Department of Veterans Affairs

One Hundred Years Since End Of The First World War: Nothing Learned From Sacrifices Of That War, And Danger Of Another World War

It has been precisely one hundred years, a full century, since the “Great War”, the First World War, ended on November 11, 1918. About 18 million military and civilians died in that war, as well as about 125,000 Americans, the second highest loss of life in America after the Civil War, and until the Second World War surpassed it, at least doubling the American loss of life in the First World War.

What Woodrow Wilson called “the war to end all wars” did anything but that, leading within a generation to the Second World War, followed by many other regional wars, and the Cold War between the US and the Soviet Union from 1945-1991.

Now we have the age of world wide terrorism, and growing danger of another world war, and Donald Trump is in the midst of creating the conditions that would lead to this third World War.

America and the world have not learned from the sacrifices a century ago, as politics, religion, and egotism continue to cause conflict, and we are now moving closer to authoritarianism in the world than we have seen since the end of the Cold War a quarter century ago.

And Trump has disgraced the commemoration in France this weekend by failing to travel to a cemetery that contains many Americans and others who sacrificed for our nation a century ago.

And his promotion of extreme nationalism over patriotism has been rebuked appropriately by French President Emmanuel Macron.

This is a President who has not yet gone to a combat zone, as every other President has done, and is working to privatize the Department of Veterans Affairs, which would be a true disaster, and hopefully will be stopped by the 116th Congress, with a Democratic majority in the House of Representatives.

Three Women Of Multi Racial Heritage Running As Democrats For US Senate And Favored To Win

Three women of multi racial heritage are running as Democrats for the US Senate, and are favored to win their races.

These three women are:

Tammy Duckworth of Illinois
Kamala Harris of California
Catherine Cortez Masto of Nevada

Duckworth has a Chinese mother and white father and was born in Thailand; Harris has an Indian mother who migrated from India and a father of Jamaican heritage; Masto is a Latina of Mexican heritage.

All three are superbly qualified, and would bring to the Senate the first women of multi racial background, of other heritages than White Anglo Christian or Jewish.

Duckworth was severely wounded in Iraq, losing both legs and damaging her right arm, and is a true hero. She served in the Illinois and US Department of Veterans Affairs, and has been a Congresswoman from Illinois for the past four years.

Harris served as District Attorney of San Francisco and is now California Attorney General.

Masto was Attorney General of Nevada from 2007-2015.

Masto will have the toughest race, while Duckworth, and especially Harris, seem certain to win at this juncture.

The US Senate would become much more diverse and representative if these women are fortunate enough to be elected.

Congressional Republican “Vacation” An Absolute Outrage With So Many Problems And Issues That Need To Be Dealt With!

There is criticism of President Barack Obama taking a vacation with his family, with so many foreign policy crises emerging. But it must also be said that the Republican House of Representatives, led by Speaker of the House John Boehner, which sets up the Congressional calendar for both the House and Senate, is absolutely outrageous in its short calendar of work dates, and planning more time off to campaign, while there are so many problems and issues to deal with!

What is the Congress unwilling to deal with, which should be priorities?

The Border Crisis of Central American refugees, many of them children.

The funding of veterans benefits and the Department of Veterans Affairs.

The Highway Trust Fund, which will run out of money for infrastructure spending, and which will lead to layoffs of workers, adding to the unemployment rate.

The increase in the minimum wage, which has not gone up since 2009, while the cost of living has increased, as it would over any five year period.

The lifeline of the unemployment compensation, which has left many millions without any sustenance, and increased homelessness across the nation.

And these are just the biggest priorities, but this Congress, the 113th, is the absolute worst in modern history, if not at any time, surpassing the previous 112th Congress in negativism!

Complaints Against Government Bureaucracy Directly Related To Loss Of Government Funding As Public Demands Grow!

The American people are told constantly by Republicans and conservatives, and the media willing to report falsehoods rather than truth, that the government bureaucracy is a disgrace, that we are not being served well by those who work in the federal government agencies.

So we have complaints about the Internal Revenue Service, the Department of Veterans Affairs, the Department of Health and Human Services, the Social Security Administration, Department of Housing and Urban Development, and really, every other government agency, declaring them incompetent, corrupt, tone deaf to public needs.

Are there government bureaucrats in many agencies who are incompetent, corrupt, tone deaf to the public? Absolutely, but that is endemic to “bureaucrats” in every corporation as well in this nation!

The people at the top of any government agency or private corporation are generally arrogant, cocky, only too willing to enrich themselves at the expense of their “bureaucracy”!

There is a need to clean up government agencies of those who have lost the purpose of their employment, to serve the American people with compassion and competence!

But that alone will not solve the problem of government services, as it is the Republicans and conservatives who are ultimately responsible for the problems created over time!

These groups hate government, except where they can benefit from it themselves, and are only too willing to cut government funding and personnel as the population of the nation, and the aging of the population, and the growing economic decline of the middle class and the poor due to the growing wealth of the top two percent, continues to escalate.

If one wants good government services, we must pay for it and expand bureaucracy, not cut it, as we only perpetuate the incompetence and lack of solution of major issues that arise.

Instead of attacking “bureaucracy”, let us recognize its significance and show respect for those, over 95 percent of “bureaucrats”, who do a competent, caring job every day, but never get credit for it, as the headlines dramatize the examples of incompetency and corruption that are exaggerated as being a statement on all “bureaucracy”!

Time Of Remembrance: 150 Years Of Arlington National Cemetery And 70th Anniversary Of D Day

We are today commemorating two solemn anniversaries: 150 years of Arlington National Cemetery, and 70 years on June 6 of the D Day Invasion at Normandy during World War II! Memorial Day is the proper day to mark these two anniversaries!

Arlington National Cemetery began as a place to honor Civil War veterans, and now honors veterans of all of America’s wars, those killed in battle and those who simply served.

The number of World War II veterans is declining rapidly, with the youngest participants now age 88 and over, with “The Greatest Generation” still honored for their sacrifices every year.

The crisis over the Department of Veterans Affairs is a sad event, since we face a mountain of commitment to all of our veterans over the next century, who have done their part to protect us, and no matter what the cost, our commitment MUST be met, when we send troops to war!

It should sober us to be more careful about military commitments overseas, and only engaged in wars that we have no choice but to participate in, for national security, but NOT for corporate greed or the promotion of oil interests!

And this is also a sobering time, as we soon will reach the 100th anniversary of the outbreak of World War I in Europe this summer! The effects of that war, on the world and on America, still reverberate!

The Veterans Administration Scandal And The GOP Lack Of Concern For Veterans

So finally, there is a “real” scandal under President Obama regarding the Veterans Administration failure to provide appropriate medical care for veterans, with the example particularly in Phoenix, Arizona of 40 veterans dying for lack of follow through on appointments.

This is reprehensible and must be fully investigated, but it is part of the reality of the bureaucracy of the VA, which has been a problem for a long time, and was fully vetted as a reality under the administration of George W. Bush.

Since Barack Obama became President, we have seen a fifty percent increase in funding, and Veterans Affairs Secretary Eric Shinseki has worked to try to push the bureaucracy to action, with little success.

So along comes the hypocritical Republican Party, which has voted against extra funding for the agency, and has set their sights on Shinseki, who angered George W. Bush and Dick Cheney back in 2003, when as a four star general, he spoke up against the planned Iraq War strategy of Secretary of State Donald Rumsfeld, who felt we did not need hundreds of thousands of troops to win over Saddam Hussein and any aftermath of doing so.

Shinseki was correct, but was dismissed from the military by the Bush Administration, and now the Republicans are trying to make Shinseki the scapegoat for the VA Scandal.

If we had not engaged in two failed wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, we would not have the overwhelming numbers of veterans who now need medical help, and yet see the GOP fight against increased funding for the agency.

The Republican Party is no friend of veterans, only the friend of the defense industries which make trillions off of war, including Dick Cheney, who became extremely wealthy off of stock and former leadership in Halliburton, one of the most corrupt corporations on the planet!

Shinseki and Obama are being made political victims of the the hypocrisy of the Republican Party, which has demonstrated total lack of concern for veterans by their actions!

“Fishing” Expeditions Mount As Republicans Lose On ObamaCare!

The Republican Party is so desperate to find an issue to attack the Obama Administration, now that ObamaCare is working, and polls indicate growing support for the landmark legislation that twenty years ago the Republicans supported, and which Mitt Romney put into play in Massachusetts eight years ago, now shown by statistics and research to have saved many lives in that state.

So now the Republicans are engaging in another attack on the Benghazi terrorist tragedy in Libya, despite the fact there is no evidence of wrongdoing.

And they also have cited Lois Lerner for using her Fifth Amendment rights in the investigation of the Internal Revenue Service targeting political organizations who want tax exempt status, even though progressive groups, as well as conservative groups, were investigated as to their right to a tax exemption.

Also, there is heat being brought against Eric Shinseki, the Secretary of Veterans Affairs, over the problems in providing health care for veterans, even though the GOP has no problem with trying to deny millions of poor people the opportunity to have health care through Medicaid expansion!

The hypocrisy of the Republican Party is beyond belief, and the American people need for the Democrats to fight back in clear terms, and make all voters know the truth about the GOP strategy, so that they do not reward them for their lies and deceit in the upcoming Midterm Elections of 2014!

The “Man Up!” Attack Against Barack Obama In Foreign Policy Totally Outrageous!

The Republican Party and conservatives will stop at nothing to attack Barack Obama in every way possible, including the accusation that he is weak in foreign policy, and that he needs to “man up!”, in relation to Vladamir Putin and the Ukraine Crisis; and also the problems with the Syrian Civil War and the Iran Nuclear negotiations.

If you left it up to “neocons”, neoconservatives who took us into the wrong headed Iraq War, we would be going to war against Russia, sending ground troops in Syria, and bombing Iran! Meanwhile, most of this group have never been in the military, have never fought under war conditions, but are very willing to send young men and women into harm’s way, and have little concern about what happens to them when they come home from war, physically or psychologically harmed, and cannot gain adequate services from the Department of Veterans Affairs!

This is total insanity, that a President who took out Osama Bin Laden, and has been steadfast in his willingness to use whatever means necessary to fight terrorism and Al Qaeda, is accused of being weak, refusing to get us involved in more ground wars that cannot be won in realistic terms!

Why is it that we never heard “Man Up!” toward the following Presidents and foreign policy crises:

Dwight D. Eisenhower and the Hungarian Crisis of 1956
Lyndon B. Johnson and the Czechoslovakian Crisis of 1968
Lyndon B. Johnson and the Pueblo Crisis with North Korea in 1968
Ronald Reagan and the Withdrawal of Marines from Lebanon after the Beirut Marine Barrack Bombing in 1983
George W. Bush and the Georgian Crisis of 2008

Why is it that things are different now, when all Presidents have challenges similar to what Obama faces, but are treated with more respect and deference? I think the answer is simple, and needs not to be said, but understood to be reality!

Crises In The US Military: Sexual Violence, Suicide, And Poor Veterans Care

The US military, said to be the best in the world, is reeling from three crises:

Widespread sexual violence, with the vast majority of victims being female, but also not a small number of males

The growing suicide rate among active military, as well as retired military, on the average of one nearly every 40-50 minutes around the clock.

Massive backlog in taking care of veterans benefits through the Department of Veterans Affairs.

These crises threaten the ability of the military to recruit people, and to give needed assistance to those already in the military, as well as those who have left the military and have physical and emotional needs that are not being met, from their experiences in the military.

Psychological depression has caused an alarming rate of suicides, and sometimes, other members of the family are victimized as well.

We have always been ready to send troops overseas, without a care for what that does to the troops, mostly young males and some females, who have no clue as to what they will face when in combat zones.

But we are never ready to meet their needs when they face crises while in the military, or when they separate from military duty.

This reality is unconscionable, and action must be taken to deal with these massive crises that undermine our ability to face the challenges of the world in the 21st century!

16,000 Severely Wounded Soldiers Have Come Home From Afghanistan And Iraq: Our Commitment To Them Must Have No Boundaries!

A new report from the Department of Veterans Affairs demonstrates just how horrifying the interventions in Afghanistan and Iraq have been to our soldiers.

The shocking total of 16,000 soldiers have been severely wounded, losing arms, legs, portions of their face and skull, and brain injuries, and they come home with the likelihood of 50 or more years of life ahead of them. This does not even include those who look physically fine, but also have mental and emotional problems.

While in the past, most of these young men and women would have died, now they have to face the challenge of finding work, having social interaction, and trying to have as close to a normal life as possible.

Will our government do what needs to be done, morally and ethically, for these people who have sacrificed so much?

One has to wonder if our country will show proper respect and regard for these tragic cases of young men and women sent to fight by a government which had no concept of the disaster of Improved Explosive Devices and other methods that killed so many Americans, and yet led to these survivors who face an uncertain future!

This is an area where NO CUTS to government spending can be allowed, and in fact, funding MUST be increased on a steady basis!