Martin Luther King, Jr. Day: A New Dedication To Public Service And Humanity

On this Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, commemorating the life and career of the great civil rights leader, America needs to rededicate itself to public service and humanity.

Such an example is the reaction of the American people and their government to the horrific tragedy in Haiti. We can be proud of the response of Americans to this unbelievable natural disaster, as shown by the outpouring of financial and practical support demonstrated in the past six days.

But also, President Obama and his administration have taken on this disaster with a full, long range commitment to restore a future to that island nation, which has had so much bad fortune in recent years, as well as in its entire history since independence in 1804. The President’s leadership is a true model of what we all have a right to expect from our government, and it sets a good standard for future Presidents as well.

Let the naysayers, such as Pat Robertson, Rush Limbaugh, and Ann Coulter show their true colors as they character assassinate themselves. We should not spend time worrying about such losers, as there is too much work to do, and fortunately, most of the American people are good, decent people who come to the aid of their fellow human beings in the spirit of the great Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr, who we were blessed to have for too short a time, but who dedicated his life to bettering this nation!

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