George Will

Fox News Channel Poll Shows Obama Ahead Of Romney By Five Points!

Imagine this: Fox News Channel, which has been attacking Barack Obama relentlessly for years, has come out with a poll showing Obama five points ahead of Mitt Romney, 48-43!

How is Sean Hannity and Bill O’Reilly going to explain this?

How is Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck and Michael Savage and Mark Levin and Ann Coulter and Laura Ingraham and Michael Reagan and Lou Dobbs and Michelle Malkin going to explain this?

How is the Tea Party Movement and the evangelical Christian Right going to explain this?

How is John Boehner and Mitch McConnell and Eric Cantor going to explain this?

How is Human Events, the Weekly Standard, The National Review, the American Conservative and NewsMax going to explain this?

How is George Will, Bill Kristol, Tony Perkins and Grover Norquist going to explain this?

The answer is that they cannot answer this—and that when one realizes that this five point lead is BEFORE the gaffe of Mitt Romney about Libya is computed, it can only mean a wider lead for Obama in the next poll!

In other words, while no one wants to say it, face the facts!


But that does not mean one should not vote, as until the vote is counted, nothing is one hundred percent, BUT it is safe to say that the election is indeed over!

Conservatives Question Why Mitt Romney Refuses To Release Tax Returns: What Does He Have To Hide?

Mitt Romney is rapidly destroying any chance that he will be elected President by his refusal to release multiple years of his tax returns, which has become a common expectation for Presidential candidates.

It is not just Democrats or liberals and progressives who are demanding such information be provided, but also conservatives who hint that Romney MUST have something to hide!

This includes conservative pundits George Will and Bill Kristol; former Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour; Alabama Governor Robert Bentley; former Republican National Chairman Michael Steele; and Republican strategist Michael Dowd.

Dowd called what Romney is doing as simple arrogance, a word that keeps on describing Romney, who seems to feel that he is “entitled” to tax breaks for a racing horse, and loves to brag that he has paid everything in taxes he has to, and not one penny more, as if it would be unpatriotic to avoid manipulating the tax law with accountants, as rich people tend to do with relish!

As Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel, former top adviser to Barack Obama said, the fact that John McCain saw 23 years of Romney tax returns and financial information, and chose to select Sarah Palin instead in 2008, is testimony as to time bombs ticking in his campaign, whether he ultimately releases the tax returns or not!

Barack Obama Scores A Coup On Illegal Immigration, Leaves Mitt Romney Befuddled!

President Barack Obama has really scored a coup with his announcement of giving young undocumented youths a reprieve, allowing them the ability to plan their futures in America for at least two years, while hopefully there will be resolution of the issue of illegal immigration in Congress by 2014.

Obama took the country by surprise, and has totally befuddled Mitt Romney and the Republican Party.

A Bloomberg poll shows 64 percent of those polled support what Obama is doing, and 65 percent of Independents!

And conservatives Bill O’Reilly, George Will, and Bill Kristol came out in support as well, imagine that!

Republican Senate leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky said he would leave it to Romney, as the titular leader of the party until November, to take a firm stand on what his view on the issue is, but here it is four days and Romney has been floundering on the issue, being his usual vague self, as he was with Bob Schieffer on Face The Nation on CBS on Sunday!

What Obama has done is the right thing to do, and strengthens him with the Hispanic and Latino vote in many states, making his chances of re-election much more likely!

It is still a reality, that the Republican Party will never win national power long term if they refuse to accept Hispanics and Latinos as a major player in future American poltiics!

Mitt Romney: Gutless Wonder And Tool Of The Billionaires!

Mitt Romney, the Republican Presidential nominee, is more than ever looking as possibly the worst Republican nominee for President since the Gilded Age and James G. Blaine, who was seen as totally corrupt, and lost the Presidential Election of 1884 to Democrat Grover Cleveland!

Mitt Romney has proved to be a “gutless wonder”! He is unable to stand up to Grover Norquist and his tax fanatics who want not one extra dollar ever to be granted to the US government. He is unable to stand up to neoconservatives, who want to go back to another “Cold War” with Russia, and want to bomb Iran immediately. He is unable to stand up to right wing social conservatives who want to promote a Christian nation. He is unable to stand up to the ultimate bully, Donald Trump, who is a literal nightmare, with Romney realizing that if he were to come out against Trump’s reckless rhetoric about Barack Obama, he would have his campaign destroyed by the vindictive, prima donna, who George Will, the conservative commentator, called an example of how a not very bright rich person could gain attention of the news media.

Romney has no guts or courage, and would become a tool of the billionaires, such as those who financed the campaigns of Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum, and kept them going for as long as they did.

Imagine this, a man who is a QUARTER billionaire being controlled by true billionaires, who want us to go back to the corruption and mendacity of the Gilded Age after a century of constant reforms under both Democratic and Republican Presidents, who worked to be in the mainstream!

Romney is a threat to American democracy as we know it, since he has no spine, no backbone, and is willing to sell his soul to the devil, because of his insane need to be President, unhappy with his family, his religion, and his massive wealth! Such an ambition for one so fortunate borders on mental illness, sorry to say!

But at the same time, Romney cannot relate to normal human beings, as his plastic, stiff nature shows through in everything he does and utters!

His campaign is indeed a sad commentary on American politics and the Republican Party!

Rush Limbaugh, The Republican Party, And Responsibility For Loss Of Presidential Election Of 2012!

When all is said and done, the Republican Party will look back on the loss of the 2012 Presidential Election and blame Rush Limbaugh for the turning point when the election was lost.

But actually it will be their own fault, since they allowed themselves to be held hostage for the past ten years by this bully, this egotistical windbag, this despicable human being who has no limits to his desire to destroy all opposition to his sick, twisted views of the world! And their cowardice and fear of Limbaugh that has prevented them from denouncing him en masse will, ultimately, cost them dearly in November!

George Will and Erick Erickson have recently declared that the Presidential election is over, and that emphasis must be placed on holding on to the Republican House majority and to regain the US Senate.

That is a warning to all who want Barack Obama to have a successful second term to fight tooth and nail, through every means possible, to gain a Democratic majority in the House of Representatives and retain the US Senate.

The Republican Party needs a total defeat, a humiliating loss, to bring them back to the moderate center, and away from the influence of social conservatives and extreme right wing talk show hosts on radio and Fox News Channel!

Conservatives Turn Against Republican Candidates: Charles Krauthammer, George Will, David Brooks

The sense of foreboding that Barack Obama is going to win the Presidential Election of 2012 is in full swing among prominent conservative analysts, who feel frustration at that fact, and are pushing the idea of working to hold the House of Representatives and gain the Senate.

These include Charles Krauthammer, George Will, and David Brooks, and this is not something to be overlooked. While many conservatives and Republicans are remaining quiet in public while being dismayed behind the scenes, these three men are openly bewailing the disaster they see coming.

This is the problem–that the Republican Party offers no alternative that really comes across as legitimate and electable.

This is the burden Mitt Romney, the likely nominee, will carry into the fall campaign.

The Republican Party Establishment In Panic: Jeb Bush, George Will, Haley Barbour

The Republican Party Establishment is fully aware that the party is doomed if it follows the crazy path being tread by Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum, Newt Gingrich, and Ron Paul.

These candidates are absolutely a calamity big time.

Mitt Romney spends time talking about the height of the trees in Michigan; the fact that his wife has two Cadillacs; the concept that he likes firing people; jokes about being “unemployed”; suggests a tax plan that would be worse than that under George W. Bush in cutting taxes on the wealthy; and continues to say that the auto industry bailout was a bad idea even though it saved between one and two million jobs.

Rick Santorum talks about Satan taking over America; attacks public education and higher education as promoting secular humanism; advocates the end of contraception availability to women; condemns homosexuality in the most extreme language; advocates religion in government; and calls for war on Iran immediately.

Newt Gingrich says that Barack Obama is dangerous to American security; calls for immediate action on Day One to wipe out everything Barack Obama has promoted; calls for a moon colony despite no funds available for it anytime soon; brags about his own brilliance and intellect and knowledge; has no shame about his moral lapses; and enjoys stirring a “hornet’s nest” and being a “flame thrower”.

Ron Paul calls for the elimination of the Federal Reserve; the immediate withdrawal of our troops from all nations overseas; the ending of five federal government agencies; is for massive immediate cuts in the federal budget;
believes in no regulation of corporations; and is a total advocate of libertarianism.

All four are a true disaster, and we have heard the lament from Establishment figures.

Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush deplores the promotion of fear and emotion; while George Will, of ABC’s THIS WEEK and also a Washington Post columnist, states that none of the candidates have made a good case for the nomination; and former Mississippi Governor and Republican National Chairman Haley Barbour also is critical of the performance of the candidates for the Republican nomination.

Whether anything can be done to avoid electoral disaster is very hard to predict at this point, but a sense of foreboding is clearly evident in Republican circles!

Woodrow Wilson Coming Back Into Notice On The 155th Anniversary Of His Birth

Woodrow Wilson, the 28th President of the United States, was born on this day in 1856.

So on this 155th Anniversary, and as we enter 2012, there is a lot to say and comment about Woodrow Wilson.

Wilson has been under constant attack by conservatives and Republicans and by conservative talk radio show hosts. George Will of ABC’s This Week and Glenn Beck, formerly of Fox News Channel and still on talk radio, have led the attack, but there are many followers.

The attack is based on the fact that Wilson was a promoter of Progressive reform, including the Federal Reserve Banking system, the Federal Trade Commission, the Clayton Anti Trust Act, and the Underwood Simmons Tariff, which promoted free trade.

Wilson also promoted labor reforms and agricultural credits, so his administration became the most activist, interventionist national government we had yet seen.

This was followed up by the creation of massive government agencies to promote our efforts in World War i. And Wilson also advocated internationalism through the League of Nations, after having formed the first foreign military alliances in American history to fight the war.

Wilson, of course, also had controversial views, including opposition to women’s suffrage, and advocacy of a hard line racial segregation in unison with the Old South. He also advocated restrictions on civil liberties during wartime, and showed no tolerance for dissent, all very disturbing trends that he has rightfully been condemned for by anyone who has belief in basic values of fairness and tolerance.

Wilson was a very complicated person, and is being analyzed more now by all sides of the political spectrum, due to his relevance to present discussions and debates over the role of national government, and American involvement in world affairs after our tragic interventions in Iraq and Afghanistan.

And, of course, we are coming up to the centennial of the Presidential Election of 1912, when Woodrow Wilson won over President William Howard Taft and former President Theodore Roosevelt, in what became a four way race including Socialist Eugene Debs, an election often referred to as the “Triumph of Progressivism”!

So we will be hearing a lot about Woodrow Wilson over the next year!

Massive Split in Conservative Community And Republican Congressional Members Over Newt Gingrich Presidential Candidacy!

Conservative commentators and talk show hosts are bitterly divided over the Presidential candidacy of former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich.

Among those supportive of him are Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, and Bill O’Reilly.

A much longer list against him include Michael Savage, Ann Coulter, Peggy Noonan, George Will, David Brooks, Glenn Beck, Charles Krauthammer, and the prestigious conservative periodical, The National Review.

Who would have thought there would be such a bitter split among conservatives, along with so much venom against Gingrich by his own Congressional colleagues, including Susan Molinari, Peter King, Tom Coburn, Dan Quayle, Dick Armey, and Tom DeLay?

It is clear that the Republican Party and the conservative community are deeply split, and this can only help Barack Obama!

It is also clear that were Newt Gingrich by some miracle to become the nominee, the party would be badly split, similar to 1964, which could mean a major progressive step forward in Congress, as well as a massive victory for Barack Obama, even in bad economic times!

The Conservative Assault On Mitt Romney Grows: George Will And Erick Erickson

As the conservatives in the Republican Party move from one candidate to another in their search for the ideal conservative nominee for President, Mitt Romney keeps on chugging along with about one fourth of the vote in every national and state poll.

There is absolutely no inspiration or excitement among conservatives for Mitt Romney, with the feeling that he has no principles that he will not abandon in his quest for the Presidency, if it will gain support for his candidacy.

This is a real weakness that Mitt Romney would have to face if he ends up as the GOP Presidential nominee, and more conservatives daily are indicating they would be unable to accept him.

It is also clear that a Romney Presidency would face major hurdles, as if he gains a dominantly conservative GOP majority in Congress, he will have troubles dealing with them, similar to Barack Obama’s troubles.

The irony is that Romney would probably have more support at times from Democrats, although they also would not be willing to give him too many victories, so as to defeat him for reelection.

But first things first, as now in the past ten days,. well respected conservative George Will, and today, conservative blogger Erick Erickson have made it very clear they cannot accept Romney, and think he would lose to Barack Obama in the Presidential Election of 2012, and would take the conservative movement with him down the drain, and that they cannot tolerate.

So one wonders if a third party effort would develop, or if conservatives would just stay home, unenthusiastic and unwilling to vote for Romney, therefore giving Obama the victory.

So with one year to go to the election, and with growing dissatisfaction with front runner Mitt Romney, the odds in favor of Barack Obama seem to be improving!