The Drought, The Farm Belt, And The Republican Party

Just as has happened often in the past, farmers and ranchers in the South, The Midwest, and the Great Plains are experiencing hard times, with the present drought causing a crisis of massive proportions on a level not seen since the Great Depression of the 1930s.

But has the Congress, with the Republican Party in control of the House of Representatives, shown willingness to deal with that crisis?

The answer is NO, because of the battle over the food stamp program, which Congressman Paul Ryan, now the Republican Vice Presidential nominee, wishes to cut over the next ten years, sparking a battle with Democrats in the Senate, as well as the House. Remember that Ryan is the head of the House Budget Committee, and has developed the Ryan budget, which passed the House with all but ten GOP votes, but not one Democratic vote, and was rejected by the Senate, controlled by Democrats.

Many farmers and ranchers are becoming totally disgusted with the deadlock and stalemate in Washington, DC, and that means potential trouble for some Republican office holders in the House, and could lead to some Democratic gains, as the only alternative for disgruntled people in the farm economy, totally exasperated at the lack of action!

2 comments on “The Drought, The Farm Belt, And The Republican Party

  1. L Ron Hubbub August 13, 2012 10:37 pm

    So what is da guvment to do with this drought ?
    Make it rain?
    Surely your gawd and savior O’bamby can make it rain all on his own !
    I mean he has done such magnificent work on the economy and jobs.
    Surely he can make it rain …..

  2. Maggie August 15, 2012 12:41 am

    No he can’t make it rain Ron Hubbub but what he has done is called the tparty right wing nut jobs in congress to stop refusing to pass the Farm Bill. Are you famililar with the Farm bill Ron dear? You see, President Obama has been on top of the draught issue long before you thought your hortatory diatribe would be such an enlightening addition to our conversation here. You see, the republican members of congress have refused to pass this very important bill which has been passed with bipartisin votes in the past. The reason they are having a temper tentrum is because they want to attach 1.5 billion cuts to food stamps to the bill. Rather draconian don’t you think? Not only does this attachment hurt the poor, but it also screws the farmers because they are the ones who provide food for the nutrition programs the republicans suported in the past but now want to cut. Instead of acting like adults and passing the bill as the separate bill that it is, the republicans want to pretend they are naughty 4 yr olds in the sandbox.
    By they way, since you appear to posses such in depth knowledge, would you please outline a list of the job creation bills the republicans have passed, and compare that to the number of post offices they have renamed since they took over the majority in 2011? The answer will surely surprise you….might even embarrass you a bit.
    I bet your Mother, Mrs. Hubbub would be so proud of your post on this blog… lucky her!

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