The Effects Of Promotion Of Hate Of Government: Census Worker Murdered

The constant promotion of anti government sentiment over our airwaves and by opposition party critics has finally led to the murder of a census worker in Kentucky, who was found bound, duct taped, gagged, hanging from a tree, with his census identification tied to his neck, and the word “fed” scrawled across his naked chest.

War has been declared by this act, by hate mongers who have been encouraged and stirred up by hateful rhetoric attacking government as an evil. This is anarchism which represents a threat to anyone who works for the US government, or anyone who defends the concept that government is a positive force in people’s lives.

It is clear that this country is under great threat, not only from Islamic terrorism, as shown by the arrest of people involved in three separate incidents, but also by native terrorists who are not Islamic oriented, but hate this country and its institutions and wish to promote anarchy and chaos. The role of incendiary speech is reaching such a level that people are being encouraged to strike out, and therefore, those who promote conspiracy theories and throw loose terms around such as “Communism, Fascism, Socialism, Nazism” must start to take responsibility for what they say, and we must reject such peddlers of hate and division who have no aim, other than their own aggrandizement.

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