Gun Violence

Andrew Cuomo Alienates Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, And Other Right Wingers: Poor Boys! LOL

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has caused a stir with his statement last weekend on a radio interview, in which he said that those right wing extremists who are”pro life” (while not caring about poor children and their mothers), pro assault weapon, and anti gay, are not welcome in New York State, as the Empire State is much more tolerant, advanced, and civil than those who are intolerant of women, gays and lesbians, and have no concern about massive gun violence.

This led to a explosion of anger by the right wing, including talk show hosts Sean Hannity and Glenn Beck.

Hannity said he was outraged by the intolerance of Governor Cuomo, and would now give up his New York citizenship and high Long Island property tax and state income tax payments, and move to either Florida or Texas, both low tax states. And he said, unfortunately, his over 100 worker staff will lose their jobs, and the state of New York can provide for them!

What a nice guy Hannity shows himself to be! He is full of intolerance toward so many groups, and flirts with the anarchistic, fascistic Tea Party Movement, and has the gall to invite people on his show on Fox News Channel to promote assassination of President Obama! And he has no concern about the welfare of his staff, as all he cares about is his own wealth, and not labor rights of his staff! This man is so selfish, greedy, a massive liar and hypocrite, and even now, suggests when he moves to either Florida or Texas, that he might seek to enter Congress, so as to spew his hate and propaganda ever further! A better suggestion for Hannity is why not leave the United States altogether, as you contribute nothing positive to political discourse, and are a true demagogue!

And lunatic Glenn Beck, the alcoholic, racist, reckless, promoter of chaos and anarchy in the name of his own advancement, now suggests, as a result of the hurt feelings he has from what Cuomo said, might leave Texas, even though it is low tax, and go to some other country, because he feels besieged and unloved by his own country, and the government which “persecutes” people such as him!

Oh poor boy Beck, as well as poor boy Hannity! You have both exploited the gullible Americans who listen to or watch your programs and buy your books, and do not understand what charlatans you both are!

Let us hope that Beck leaves the country, and that Hannity joins him, and also Rush Limbaugh, who had said when the 2012 Presidential election was on, that if Barack Obama won, he would move to Costa Rica! Well, that is a great idea, and it is important that Beck and Hannity join Limbaugh in Costa Rica (even though that wonderful democracy deserves better than them as residents, and in fact, has socialized Health Care! LOL ), and no longer grace our country with their poisonous and divisive rhetoric!

Sandy Hook Elementary School One Year Later

It has been one year since the massacre of 20 children and six teachers and administrators at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut,

Just yesterday we had another tragedy, with a student in a high school in Colorado wounding two students before killing himself.

The threat to schools, theaters, shopping malls, churches and all other public places continues, and the country seems paralyzed by inability to do anything about the mounting number of gun deaths, and the reality that many mentally disturbed people have access to guns.

America is the most dangerous nation in the civilized world, and we are looked upon in Europe, Canada, Australia, and Japan as a nation out of control when it comes to violence.

And every day, President Obama is subjected to rhetorical and real threats to his life, in a nation where the right wing will not stop in its quest to poison the atmosphere with hate and division, and fears that the government is coming to get one’s guns.

The question is what future tragedy will finally move the Congress and the state governments to face the threat to civil order represented by the gun culture, with the sad feeling that nothing will change the national illness we have amidst us!

Unbelievable! 8,250 Americans Killed Since Sandy Hook Massacre, More Than Iraq And Afghanistan Wars Combined!

It has been nine months since the Sandy Hook Elementary School Massacre, and 8,250 Americans have been killed by gun violence!

This is more than the 4,000 dead in the Iraq War and the 2,000 killed in the Afghanistan War combined over the past decade!

And what just happened in the DC Navy Yard on Monday is just another example of the tragedy, that nothing is being done to react to this massive loss of life!

What does this say about our society?

It says we are a very sick society, and have an unwillingness to do anything about the loss of human life on such a scale, about 900 a month on the average!

How can anyone be otherwise than ashamed and troubled, about this carnage?

September 17: A Day To Honor And A Day To Mourn!

As we wake up on September 17, we mourn the deaths of 12 people in the US Navy Yards in Washington, DC, by a crazed gunman, who loved violent video games and had access to guns despite two incidents in his past, that should have made him ineligible for buying or possessing firearms, another example of the violence and insanity that permeates American society, and endangers all of us, including our President, who has had more death threats and plots against him than any occupant of the Oval Office!

And we awaken to the anniversary of three historic events that stand out, two that we can be proud of, and one which we continue to mourn!

On this day, in 1787, 226 years ago, the Founding Father generation, the true statesmen of our history, signed the Constitution, and we were on our way to the creation of the greatest government ever to walk the face of the earth, with the understanding that compromise had been necessary to achieve progress, something we have lost sight of in these difficult times we are living through.

On this day, in 1978, 35 years ago, President Jimmy Carter finished the accomplishment of bringing together the leaders of Israel and Egypt in the Camp David Accords. These were two nations that had gone to war against each other multiple times, who now engaged in a peace treaty that still endures in these unstable times in the Middle East.

Sadly, this is also the 151st Anniversary of the bloodiest battle in American history, the Battle of Antietam in Maryland in 1862 during the Civil War, which led to the death of almost 4,000 soldiers, and a total of 23,000 casualties in total.

So there is a lot to reflect upon and think about on this historic day, September 17, as we mourn the death of more gun violence victims!

The Republican Party Claims To Be “Pro Life”, But The Truth Is Otherwise!

The Republican Party claims to be “Pro Life”, but is far from being so, when one investigates the reality, instead of the rhetoric!

Republicans have, by their policies and attitudes, done more to kill the unborn than anything that Democrats have done!

The widespread availability of guns and resulting gun violence kills many pregnant women and their fetuses. But in addition to that, new born babies, toddlers, school children, and junior and senior high school children are killed by guns, and not only by homicide, but via suicide and accidental deaths as well!

War has also caused mass death of pregnant woman, fetuses, new borns and children, just not in America, but caused by American military policies. But this does not upset “Pro Life” advocates!

Lack of adequate health care to mothers and expectant mothers undermines fetuses and newborns, but Republicans do not wish to adequately fund and provide health care to poor women, which means the lives of these women, and their fetuses and children do not matter, despite assertions to the contrary!

Domestic violence against women, both pregnant and those already mothers, and against children, is widespread, but yet Republicans voted against renewal of the Violence Against Women Act!

The reality of toxins in the air, water, and food , and lack of concern for the government to protect against this by having environmental protection laws, is another way that the Republican Party shows lack of concern for life!

Lack of support of nutrition programs, and desire to cut Food Stamps, is another example of lack of concern by Republicans of the health of children and their mothers, and their fetuses and new born children!

Also, by opposing equal pay for women, and being against food and housing assistance for poor families, it leads to an undermining of women and their pregnancies, and also, their already born children. This all leads to still born children, miscarriages, and premature infant death! Poor women have greater stress, and fewer opportunities for prenatal health care and time for rest during a pregnancy because of need to work!

So the GOP spreads propaganda, but will not take action to help women, their fetuses, and their newborn and older children, and this reality is reprehensible!

Flag Day And Six Month Anniversary Of Sandy Hook Elementary School Massacre

Today is Flag Day, when we honor our flag, and appreciate what the flag represents: freedom, democracy, and the greatness of our nation, and its history of supporting freedom and democracy around the world.

But it is also the six month anniversary of the Sandy Hook Elementary School Massacre in Connecticut, and the realization that NOTHING has been done to deal with the level of gun violence in this nation, not even a thorough background check being able to make it through the US Senate, due to the tactic of the filibuster, preventing a vote, even though a majority want such legislation.

It is unconscionable that we have had 14 massacres of multiple numbers of people since December 14, and that a few thousand people have been murdered in the past six months, not including those who have committed suicide by gun.

How can a democracy which represents such hope and faith in the future allow this level of violence to continue, and to be more concerned about the right to own firearms over the mass loss of life caused by unstable people who have no problem gaining access to firearms, and causing such widespread death and suffering?

We are the most violent society in the Western world, and we should hang our heads in shame that we are powerless in the midst of this violence!

Rush Limbaugh And Sean Hannity Reach New Low, Even For Them!

Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity are two of the most outrageous right wing talk show hosts, and they are on a rampage now because of the promotion of gun regulation protection by the Obama Administration in the aftermath of the Sandy Hook Elementary School Massacre.

Limbaugh was on the attack against Michelle Obama, due to the fact that the First Lady compared her growing up in Chicago to that of victim Hadiya Pendleton, who had marched in the Inauguration Day Parade in Washington DC on January 20, and then was murdered in a park in Chicago not far from where Michele Obama grew up. Michelle Obama had tears in her eyes, but that led Limbaugh to go ballistic, and to ridicule the girl who died due to that tragic gun violence!

And then Sean Hannity denounced the President for “using” the Sandy Hook parents who came on Air Force One with the President to the US Capitol, to try to influence the debate on gun regulations now going on in earnest!

How could anyone NOT have sympathy for what happened to Hadiya Pendleton in Chicago and to the Sandy Hook Elementary School children, and agree that it is time for action on gun violence?

If the President and First Lady had not done what they did, it would be proper to condemn them for lack of compassion and empathy, and unwillingness to take a strong moral stand on the violence killing our children!

Limbaugh and Hannity are beyond the pale, despicable, heartless excuses for human beings, who continue to gain wealth spewing forth hatred and division in America!

More Deaths From Gun Violence 1968-2011 Than All American Wars Combined!

From 1968 to 2011, there were close to 1.4 million deaths from gun violence, and this is before the massacres in Aurora, Colorado; Newtown, Connecticut; and elsewhere in the past year.

But when one looks at all deaths from American wars, we discover the total is slightly less than 1.2 million!

With gun violence escalating in recent years, we had over 32,000 deaths in 2011, about equal to the losses in the three year long Korean War from 1950-1953.

From 1999 to 2010, we had about 365,000 gun deaths, almost equal to the 400,000 losses in the four years of World War II.

The years 1981 to 1998 saw 620,000 deaths from guns, about the same as in both sides of the four year Civil War.

With 2,500 to 3,000 deaths per month on the average now, it means in a year we match the totals of the Revolutionary War, the War of 1812, the Mexican War, the Spanish American War, the Persian Gulf War, the Afghanistan War, and the Iraq War combined!

Anyone looking at these statistics would have to be troubled by the fact that we are the most violent Western nation by far, and yet there are those who believe nothing can or should be done about this tragedy!

Barack Obama’s Second Inaugural Address: A Speech For The Ages And A Call To Action!

President Obama has just finished his Second Inaugural Address, and it can be seen as a speech for the ages, and a call to action, far more impressive than his first Inaugural Address four years ago.

He brought up Seneca Falls, New York (women’s rights), Selma, Alabama (civil rights), Stonewall in Manhattan, New York (gay and lesbian rights)!

He brought up climate change, clean energy, immigration reform, protection of children and all Americans from gun violence.

He brought up the Founding Fathers, and our imperfect Union, being made more perfect over time, and with lots of hard work and dedication to making America better!

He spoke of the need to address the crises of entitlements of Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid, and the need to fix them in a responsible way.

He challenged America to come together and take action to make America a better nation that fully promotes equality, social justice, and tolerance for all. In many ways, he sounded like FDR in his Second Inaugural Address!

And he called upon the nation to attempt diplomacy in place of going to war, and sending our military into harm’s way.

It is an ambitious agenda, but it is an inspiring speech that calls for our better nature to prevail!

Let us hope for a better second term for Barack Obama!

Parental Upbringing Of Children And Pop Culture Must Share Blame For Violence With Gun Industry And NRA

As the nation faces the reality of massive gun violence, there is no question that the gun industry and the National Rifle Association must take some of the blame for the carnage.

But it is more complicated than that. The lack of proper parental upbringing of children is very evident as well, as anyone who observes the way children are allowed to behave in public places, and often has lack of parental supervision for a myriad of reasons, can testify to. Being a parent is a very difficult job, as this blogger can testify to, but in this age we are living in, too often parents abdicate their responsibilities for convenience, or in order to be “popular”. One cannot see parenting as a popularity contest, and one cannot be a “friend” of his children, but instead must be their model for future behavior and responsibilility.

At the same time, “pop culture”—meaning violent video games, and constant production of violent movies by Hollywood—must share a large load of the responsibility for instilling in children the images of constant violence with guns and other destructive instruments that promote death. Children are witness to constant carnage from a very young age, and for mentally unstable children and adults, this can lead to acting out in real time, as we sadly have seen multiplying in recent years. More intervention on mental health matters must be pursued, and if someone is shown to be dangerous, he or she must be reported to authorities, and privacy rights cannot win out over public safety, as too often has happened in recent tragic events.

So those in the video games industry, and directors in Hollywood who enrich themselves on the promotion of bloodshed and violence must be held accountable, and the American people have already indicated that these industries have a responsibility to prevent their profit motive from adding to the tragedy of gun violence, as much as the gun industry and the National Rifle Association.

Ultimately, better parenting is required, so as to monitor children utilizing video games, and the desire to watch violent movies. If people, with their money, refuse to buy video games and to attend showings of violent movies, those industries will have to reform themselves, due to the action of parents and adults.

It is time for action, not just talk!