
Donald Trump Does NOT Have The Energy And Drive To Be President!

The Donald Trump followers are totally delusional!

No matter what BS comes out of his mouth, his ignorant, clueless supporters seem to think he is like Jesus, and can walk on water!

Donald Trump is going to solve all the problems we have, even though he is unwilling to be specific on anything, other than spouting racism, nativism, misogyny, and homophobia!

Donald Trump has NO experience in running any government, and being a CEO who barks orders at his subordinates will NOT be what he would discover if he were to become President.

He would discover a Congress that would not just bow to his demands, no matter which political party is in control!

He would discover a Court system that would not do his bidding because he demands it!

He would discover that he would not have a friendly news media, since that is not the job of the news media, and his idea of working against freedom of the press, promoting censorship and law suits to curb major newspapers and critics is horrifying, and is pure Fascism in action!

He would discover that he would not get his way with the government bureaucracy blocking much of what he wants to do!

He would discover that he would, FINALLY, have to work HARD for a living, not have the cushy corporate life of giving orders and being praised constantly, and his wealth inheritance, which allowed him to have a charmed life, would suddenly become one of burdens, stress, sleepless nights in the midst of crises!

Face the truth: Donald Trump would NOT have the energy and drive to be President for long, and he well might have physical illnesses and could die in office, despite his Superman in great health image, that he loves to promote!

Donald Trump is a human being who would discover that his health and life would be far more threatened by being President, than by keeping his cushy life style and privileged life!

One can say that Donald Trump would certainly disillusion his followers, who would come to realize that he has no solutions, and would endanger our national security with his egotism, braggadocio, loose mouth of insults, and narcissism!

We would be in great danger from a man more dangerous mentally than Richard Nixon, and it would be a dangerous trial for our American democratic system, to have an authoritarian maniac in power as our President!

Complaints Against Government Bureaucracy Directly Related To Loss Of Government Funding As Public Demands Grow!

The American people are told constantly by Republicans and conservatives, and the media willing to report falsehoods rather than truth, that the government bureaucracy is a disgrace, that we are not being served well by those who work in the federal government agencies.

So we have complaints about the Internal Revenue Service, the Department of Veterans Affairs, the Department of Health and Human Services, the Social Security Administration, Department of Housing and Urban Development, and really, every other government agency, declaring them incompetent, corrupt, tone deaf to public needs.

Are there government bureaucrats in many agencies who are incompetent, corrupt, tone deaf to the public? Absolutely, but that is endemic to “bureaucrats” in every corporation as well in this nation!

The people at the top of any government agency or private corporation are generally arrogant, cocky, only too willing to enrich themselves at the expense of their “bureaucracy”!

There is a need to clean up government agencies of those who have lost the purpose of their employment, to serve the American people with compassion and competence!

But that alone will not solve the problem of government services, as it is the Republicans and conservatives who are ultimately responsible for the problems created over time!

These groups hate government, except where they can benefit from it themselves, and are only too willing to cut government funding and personnel as the population of the nation, and the aging of the population, and the growing economic decline of the middle class and the poor due to the growing wealth of the top two percent, continues to escalate.

If one wants good government services, we must pay for it and expand bureaucracy, not cut it, as we only perpetuate the incompetence and lack of solution of major issues that arise.

Instead of attacking “bureaucracy”, let us recognize its significance and show respect for those, over 95 percent of “bureaucrats”, who do a competent, caring job every day, but never get credit for it, as the headlines dramatize the examples of incompetency and corruption that are exaggerated as being a statement on all “bureaucracy”!

Too Much Government On All Levels? The Truth Is Quite Different!

Conservatives LOVE to tell the American people that government at all levels is too large, too overwhelming, and that we do not need as much government as we have had, despite the constantly growing population of the United States, now at about 313 million and counting!

The argument is that government has multiplied at all levels, but that is absolutely NOT the truth!

On the federal level, we have about 4.4 million government workers, only slightly up from 4.3 million a few years earlier.

On the state and local level, there are about 14 million people who work for governments, down slightly from a few years earlier.

Realize that if you add the total number of federal employees to the number of state and local employees, it is about 19 million, which is about SIX percent of the total population, actually slightly less!

Also realize that federal employees are only about 1.5 percent of the population, and only one fourth of the total number of government workers.

Also realize that the majority of state and local government employees are in education, health care, police protection and corrections, with many others in firefighting and sanitation services.

Also, not all government employees at any level are full time, so the part timers do not gain the kind of health care and pension coverage of full time workers.

Also, about 2 million people are in the federal government civilian work force, with an additional almost 600,00 in the postal service, and a little less than 2 million in the military and security fields.

Are we willing to cut our military, or not get the mail delivered, or believe that two thirds of one percent of the population is too much for civilian federal government services?

Are we willing to cut in large numbers our teachers, health care personnel, police officers and prison guards, firefighters, sanitation workers, and the numerous other classifications of state and local workers who make our lives better in so many ways?

In other words, it is time to stop acting as if there is too much bureaucracy on the federal, state and local levels, as the number of government workers is TOO FEW, not too many, for a society of 313 million people, and continuing to grow rapidly!

This is the 21st century, not the 18th or 19th century, when populations were small. We cannot go back to the “good old days”, which were not, by the way, all that good!