Day: July 23, 2010

“The Progressive Professor” Returning To His “Roots” From July 24-August 1!

The author will not be adding any entries from now until his return from New York City at the beginning of August!

I am taking my two sons back to NYC, their “roots” as well as mine, for the first time since we moved to Florida in 1989!

This is a wonderful family event, but I will keep up on the news and have commentary again when I arrive back online on August 2! 🙂

Good reading! 🙂

Women Justices And The Changing Supreme Court: Is It For Real?

The Supreme Court seems more and more to be a very conservative, almost reactionary, Court in so many ways, but David Broder of the Washington Post believes that having three women on the Court at the same time (Ruth Bader Ginsberg, Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan) has to affect the Supreme Court in ways hard to fathom now!

The author hopes the role of women will have a positive effect, but the problem is that it is likely that Ruth Bader Ginsberg will leave the Court before the Presidential election, and that it will be impossible for Obama to select a replacement as liberal as Ginsberg has been!

This is particularly true with a Senate bound to be of a smaller Democratic majority, and even the slight possibility of a GOP majority! 🙁

So it seems likely that in comparison to now, the Supreme Court might actually be MORE conservative, as a result, than it is right now! 🙁

The Fickle Nature Of Public Opinion Polls: Bill Clinton Vs. Barack Obama!

Imagine this: Former President Bill Clinton is now more popular than President Barack Obama!

Of course, Bill Clinton was quite unpopular during the 2008 Presidential campaign, as his wife was in combat with Obama!

But now, with no responsibility for government policy, and involved in Haitian relief and other charitable causes, suddenly he is popular, and is seen by many as a better campaign asset for many Democrats than the President!

Of course, Obama faces the constant barrage of problems and issues, and the opposition is unrelenting, which shows the reality of politics–that when you are engaged in the making of policy, you make enemies!

Once you leave, and years go by, and if you stay out of controversy, your ratings will go up, as attitudes soften towards you in retrospect!

So Clinton’s popularity can be utilized to help Democrats in areas where it might be best for Obama to avoid campaigning!

If the Democrats do better in the midterm elections than many expect, a lot of the credit will have to go to Bill Clinton! But that is all to the good! 🙂