Something Forgotten After Massachusetts Election: The Democrats Still Have A Vast Majority!

As the nation and the political parties adjust and react to the reality of Scott Brown’s victory for the Senate seat in Massachusetts formerly held by Ted Kennedy, it is easy for Democrats to panic and forget the reality that exists today!

That is, the Democrats have a tremendous majority in both houses of Congress–79 seats in the House (257-178) and 18 seats in the Senate (59-41).

You would think from the political commentary and rhetoric going on today that somehow the Democrats have lost control of Congress and any chance to accomplish any part of their agenda.

That is not so, as while there may have to be compromises made on health care, it does not mean that nothing can be accomplished on this issue.

It does not mean that the President should drop his other plans for domestic reform on energy and the environment and regulatory reform.

How easily many forget that even in the Senate, it is not essential to have to gain 60 votes to overcome a filibuster, because there is another tactic that has been used plenty by the GOP when they controlled Congress from 1994-2006. That is the method called RECONCILIATION, which only requires a 51 vote margin in the Senate, a bare majority, to accomplish action.

President George W. Bush used it to promote his economic plans in 2001, 2003, and 2005, and even had to utilize Vice President Dick Cheney’s tie breaking vote twice to pass his agenda into law.

Imagine that: 51-50 votes twice, and now somehow, it is claimed we cannot have that happen on Obama’s health care plans, but indeed, it CAN be done and MUST be pursued!

It is, of course, preferable to promote bipartisanship and cooperation when possible, but it is clear that the GOP has no desire to do anything of the sort, so with some minor concessions, the Democrats and President Obama CAN accomplish many of their goals and overcome the effect of the election of Senator Scott Brown and the loss of the so called “filibuster proof” majority of 60 votes!

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