Central America

Texas Governor Greg Abbott And Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Should Be Prosecuted For Mistreatment Of Immigrants At The Border!

Texas Republican Governor Greg Abbott is at it again, sending undocumented immigrants at the Texas border who are escaping persecution, violence and poverty from Central America, to Washington DC and the home of Vice President Kamala Harris, without any notice to authorities at a time of extremely cold weather and inadequate preparation!

The governor, who is in a wheelchair, shows zero compassion for the plight of immigrants, including many young children and babies, and is playing a political game, thinking it will boost his own credentials for President in 2024.

Abbott is in a competition with Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, who has used similar tactics, with both men having no common decency, compassion, and concern for human life, although both are anti abortion activists.

They profess to be “good Christians”, but this is not the teachings of Jesus Christ, or Pope Francis.

The response should be arrest and prosecution of Abbott and DeSantis for cruel, reckless mistreatment, and neither should be given any possibility of running for President on such a racist, nativist, extreme right wing philosophy, which promotes hate and division!

Costa Rica A Model For The World On The CoronaVirus Pandemic, And Shames America’s Response

The small nation of Costa Rica in Central America stands out as the most advanced nation in the region in so many ways, and arguably, is the most democratic and stable nation in all of Latin America.

Costa Rica has managed to be a democracy while surrounded by nations that have had regular dictatorship periods, and it has been very advanced in promotion of the environment, and many social reforms.

It is a more literate and advanced economy than much of the whole world, and has had no standing army since 1948, and yet has kept its sovereignty through so much turmoil in the Central American region.

The education and health care level of Costa Rica is very high, and extremely impressive. Many foreigners come to Costa Rica as “medical tourists” as the medical facilities and personnel are highly rated.

And now, Costa Rica has done very well in the CoronaVirus Pandemic response, with only 801 cases and 7 deaths, an amazing record.

Its citizens have been more responsible in obeying curfews and staying home, and it puts Americans who are anti science and boycotting the idea of staying home, to shame!

Costa Rica has become a model for the world in so many ways, and it has shamed the United States and Donald Trump, for the disgraceful response that has led to more than 80,000 deaths and counting, with a President who ignores and defies science, and will pay for it in his historical reputation being further damaged beyond repair!

Donald Trump’s War On Children And The American Future For Present Day Greed And Profit, And Based On Pure Racism And Nativism

President Donald Trump has committed many crimes for which he should face justice, and incarceration.

But in many ways, the worst crime of all is his war on children and the American future for present day greed and profit, by a man who has zero compassion, empathy and concern for those who are suffering.

Trump claims to be pro life on abortion, but he is a phony, as he has no concern about children, whether born in America or in other nations.

He is willing to separate young children from their parents, something not done by Franklin D. Roosevelt with the internment of Japanese Americans in World War II.

Thousands of vulnerable children from Central America and elsewhere have been basically kidnapped by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), US Customs and Border Protection, and the Department of Homeland Security, and they are suffering mightily in emotional terms, as well as being poorly treated with inadequate food, clothing and housing, and many have been sexually and physically abused.

There are young children taken from their parents at ages under two years old, who now cannot speak or walk, and are permanently disabled, and will never be normal. To blame parents escaping bloodshed, crime, rape, and death in gang ridden Central America for what has happened requires one to have absolutely no concern for human life and dignity, and anyone who has no concern about the crime against humanity being perpetrated by Donald Trump and his despicable criminal collaborators is indeed an evil, uncaring person.

The only real difference from Nazi concentration camps is that so far as we know, no children have been executed, although about seven children have died in the captive conditions provided by the evil doers who collaborate with Donald Trump and his evil supporters who refuse to speak up for morality, ethics, common decency, and equal justice.

Additionally, Trump has worked to pollute the environment; deny health care to millions; and take no steps to cut the dangers to children in schools besieged by gun nuts who have made our education system captive.

Racial and ethnic minorities have been pushed into further poverty and degradation by a President who utters racial and nativist rhetoric on a regular basis.

The ultimate answer should be for Trump and his band of evil doers to be tried under international law in the Hague, being held accountable for his crimes against humanity!

Latinos, The Largest Minority In America, Face Threats Reminiscent Of Jews In Europe In The 1930s And 1940s—Total Fear And Danger From Government Inspired Hatred!

In the wake of the El Paso Massacre on August 3, America faces the stark reality, that its largest minority group in America, people of Latino heritage, from anywhere in Latin America, face threats reminiscent of Jews in Europe in the 1930s and 1940s.

Total fear and danger from government inspired hatred reminds us too much of Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany, and it is not too much hyperbole to state that Donald Trump has weaponized racists, misogynists, white supremacists, and white nationalists, who used to be in the shadows, to come out and promote and commit violence and bloodshed against people based on their ethnicity.

For Trump and his followers in the Republican Party to argue that there is an “invasion”, a “caravan”, when no such situation exists, is inspiring unstable people to cheer at Trump rallies when someone suggests “shoot them”, and Trump laughs and encourages such action in response.

These Latinos that are threatened include people of brown skin who are here legally, and were born in America, but feel that the nation they have grown up in is a threat to their lives, making victims of the El Paso Massacre afraid to go to the hospital to ask for medical aid.

The oppressive Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), and the Border Patrol, have been given unconstitutional and illegal authority to deport undocumented immigrants without a court hearing and attorney representation by White House authorization, and they are acting much like the Nazi Gestapo.

Many are abusing children and women, the vast majority of the undocumented immigrants, who are escaping oppression, violence, and bloodshed in their homelands in Central America, in deteriorating situations encouraged by aggressive foreign policy of Ronald Reagan and other Republican Presidents since the 1980s, all in the name of backing right wing oppressive governments in the area.

Donald Trump has no intention of changing policy, and Latinos now face direct threats of violence and bloodshed and death, inspired by white supremacist websites, and young hoodlums who have mental illness and hate, and blame Latinos for their own insecurities and shortcomings, such as the disgusting photos of young white males holding a likeness of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, that they are strangling. These young men should be exposed for who they are, and be condemned by name by all decent people, and it is clear that their parents did a poor job of child rearing, a sign that this anti Latino hatred is a danger to a community that is 18 percent of the nation,at 58 million Americans, and continuing to grow, even without undocumented immigrants being counted in the population.

The American Civil Liberties Union, the Anti Defamation League, People For The American Way, the Southern Poverty Law Center, and innumerable other organizations are engaged in an intense struggle to protect Latinos, and their basic health and safety, and all decent Americans must assist in protecting the rights of Latinos, as much as the basic rights of African Americans, Asian Americans, Native Americans, Jews, women, gays and lesbians, and disabled people.

Donald Trump A Growing Threat As He Denies White Nationalism Terrorism, And Promotes False Belief On Muslim Threat

President Donald Trump has become a “clear and present danger”, with his refusal to acknowledge white nationalist terrorism in America and around the globe, and exaggerates the role of Muslim terrorism in America. He refuses to see the New Zealand and other foreign white nationalist terrorism as a rising threat worldwide, and sets up a horrifying alternative promoting more of this.

The facts are that the vast majority of terrorist attacks are inspired by white nationalists who are motivated by the words of Donald Trump, who has spent his whole life promoting racism, nativism, Islamophobia, and consorts with antisemites despite his having some Jewish advisers and aides who work with him.

He wants a border wall when there is little to no danger from the primarily women and children escaping Central America, looking for a better life than that of poverty, crime, abuse, civil war in their homelands, encouraged by US policy going back to the Ronald Reagan era of the 1980s in that area, creating disarray and turmoil as America pursued advocacy of conflict in our nearest neighbors south of Mexico.

In the midst of everyone who has a brain seeing all of the white nationalist and National Rifle Association inspired terrorism, in the name of profit and fear of a changing and darkening America, our President lives in his own dream world of reality, and he inspires these criminals who commit mass terrorism and claim to be Trump supporters.

David Duke, Richard Spencer and their ilk are applauding Donald Trump for his lack of a moral base on the issue of gun violence and mass terrorism, and in so doing, is encouraging a civil war, when he tells us that the police, the military, and his supporters will defend him at all costs.

That assertion alone should lead to his removal from office as a threat to the nation and civil order!

Military Invasion Of Venezuela The Wrong Thing For America To Promote

The situation in the South American nation of Venezuela is horrendous, with massive starvation and suffering, under a horrible dictator, Nicolas Maduro, and his refusal to allow food and medical aid to come in from next door Colombia.

There is no question but that Maduro must be removed from office, but that is not through US military intervention directly.

The United States has used military force in Central America and the Caribbean on a irregular basis since the time of Theodore Roosevelt, and helped to overthrow the South American Chilean government of Salvador Allende in 1973 during the Richard Nixon Presidency, although in that situation, no US troops were sent in, simply collaboration with military generals.

But the changes in government promoted by the US invariably led to more harsh right wing dictatorships, and have undermined the relationship of the United States with its neighbors in Latin America.

Many foreign nations have withdrawn recognition from the Venezuelan government, and Juan Guaido, the leader of the National Assembly, has been declared the de facto interim President by that body.

Economic pressure and attempts to win over the military are appropriate by all nations which love freedom, but the worst possible action would be to send in military forces, which would incite civil war, and likely make America the villain, and cause a long intervention and the loss of many lives, both Venezuelan and American.

But it seems as if Donald Trump, Mike Pompeo, and John Bolton are bent on military action, just as they seem to be moving in that direction regarding Iran.

So we could have two massive wars as the 2020 Presidential and Congressional elections come upon us next year, just as with George W. Bush and Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld and unwise, and unsuccessful military interventions in Afghanistan and Iraq, which have undermined America, and cost a great amount of treasure, both human and capital.

Donald Trump, Fox News Channel, The Evangelical Right, And The “Caravan”

For nearly three years, since Donald Trump announced his Presidential candidacy on June 16, 2015, he has, every day, demeaned himself by his utterances and actions, more every day.

So has Fox News Channel, becoming a propaganda machine for Donald Trump.

And so has the Evangelical Right, which has demonstrated how much they can distort and manipulate the true teachings of Jesus Christ.

Hypocrisy and corruption and a mean spirit has dominated, but now, hard to believe, these three forces have joined together to lower themselves to an even more disgraceful level.

They have promoted the myth of a “caravan” of about 1200 people who are migrating through Mexico, and it is alleged, are about to “invade” the United States with their evil intent, consisting of intentions of rape, murder, and terrorism.

Who makes up this caravan, in reality?

Large number of young children, their mothers, many elderly people make up the bulk of the group, and they are poor and deprived, escaping violence, bloodshed, and fear for their own safety, wanting a better life!

This is often, historically, the reality of immigrants throughout American history, and also, world history, people who are striving for opportunity, a new life, and to avoid death.

How could ANYONE be against such people, who have done nothing wrong, except to be born and living in nations that are death traps for so many, with so much human suffering, that they wish to find “a promised land”?

This is the story of the Jewish people escaping Egypt; the story of Irish and Italians and Jews and Polish and other parts of Europe escaping to America; of Muslims escaping bloodshed and persecution in the Middle East and Africa in coming to Europe in recent years; of people in Central America migrating northward; and of the constant quest for freedom and opportunity and a chance to live, throughout the history of the world!

This is the “American Dream”, how the ancestors of Donald Trump came to our shores; how the ancestors of Joseph P. Kennedy came to our shores; how the ancestors of all of us came to our shores! America is the nation of all nations!

But now we have a President, a news channel, and a religious group who are rejecting the basic tenets of organized religion, and particularly of Christianity, totally rejecting common decency, common humanity, common compassion, for those who are poor, deprived, and facing persecution and death!

The so called Pro Life movement is a farce, and Fox News has no morals or ethics, and Donald Trump is a disgrace to the Presidency and to human behavior, willing to lie and distort for his own advancement. He has no concern for the American people, and has shown he has no consideration about the damage he is doing daily.

It cannot be too soon to see this cancer excised from the Oval Office!

Donald Trump Border Wall With Mexico—1989 Miles, 30 Feet High, Never Will Be Built, And Would Be Boondoggle Financially!

The proposed Mexico Wall of Donald Trump will never be built. The price tag is uncertain: could it be 10 Billion? 20 Billion? 70 Billion? Such a project would be a 1,989 mile, 30 feet high wall, that cannot be built in many areas due to topography, including deserts, rugged hills, and two rivers (the Colorado and Rio Grande), and is opposed by many as unworkable, and sends a horrible message about the United States internationally. It would be a wall that would not prevent drugs, or human trafficking, and would cost loss of trust between two neighbors who share the 10th longest boundary between nations in the world. No wall or barrier has ever prevented breaching such an edifice, and it will happen in this case, were the wall to be built.

The Great Wall of China was built over many centuries, and never effectively barred invasions or prevented wars, and presented a psychological barrier for China, isolating it from the Western world, but in so doing, causing it to fall behind the West, and eventually be exploited in the 19th century by European powers. Disrepair, vandalism, and graffiti became common, and it never really advanced the Chinese economy. It marked China as backward.

The Berlin Wall, built by the Soviet Union beginning in 1961, and being destroyed in 1989, just 28 years in existence, marked the Soviets as a nation trying to stop the promotion of freedom, but the Wall was overcome by some courageous Germans, and became a symbol of the oppression of human liberty. It was a sign of the ultimate failure of Soviet Communism, with a humiliating ending in November 1989.

America gains nothing from such a wall, except to stoke fear and hatred in Mexico, and even in Canada, which has the largest land boundary in the world with the US, 3,997 miles between the 48 states and Canada, and an additional 1,538 between Alaska and Canada, for a total of 5,525 miles.

America’s reputation will be further undermined by a financial boondoggle that will be seen, were it to be built, as a negative development, which will help to sink Donald Trump to the bottom of the Presidential list all time.

It would insure that America would lose the respect and stature that it has had since World War II, as we wall off our nation, and make a very public judgment as to the inferiority of the people of Mexico and Central America, and further make America look like an imperialist nation, which has no respect for the people south of us in our hemisphere.

The War Against Latino And Other Immigrants And Latino American Citizens Begins, Including Crisis With Mexico Over Proposed Wall

The war against Latino immigrants and Latino American citizens has begun, less than one week after Donald Trump took the oath of office.

We will see victimization of people from not only Mexico, but also Central America, South America, Caribbean Islands, and also from the Philippines, Vietnam, Korea, India, Pakistan, China, Japan, and other Asian nations, as well as Muslim nations all over the world.

Racism and nativism is in full swing, and the lady on the Statue of Liberty near Ellis Island is weeping, as we have now seen the worst attack on immigration and minorities from Latin America, Asia and the Middle East that we have had in our lifetime, except for those who were alive and remember the terrible victimization of Japanese American citizens and Japanese immigrants 75 years ago after Pearl Harbor, with 120,000 interned in camps.

Not only will the government now seemingly deport more immigrants and break up more families, but one can be sure that there are plans to intern Muslim Americans when and if a few Muslim terrorists strike in America.

Civil liberties, Civil Rights, and liberty and justice are being ignored as the Trump Fascist era begins, and the question is how to bring it to an end as soon as possible, since the possibility of a dictatorship and martial law is not something we can be assured will not happen at this delicate time.

And expect a possible low level war situation at the 2,000 mile long Mexico-US border, with the plan moving ahead to build a wall, and make Mexico pay for it, which the President of Mexico declared would not occur, leading to the cancellation of a meeting at the White House. Tension will certainly rise, and we are in the worst relationship since the 1920s with our neighbor to the south.

We do not need a new foreign policy and national security headache, but Donald Trump is insuring it with his reckless and dangerous decisions.

Right Wing Conspiratorial Hysteria Over Barack Obama Has Been Proved Totally Wrong!

We are now entering the eighth and last year of the Barack Obama Presidency, with a new President to be inaugurated on January 20, 2017.

It is in many ways amazing how Obama has survived unprecedented verbal attacks for seven years, and the most threats to his life of any President since Abraham Lincoln.

His Republican opposition has been unrelenting in the promotion of right wing conspiratorial hysteria for the past seven years, and has had no shame in wishing upon him all of the most terrible tragedies and failures, rather than willingness to unite for the public good!

And right wing radio and Fox News Channel has been totally despicable in encouraging right wing lunatics, and inciting them to create a constant stress and threat on the 44th President of the United States.  They would not be happy until he was either forced from office or dead from an assassin, and there is still clear concern that our President faces endless threats at a time when the Secret Service has been found wanting, and in need of drastic updating, reform, and new leadership!

For any American to have believed the conspiracy theories and gloom and doom loaded on Barack Obama, it is instructive to look back at some of what has been predicted and has NOT happened!

  1. Barack Obama will cancel the elections of 2016 and rule by martial law, and put his enemies into FEMA camps.  This is totally laughable!
  2. Barack Obama will take everyone’s guns away.  Yeh, sure, instead we have more guns and gun ownership than ever before, and more deaths from guns than automobile accidents!
  3. Barack Obama will destroy the American economy, with the highest gas prices ever, dramatic increase in unemployment and inflation, the collapse of the stock market, and the promotion of the end of the capitalist system. Instead we have 5 percent unemployment, doubling of the stock market, low inflation, and capitalism is alive and well, thank you!
  4. Barack Obama is a Muslim who will advance the cause of the Muslim jihadists, and allow the downfall of Christianity in America. Yeh, sure, instead we have more Muslims killed by Obama’s drone usage than under George W. Bush, and Osama bin Laden was killed!
  5. Barack Obama will destroy the oil and coal industries in his  mad quest to promote the “phony” issue of climate change. Yeh, sure, the energy industries are making record profits!
  6. Barack Obama will destroy heterosexual America by his promotion of gay rights, same sex marriage, and transgender rights.  Laughable, but heterosexual marriage divorces are up, and more Americans have broken marriages than the total number of same sex marriages!
  7. Barack Obama will take away the civil liberties and civil rights of Americans through government snooping on the private lives of Americans. Yeh, sure, as the NSA is limited in its ability to fight terrorism by government restrictions put upon them!
  8. Barack Obama will undermine law and order in this country through promotion of the agenda of extremist African Americans demands.  Yeh, sure, the idea that Obama is a black radical because he speaks up about growing number of police killings of unarmed black men is laughable!
  9. Barack Obama will destroy the nation through open borders immigration of people from Mexico and Central America.  Yeh, sure, as Obama has had more deportations of illegal immigrants than under George W. Bush!
  10. Barack Obama will undermine the nation of Israel and refuse to support the security of that nation.  Yeh, sure, as Obama provided the IRON DOME system and has given Israel more foreign aid than any President of the United States before him!
  11. Barack Obama will promote the expansion and aggression of the Russians under Vladimir Putin.  Yeh, sure that is why Putin embraces Donald Trump, and has actually cooperated with the American government on Middle East issues, and knows NATO is working to protect Ukraine, due to the tough stand of Obama!
  12. Barack Obama will promote a one world government led by the United Nations.  This is totally ridiculous, not even worth commenting on, as totally delusional!

It is time for the ill informed and uneducated population of America to stop their ignorance, learn the truth, and start to show appreciation of the historic nature of Barack Obama in the Presidency, and to wish him well in his final year in the White House.  His ranking in history for his accomplishments, his dignity, his class, his compassion, his common sense, and his courage in the face of adversity will make him appreciated in the future in a way appropriate for his performance in office!