him publicly, and then Trump reasserts the outrageous statements that ha has made, which they have tried to “clean up”.

When the National Security Adviser H. R. McMaster; and the Secretary of Defense James Mattis; and the Secretary of State Rex Tillerson; and the United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley, among others, find themselves totally ignored, and they witness the irrational behavior of Donald Trump, they are not doing a service to ignore such erratic behavior, and are undermining the safety and national security of the United States.

It is time for men and women of principle to stand up and say they will not tolerate such disgraceful behavior, and that the President has shown by his words and actions that he is not fit to be President.

And this means Vice President Mike Pence must also start serious consideration of invoking the 25th Amendment, Section 4, as the commitment of the Vice President and the Cabinet is to do what is good for America, not for any one man who happens to be President.

Clearly, Donald Trump is unhinged, dangerous, and could start a nuclear war, and or declare martial law, horrifying thoughts that require a steady hand at the controls, not a wacky, unstable, narcissistic maniac named Donald Trump!

The “Blind, Deaf, And Dumb” Loyalists To Richard Nixon, And Now Donald Trump: Nothing Will Convince Them To Repudiate Their “Hero”!

Forty three years after Richard Nixon resigned in disgrace, and 23 years after his death, there are still Nixon loyalists who will swear that Nixon did nothing wrong, that the difference between him and other Presidents is that “he got caught”, a comment this blogger hears much too often, and causes me to roll my eyes, thinking what a moron such a person is, and moving on, shaking my head.

Well, now, we are seeing the same scenario with Donald Trump, who has his “blind, deaf, and dumb” loyalists who will swear by him no matter what he says or does, but if Barack Obama or Bill Clinton had said or done the same, they would be calling for his lynching!

Nothing will ever convince these Trump loyalists to repudiate their “hero”. They are helplessly “in love” with his persona, and this is very disturbing.

It is one thing to love and admire Franklin D. Roosevelt, or John F. Kennedy, or Ronald Reagan, all of whom were in the mainstream political tradition.

But to admire a person who is reckless, worships authoritarian leadership, and undermines the concept of the rule of law, is a threat to our basic institutions of government.

Many do not wish to admit the truth, that we are in a constitutional crisis much greater than Richard Nixon and the Watergate Scandal, and bordering on the danger that the Civil War under Abraham Lincoln represented to the survival of American democracy.

We must not sit back and tune out what is going on, but instead need to organize massive marches and demonstrations to force the Republican Party majorities in Congress, the Trump Cabinet officers, and Vice President Mike Pence to do what is essential for America, not for Donald Trump.

Donald Trump is NOT God, and his appointees must do the right thing, and announce their split with the President. The worst thing that could happen is that they are attacked by the extremist right wing forces that back Fascism, and they lose their paychecks. But they do not need their paychecks to survive, as millions of Americans do, and their reputation in history is endangered if they continue to back the lunatic who resides in the White House.

This is also true of Mike Pence, someone I do not admire, but has the constitutional responsibility to act, and move toward invoking the 25th Amendment, Section 4, immediately, taking authority as “Acting President” expeditiously!

Donald Trump’s Confused Mental State And Erratic Behavior: A Call For Mike Pence To Invoke The 25th Amendment, Section 4, NOW!

A national crisis has now arisen, as the behavior of Donald Trump in the past 72 hours demonstrates a confused mental state and erratic behavior.

His statements about Andrew Jackson, the Civil War, and Kim Jong Un of North Korea, and his general lack of knowledge and clarity on many domestic and foreign policy issues is extremely troubling and dangerous, particularly at a time when war with North Korea seems likely soon, and Trump has power over the nuclear codes.

Trump is undermining our relations with our allies, South Korea and Japan, which are directly affected by Trump’s changing stance on North Korea.

Trump is harming our relations with our border neighbors, Canada and Mexico.

Trump is confusing our major rivals, China and Russia, as well as Iran and ISIL (ISIS).

Trump is worrying our major allies in Europe (Great Britain, Germany, and France), and the whole NATO alliance system which has worked so well since 1949.

His own Republican Party cannot fathom his constantly changing views on health care, and his war on the federal government agencies.

Trump is an embarrassment to himself, with his total lack of knowledge and facts on history and science.

It is hard to imagine that we have had a more ignorant, clueless President than Donald Trump, with only possibly Warren G. Harding, and maybe George W. Bush competing for that dubious honor, but even they had some competent cabinet members and advisers, while it seems no one can stop Trump or control him in any fashion.

Yes, there is James Mattis and H R McMaster, and Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner, but none of these people seem to be able to stop the reckless statements and weird behavior of Donald Trump.

It is time for Vice President Mike Pence to invoke the 25th Amendment, Section 4, in consultation with Congressional leaders, and become “Acting President”, until and when Donald Trump is pushed to resign or be forced out by impeachment, as incompetent and dangerous mentally to hold the office of President of the United States.

We cannot afford to have a nuclear war or some other kind of major war or other disaster, because government leaders are unwilling or courageous enough to take action on a timely basis!

Conflict Within The Trump Circle Undermining Stability Within The White House

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson is told he cannot have his choice for Deputy Secretary of State, Elliott Abrams, because of Abrams’ criticism of Donald Trump during the Presidential campaign.

Secretary of Defense James Mattis contradicts Donald Trump’s statement that America should take Iraq’s oil if America were to send troops again to that nation to fight ISIL (ISIS). Also, Mattis does not see Russia as an ally to fight the terrorist group in Syria and does not trust Vladimir Putin, but Trump does, so that presents a problem in strategy.

Secretary of Homeland Security John Kelly contradicts Donald Trump’s statement that the deportation of immigrants to Mexico will require military forces, saying no such scenario will occur.

Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos is ordered by Donald Trump to agree with Attorney General Jeff Sessions on rescinding federal endorsement of transgender students being able to use the bathroom they choose in public schools across the nation, with DeVos issuing statement promoting her view, but giving in to Trump in a White House meeting with Sessions, instead of resigning.

Kelly Anne Conway has been silenced a lot as she was making statements later contradicted by Sean Spicer, the Press Secretary to Donald Trump.

Several potential appointees have refused positions because they do not wish to work for Donald Trump.

The man is a nightmare to be around, and too many appointees and cabinet members have to swallow a great deal in order to work around a true narcissist, with no scruples, ethics or morals, and only interested in promoting his own sick ego!

The best thing that could happen would be for the cabinet members to organize with Vice President Mike Pence, and force Donald Trump out of office based on his total mental instability and danger to the nation, putting their principles ahead of their loyalty.

This could be done by the utilization of the 25th Amendment, Section 4, leading to Mike Pence as President, with all his faults and shortcomings, but not mentally damaged where he is a threat to the nation and the world!