Day: June 17, 2011

Tim Pawlenty, Michele Bachmann, And Taxation Of The Wealthy

Former Governor Tim Pawlenty of Minnesota, and Congresswoman Michele Bachmann from the same state, are campaigning for President advocating further tax cuts for the wealthy, even though they have received unbelievable tax cuts over the past ten years, creating the problem of the ballooning national debt.

Pawlenty’s economic plan would give the top one percent of the taxpayers 40 percent of the benefit of the tax cut, while the next nine percent would get 26 percent of the benefit.

So two thirds of the tax cut would go to the top ten percent, while the bottom 60 percent would get only 10 percent of the cut.

Bachmann, meanwhile, wants to cut all taxes for 23,000 millionaires–which would add $25 billion to the national debt in ONE year!

Meanwhile, the effective tax rate for the rich has declined dramatically since the 1950s–51.2 percent in 1955, 42.4 in 1961, 29.9 in 1995, 24.2 in 1997, 19.5 in 2003, and 16.6 in 2007!

This is all economic suicide, and fails to promote the idea that wealthy Americans owe the nation more of their success, as it is this country which gave them the freedom to become wealthy!

Netroots Nation: Progressive Group Trying To Push Barack Obama Leftward!

Netroots Nation, the progressive activist organization, is meeting from yesterday through Sunday in Minneapolis, trying to promote an agenda to push Barack Obama away from corporate influence, and to end the wars in the Middle East and Asia.

Progressives are unhappy with the fact that, in their mind, Barack Obama is too willing to concede and compromise with the Republican opposition.

Former Wisconsin Senator Russ Feingold criticized the idea of Obama taking campaign funds from Wall Street and corporations when they are working constantly to undermine him and his agenda.

The argument is to raise campaign money for 2012 only from small contributors and the labor movement. The Democratic Party, he asserted, is in danger of losing its soul and its identity.

Feingold, who had promoted campaign finance reform with Senator John McCain a decade ago, and then saw it declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court, insisted that such reform was necessary.

Feingold now heads a group called Progressives United, which is working to promote progressive causes in Wisconsin and nationally.

Feingold represents the frustration and impatience many progressives have with Obama, and there is concern that the enthusiasm of 2008 for Obama may not be repeated, and that campaign funding and support by activists may not be at the same level as 2008. Particularly gay activists and those working on the topic of illegal immigration are furious with Obama at this point.

But if progressives decide to back away from Obama, then the conservatives of this nation will win power, so there is really no alternative to a decision to work with Obama, while trying to move him further to the left in his agenda!

Rick Perry: Is There An Economic Renaissance In Texas?

Texas Governor Rick Perry is flirting with announcing his candidacy for the Republican Presidential nomination, after having earlier dismissed the idea.

Conservatives applaud him for his promoting an economic “renaissance” in Texas, where 37 percent of all jobs have been created in the past two years.

Sounds good, doesn’t it? But the truth is otherwise, beyond that number.

Yes, there are more jobs created, but remember Texas has the second largest population in the nation, so one would expect that.

But the unemployment rate is lower in nearly half of the states of the Union, and a majority of the jobs created are minimum wage jobs, hardly a great beginning for a middle class life!

So life is not so great in Texas, unless one is wealthy, but then again, isn’t that always the Republican reality, that they are only good for the rich?

The Extreme Radicalism And Looniness Of Michele Bachmann: A Real Threat To America’s Future!

Minnesota Congresswoman Michele Bachmann gained a lot of attention by her performance in the Republican New Hampshire debate last Monday.

Many people are starting to notice her, and many social conservatives are ecstatic about her, and think she might have a shot at the GOP Presidential nomination.

Before we go any further along the road to President Michele Bachmann, let’s look at her record of statements and actions!

1. She said in 2004 that the LION KING was promoting gay propaganda. She is extremely anti gay, despite the fact of having gay relatives.
2. She claimed that many jobs would be created if the minimum wage was abolished, something that clearly is preposterous.
3. She asserted that “intelligent design” was supported by Nobel Prize winning scientists, a total falsehood.
4. She stated that carbon dioxide is not a dangerous gas, while it is well known that in large amounts, it is causing climate change.
5. She accused Democrats in Congress of being anti American and called for an investigation of their backgrounds, a new McCarthyism.
6. She advocated that her constituents refuse to fill out the 2010 Census, until she realized that if that was done in her Congressional district, she would lose her seat, as her constituents would not be counted as part of the population.
7. She has stated the belief that talk show host Glenn Beck could solve the issue of the national debt.

Is anything else necessary to say about Michele Bachmann?

She is crazy, loony, against anything that would improve the lives of the middle class or poor people, an ally of the corporations and the religious right, a mean spirited bigot whose attractive looks belie the truth: She would be a total disaster for America’s future!

June 17 Historic Day For Three Reasons!

Today, June 17, is an historic day for THREE reasons!

First, it is the day of the famous Battle of Bunker Hill in the Boston area, a major moment in the American Revolution’s beginning, in 1775.

Secondly, it is the day of the Watergate break in, the beginning of the scandal that brought down Richard Nixon, with the event occurring in 1972!

Thirdly, and in the author’s mind MOST important, on this day in 1979, which also happened to be Father’s Day, he became a father for the first time with the birth of David Eric Feinman, who has gone on to accomplish great goals, and is as politically aware and involved as his dad!

So Happy Birthday, Dave!

The Harassment And Bullying Of Anthony Weiner By New York Media: Disgraceful!

The New York media has always been more difficult and aggressive than most other media, but what they have just done to former Congressman Anthony Weiner is totally disgraceful!

The New York Daily News and the New York Post, both well known for being “rags” rather than reputable journalism, destroyed Anthony Weiner, harrassed, hounded, and bullied him to the extreme, sensationalized his faults and misdeeds to such an extent that it was literally impossible for him to survive in office!

Did Anthony Weiner conduct himself in a proper fashion on the internet, on Twitter and Facebook? Obviously, NO, but did his sins deserve the kind of mistreatment that he suffered?

The author thinks other politicians have conducted themselves in far worse fashion and have not been assaulted in such a vicious way!

And the fact that his party, the Democratic Party, also brought such great pressure on him is very different than what the Republican Party does with its transgressors! And in so doing, we have lost a major progressive voice for the middle and lower classes!

No one is saying to give Anthony Weiner a free ride, and overlook his faults, but if his district wanted him to stay, that should have been the ultimate decision maker!

So, as suggested yesterday by the author, Anthony Weiner, IF he is willing to do it, should announce for the special election, and leave it to the people to decide in his district, as to whether they want him back or not. Democracy should rule, not the reckless and insulting behavior of the New York media, best defined as TRASH!