The Tea Party Convention And Sarah Palin: A Sham!

The Tea Party Convention, scheduled for Nashville, Tennessee, in February, is designed to unify those Americans who are disgusted with the two party system, the Congress, the President, big government, and health care reform.

But this movement is already showing itself to be a sham, as they have decided to charge any participant an entrance fee of $549–a tremendous amount for a populist movement which claims to speak for and represent the “average” American who is disgusted with their government.

Not only that, but Sarah Palin has become the big name draw for the convention, and seems to have a lot of support from the organizers of the Tea Party Movement. But she has demanded a speaking fee of $100,000 to appear, which is absolutely astounding if she claims to be a supporter of the “common” people!

It seems, rather, that everything Sarah Palin does is simply to enrich her own pockets, because she knows she is quite a draw! She is actually, clearly, exploiting her celebrity to her own advantage, and it makes one wonder whether the Tea Party activists who are not in leadership of the group might not reconsider whether this movement, with its high entrance fee to participate, and its insistence on paying such a high speaking fee to Sarah Palin, really is a sham, rather than a principled movement!

One comment on “The Tea Party Convention And Sarah Palin: A Sham!

  1. Jon January 28, 2010 1:11 pm

    Sarah Palin’s financial incentives to speak will only hurt her in a presidential election. Let them pay her. It will only show she is just another politician, like you said “simply to enrich her own pockets.”
    The Tea Party Convention is becoming just another way prominent conservative leaders are attempting to show their connection to the common man. However, the convention is becoming just another Washington insider event. Nobody, will take it seriously.

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