18th Century

Independence Day 2018: The Greatest Crisis In American History, With Evidence Of Russian Collusion In Our Government

Today is Independence Day, the 242nd anniversary of the Declaration of Independence.

America has gone through many crises and challenges over those 242 years.

But now we face the reality of what is the greatest crisis in our years of independence, with evidence of Russian collusion in our government, and likely continuing into the future.

This is not a conspiracy theory, but reality, as even the Republican controlled Senate Intelligence Committee, under the leadership of North Carolina Republican Senator Richard Burr, asserts, with the entire committee unanimous in its conclusion that the intelligence agencies and national security apparatus has been accurate in its assessment.

Donald Trump is clearly a traitor, undermining our democracy and our history of proud independence, and ready to sell America down the river.

And yet his party, with a few exceptions, remains unwilling to face the challenge presented by Donald Trump, and the damage he is doing to our national security, foreign policy, and alliance system with the nations of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, which has promoted a stable world since the end of World War II.

There are widespread feelings of despair and hopelessness being expressed, including when this blogger gives lectures on public affairs and history to groups all over South Florida.

Many feel the country is being destroyed by a vehement base of ignorant, prejudiced, and clueless people who fail to see the damage that has been done by Donald Trump in the three years since he announced his candidacy.

But the nation and its good majority cannot give up, must resist in every way possible, and restore our democracy and heritage, so that our children and grandchildren can live in a land still affected by the vision of the Founding Fathers in the 18th century!

Too Much Government On All Levels? The Truth Is Quite Different!

Conservatives LOVE to tell the American people that government at all levels is too large, too overwhelming, and that we do not need as much government as we have had, despite the constantly growing population of the United States, now at about 313 million and counting!

The argument is that government has multiplied at all levels, but that is absolutely NOT the truth!

On the federal level, we have about 4.4 million government workers, only slightly up from 4.3 million a few years earlier.

On the state and local level, there are about 14 million people who work for governments, down slightly from a few years earlier.

Realize that if you add the total number of federal employees to the number of state and local employees, it is about 19 million, which is about SIX percent of the total population, actually slightly less!

Also realize that federal employees are only about 1.5 percent of the population, and only one fourth of the total number of government workers.

Also realize that the majority of state and local government employees are in education, health care, police protection and corrections, with many others in firefighting and sanitation services.

Also, not all government employees at any level are full time, so the part timers do not gain the kind of health care and pension coverage of full time workers.

Also, about 2 million people are in the federal government civilian work force, with an additional almost 600,00 in the postal service, and a little less than 2 million in the military and security fields.

Are we willing to cut our military, or not get the mail delivered, or believe that two thirds of one percent of the population is too much for civilian federal government services?

Are we willing to cut in large numbers our teachers, health care personnel, police officers and prison guards, firefighters, sanitation workers, and the numerous other classifications of state and local workers who make our lives better in so many ways?

In other words, it is time to stop acting as if there is too much bureaucracy on the federal, state and local levels, as the number of government workers is TOO FEW, not too many, for a society of 313 million people, and continuing to grow rapidly!

This is the 21st century, not the 18th or 19th century, when populations were small. We cannot go back to the “good old days”, which were not, by the way, all that good!