As the new year and the new decade begins, it is good news to hear that conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh has gotten a clean bill of health after being admitted to a Hawaii hospital for severe chest pains. Even if one finds him obnoxious and disgraceful in his comments and behavior on his talk show, it does not mean that one wishes him or anyone else to have bad health.
Having said that, however, it is interesting that Rush raves about the American health care system being the greatest in the world, but chooses to ignore certain basic facts about that health care system.
The health care system is not available to all Americans, as nearly 50 million have no access other than an emergency room, which cannot be seen as equal access to health care.
Not everyone who has health care coverage has good health insurance, and they often discover that health care costs can bankrupt them.
Many millions of Americans have preexisting conditions, which are not covered by many health insurance plans.
Many Americans would lose their health insurance if they are unemployed, and that has been happening on a very large scale this past year with the highest unemployment since the early 1980s.
Not everyone has what Rush Limbaugh has: the best health insurance coverage and access to the top notch doctors and services, and salary and assets in the millions of dollars. Not everyone is created equal when it comes to health availability and services.
That is precisely the reason that we must not let the selfishness, self centered nature, and smugness of Rush Limbaugh to control the future lives and health status of millions of Americans, who are entitled to decent access and services in health care!