Religious Beliefs

Joe Biden Promoting Science And Truth On COVID 19 And Climate Change

It is truly refreshing to have a President who promotes science and truth, rather than half baked lies and phonies who advocate crazy solutions to important matters, including COVID 19 and Climate Change.

The lack of knowledge and education of so many Americans, and particularly those who follow their religious beliefs over science, is shocking!

But with all of the push on science, it is clear a substantial minority of Americans will refuse to take the COVID 19 vaccinations, and will continue to refuse face masks, social distancing, and postponing personal pleasures including being in crowds that endangers all of the rest of us.

The ignorance and susceptibility of millions of Americans who will accept conspiracy theories advocated by demagogues is a long term threat to the stability and security of the nation, even beyond the COVID 19 Pandemic emergency!

This is a major challenge to the Biden Presidency, to overcome the damage perpetrated by the Donald Trump Presidency in so many areas!

The Refusal Of So Many Americans To Accept Science, And The Role Of Government

It is extremely frustrating to witness, both personally, and in coverage of the news, that so many people refuse to accept science, and also the role of government.

The first purpose of government is to PROTECT and DEFEND the American people, and that includes sacrifice and concern about others, NOT just about one’s own pleasures and desires.

And the promotion of science is essential, and needs to be respected over religious beliefs and whims, and this includes recognition of updates in science over the decades since one learned science when in school!

To see so many people claiming their rights over responsibility to society as a whole is infuriating, and it has made the struggle against COVID 19 ever more difficult, leading to one of every thousand Americans dying as the year 2020 comes to an end!

Any government leader who refuses to put restrictions on the population in a time of a once in a lifetime pandemic is someone who should be summarily removed from office, but instead, we have many Americans condemning such state governors as Andrew Cuomo of New York, Larry Hogan of Maryland, Mike DeWine of Ohio, Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan, and Gavin Newsom of California, among others. These are both Democratic and Republican governors, so this is not a political statement!

Instead, these selfish, self centered individuals applaud such reckless and irresponsible governors as Ron DeSantis of Florida and Kristi Noem of South Dakota, who have presided over disastrous conditions, and lied and manipulated the truth, following the lead of Donald Trump, who is responsible for his refusal to accept reality, and promoted masks and social distancing as a model for America!

So the so called “greatest nation in the world” has the biggest loss of life, cases, and hospitalizations of any nation in the world, and it could have been otherwise, but politics and egomaniacal behavior mattered more to Trump than the lives and safety of Americans.

Donald Trump will never live down the massive loss of life in less than one year on his watch, and those who refuse even now to accept science and the role of government will carry the burden of guilt, and many of these same individuals will refuse to accept vaccination, and the hope is that fate will punish them for this stupidity and lack of concern for others!

Too Many Voters Only Consider Personal Views, Not The Best For The Nation When They Cast Their Vote

Every person has an element of self interest that motivates them in their daily lives and actions, and that is perfectly normal.

However, when people only consider their self interest in the sacred act of voting on leadership of their nation or their state, that is something to be deplored as improper behavior.

So what motivates so many people in how they vote, in no special order?

Their finances

Their biases and prejudices toward people different than them

Their desire to control other people’s lives

Their religious beliefs which they wish to promote on others

Their lack of concern over poor, boorish behavior by some candidates

Their sense of patriotism and nationalism

Their ignorance about public issues and viewpoints of candidates

Their personal egos, connected to insecurities

Their lack of compassion and empathy for others

What distinguishes progressives from conservatives is that these nine factors do not play into their voting patterns!

Gay Athletes In Professional Sports: Time To Demand Appropriate Respect!

Professional sports are businesses, and it is time for all of the teams and the commissioners of Major League Baseball, the National Football League, the National Basketball Association, and the National Hockey League to demand appropriate respect for any gay athletes, in the “closet” but wanting to come out, as well as Michael Sam and Jason Collins, the first gay athletes to come out while still playing their sport!

Under no circumstances should any player on any team, or any manager or coach, or any front office personnel, or any team owner be permitted openly to harass, intimidate, discriminate or mistreat in any way any athlete because of his sexual orientation, whether perceived or real!

The answer should be that if one wishes to have the honor of playing, managing, or working in professional sports, he or she must overcome their public prejudices and do what workers do all the time at work, do their job and shut their mouths, and keep any prejudices or biases they have in their heads, but not expressed or acted upon.

No player, no matter how great he is, is entitled to mistreat or do any other type of harm to teammates or opponents because of their own religious or other beliefs which create tension in the locker rooms or on the field or in any public social situation!

if one cannot control his or her behavior, then he or she should face expulsion from the sport, and it should be part of every work contract, as no matter how talented, such a open bigot should understand that he or she cannot abuse his known talent to be ugly or reprehensible in his or her conduct.

Just as players and managers and front office personnel have had to overcome racial and ethnic prejudices, so should be the same for sexual orientation, meaning behave or else you are gone!