Robert Gibbs

Robert Gibbs Leaves, Jay Carney Becomes Obama’s Press Spokesman

Today marks the end of the tenure of Robert Gibbs as President Barack Obama’s press spokesman, and the succession of former Time Magazine journalist Jay Carney to that challenging position.

Gibbs worked with Obama since he announced for the Senate seat in Illinois in 2004, and will continue to work behind the scenes for the reelection campaign of the President. He was well liked by most journalists on the White House beat, but the position was starting to become a stressful one for him, as it is one of the more difficult jobs, to be the public spokesman for the President on a daily basis.

Carney, who was most recently the press spokesman for Vice President Joe Biden, with a strong journalistic background, and also married to ABC News correspondent Claire Shipman, should be able to stay on good relations with the press, at a time when the public image of the President should be even more significant, as he heads into the re-election campaign.

It was amazing to realize that Gibbs left his position on the single most historic day of the Obama Presidency, with the stunning success of the Egyptian Revolution!

Robert Gibbs, Barack Obama, And The “Professional” Left!

President Obama’s Press Secretary Robert Gibbs has made a lot of enemies recently between his comment that the Democrats could lose Congress, and now his criticism of the “Professional” Left, which he says would not be satisfied if Dennis Kucinich was President, and would not be happy unless there was no Pentagon budget, and we adopted the Canadian Health Care system!

It is clear that Gibbs believes in being blunt, which provokes many on the left, and some have called for him to be fired. But this is not the solution to the issue of his outspokenness!

Rather, it is important that the Obama Administration and the cable channels (particularly MSNBC) work to understand each other!

It is the job of the cable channels and others on the progressive side of the political spectrum to push and prod the administration into accomplishing as much of the progressive agenda as is humanly possible!

They are not the enemies of Barack Obama, but rather are disappointed that he has not gone further than he has on many issues, and has been too concerned much of the time with his conservative critics, often caving in on many issues to try to gain support from Republicans, who unfortunately, have no interests in any cooperation or bipartisanship! Instead, they unleash vicious, hateful rhetoric designed to divide the nation, and undermine efforts at economic recovery and international understanding! 🙁

But at the same time, Barack Obama HAS BEEN a disappointment in many areas!

Obama has not closed down Guantanamo Naval Base, as he had pledged, and moved terrorist suspects elsewhere, as he had stated he would do within one year!

He has allowed his government to deport more illegal immigrants than his predecessor, George W. Bush, most of them not in any way criminal, but here without legal documentation!

He has allowed soldiers who are valuable to the military but gay in sexual orientation to be dismissed, while the government procrastinates on ending “don’t ask, don’t tell”!

He compromised and gave up on a “public option” on health care, so that his health care plan is far from ideal!

His administration failed to focus on the creation of enough jobs through public works programs, the rebuilding of the infrastructure of America, and the economic stimulus has been inadequate. But Obama has refused so far to fight for another economic stimulus, which is sorely needed for economic recovery! Instead, the likelihood is a double dip recession, exactly what conservatives and the GOP want to happen so as to gain political points! 🙁

Obama has escalated our war in Afghanistan, and casualties have mounted, without any real evidence that any progress is being made in that war torn country!

He has failed to accomplish any progress on the matter of global warming and climate change, despite all the right rhetoric, and this is an essential topic that must be dealt with!

His response to the BP Oil Spill Crisis was lacking in leadership early on, and has done a lot of damage to his public opinion ratings!

He has allowed the issue of border security to be used against him by his slow response to the need for more National Guardsmen, only now signing legislation for a beefing up of troops at the border, and with the need for many more than have been provided for in the legislation!

Obama has disappointed in his diplomacy on the Middle East, antagonizing many Jews by his seemingly siding with the Palestinians, although in reality that is not the case, but perception often matters more than reality!

These are just ten issues that trouble progressives and liberals, and it is the job of the so called “Professional” Left to hold the President’s “feet to the fire”, in order to prod the President toward his “friends” and his own inclinations!

But the answer is not to fire Robert Gibbs, but come to the conclusion that the criticism is well meant, that the “Professional” Left wants only the best for Obama and for the nation, and that a truce needs to be declared!

Instead of sniping and infighting, what is needed is to do what Franklin D. Roosevelt did in the third year of his first term–turn to the left and accomplish his greatest goals in office, including the Social Security Act, which as said in the next earlier entry, celebrates its 75th Anniversary today! 🙂

Obama And Democratic Discontent With Press Secretary Robert Gibbs!

President Obama’s Press Secretary, Robert Gibbs, has created a firestorm among Congressional Democrats by his assertion that it is possible that the Democrats could lose control of the House of Representatives in the midterm election! The Senate would be much more difficult to lose since the GOP would need ten seats gain, a tall order! Having said that, however, never in the past has one house switched control without the other doing the same!

Gibbs’ statement rings true, but it puts the Democrats on the defensive, and it makes some of them wonder if maybe, in some weird fashion, the President might prefer a GOP House so he can use them as a “whipping boy” when he comes up for reelection in 2012!

The argument, historically, could be that three Presidents in their first term, after seeing their party lose control of Congress, was able to use that fact politically to benefit his own reelection, as it made a convenient enemy to attack in the campaign that followed!

This refers to Harry Truman in 1948, after the Republicans gained control of Congress in 1946; Dwight D. Eisenhower in 1956, after the Democrats took over Congress in 1954; and Bill Clinton in 1996, after the Republicans seized control of Congress in 1994!

In an odd way, it might, actually, be easier for Obama if such were to happen, but to believe that he or his press secretary was trying to set up such a scenario, is ridiculous on its face!

The Sad Ending Of The Career Of Helen Thomas

Helen Thomas had a long, distinguished career at United Press International, and was the dean of the White House Press Corps, always allowed in recent years the opportunity to ask the President of the United States the first question at White House press conferences. She has reported on every President since John F. Kennedy took the oath of office!

She entered the journalism field in 1943 when she was 22 years old, and therefore, had a run of 67 years in journalism, certainly the longest career anyone has ever had in print journalism, with only a few exceptions such as Mike Wallace, Walter Cronkite, and Daniel Schorr in electronic journalism able to match her longevity!

But Thomas made a fatal mistake when she was recorded, and later spread on You Tube, asserting that the Jewish population should leave Israel for the Palestinians and “go back to Poland, Germany, America” and elsewhere!

This statement bordered on being anti Semitic, and it brought up the Lebanese Christian heritage of Thomas’s parents. It was a totally inappropriate and outrageous declaration by Helen Thomas, and it led to a firestorm of protest coming from such people as Ari Fleischer, former Press Secretary to President George W. Bush, and the present Press Secretary to President Obama, Robert Gibbs.

Very quickly, Thomas profusely apologized, but the damage was done, and the Hearst News Service, her most recent employer, announced the end of her service with them, and she announced her retirement.

It is certainly time at age 89 for someone to retire, but not under such circumstances! It brings up the issue of how does one recognize it is time to leave any job or profession, and in a graceful way! Unfortunately, there are many examples of people unwilling to deal with retirement, including politicians of both parties who, like Strom Thurmond and Robert Byrd, resist the inevitable!

This is a growing issue for the future as America ages, and the need for counseling to understand when it is time to give others a chance to enter as you leave gracefully!

Sarah Palin Support Collapses! Not A Nice Birthday Present! :)

Former Alaska Governor and 2008 Republican Vice Presidential nominee Sarah Palin received a very unpleasant 46th birthday present today, but it is good news for the country!

Palin obviously hurt herself in her performance at the Tea Party Convention in Nashville, and her followup interview with Chris Wallace on Fox News Channel. She was ridiculed on the Comedy Channel by Stephen Colbert and Jon Stewart, and on the late night talk shows. She was even made fun of by Obama Press Secretary Robert Gibbs earlier this week, with him showing his hand with notes written on it, causing laughter among the press corps.

One could feel bad for Sarah Palin, but she has caused her own grief, and the country cannot afford to have a person of her limited knowledge and capability being seriously considered as a Presidential candidate.

Thankfully, the new ABC News-Washington Post poll gives evidence that the American people understand that fact!

According to the poll, 71 percent feel Palin is NOT qualified, as compared to 26 percent who think she is qualified for President.

45 percent of Republicans think she is qualified, down from 66 percent a few months ago.

37 percent of the people have a favorable view of Palin in a general sense, compared to 55 percent who see her unfavorably.

Hopefully, the Palin base support will continue to erode, and we will spend time focusing on QUALIFIED candidates in the Republican party for the Presidential nomination in 2012. There are many who would qualify, no doubt!