Senator John McCain of Arizona faces a tough renomination and reelection battle in Arizona, and he is therefore giving up all his principles that made him highly regarded during his Senate career, and led to his reputation as a maverick! 🙁
McCain was one of the sponsors of an immigration reform bill with Senator Ted Kennedy of Massachusetts in 2007, and was very proud to speak up on the need to merge the illegal immigrants in this country into the mainstream!
Now, he has condemned President Obama for initiating a lawsuit yesterday against the Arizona immigration legislation, and has come out in a nasty way, calling for the removal of millions of people, who have not been involved in criminal activity, and live in fear of families bring broken up by immigration raids!
The reality is that John McCain, once open minded and tolerant on the issue of immigration, has become a nativist in the worst manner possible–all this because his ambition to remain in the Senate outdoes his conscience! 🙁
But then, he has also lied openly about his lifetime of political stands, declaring in the past few months that he is not, and never has been, a maverick, even though his memoir has it in the title, he has used that term himself in past speeches over the years, and Sarah Palin called him that during the 2008 election season, as well as recently, when she campaigned for him in Arizona!
While it would be terrible if J. D. Hayworth, his GOP opponent, defeated him in the primary, it would actually be proper justice and punishment for a man who has lost his soul and his conscience, all for another six years in office!
This is another case of the unwillingness of many politicians at advanced ages to realize that it is time to retire, have some private life with their families, and allow someone else to serve their constituents!
I have lived in Arizona and followed politics for years. What we are experiencing here is beyond anything we have ever dealt with. The types of human and drug smuggling going on is beyond anyone’s comprehension. The violent smugglers will shoot at anyone in their way and they have done so many times. We have a deficit that is being severely impacted by the amount of illegal immigrants we house here in AZ. Times have changed and so has McCain. I would not say McCain is perfect, not by a long shot…however, when tides change, McCain is never afraid to put his ego aside to stand up for Arizona or this Nation. As for the reelection, he has no worries. Arizona voters are aware of what an unintelligent, big spending blowhard JD is and there is no desire for us to send him back to Washington.