Reality: The New Deal And The Great Society Have Saved America Again!

Conservatives and Republicans love to attack the idea of big national government, but it is just that–government intervention since the New Deal–which has sustained us through economic downturns since World War II!

The Recession of 1973-1975 under Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford avoided being even worse because of FDR and the New Deal!

The most severe recession, in terms of unemployment percentage, under Ronald Reagan in 1982-1983, was less severe than it might have been because of FDR and the New Deal!

And now the Great Recession since December 2007 has been less severe, as bad as it is, because of FDR and the New Deal!

It is unemployment compensation which has sustained many people in this horrible recession!

It is also food stamps, promoted during the Great Society by Lyndon Johnson, and expanded under Richard Nixon, which has allowed people to feed themselves during the toughest of times since then!

And yet, Newt Gingrich, former Speaker of the House, and prospective GOP candidate for the 2012 Presidential nomination, wishes to trash unemployment compensation and food stamps, which only adds to the Republican image of not caring about ordinary people who are victims of this recession, as well as earlier recessions!

What Gingrich is promoting is absolutely despicable and disgraceful! 🙁

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