The Volatile Nature Of Public Opinion Polls Regarding The Midterm Congressional Elections!

The Republicans were rejoicing last week, when the Gallup poll indicated the largest lead for the GOP among likely voters in the past 60 years, a margin of ten points over the Democrats!

But just one week later, the shocking reality is that now there is a literal tie between Democrats and Republicans, switching from 51-41 GOP last week to a 46-46 tie today!

This shows the lack of validity of public opinion polls, particularly in a highly volatile situation as we face now, where there is tremendous amounts of flux among the electorate!

But what else does it seem to show? It demonstrates what the author has made clear in earlier entries! And that is that Barack Obama by being assertive, combative, aggressive, and on the offensive, can indeed have an effect on public opinion!

Barack Obama has been vilified wrongfully by the GOP opposition for too long, and has been too nice, too much of a gentleman, to attack in an aggressive way! But now this week he has been acting like “Give Them Hell Harry!” Truman, who produced what was seen as a miracle when he won reelection in 1948!

Obama has a lot to be proud of, and he needs to make that case to the American people over the next 55 days, and fight for his agenda, and declare “war” on the Republican Party which wishes him ill! He needs to make it clear that the GOP is not concerned about the middle class or the poor, but only the wealthy two percent of taxpayers and the corporations!

It is time for this nation to be taken back for US, the American people, who are entitled to leadership that cares about the average American, and Barack Obama and the Democrats, while not having a perfect record, have done much in the 111th Congress to deserve to keep control of the 112th Congress in 2011-2012!

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