
The Trump Family Being Destroyed By Wealth, Ego, Lust For Power

The worst possible thing that has ever happened to Donald Trump is his becoming the 45th President of the United States.

A man of low ethics and morals, and much of it public before he became President, Donald Trump has now put himself into a position where he faces potential impeachment, or indictment, or resignation, a humiliation of a man with a tremendous insecurity masked by an overwhelming ego.

Trump, in his heart of hearts, knows that he will rank at the bottom of Presidents in so many ways in the long term future, even though he has an alternative vision that he will be seen as one of the greatest Presidents in American history.

Meanwhile, his children are suffering, despite all their wealth, as money, ego, and lust for power do not make anyone happy in reality.

Donald Jr is now being divorced, and his reputation lies in tatters, as he makes a total fool of himself on Twitter, and will face likely indictment and prison for Russian collusion and perjury.

Jared Kushner is certainly facing indictment and prison for his multitude of violations and sins, and lacking proper security clearance. His level of greed and ego is similar to his father, who went to prison, and to his father in law.

Ivanka Trump is proved to be a total hypocrite in so many ways, and has no redeeming virtues, very different than the original public image she had two years ago.

Eric Trump comes across as uncaring, dim witted, and someone embarrassing in his public postures.

Meanwhile, Melania Trump, the First Lady, is clearly unhappy, and seems ready to divorce her husband, although maybe waiting until he leaves office.

The entire Trump Family is an example of one of the most disgusting, despicable, and corrupt power families in all of American history, but had Trump not won the White House, the reputation and image of the family could have been quite different, even with the clear shortcomings of the lives of all of the Trumps.

The Republican Party And The Promotion Of Death In So Many Forms

The Republican Party of 2018 and Donald Trump is clearly the Party of Death!

Of course, many reading this will protest that the Republican Party is the Party of Life, since they insist every fetus must be born, and that the pregnant woman has no say over her future, even if it is rape, incest, or drug addiction or alcoholism involved in the pregnancy.

But the point is that is the ONLY time the Republican Party is for life, and it has made perfectly clear that it is not concerned about any human being in America once such person is born!

The Republican Party believes in the death penalty, and would like to see it used on a large scale.

The Republican Party supports the National Rifle Association, which has no concern about the massacres that have taken place in schools, outdoor concerts, churches, nightclubs, work places, shopping malls and other public places. The vast majority of Americans want to ban all assault weapons, have background checks, prevent mentally ill people and terrorists from gaining access to weapons, and raise the age of ability to buy any firearm to 21, but the Republican Party has consistently done the bidding of the NRA, and shows no willingness to take action on guns, because they claim it is the “wrong time”, as they have consistently said after each of multiple massacres. So they are Pro Death and believe the right to firearms is more important than preservation of life.

The Republican Party believes no one is entitled to health care, and has no issue with millions of Americans having no or limited health care, as they believe health care is NOT a right. So they destroy ObamaCare without any alternative for those who have lost health care.

The Republican Party believes there is no need for protection of workers conditions, as through the Occupational Safety And Health Administration, and want to destroy what is left of the labor movement, and bring us back to the Gilded Age.

The Republican Party is working to loosen safety and pollution standards on automobile manufacturers, making for possible increased deaths caused by lack of regulation and health standards, and also wants to privatize airports and get the government out of railroad and truck transportation regulation, insuring more accidents and dangerous undermining of safety for passengers on all kinds of transportation.

The Republican Party believes that industry should have total control over the environment, and is out to destroy all environmental regulations of the Environmental Protection Agency, and promotion of healthful conditions in areas where there is coal mining, oil drilling, and natural gas exploration, including lack of concern about earthquakes caused by natural gas exploitation in Oklahoma, as an example.

The Republican Party is not concerned about consumer safety, and wishes to decimate the Consumer Product Safety Commission and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.

The Republican Party is not concerned about the health and safety of the disabled and the elderly in our society, and wish to cut back massively on Medicaid, Medicare and Social Security Disability programs.

The Republican Party is not concerned about keeping the public up to date on weather conditions as it moves to cut back on the budget for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), which will cause more deaths from hurricanes, tornadoes, Tsunamis, and other weather conditions, as without knowledge, it leads to demise of people who could be saved.

The Republican Party wishes to impoverish the masses, so that the wealthy gain massive tax cuts, in effect helping to undermine the health, safety, and lives of tens of millions of Americans.

The Republican Party is out to undermine science and health research, setting back the leadership position of America in previous generations, and instead promoting fake science and refusing to accept the reality of climate change and global warming, which will cause long term the deaths of millions of Americans who are endangered by the reality of changes in the environment worldwide.

And Donald Trump and most Republicans are ready to got to war against either North Korea or Iran, with no concern as to the mass loss of life of American soldiers, and of the people of Asia and the Middle East. It is all part of their macho to show they are men, and willing to sacrifice our youth for their wars to dominate in the name of evil, greedy capitalism. Having former generals in key positions–John Kelly, James Mattis, H. R. McMaster–and with a crazed President, who is clearly as mentally ill as the gunman in Parkland, Florida, clearly demonstrates their worship of death.

So a clear conclusion is that the Republican Party and Donald Trump are Pro Death, and have no regard for human life, other than fetuses, and worship the profit motive and wealth over anything else.